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Neighbours Episode 8837 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8836 - 8838>>
Episode title: 8837
Australian airdate: 31/05/22
UK airdate: 02/05/22
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Montana Marcel: Tammin Sursok
Mick Allsop: Joel Creasey
Corey Smythe-Jones: Laurence Boxhall
Ginevra Stroynova: Meika Wollard
Brooke Burton as herself
Rhiannon Tracey as herself
- "En Vie" by Laurene & Louis
- "My Love" by Tusks
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Kiri questioning Leo if things will improve between himself and Montana?
- Leo isn't sure if Montana will change her mind.
- Amy wanting help from a desperately rushed Ned.
- Corey giving advice to Harlow.
- Harlow coming clean with how she feels for Ned and the pair pashing.
- The Kennedys getting VIP passes (and a luxury hamper) for fashion week.
- Susan now agreeing to go to fashion week.
- Mackenzie having words about the lack of support coming from Hendrix over her modelling.
- Terese transferring money to cover fashion week events.
Lassiters Complex
Karl is at impressed at the hospitality he and Susan are getting at fashion week. Terese is enjoying the plaudits from Amy about how well things are going ahead of Montana (on the microphone) welcoming everyone to the event, praising Lassiters of course.
The Vineyard
The vineyard is ready too especially Leo ahead of the gin launch.
Lassiters Complex
Continuing on the microphone, Montana runs through what the plan is for the week. As she is talking though, she sounds like she is on the verge of bursting into tears at any moment!
The Vineyard
Mackenzie is desperately looking for Hendrix (or "nobody important" as a the random extra describes him) but he isn't there.
Lassiters Complex
Finally the speeches are over and Montana tells everyone to enjoy the show. Mick is curious over the emotion in Montana's speech (not normal!) but Karl couldn't care less about that, he's more interested in the hospitality food.
KARL: I could get used to this VIP treatment!
Terese comes over to the VIP area and tries to reassure Susan that investing in Montana is a good thing ahead of telling everyone to get on the shuttle bus to get to the vineyard.
"Nothing can go wrong today," a very nervous Amy says to Ned and he reassures her that she will be "amazing."
Lassiters Complex (Drinks Diva)
As they get set up, Toadie is questioning the glass choices - plastic ones. Melanie describes them as "fun" and thinks Amy will more than approve at the "glitz."
MELANIE: Don't worry, she'll love them!
Ned pulls Harlow aside for a quiet chat behind the Drinks Diva about what they got up to behind Amy's back, although does add that he doesn't regret what happened. Harlow wants them to get into a relationship but Ned feels he needs to talk to Amy but obviously not today.
HARLOW: Today should be her day.
NED: I'll tell her tomorrow and then you and I can talk about what comes next.
The Vineyard
Mackenzie looks relieved that Hendrix has finally arrived - he was late buying flowers to say sorry to her.
Meanwhile, Leo gets the plaudits and reassurance from Jane, Aaron and David ahead of his big moment.
Lassiters Complex
Amy runs through the last minute things she needs doing with Ned ahead her show. Suddenly she stops and squeals because she's spotted Brooke Burton... and then notices the glasses that she (and her entourage) are using and is questioning why Terese signed off on their usage.
Meanwhile Corey seems in shock at what Harlow and Ned got up to. "It was very impulsive," Harlow comments as she pulls him behind one of the tents so their chat isn't overheard.
HARLOW: Are you sure you are okay with this?
COREY: I want you to be happy and if Ned is what makes you happy, that's a win in my book.
Harlow is downbeat though at knowing Amy is going to be hurt "in the process" and in hindsight wishes that the pair of them had "been honest from the start."
The Vineyard
Everyone has decamped to the vineyard and even Susan looks to now be enjoying herself especially after Mick escorts her to the VIP area!
"Do me proud today," Montana tells Mackenzie ahead of strutting her stuff. In turn, Mackenzie sincerely thanks Montana for giving her this opportunity.
MONTANA: Make the most of every moment.
Inside the tasting room, Aaron is impressed at how cheerful David is today. "I'm going to fight," he tells his husband as he isn't "giving up," something Aaron is more than happy to hear.
Leo gets the plaudits from his dad, as well as Aaron and David, over how well he's doing before going outside ahead of "showtime!"
Outside, Leo formally launches his gin to the gathered (Yorokobi Gin, named in honour of Abigail). Leo also praises Montana for her help in the gin project off the ground.
"Leo's a superstar," Chloe says to Hendrix (who his standing beside her) and has been taking loads of pics of the launch which she is about to send to Terese.
Lassiters Complex (Drinks Diva)
As she looks through said pics with Toadie, Terese is happy at how well Leo's gin launch has gone. Melanie tells Terese how much she loves the "business cape" she is wearing - apparently Montana designed for her.
Amy decides to pay and impromptu visit to the Drinks Diva to see how well Melanie and Toadie are getting on and finds the source of the "hideous" glasses! She isn't at all amused, despite Melanie trying to say "they've been a huge hit."
AMY: Look around you. This is a classy, high fashion event not some free sample booth at a shopping centre, which is exactly where they belong!
Ned literally drags Amy away, telling her the glasses don't matter. As they walk away, Amy thanks him for keeping her focused and admits she'd be "lost without you." Ned isn't exactly returning the hug Amy gave him after saying that with as much gusto as she is giving.
Mackenzie and the other models strut their stuff down the catwalk.
Once they finish, Chloe gets Leo and Montana very close together on the catwalk for some publicity shots.
Lassiters Complex (Amy's behind the scenes tent)
Amy is nervous ahead of her collection and gives some last minute instructions to Harlow before she heads out to the catwalk. However before she gets out, Amy thanks Harlow for the proverbial kick up the butt she got during their call from London. "I want the best for you," Harlow says to Amy but as soon as she says it, turns her head away from Amy and takes in some deep breaths.
Lassiters Complex
Everyone has now relocated back to the complex. Melanie approaches the K's to say they've not paid for their cocktails but Karl insists his VIP lanyard excuses them from paying! Susan offers to pay and while she is settling up, Paul comes over ask Karl how he got the VIP lanyard.
PAUL: Win it in a raffle did you?!
KARL: Please Paul, you're looking at Montana Marcel's latest equity investor. We pumped a lot of money into the cosmetics line.
Paul looks rather aghast at what he's just heard Karl say to him
Lassiters Complex (Amy's behind the scenes tent)
"Looks like you have it handled. I'm excited to see the show," Montana comments to Amy after hearing how she plans to run her show. Ned also confirms he's done his checks before Montana heads off. When they are alone, Ned gives Amy a final pep talk... while in the background Harlow (and Corey) don't know where to look especially after Amy pulls Ned in for a hug and tells him that she loves him so much! "I love you too," Ned replies back although thankfully for her, she can't see it was said with a deadpan expression on his face!
Lassiters Complex
Outside the tents, Mackenzie is getting rave reviews about her catwalk visit and is utterly thrilled.
HENDRIX: (to Mackenzie) You're going places baby.
Meanwhile when he runs into Montana, Leo sincerely thanks her for "everything you've done." She reminds him that it's for Abigail too - she wants to help him give his daughter "the world."
The pair are about to kiss when Paul interrupts them. Leo takes off, deciding he needs to be elsewhere. Paul lets rip at Montana for ripping the K's off and demands she gives them their money back today, before the feds come. As much as she would like to, Montana tells Paul that she can't, because "the money's gone."
Lassiters Complex (Amy's tent)
As everyone else enters the tent, Susan mentions to Karl that Paul seemed worried when he heard they were investing in Montana. Karl thinks that Paul is simply "jealous he didn't get in first," and that the doors which are opening for them.
Changing the conversation, Susan asks if they should get more drinks ahead of the show starting. "No need," Karl replies and shows her one of the bottles of gin he "liberated" from the vineyard. Susan is very much appalled at what her husband has done!
KARL: Come on, you're an investor... it's not really stealing.
'Neon Romantic by Amy Greenwood' suddenly appears on the tent wall and Montana and everyone else watches on as Harlow and Corey are first out wearing Amy's collection.
Terese is more than happy at how things are going, while sitting behind her, Paul smirks away to himself.
Lassiters Complex (Amy's behind the scenes tent)
Amy issues further instructions to the silent models as well as Corey and Harlow. Ned tells her how much everyone is loving her stuff (he sneaked a look) before persuading her to watch the end of the show from inside the tent.
AMY: I've really pulled this off, haven't I?! Yah me!
She does praise Ned too for his stage design, but he doesn't want to share her glory.
NED: Soak it up, today's about you.
AMY: Okay. Well lets go see how much this crowd loves me.
Lassiters Complex (Amy's tent)
Amy and Ned enter the tent and watch on as her collection is warmly applauded by those inside. Ned reserves his winning smile for Harlow's appearance on the catwalk in the wedding dress.
Oops... someone has interfered with the projector and while Harlow holds out the wedding dress material, suddenly playing over it are photos of Ned and herself pashing... and then Ned's t-shirt being removed!!! Cue gasps from the gathered while the tears are already appearing on Amy's face.
AMY: (to Ned) What have you done?!
About the only person who isn't shocked, or devastated, is Harlow!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Ned trying to talk to Amy but being ordered out by Zara!
- Terese unimpressed at Harlow.
- Paul trying to get Ned away from Harlow.
- Paul irate!
<<8836 - 8838>>
Amy Greenwood, Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8837
Amy Greenwood, Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan

Montana Marcel in Neighbours Episode 8837
Montana Marcel

Leo Tanaka, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8837
Leo Tanaka, Glen Donnelly

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8837
Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan

Ginevra Stroynova, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ginevra Stroynova, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan, Mick Allsop in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan, Mick Allsop

Susan Kennedy, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8837
Susan Kennedy, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8837
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8837
Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka

Brooke Blurton in Neighbours Episode 8837
Brooke Blurton

Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson

Mick Allsop, Montana Marcel, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8837
Mick Allsop, Montana Marcel, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan

Montana Marcel, Leo Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8837
Montana Marcel, Leo Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Leo Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8837
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka

Chloe Brennan, Hendrix Greyson, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8837
Chloe Brennan, Hendrix Greyson, Glen Donnelly

Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8837
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8837
Mackenzie Hargreaves

Ginevra Stroynova in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ginevra Stroynova

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Montana Marcel, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8837
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Montana Marcel, Leo Tanaka

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8837
Amy Greenwood

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Harlow Robinson

Brooke Blurton, Rhiannon Tracey, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8837
Brooke Blurton, Rhiannon Tracey, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Paul Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8837
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Rhiannon Tracey, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Brooke Blurton in Neighbours Episode 8837
Rhiannon Tracey, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Brooke Blurton

Leo Tanaka, Montana Marcel in Neighbours Episode 8837
Leo Tanaka, Montana Marcel

Paul Robinson, Montana Marcel in Neighbours Episode 8837
Paul Robinson, Montana Marcel

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8837
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Montana Marcel, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Montana Marcel, Hendrix Greyson

Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Corey Smythe-Jones in Neighbours Episode 8837
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Corey Smythe-Jones

Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Corey Smythe-Jones, Harlow Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson

Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8837
Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8837
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

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