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Neighbours Episode 9025 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9024 - 9026>>
Episode title: 9025
Australian and UK airdate: 16/04/24
Writer: Matthew Bon
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca
Lana Kline: Elizabeth Parisi
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Krista finds pills at the sharehouse, but resists taking them; Chelsea overhears Krista telling Leo this
- Krista asks Chelsea if there's news on the sauna IT investigation; Chelsea says there's nothing to report
- Terese interviews a candidate for Eirini Rising operations manager, but he later proves unsuitable
- Paul tells Terese he'll put her in touch with his head- hunter to help find a candidate
- Terese rushes out of the Waterhole looking upset the moment Melanie comes in
- Remi tells Felix she doesn't want JJ to have a relationship with him; Felix agrees it's for the best
- Remi returns home to tell a devastated JJ that Felix won't see him
- With JJ having 'owned his part' in the robbery, Cara and Remi are now waiting to see if he'll be charged
No 30
Dex comes into the sunroom with a book, but turns around to walk out again when he sees JJ's there.
JJ: Hey, hey - you can't keep avoiding me. We all live together.
DEX: Doesn't mean I have to hang out with the tool who's about to get thrown in juvie.
JJ: Oh, that is just -
But Cara appears, interrupting, and tells JJ that Andrew has arrived. He follows her into the house and they join Andrew and Remi at the table for a meeting.
ANDREW: JJ's been charged with handling stolen goods, and driving without a licence.
REMI: And how bad is that? Is that *bad* bad, or...?
ANDREW: It could've been a lot worse. The police have taken into account how cooperative he's been, and Felix's statement as well.
CARA: Will there be a trial?
ANDREW: He'll have to appear in court. But the police want to recommend JJ for a youth diversion (...) It's preemptive rehabilitation. It'll keep him outside of the juvenile detention system; it's a good thing.
REMI: Will he have a record?
ANDREW: If he completes the diversion programme, the judge will discharge him without a record.
JJ: Why would Felix bother defending me in his statement if he doesn't even care enough to see me?
ANDREW: Mate, I wouldn't try and make sense of what my brother does or does not do.
REMI: (...) You need to focus on yourself, and your future.
CARA: So, first things first, we've got to get you back into Erinsborough High.
REMI: And you will give it everything you've got.
Harold's Café
Paul and Terese are looking through CVs for prospective operations manager candidates for Eirini Rising, and seem to be on the same wavelength about the kinds of people who would be suitable. But when Melanie walks in, Terese becomes flustered again, and can't concentrate. Paul suggests they take the meeting somewhere else, and Terese is quick to agree. They leave, and Melanie looks guilty.
Lassiter's Hotel
Krista is hanging out in the office, looking stressed. She gets a reminder on her phone for an obstetrics appointment booked before the miscarriage, and looks sad, before deleting the appointment in the calendar, as well as another marked 'baby due'. Upset, she impulsively goes over to the desk and retrieves the prescription medication...
Terese and Paul are still going through CVs, but Terese is disappointed as two candidates she wanted to interview are now no longer available, and gets a little shirty about it. Paul guesses that her annoyance is as much to do with running into Melanie in the café.
TERESE: ... I don't like being anywhere near that woman.
PAUL: (...) Terese, you can't go running for the hills every time you see her. She lives on the same street as you, for goodness sakes.
TERESE: I know, and I thought I could handle it. But every time I see her, I want to burst into tears, and she can't see me cry.
PAUL: Oh, Terese...
But Terese tells him it's fine, and suggests they get back to the task at hand.
No 24
Remi and Cara are at Jane's place to discuss JJ's future at the school. Jane says it would be a big ask to reinstate him, as The Department™ sees JJ as dangerous following the knife incident and now the robbery.
CARA: But he's not. And you know that - he's a good kid.
REMI: We're not expecting it to be simple, but is there any way JJ can come back to school?
JANE: Have you thought whether moving him might be for the best?
REMI: We don't think it is.
JANE: All the students know what he did.
CARA: It doesn't matter.
JANE: Look, I am thinking of JJ here, and perhaps moving him somewhere he could have a fresh start...
REMI: We're not trying to minimise the situation. We all know that JJ has made some bad choices. But we haven't raised our sons to run away from taking responsibility.
CARA: We want him to make up for what he's done.
REMI: And the only way he can do that is by being at Erinsborough High, and contributing to the school community.
JANE: ... Okay.
REMI: Yes?
JANE: Yes - yes, okay. I will help. I mean, ultimately it is up to the Education Department, and it might not go your way, but let's... let's give it a try.
Remi and Cara look pleased.
Lassiter's Hotel
Chelsea sits at the desk in the office and looks in the drawer. She looks pleased to see that the medication has gone. Leo comes in looking for Krista; he's been trying to call her, but had no luck. Chelsea says she's probably just busy, but promises to let Krista know he's popped by. Leo thanks her and leaves.
Chelsea gets a call from Jeffrey, the IT investigator, and puts on her most charming voice. Apparently, Jeffrey is anxious that Krista has been asking questions about his report.
CHELSEA: It's okay. I'm dealing with it. Krista won't ask about the fault report again... and it's sweet of you to check.
Lassiter's Lake
Remi and Cara are filling JJ in on what Jane said about him returning to school. JJ seems worried about all the other pupils acting 'weird' around him and giving him a hard time. Cara agrees that they probably will, but says JJ needs to get back on track with the people who know him and care about him.
REMI: You need to show them you made a mistake, but that you're the same decent person. That'd be better than going to some strange school.
She tells him Jane's set up a meeting with the Education Department, and they are the ones who will decide whether he can stay.
CARA: So you've got to show them that you're sorry, and that you'll work every day for their forgiveness, no matter what it takes.
JJ nods along, but looks apprehensive.
Harold's Café
Aaron is on his laptop, looking at a rental property in Daylesford - it's the house he, David and Nicolette were living in with Isla prior to moving back to Erinsborough. He looks sad.
Melanie is sitting at another table, and Jane looks a bit wary when she comes in and sees her.
MELANIE: Not you too?
JANE: Sorry?
MELANIE: You've got a look on your face like you might bolt. Just like Terese did.
JANE: No, I wasn't... I mean, we haven't really crossed paths since... It's not because I've been trying to avoid you.
To prove it, Jane takes a seat at the table, and Melanie admits she might be overreacting a bit, explaining how Terese couldn't have left faster when she walked in earlier.
JANE: Well, I can understand Terese still feeling uncomfortable.
MELANIE: So can I, and I do not blame her - it's what I deserve. I just hate that I've created this situation where she can't relax in her local café. I mean, haven't I ruined her life enough already?
JANE: Things may change over time.
MELANIE: Yeah, but how much time? Weeks, months, years?
JANE: I suppose Terese feels the way she feels, and... at the moment, no one has the right to tell her otherwise.
Melanie reluctantly agrees.
Lassiter's Complex
Leo is at a table outside the pub, leaving a voicemail for Krista who he still hasn't been able to track down. Paul turns up and sits down, telling Leo about the 'very posh high tea' Abigail insisted on having earlier.
PAUL: I'm so glad that you two are back home again, Leo. Honestly, I feel really privileged to have you both in my life.
LEO: (scrolling through phone)
PAUL: And it's really nice to pour my heart out while I'm playing second fiddle to a mobile phone (!)
Leo apologises and explains he's worried about Krista and how she's coping on her first day back at work; he can't find her anywhere, and she isn't answering his calls. Paul says he's heading back to the hotel now, so will let Leo know if he sees Krista.
Lassiter's Hotel
Chelsea and Sam are behind the reception desk when Paul comes in. Chelsea is keen to organise a 'rendezvous' in her 'private new boudoir' later, and Paul promises to put it in his calendar. He asks Chelsea if she's seen Krista, and Chelsea replies that she's sure she's around somewhere, claiming she had a meeting - but Sam reveals that she saw Krista leave about an hour ago.
CHELSEA (lying): Oh, that's right. Her meeting's off- site - some 'partnerships with local businesses' thing.
Paul explains about Leo looking for Krista, and asks Chelsea to tell Krista to come and see him when she returns from her meeting. Once Paul's gone, Chelsea tells Sam that she has to pop out for an hour, and to call her if there are any problems.
The Waterhole
Remi and Cara are brainstorming arguments they can bring to the table in their meeting with the Education Department about JJ, to convince them he should stay at school, such as his good grades last year. Plus they can argue, Cara jokes...
CARA: ... because JJ's got two mums, if they expel him, they're basically bigots.
REMI: (laughs)
CARA: What? It could work!
Andrew turns up and they update him on what they're doing.
REMI: Cara's suggesting emotional blackmail.
CARA: Well, it's that or a musical number.
ANDREW: Bold strategy.
Wendy comes over with some food for 'the troops'. She asks if there's anything Andrew could do to help JJ's situation, being a police officer. Andrew suggests he could ask the officer looking at JJ's case to write him a reference, explaining how cooperative he's been. Cara and Remi thank him.
ANDREW: I'm so sorry how this has all turned out. Not just the school but, you know, Felix coming back into his life, and refusing to see him. It's the worst thing a father could do to his kid.
Cara looks uncomfortable, but says 'yeah'.
Ramsay Street
Terese is getting into her car when Melanie rushes over, making it clear she wants to talk, but Terese simply ignores her. Melanie persists and speaks to her through the car window.
MELANIE: I know I don't have the right to ask anything of you, but one minute, that's all.
TERESE: I don't know what we have to say to each other.
MELANIE: I can say sorry.
TERESE: You've already done that! (...) Look, I'm not interested in any more apologies, just to make yourself feel better.
MELANIE: I'm not doing this for me. I'm trying to do this for you. I'm sorry that you feel so confronted by me that you have to leave every time we're in the same space. I want you to feel comfortable in your own street.
TERESE (upset): I don't think you can change that.
MELANIE: I can, by telling you that hurting you is the worst thing I've ever done in my life. And I would do anything not to make this worse. (...) I'm sorry, Terese, for everything; I'm so, so sorry. I'm never gonna forgive myself for what I've done.
Shaken, Terese doesn't reply any further, but simply drives away.
Lassiter's Complex
Terese arrives in the car park where Paul meets her, and gives her a hug; she's seemingly contacted him about the Melanie encounter. Paul says Mel shouldn't have ambushed Terese like that.
TERESE: She knows how much pain she's caused me. But I actually do think that she regrets it.
Paul asks if this changes things for Terese; she doesn't know. They sit on a bench.
PAUL: You know, if there's anybody that knows anything about hanging onto anger and resentment, it's me.
TERESE (laughs): If this day wasn't weird enough, since when did you become reflective about your own behaviour?!
PAUL: You know, sometimes it's just easier to be angry. Makes things clearer. Rather than letting go and living in the unknown.
TERESE: So you think I should accept her apology?
PAUL (scoffs): I'm not gonna tell you what to do, Terese. But I will tell you that it gives me no great joy to watch you scuttle out of a room every time Melanie appears. You know, I think you should do whatever you think is gonna help you start healing.
No 28
Terese turns up at the door, and awkwardly greets Melanie, who invites her in.
MELANIE: Can I get you a drink?
TERESE: No, I'm fine. I just wanted to say that I, umm... I accept your apology.
MELANIE: Thank you.
TERESE: We have to learn to coexist.
MELANIE: I promise I'll keep out of your way as best I can.
TERESE: ... Okay.
She turns to leave, but then says there's one more thing.
TERESE: What you did - what you and Toadie did - it hurt. And I know hurt, and this is right up there. And, umm... I know you're in pain too, so it doesn't make it any easier. It just... it just makes it worse. So just... it's just sad, and umm... pointless.
Having said her piece, Terese leaves. Melanie closes the door, and looks thoughtful.
No 32
Krista is lying on the sofa, her eyes closed. Chelsea bangs at the back door, calling out her name. When there's no answer, Chelsea lets herself in. She tries to rouse Krista, who eventually wakes up - albeit with a massive headache.
CHELSEA: I know you took those drugs from the drawer. I'll message Leo and Paul and say you decided to knock off early.
KRISTA (groaning): Leo? ... Oh, I shouldn't have done it.
CHELSEA: No. But you did. So it's time to sober up now, okay?
She helps Krista to sit up.
CHELSEA: Don't worry. I'm gonna help.
Ramsay Street
Dex is shooting hoops in the street when JJ turns up, grabs his basketball and kicks it into the garden of No 30.
DEX (annoyed): Hey! Good one.
JJ (smirking): Thanks.
DEX: Hope you're nicer to Mum and Ma after all this stuff with the charges. They're going all out for you.
JJ: What would you know? You're just a kid.
DEX: Whatever.
Dex sighs and walks off inside. Jane approaches, on her way to No 30 for the meeting with Lana from the Department, and chatting to Nicolette. Jane's worried that Lana will judge her as the Department is aware of the banana video. But Nic reminds her it's a fake, and if Lana judges her for it it will say more about Lana than Jane.
Jane asks JJ if he's ready for the meeting and how he's feeling. He admits he thinks it probably won't work out, but Jane tells him to be optimistic; his mums won't let this go without a fight. Jane heads off inside, while JJ looks at the contents of the mailbox. He's upset to see that a letter he sent to Felix at the prison has been marked 'return to sender'...
No 32
Krista admits to Chelsea that it feels weird how 'out of everyone' she's the one to show up and help.
CHELSEA: Are you kidding? I feel like this is all my fault. I practically waved temptation in your face.
KRISTA (ashamed): You didn't force it down my throat. That was all me.
CHELSEA: We should tell Leo and Paul about what happened.
CHELSEA: Babe, we've got to get you some help.
KRISTA: No, Chelsea, it was just a slip- up.
CHELSEA: Krista, I have to do what's right.
KRISTA: Please. It was all that talking about the sauna and the report. I let too many things build up on me.
CHELSEA: So it won't happen again?
Chelsea hesitates, then agrees to keep quiet. Krista thanks her.
CHELSEA: Krista, what happened in that sauna... was awful. But any reminder of it is obviously a trigger for you. The system's fixed now, yeah? It won't happen to anyone else. So you don't need to think about it anymore.
KRISTA (emotional): Yep. Yep... I just have to put it behind me.
CHELSEA: It's for the best.
Chelsea breathes a sigh of relief at the thought that Krista won't be looking for answers anymore...
No 30
Lana from the Department has shown up, and apologises to Jane, Cara, Remi and Dex for her lateness; she's been hurrying from meeting to meeting, and is now running late for her next one - so is keen to get the ball rolling straight away. Cara and Remi start thanking her for taking the time to see them, but...
LANA: Sorry to interrupt, but when I say I'm in a hurry, I really mean it. So maybe we can skip the spiel and I can talk to JJ?
Dex and Jane say JJ was just outside, and Remi goes to the door to call him in, but there's no answer. Cara starts to send him a text.
REMI: He really does want you to know how sorry he is.
Jane tries to placate Lana with a folder of character references, but Cara then gets a message from JJ saying, 'Sorry Mum, can't make it.'
CARA: He's, umm... he's not coming.
REMI: What?!
CARA: Look, things have been really complicated for him lately. Maybe we can do this another time?
LANA: If JJ can't even show up to tell me why he should stay at Erinsborough High, he clearly doesn't think it's that important. He's made the decision for us.
REMI: No, no, no - he really does want to stay. We all do.
But Lana is unimpressed, and says she has to get moving. She leaves.
DEX: What just happened?
REMI: Jane, does that mean that...?
JANE: Yeah. JJ is expelled.
Remi and Cara look worried.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie asks Haz if she can help; he says she wouldn't offer if she knew 'these people' like he does
- JJ meets with Jools, who tells him he really does look like Felix; JJ asks if Felix is okay
- Karl tells Holly and Melanie that Susan sends her love, but is staying away a bit longer
- As Karl leaves the room, Holly says to Melanie that he seems really flat about Susan not coming home
<<9024 - 9026>>
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Melanie Pearson

Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9025
Krista Sinclair

Cara Varga-Murphy, Jane Harris, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Cara Varga-Murphy, Jane Harris, Remi Varga-Murphy

Leo Tanaka, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Leo Tanaka, Chelsea Murphy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9025
Aaron Brennan

Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9025
Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Chelsea Murphy, Sam Young, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Chelsea Murphy, Sam Young, Paul Robinson

Andrew Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9025
Andrew Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell

Terese Willis, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Terese Willis, Melanie Pearson

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Melanie Pearson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9025
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Melanie Pearson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9025
Melanie Pearson, Terese Willis

Chelsea Murphy, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9025
Chelsea Murphy, Krista Sinclair

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris, JJ Varga-Murphy

Krista Sinclair, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Krista Sinclair, Chelsea Murphy

Jane Harris, Lana Kline, Dex Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Jane Harris, Lana Kline, Dex Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Lana Kline in Neighbours Episode 9025
Lana Kline

Jane Harris, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9025
Jane Harris, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

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