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Neighbours Episode 8817 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8816 - 8818>>
Episode title: 8817
Australian airdate: 26/04/22
UK airdate: 04/04/22
Writer: Nina Vlahovic
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Gemma Willis: Beth Buchanan
Sgt. Andrew Rodwell: Lloyd Will
Wendy Rodwell: Candice Leask
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- David breaking the news to Kyle that his sperm has been destroyed.
- Roxy hearing that her parents are reuniting and suggesting that Kyle and Roxy should have a fresh start up in Darwin.
- Roxy going up to Darwin for a visit but being warned by Kyle against making decisions without him!
- Kyle telling Levi about Sheila selling #26.
- Kyle keen on buying #26 with Roxy.
- Levi commenting that its good to see Freya happy again.
- Freya being blunt with Emma and describing Gareth as a "scumbag" and that they did her a favour.
- Freya going an internet search for 'medical books on guilt and trauma'.
- A note being left on David's desk saying, 'I know what you did'.
David urgently tries to get hold of Freya, but she isn't answering her phone, so leaves a voicemail instead.
Number 26 (garden)
Freya is enjoying herself too much with Levi to notice the missed calls she is getting from David! Since they are getting along so well, Levi invites her to the vineyard for lunch, but she thinks it's too "romantic" for her. Gently, Levi pulls her into the spa (ensuring her arm doesn't get wet) and the pair are on the verge of kissing when her ringing phone interrupts them!
DAVID: Hey listen. Someone knows about Gareth.
David is in full panic mode as he explains what happened to Freya whereas she is cool as a cucumber listening, probably due to sitting extremely close to Levi! Telling David that she will be "right there," Freya makes an excuse about a crisis at the hospital, to explain why she needs to leave.
The Waterhole
Kyle tells his cousin about the good news from the bank, they are amenable to lending him the money to buy #26.
KYLE: The next step is telling Roxy about it. I hope she's keen!
And just at that, Roxy walks into the bar along with her mum (she wanted to continue their bonding for longer). Roxy's had a great time in Darwin especially spending time with her family and is super keen on building a new life there.
David shows Freya the note but given its ambiguity, she is unsure if it applies to Gareth or not. "What else could it be about?!" David asks but Freya doesn't know although as he is starting to lose it, is told to "get a grip!" Given Emma was looking to blame them following the coroner report, he wonders if she's "figured it out," but Freya doesn't think so...
The Waterhole
The trip to Darwin has so convinced Roxy that it's the right move for her and Kyle and thus is now trying to convince him.
Kyle's body language should be enough to tell Roxy that he isn't keen on leaving Erinsborough and when mum and daughter head to the bar to get drinks, Levi has an idea to convince Roxy to stay.
David is unhappy at hearing about the chat Freya had with Emma. "We can't keep secrets from each other," he reminds her and so asks if there is anything else she's not told him? "No," Freya confidently replies with... then remembers that when her laptop was stolen, she had a webpage open at the time - looking for books on guilt and trauma. She quickly adds that it was to help him and is unsure if Emma saw it or not. But the mere fact she could have, coupled with Freya's slip up has David sure that Emma thinks they did something.
FREYA: She can think whatever she wants, she doesn't have any proof.
David fears that if anything, she's rattled them with the note. Freya still doesn't seem convinced but does apologise for dragging him into things.
DAVID: I feel like this because we did something terrible and unlike you, I just can't get over it.
FREYA: That's not fair.
DAVID: No, what's not fair is you keeping me in the dark. You have no idea the difference between right and wrong.
Number 26
So Levi's plan to keep Roxy in Erinsborough is to host a party with the scripted RSRs (Mackenzie, Hendrix, Ned, Amy, Zara and Chloe) to show how much she (and Kyle) are loved. The pair of them love the gesture.
Number 24
Freya and David have relocated to the sunroom of #24 to continue their chat. He has at least calmed down but is still jumpy when Levi enters the sunroom to invite them to the party (she'd ignored his text hence the personal visit instead).
Levi asks if their work crisis is over, and her reply is they are still working through it. That is Levi's cue to leave and as soon as he's back into the house, David demands to know what she's said to him! "Nothing," is her reply back although David looks like he doesn't believe her.
Ramsay Street
Levi is about to head on an ice run when he spots his boss and his wife in the street, and they thank him for the invite to the party. The Rodwell's are also there for another reason - to check out #26, as unknown to the boys, it's on the market already!
Number 26 (garden)
The BBQ party is in full swing when the Rodwell's enter the garden. After hugging Roxy, Wendy offers her services if she wants someone to talk to.
Roxy heads over to thank Chloe for the party and to reassure her that even if they do leave, she plans to come back and visit! Like Wendy, Chloe also offers her services if Roxy wishes to talk to someone. "That means the world to me," Roxy replies before pulling Chloe in for a hug.
Levi has brought another 'guest' to the party - Harlow via a videocall from London.
Ramsay Street
As she heads to #26, Jane spots David in the street and even though he's not exactly keen on going, insists he accompanies her to the party.
Andrew comes looking for Levi (and the ice) just as he's arrived back with it. Levi asks David how the work problem is (good now) and comments that Freya seemed tense earlier, with David quickly putting it down to the work situation and reassuring Levi he's nothing to worry about.
Jane asks Andrew how Sadie is, and he confirms she is well and is getting counselling at the hospital (she had a session there that morning). On hearing that, David's mind starts to go into overdrive!
Number 26 (garden)
While the neighbours make small talk with one another, the Rodwell's have taken the opportunity to have a good look at the property and are very impressed by what they've seen. Andrew isn't sure if Sadie will like it, given what happened with some of the neighbours, but Wendy doesn't want that to hold them back.
While the Rodwell's have been chatting, David has been staring at the pair, so much so that Andrew has picked up on it. "Earth to David," Jane says to him, to bring him back to the present and he can't get away from #26 quick enough.
Ramsay Street
Out the front of #26, David has told Freya of his suspicions on who left the note, even though he doesn't actually have any proof. Freya thinks if he was suss, Andrew would have said something when they were being interviewed, but David translates the silence as meaning Andrew is crooked and after something!
FREYA: This is just paranoia talking alright. That guy is not crooked.
Despite Freya's words, David isn't sure and plans to ask Levi about his boss! Freya has to run after David to stop him from doing that by pointing out that is just going to "create suspicion." She then literally drags David away from talking to Levi, on the pretence that they're still working on their work issue and need to knock it on the head!
From the look on Levi's face, he isn't sure whether to believe them or not!
Number 26
Roxy has just found out that #26 is up for sale [from the Rodwell's] and wants to know why Kyle has kept that quiet from her. She thinks it's a sign they should be moving to Darwin, especially as the Rodwell's seem super keen on buying the place.
KYLE: The Rodwell's aren't buying the house okay, we are! This is our home. I want to stay here. I don't want to move to Darwin.
Ramsay Street
Gemma finds her daughter hiding out at the front of the house. Roxy isn't sure why Kyle blindsided her especially since they both agreed to needing "a fresh start."
GEMMA: You can't have a fresh start living in the same house amongst the same memories.
Roxy admits that they've had a good life in Ramsay Street, something the party has reminded her off, but "good things run their course" and plans to talk Kyle around.
Number 26 (garden)
The RSRs are chatting about Montana when Roxy (and Gemma) come back into the garden and seeks her husband out.
Roxy acknowledges she does get where Kyle is coming from and how much #26 means to him but "Darwin means a lot to me too."
ROXY: My family is there.
KYLE: We have our life here.
ROXY: Our life is you and me. Hey, its who we are not where we are. I just want to grow bigger and better with you, and I feel like we can't do that here anymore. I just don't think, you're thinking this through.
Kyle admission that he's looked into buying #26 while Roxy was away doesn't go down well at all, indeed it leads the pair having quite a domestic, so much so that it attracts the attention of the RSRs.
KYLE: Why should I give up the tram, our friends, all my family in Frankston? You know you've been floating around in Roxy land just only thinking about yourself, but what about what I want?!
ROXY: Sometimes you don't always get what you want Kyle. I wanted to be pregnant, and I wanted to start a family here and I'm not getting that am I?!
KYLE: No Rox, you're not. You know you're not going to get that anywhere! So if you think moving away's going to make you feel any better about that, then you're dreaming!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Ned and Amy having words.
- Amy questioning her daughter about Ned.
- Zara asking her mum if she plans on having a baby with Ned?
- Levi advising Kyle.
- Strife between Kyle and Roxy.
<<8816 - 8818>>
David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8817
David Tanaka

Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8817
Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak

Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis

Levi Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8817
Levi Canning, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8817
David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak

Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8817
Freya Wozniak

Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8817
Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8817
David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Gemma Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Gemma Willis

Chloe Brennan, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Ned Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8817
Chloe Brennan, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Ned Willis, Levi Canning

Levi Canning, David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8817
Levi Canning, David Tanaka, Freya Wozniak

Levi Canning, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8817
Levi Canning, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Gemma Willis, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8817
Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood, Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Gemma Willis, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Chloe Brennan, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Chloe Brennan, Roxy Willis

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8817
Harlow Robinson

Kyle Canning, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Kyle Canning, Ned Willis

Jane Harris, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8817
Jane Harris, David Tanaka

Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8817
Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell, David Tanaka

Zara Selwyn, Ned Willis, Chloe Brennan, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8817
Zara Selwyn, Ned Willis, Chloe Brennan, Amy Greenwood

Hendrix Greyson, Wendy Rodwell, David Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8817
Hendrix Greyson, Wendy Rodwell, David Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell

Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8817
Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, David Tanaka

Kyle Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8817
Kyle Canning, Levi Canning

Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Gemma Willis, Roxy Willis

Jane Harris, Chloe Brennan, Hendrix Greyson, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8817
Jane Harris, Chloe Brennan, Hendrix Greyson, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8817
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8817
Roxy Willis

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