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Neighbours Episode 9021 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9020 - 9022>>
Episode title: 9021
Australian and UK airdate: 09/04/24
Writer: Holly Tosi
Director: Eugenie Muggleton
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Terese tells Karl he'll be appearing on bus stops and billboards for an Eirini Rising promotional campaign
- Karl decides to kickstart a fitness regime as he wants to look his best for the photoshoot
- Melanie volunteers to join Karl in his new fitness programme
- Haz becomes defensive when Holly observes that he seems stressed about something
- An unknown person sends Haz pictures of Byron in the pool, with the message 'I'm always watching'
- Haz replies to the message, saying, 'What do you want? Money?'
- Holly is horrified to find out that $20,000 has been emptied from her bank account
- Later, we see Haz checking his bank account, which has recently been credited with the same amount
- Andrew declares Byron's car unroadworthy, leading to him calling time- out on his relationship with Sadie
- Byron comes to see Sadie when he learns of Andrew's hospitalisation; Sadie says she can't lose her dad
No 26
Andrew is home from the hospital, and on the couch as Wendy fusses over him. She goes to make French toast, leaving Andrew and Sadie to talk; he wants to make sure she's okay after the last 24 hours.
SADIE: I'm alright. It's just weird knowing that JJ's my cousin now. But I kinda like it, you know? More family.
ANDREW: Have you talked to him yet?
SADIE: We've sent a few texts here and there. But he's pretty messed up that Felix won't see him.
ANDREW: I know it's harsh, but... it's probably for the best.
SADIE: Like you never seeing Felix again?
ANDREW: (...) Do you think I'm overreacting?
SADIE: No. I mean, he really screwed us over. Especially you. So I can see where you're coming from. But, like... I dunno, it just makes me sad.
ANDREW: No one's sadder than me, sweetie. I really thought things were gonna be different this time.
SADIE: At least we're not fighting anymore.
ANDREW: Yeah. At least something good came out of this. But I need to say sorry for the way that I acted towards Byron. I know that I overdid it.
SADIE: You did. But Byron also made the choice to step away from me, so...
Wendy calls out for Sadie to give her a hand, cutting the conversation short. Andrew looks worried.
Harold's Café
Haz is working, while Jane, Byron, Nicolette, Aaron and Isla hang out on a sofa. Jane is lamenting the fact that the Eirini Rising development almost seems to be cursed, with the knife incident and now the site robbery.
JANE: And sadly, the one common denominator is JJ Varga- Murphy.
AARON: What do you think's gonna happen to him?
JANE: Well, legally I don't know. But I am seriously considering expelling him from the school.
BYRON: Is that really necessary, Mum?
JANE: He's only just come back from suspension over the knife. And this is so much worse. He has had warning after warning after warning.
Conversation moves to the deepfake saga. The family don't seem to have heard from the police, and decide there's probably little the cops can do to stop the perpetrator in any event.
JANE: I just hope no one else is attacked, and he's forced to suffer like we have.
We see Haz lingering around looking shifty, then he goes into the kitchen. He looks at the framed selfie he took on the day the Ramsay Street residents - Mackenzie, Nicolette, Holly, Aaron, Remi, Cara and Jane - came together to help him repair the damage to the café. The camera closes in on Holly...
No 26
Holly has come round, and is telling Sadie, Wendy and Andrew about how her bank account has been hacked and the $20,000 stolen. She says she's told the police and spent all night on the phone to the bank...
HOLLY: ... who heavily implied that I shared my login and account details. And I heavily implied that I'm not stupid.
She says she didn't want to bother Andrew but was so stressed about it that she just needed to know if the perpetrators are ever caught in these cases. He says it depends on whether there's a digital trail to follow. He offers to call the station and see what they're working with.
ANDREW: And don't worry about the bank trying to blame you. Them getting hacked is their worst nightmare. They'll want to find the truth just as much as you do.
Holly gets a message from Byron, asking if she's buying the car they saw yesterday. Andrew looks troubled.
No 32
Mackenzie, Byron and Haz are at home. Byron gets a reply from Holly, saying she's coming over to tell them about the car. Byron also tells the others that he went next door to see Vera Punt, to speak to her about the guy he saw looking over the fence into their backyard.
MACKENZIE: Oh, the guy who was perving on you?
BYRON: Yeah. She has no idea who that could be. I dunno, it got me thinking maybe we should be a bit more careful about locking doors?
Holly walks in via the front door, right on cue.
BYRON: Starting from now!
Holly tells them all about her money being stolen, meaning she can't buy the car. Mackenzie and Byron are horrified, and Haz feigns surprise.
BYRON: First Mum, then Aaron and now this? It's neverending.
HAZ: Holly, I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I also want to apologise for yesterday. I was feeling super- stressed, and lashing out at you was poor form.
HOLLY: Thanks Haz, but you being snappy is the least of my worries right now.
Haz makes an excuse to leave, claiming he thinks he's left his phone at work. Mackenzie looks suspicious, and asks Holly about Haz snapping at her. Holly explains she was asking him why he's been uptight recently, and Mackenzie admits she's noticed it too.
MACKENZIE: He said it's just about work, but I don't know. There's got to be something more.
Holly looks forlorn about her lost money, and Mackenzie gives her a hug.
No 28
Melanie and Karl are talking about Holly getting hacked. Karl says that he and Susan are hoping to juggle their finances to buy Holly a car instead, but it won't be the one she wants. Karl suggests they get ready for their bike ride.
MELANIE: After last night's salmon supper and today's chia pudding, I am ready to hit the street!
KARL: Yes, well, healthy eating is its own reward.
Karl's stomach gurgles loudly.
MELANIE: I don't think your stomach's got the memo!
Ramsay Street
As they're setting off on their bike ride, Karl and Melanie see Haz walking towards them. He has one arm under his jacket as if he's hiding something, though Karl and Mel seem oblivious. Karl asks if Haz has seen Holly; Haz says she was at the sharehouse earlier, and is probably still there. Haz agrees that what's happened to her is 'just awful'.
Karl asks Haz to tell Holly if he sees her that they've gone for a ride. Karl's stomach rumbles loudly a second time, but he's undeterred and they ride off. Once they've gone, Haz sneaks towards the house...
No 28
Haz is in the Kennedys' garden. We see what he's been hiding - an envelope with Holly's name on it - which he puts on the garden table. But he's caught in the act by Holly and Mackenzie who appear from nowhere. Haz tries to snatch back the envelope before they see it, but Holly has already got hold of it, and opens the envelope. It is stuffed full of cash - 'an insane amount'. Mack and Holly look to Haz for an explanation...
HAZ: It's just... what happened to you was so messed up, and I just wanted to make things right and replace what was lost.
MACKENZIE: So you went to the bank and just casually withdrew a spare 20 grand?!
HAZ: Yeah.
HOLLY (incredulous): But why would... why would you give it to me? I mean, it's so ridiculously generous. Unless you're feeling guilty for snapping at me yesterday?
HAZ: I mean, yeah, that is a big part of it. I've been awful to everyone lately, and I just wanted to do something good for a change. But if I was upfront with you, you'd refuse it.
HOLLY: Yeah! You're damn right I would, and I am now! This is... this is way too much.
HAZ: It's what you deserve, Hol.
HOLLY: Not at your expense, though.
HAZ: Just keep it, and pay me back later.
HOLLY: Haz, no! This is very sweet of you, but this is down to the police and the bank to figure out, not you.
Haz reluctantly accepts this, Holly having given him the envelope back. Mackenzie looks suspicious.
No 32
Andrew comes round to see Byron, who's reluctant to let him in, saying he has to head to work shortly - but Andrew insists it won't take long. A very awkward conversation ensues.
ANDREW: Umm... so, I just wanted you to know that I've withdrawn the unroadworthy notice on your car. Your, err, condition of your tyres was borderline, but I should have just advised you to get them looked at.
BYRON: Thanks. I really appreciate that.
ANDREW: I hope I didn't put you out too much.
BYRON: I'll live.
ANDREW: (...) And look, Sadie, she's free to make her own choices. It's my job to respect that and not get in the way.
BYRON: Cool. I'll take that on board.
They shake hands briskly, then Andrew leaves. Byron looks worried.
A suburban street
Melanie is enjoying an invigorating bike ride, but it seems Karl is struggling somewhat, and groans in discomfort (to help convey a sense of tone, the subtitles allude to 'whimsical music playing'). Karl eventually has to stop, and Melanie pulls up behind him.
MELANIE: Is it the 10k pit stop already? Wow, I must have more energy than I thought!
Karl's stomach rumbles violently.
KARL: Uh, no, no. It's just, I feel like, uh...
MELANIE: Lemons?
She points to a box labelled 'free lemons' sitting on a nearby mailbox.
KARL: What? No, no - I feel like... (whispering) I feel like passing wind.
MELANIE: Well, we don't have to stop for you to do that, do we?
KARL: Well, no, not normally. I'm just a tad concerned about, you know, umm...
MELANIE: Follow- through.
KARL: Uh- huh. You know, I blame the salmon supper.
MELANIE: Right. Well, why don't we just cut this short and head for home?
KARL: Yeah, yeah.
MELANIE: But if you don't mind, I might go ahead.
KARL: Yeah, yeah - sure.
MELANIE: And if you just follow on behind (...) but, like, *way* behind.
Irritably, Karl tells her he gets it, and they go on their way again, Karl still groaning in discomfort.
No 32
Haz and Mackenzie arrive home, Haz still clutching the envelope of money.
MACKENZIE: Okay, I didn't want to bring this up in front of Holly... but how did you get the money? You said you didn't have any when Harold's got trashed - you had to wait for the insurance payout.
HAZ: And that payout came through.
MACKENZIE: Really? Those things usually take months.
HAZ: ... I guess I got lucky.
MACKENZIE: Okay... well, then, why wouldn't you tell me? And more to the point, why would you give that money to Holly, when you need it for your business?
Haz looks guilty as - he knows this isn't stacking up. But he turns on Mackenzie and puts it back on her.
HAZ: Okay, you know what? From the way you're acting, you sound really jealous.
MACKENZIE: Wh... what?!
HAZ: I try to do something nice for Holly, and all you can do is attack me. Is it because I used to go out with her? Is that why you're so angry at me?
MACKENZIE (incredulous): Why are you being so defensive?
HAZ: Holly didn't want the money anyway, so I don't see why we're talking about this!
Haz grabs his laptop and stomps off. Mackenzie looks shocked.
No 26
Andrew comes in; he's still struggling a bit following his run- in with the scaffolding, and Wendy is concerned as to why he left the house. He admits he went to see Byron, to tell him he's withdrawn the unroadworthy notice.
SADIE: Seriously, you did that? Why?
ANDREW: Why do you think?
WENDY: Well, I hope you also apologised for being outdated and an overly protective father?
ANDREW: In a roundabout way, yeah. And I said that if he wants to see you again, I wouldn't get in the way.
SADIE: Do you really mean that?
ANDREW: With all my heart.
Sadie gives her dad a hug.
Another suburban street
The 'whimsical music' is back, which can only mean one thing - Karl's agonising bike ride is not over! We hear his belly gurgle yet again.
KARL: Oh, no.
KARL: Oh, no, no!
Melanie watches in horror as Karl leaps off his bike, discards his high- vis outer garments, and makes a beeline for the nearest front garden, where he squats behind a hedge, groaning in agony. Graphic sound effects, and the expressions on both Karl and Melanie's faces, leave little of his plight to the imagination.
MELANIE: Paging Dr Kennedy - we have a Code Brown.
The Waterhole
Sadie and Wendy are chatting by the bar while they wait for takeaway they've ordered.
SADIE: Do you think Dad was actually craving chocolate mousse? Or was it just an excuse to get us both out of the house and stop bothering him?
WENDY: Well, obviously it was the latter (...) Yoo- hoo, Byron!
Byron has indeed arrived, and greets them both awkwardly. Sadie explains they've popped in to pick up a treat for Andrew as a reward for him 'finally being reasonable' about Byron's car. Byron awkwardly agrees that he's glad it's all sorted, and seems to want to say more - but chickens out, saying he only has a short break so should keep moving. Wendy and Sadie leave, Sadie looking disappointed.
No 24
Jane, Nicolette and Aaron are at home when Andrew, Holly and Mackenzie call round to hold a Ramsay Street war council about the deepfake attacks. Holly tells them about her bank account being hacked and all her money stolen.
ANDREW: Even though all of your attacks have been very different, they all came from the same IP address. Our investigators believe that the perpetrator is using an app to invade your privacy.
Mackenzie looks grave, as if she already has a suspect in mind, but she doesn't say anything.
JANE: But how?
ANDREW: It's malware. It grants the user access to the stored data on all of your devices, which is why the attacks have been so personal. They can do a deep dive into all of your info - find out what you care about most, and then hit you where it hurts.
AARON: This is just unbelievable. But why us?
HOLLY: Well, there must be something that ties us all together.
JANE: We do all live on the same street.
NICOLETTE: Can you trace this IP address?
ANDREW: We can try. But we're dealing with a sophisticated operator. They're probably very good at covering their tracks (...) Right now, the best thing for all of you to do is search your devices for the malware, and delete it.
Jane pulls out her phone.
No 32
On the patio, Haz is on his laptop, looking at an expenditure report for Harold's. A message pops up on the screen: 'Want to know what your girlfriend really thinks about you?' A file then appears, which Haz opens. It's a copy of an email from Mackenzie to her friend Harlow, Paul's granddaughter who lives in the UK.
'Things have been strange here lately,' reads the email. 'Ever since the break- in, Haz has been acting super erratic and cagey. It's hard to know when he's telling the truth anymore and it hurts that he doesn't seem to trust me fully. I've honestly found myself having to reevaluate and question everything. I'm still trying to work out how I feel, but Haz isn't the person I thought he was. I'm never going to love him the way I loved Hendrix.'
Haz looks devastated as he reads these final words.
No 26
Andrew is being 'punished' for leaving the house a second time to help the neighbours with the deepfake saga, by being forced to participate in a Team Rodwell face mask session!
WENDY: I could call your boss about an ankle tag if you don't stay put from now on.
SADIE: I reckon we snap a pic and send it to some of Dad's workmates.
WENDY: Oh, that's such a good idea.
ANDREW: No, no, no - please don't.
They're interrupted by Byron, who's surprised and a little freaked out to see all of them in face masks! He asks for a private word with Sadie, and Wendy and Andrew head into the garden.
BYRON: Sorry if I was awkward before. I wanted to speak properly - just, you know, without an audience.
SADIE: Mum is a little too involved sometimes.
BYRON: I stuffed up. It was all just, you know, a bit too much. I'm sorry for ever having suggested that we have a break. It was... it was dumb. Because I never wanted to stop seeing you. It's just, your dad...
SADIE: He can be a lot sometimes.
BYRON: I've really missed you (...) so if you'd give me another chance, I'd love another shot at us. Unless you're not up for it.
They're about to kiss, but Sadie pauses, remembering the face mask. He kisses her anyway, and they laugh.
No 32
Mackenzie comes in, looking very worried. She greets Haz but he's busying himself with the washing and doesn't reply.
MACKENZIE: So, the police figured out that the attacks on Jane and Aaron and Holly all come from the same IP address.
HAZ: Okay...
MACKENZIE: Whoever did it used malware to break into everyone's devices. So I bought an antivirus app to check to see if it was on my phone - and guess what? The malware was on it.
HAZ: Might not be related.
MACKENZIE: It's related, Haz! So I have to check your phone as well.
She grabs it, but Haz snatches it back off her and puts it away.
MACKENZIE: I know we had a fight, but this is bigger than us.
HAZ: I already checked it this morning, after Holly got hacked.
MACKENZIE: Was there anything on it?
HAZ: No, it was perfectly fine. So, maybe it's just you.
MACKENZIE: Well, I still have to reach out to Byron. If he's infected too... hey, maybe that guy did it?
HAZ (irritable): What guy?
MACKENZIE: You know, the guy who was perving over the fence!
HAZ: Oh, Mack, that's ridiculous.
HAZ: Well, because malware like that always needs to be installed remotely.
MACKENZIE: How do you know?
HAZ: I just do!
MACKENZIE: Haz, why are you fighting me on this? It's like all you want to do is argue.
HAZ: Okay, we wouldn't be arguing if you'd just listen to me! The chances of you figuring this out are a billion to one, so honestly, just stop wasting your time!
Haz stomps off and slams the door behind him. Mackenzie looks upset.
Coming up on Neighbours
- It's the day of the memorial for Krista's baby; Paul admits he's anxious about conducting the service
- We see Krista crying as her friends and family stand in a circle at the memorial
- A man turns up at the hotel looking for Paul, in relation to the sauna incident; Chelsea looks worried
- Mackenzie is trying to gain access to Haz's laptop, but she quickly puts it down as he walks in
<<9020 - 9022>>
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Jane Harris, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9021
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Jane Harris, Byron Stone

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9021
Haz Devkar

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Andrew Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9021
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone, Holly Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9021
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9021
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland

Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9021
Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland

Byron Stone, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Byron Stone, Andrew Rodwell

Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9021
Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9021
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9021
Karl Kennedy

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9021
Melanie Pearson

Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Sadie Rodwell

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland, Andrew Rodwell, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9021
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland, Andrew Rodwell, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Andrew Rodwell, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9021
Andrew Rodwell, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9021
Haz Devkar

Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Andrew Rodwell

Byron Stone, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Byron Stone, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9021
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9021
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

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