- The Lassiters team organising a Montana Marcel event
- Roxy getting excited when she hears about Montana
- Roxy declining the project coordinator role Terese offers her
- Kyle confiding in Toadie that he's worried about IVF not working
- Ned telling Levi that Gareth told him there are no corrupt cops
- Kiri introducing everyone to the River Bend Getaway
- Kiri explaining to Nicolette that her middle name 'Hua' means moon
- Glen looking at the moon tattoo on his foot
- Freya asking Levi to stop being weird with her
River Bend Getaway - Riverside
Levi reminds Freya that she's still looking for her boyfriend and he's not sure where he factors into those plans. Levi thinks they should keep things between them the way they are. While disappointed, Freya agrees and says it makes sense. She gathers her backpack and quickly heads back to the dorm rooms.
Around another section of the river, Kiri is sitting with Nicolette, telling her about the red tailed cockatoos that nest in the trees.
KIRI: They're noisy as hell but they put on a good show.
NICOLETTE: (grinning) Oh, so you like red plumage? Good to know.
Nic thanks Kiri for bringing her to the river, but Kiri says she wanted to make up for Nic's initial impression. "I was worried you might have hated me," Nicolette admits. "Yeah? What about now?" Kiri replies, prompting Nicolette to lean in for a kiss. They're suddenly interrupted by Glen stumbling upon them. Embarrassed, Glen says he'll leave them to it, but wanted to let Kiri know her assistant Bobby was looking for her. Kiri thinks she should head back before Bobby ruins something, but is looking forward to catching up with Nic later.
The Waterhole
Terese is in a meeting with Chloe, Leo and Paul about fashion week and asks if Paul has a tender they can look at. Paul says he hasn't written it up yet because he doesn't like the idea of multiple events offsite. Terese gets annoyed while Leo and Chloe share an awkward look with one another. Paul tells Leo it doesn't make any sense to use his vineyard when they have options at Lassiters. Chloe says they're already using those spaces, but Montana's fashion week has a minimum of twenty events and they'd be re-using locations too much. Terese agrees, insistent that they utilise places like the vineyard and the city. "What have you got against this?" she snaps at Paul, who retorts that he simply doesn't like the plan.
River Bend Getaway
Ned and Harlow are sitting outside with some beers, but Ned can't enjoy himself as he's worrying about Levi and Freya being gone too long. Harlow thinks Ned's stressing too much - she's come to the conclusion that Freya isn't as bad as they thought. Freya then returns with Kiri, telling her she hiked as far as the old river gum before heading back. Kiri asks Harlow to let everyone know dinner will be ready in an hour, so Ned offers to fetch Levi, but Freya says she'll do the honours. Ned watches her go in disbelief.
NED: Why didn't you stop her?
HARLOW: What was I supposed to do, tackle her to the ground?
Nicolette emerges from the front entrance of the building and runs into Glen, who apologises for interrupting her moment with Kiri. Glen then 'innocently' comments that Kiri seems nice and down-to-earth and probably doesn't get out much living here. "Not used to things moving so fast," he adds, raising Nicolette's hackles. "What are you trying to say Glen?" Nic asks through gritted teeth. Glen says he just doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but Nicolette tells him to mind his own business. She then says that he's been acting really weirdly lately and everyone has noticed.
The Waterhole
Kyle tells Roxy he's been thinking more about them having kids and feels as though they should wait a few years. But Roxy doesn't see why that would be an option when they both want to start a family right now. Kyle replies that his "boys" are frozen and she's young, so there's still plenty of time. Roxy asks if something has happened to change his mind, but Kyle says he's only thinking of the bigger picture. He asks her to have a think about what he's said. "As if I'm going to be able to think of anything else," Roxy retorts. Before Kyle leaves he has a quiet word with Terese and says if her offer to Roxy about the coordinator role still stands, then she should ask her again, "I think you might get a different answer this time".
River Bend Getaway - Interior
Harlow and Ned joke around with each other while the others settle in at the table for dinner. They notice Freya return with Levi, and Harlow points out to Ned that there's nothing to be worried about. "For now," Ned replies. Sighing, Harlow takes a seat next to Nicolette and asks how Aaron's faring since he's skipping dinner. Nic says he's been wallowing and reading a book all day. Harlow then asks how Nicolette's coping without Isla, but Nic freezes when she realises Kiri has overheard them. Kiri asks who Isla is and looks a bit taken aback when Nicolette says she's her daughter. While Harlow attempts to cover her mistake with small talk, Ned sits at the end of the table with Levi and asks if he's okay. Ned wonders if anything happened with Freya, but Levi wants to drop the conversation - he's still trying to figure out what to do next.
The Waterhole
Roxy tells Terese she still hasn't changed her mind about accepting the coordinator role: she doesn't think it's the right fit for her. Terese is fine with her reply, saying she only asked again because Kyle thought Roxy would say yes this time. "Did he now?" Roxy says, narrowing her eyes.
River Bend Getaway - Kiri's Room
Nicolette sheepishly knocks on Kiri's door, asking if they can talk. Kiri lets her in but her body language is standoffish. Nicolette says she didn't tell her about Isla because she didn't want to scare her away. Kiri is slightly offended that Nicolette would think she'd judge her for having a kid, but Nic says it's not that. Her life is complicated and she has responsibilities, so she got caught up in the fantasy of being someone else for a few days.
KIRI: What's wrong with the usual you?
NICOLETTE: I'm not very interesting. Whereas you - seeing you in your favourite place, hearing you talk. You're really special. And I'm an idiot for messing it up.
Kiri thanks her for explaining and admits that she thinks Nic is pretty special too. "And I've been thinking about you all afternoon," she says, stepping closer to Nicolette. They close the door so they're not interrupted and make their way onto the bed, grinning at one another.
River Bend Getaway - Riverside
The next morning, Freya is waiting on the shore when Levi returns from his kayaking jaunt. Freya says Kiri told them to pair up for the hike today and wondered if Levi wanted to be her partner, but Levi mumbles he better check with Ned first. Getting sick of Levi's weird behaviour, Freya finally cracks and says it took a lot for her to admit how she felt about him. She understands if he doesn't feel the same way, but it doesn't give him the right to treat her so shabbily.
LEVI: I have been avoiding you, but it's not because of what you said. I got a lead on Gareth, and Ned and Harlow followed it up for me.
FREYA: (trying to keep her cool) Did they find him?
LEVI: Yep.
FREYA: Where is he?
LEVI: At a caravan park hiding from you, according to him. He said that he broke up with you a few months ago but you just wouldn't accept it. And you know what the funny thing is, Freya? He said that he's scared of you. Not corrupt cops or local gangs, just you.
River Bend Getaway - Interior
Kiri and Nicolette sneak into the common room after oversleeping. Kiri tells Nic to be discreet, but Harlow immediately picks up on the good vibes between them when she sees them. "I guess I didn't completely ruin last night?" she smirks at Nicolette. "Pretending to be a different person was a terrible idea," Nic admits. "Lucky for me Kiri's an amazing woman."
Ned walks in with Glen and Kiri asks if they've seen her colleague, Bobby, as he was supposed to help her set up for breakfast. Everyone says no, so Kiri gets on with things and tells them to pick their hiking buddies. Harlow asks if Ned's still cool to be hers, which he is, but he's also concerned about Levi and Freya being MIA.
Glen asks Kiri if she needs help with breakfast and then comments on how nice the sunrise was this morning. Nic chats with Kiri about Bobby, and Kiri says her mum's going to 'love' that she made a dud hire since she never liked the idea of Kiri being manager of the getaway in the first place.
KIRI: She thinks I'm too young but dad talked her around.
NICOLETTE: Oh, go dad.
KIRI: Yeah he's really great. Always has my back no matter what. I guess that officially makes me a daddy's girl.
NICOLETTE: Aww, that's cute.
Glen has been listening to their conversation with intrigue.
River Bend Getaway - Bushland
Levi chases after an extremely angry-looking Freya. She says that Ned and Harlow are lying about what Gareth said because they don't like her and they're trying to make her sound crazy. Levi replies that Ned and Harlow would never do that.
FREYA: And Gareth would never say anything like that against me.
LEVI: He's living with another woman. Someone called Emma. I'm not lying to you, Ned and Harlow met her.
FREYA: Okay so you think that he's made something up about a gang and going into hiding just so he can be with someone else?
LEVI: I don't know.
FREYA: I want to speak to him.
LEVI: He's gone, Freya. He took off after Ned and Harlow left.
FREYA: So why haven't you said anything about this earlier? It's because you think I'm crazy. You were trying to figure it out for yourself, yeah? And that's the reason why you three have been so weird to me!
LEVI: Freya I was just trying to put all of this together. Just hear me out, okay? You left your job, your family, your life to find this guy and there's not a single thing tying him back to Echuca.
FREYA: You know me. I was pretty sure that I knew you as well.
Levi apologises for not telling her the truth earlier, but he needs her help now to figure out why Gareth would be spinning lies. Freya, however, is insistent that Gareth wouldn't do that to her and was only telling Ned and Harlow that story to get rid of them.
LEVI: Why throw you under the bus?
FREYA: I don't know, he's been in hiding he probably just panicked.
LEVI: He was trying to make everybody doubt you, Freya. Why would he want that?
FREYA: (exasperated) I don't know! But he would never say anything against me.
She turns around and leaves.
The Waterhole
Paul spills coffee all over his shirt just as Susan and Karl walk in. Susan offers Paul tissues from her handbag and asks if he's okay. After initially snapping at her, Paul says sorry and admits he's not been sleeping well. He's been having trouble working alongside Terese, who keeps telling him he's finding fault in everything just for the sake of it. "Are you?" Susan asks, and Paul sighs and says he might be.
PAUL: I didn't think it would end this way. Pretty naive for a bloke who's been divorced as many times as me.
SUSAN: No one gets married thinking it's going to end in divorce, do they?
PAUL: It's just so hard seeing her every day.
SUSAN: Could you maybe just step back a bit?
PAUL: Oh yeah, Terese would love that wouldn't she. Stop me from getting in the way of her big plans.
KARL: Would that be such a bad thing?
PAUL: Karl, what am I going to do if I don't work? I need to be busy. I need to change. (Off Karl's 'well, no duh' look) No, I mean my shirt.
Paul thanks them for the tissues and heads off, leaving Karl and Susan concerned.
Harold's Café
Roxy has invited Kyle to an "honesty breakfast" so they can talk about the real reason behind Kyle doing a 180 on wanting to have kids. Kyle says he didn't want Roxy giving up a big career opportunity for a baby they might never be able to have.
ROXY: For starters I'm not giving up anything, I don't want that job.
KYLE: You don't?
ROXY: Can you imagine how terrible it would be trying to organise a massive event at Lassiters while Paul and Terese are getting a divorce?
KYLE: Wait, this is about Paul and Terese?
ROXY: It would be horrible. I didn't want to upset Aunty T, so I just went with the whole family thing.
With this newfound knowledge, Kyle says he's still keen to start a family but he's scared it'll never happen. But Roxy tells him there are plenty of other options - there's nothing they can't work through.
The Waterhole
Leo thanks Karl and Susan for letting him know about Paul. When Paul walks in, Leo wheels Abi's pram over and says they need to talk. Paul says he's got a meeting, but Leo informs him that Chloe's cancelled all of Paul's meetings for the next three weeks. Paul spies the Kennedys and realises they've dobbed him in.
LEO: They're worried about you dad, and so am I.
PAUL: Leo I'm fine.
LEO: I've booked you a ticket on the train to Brisbane tonight. Scott and Charlene are picking you up from the station.
PAUL: I don't have time to go on a holiday, particularly not on a train.
LEO: Well you can't fly right now, and there's nothing happening here that someone else can't cover.
PAUL: Uh, hello, I've got to be here for the fashion week tender.
LEO: Dad, look, if you won't do it for yourself will you do it for me? It's killing me seeing you like this. Give yourself a chance to recover properly from everything. Please? Abi said she'll look after the penthouse for you till you're back.
PAUL: (mustering a smile) Well if Abigail's on board I guess I'm going to Brisbane then.
River Bend Getaway - Riverside
Levi hears someone approaching behind him and is shocked to see Gareth standing there. Gareth looks cagey and asks if Levi's the cop. Levi nods and says he and Freya have been searching for him, wondering how he found them instead. Gareth says he saw the photo online of everyone in front of the River Bend sign. "Thanks for that," Gareth adds, before taking out a gun and aiming it at Levi. Scrambling back in alarm, Levi tells Gareth to relax but Gareth demands Levi head towards the water and get into the kayak. Gareth then picks up a rock to use as another weapon. Hands raised in the air, Levi tries to stall and asks Gareth what the plan is.
LEVI: Are you going to make it look like I drowned? That's the plan?
GARETH: Shut up!
LEVI: No one's going to believe you, mate. I'm just saying if you're going to make it look like I drowned-
GARETH: Just shut up!
LEVI: (turning around to face him) If you're going to kill me, Gareth, you gotta do it here. I'm not going to make it easy for you. There's people around, you know that?
GARETH: Turn around. Turn around!
Taking his chance, Levi rushes at Gareth and manages to disarm the gun from his grip and hurl it into the water. Levi shoves Gareth and makes a run for it into the bush. Gareth finds the gun and aims it at Levi, firing off a few shots. Levi gets hit in the arm and falls to the ground, knocking himself out on a rock on the way down.