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Neighbours Episode 8774 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8773 - 8775>>
Episode title: 8774
Australian airdate: 09/02/22
UK airdate: 02/02/22
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Zara Selwyn: Freya Van Dyke
Sergeant Andrew Rodwell: Lloyd Will
Sadie Rodwell: Emerald Chan
Aubrey Laing: Etoile Little
- "Lightswitch" by CHAII
- "Feel Good" by Kwame
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- In the marriage counselling session, Paul talks of his compulsion to protect his children at all costs
- Asked where this comes from, Paul says he didn't do enough as a youngster when his mum was ill and dying
- Paul tells Terese he wants to change, and Jane grudgingly tells Terese she hopes it will all pay off
- Zara's angry when Amy decides to move them to Toadie's without asking her; she wants it to be just them
- Toadie gives Zara a stern warning that she should be studying rather than hanging out with 'idiot' Louis
- Mackenzie alerts Hendrix to her view that Zara has a major crush on him, but says she's fine with it
- Freya doesn't know what to say when Ned asks her about her search for her cousin in front of Levi
- Freya persuades Levi to ask permission to give her a ride in a police car
- When Roxy wants to come too, Freya asks her to sit it out, on the pretext of wanting alone- time with Levi
- While in the car, Freya uses the computer to search for the name 'Gareth Bateman'
- But before she can look closely at the results, Roxy appears and demands to know what Freya's doing
Road in the city
Freya plays down what Roxy's seen her doing, and claims she was just searching for herself on the police computer 'for a bit of fun', to see if the police had a file on her. Roxy is worried Levi could get into trouble for Freya going through the police database. Levi emerges from the café with burgers, and Freya quietly begs Roxy not to say anything about what she saw.
When Levi returns to the car, he wonders what Roxy is doing here. She says she came to check out the burger café on Kyle's recommendation, not realising Levi and Freya would be here. Levi and Freya get in the police car and drive off, but Roxy looks concerned by what she's witnessed.
The Penthouse
Paul and Harlow are on the sofas, while Terese is doing some ironing. Paul reminds her that the hotel does have a laundry service, so she needn't bother.
TERESE: You send suits for laundering, Paul, not socks.
HARLOW: Don't bother, he is never gonna see sense. You know, when I moved in, I caught him sending down his underwear.
PAUL: Laundry's laundry!
TERESE: What, exposing your tighty whities to the masses?!
PAUL: Oh, come on - I'm keeping people gainfully employed. If anything, they should be thanking me!
Paul gets a text from Karl, confirming Paul's check-up tomorrow. Terese asks Harlow if she can take Paul to the appointment, and Harlow agrees; Terese has a meeting with Lucy to get to instead.
PAUL: Oh, foisting me off - I'm hurt (!)
TERESE: Think of it as a gradual release. You're gonna have to get used to life without me - I can't stay here forever.
Paul is immediately crestfallen; evidently he'd hoped Terese would decide to stay.
PAUL: ... No, no, of course not.
Harold's Café
Freya and Levi have come for a coffee, still enjoying one another's company after their day out. Levi's regretful that he has to work tonight, or else they could have spent the evening together too. He remarks that Roxy was very awkward when they ran into her earlier, but Freya plays it down.
FREYA: I wouldn't say she was awkward.
LEVI: Really? You didn't think that she was acting a bit weird?
FREYA: I don't really know her.
LEVI: Yeah, fair enough - still, something feels off.
Freya keeps playing it down, suggesting Roxy was just hungry for a burger. Levi seems to buy this.
No 26
Kyle is writing thank-you notes for wedding presents, while Roxy sits goodbye. He tries to remember what Karl and Susan's present was.
KYLE: I know it was expensive, so it was obviously from Susan.
Roxy's distracted, and admits she's worried about seeing Freya using the police computer. Kyle admits it's a little weird, but doesn't think it's a big deal.
KYLE: Are you telling me that you've never googled yourself for fun before?
ROXY: That is not the same thing.
KYLE: Basically!
ROXY: What if there's a search history, and then his boss sees it? Shouldn't I warn him?
KYLE: I think you should just stay out of it.
ROXY: Levi's our family - not her! We need to back him. I don't want to cause drama, though.
KYLE: Okay. Well, why don't we start with you writing a thank-you to Susan, cos your handwriting's way better than mine - and do not put Karl on it.
ROXY: I am not done with the Freya chat.
Kyle sighs, and says that if it makes Roxy feel better, she should tell Levi.
No 30
Zara is showing Nell how to put filters on her phone photos, while Hugo plays nearby. Visibly wary of Zara being around Nell, Toadie asks Zara if she can help move some of the packing boxes from her and Amy's move into the bedrooms. Zara replies, 'Yeah, in a second,' leading Toadie to remind her that Amy is moving boxes herself, and shouldn't be after her recent hospital scare.
TOADIE: We need to be keeping a look-out for her while she's recovering.
ZARA (impatient): I am. I'm the one who brought all of this in here.
TOADIE: Yeah, but it doesn't live in here, does it?
ZARA (sighs): I'm just taking a break.
NELL (mimicking Zara): Yeah, Dad.
Toadie is unamused by the attitude Nell seems to be inheriting from Zara. Amy comes in to fetch a box, and at this point Zara offers to help - but quickly follows this up with a request to hang out with her new friends Sadie and Aubrey tomorrow. Amy isn't keen as they're just settling in here, but agrees that Zara can go, provided she has her room unpacked by then.
Zara invites Nell into her room to help her unpack. Toadie looks worried again.
The Penthouse
Harlow is heading out, and tells Paul she'll be back at ten to take him to his appointment with Karl. Terese is about to leave too, but Paul snatches the opportunity for a quick word, admitting he was surprised when she mentioned she might leave soon.
PAUL: I just thought you might've considered staying longer.
TERESE: Well, we always said it was gonna be temporary.
PAUL: Yeah, but you have to admit, being able to talk and spend time in each other's company has been good for us.
TERESE: Yeah - I mean, it has. But we haven't solved anything yet.
PAUL: But we are working on it.
TERESE: Paul, two counselling sessions isn't enough to undo a lifetime of ingrained behaviour, if that's even possible.
PAUL: I am trying.
TERESE: I know you are. But I have been warned not to get my hopes up.
PAUL: Really? By who, Glen?
TERESE: No, Jane, actually. But you shouldn't be surprised.
Terese has to get ready for work. Paul looks concerned.
Ramsay Street
Amy is escorting Zara out of No 30, so as to meet Zara's friends who are picking her up. Zara is super-embarrassed and keen for Amy to go inside, but she isn't budging. But Amy's surprised when the car that's pulled up is being driven by Andrew Rodwell, Levi's boss. He explains that he's the father of Zara's friend Sadie, who is in the back of the car with her other friend, Aubrey. While Amy and Andrew chat...
SADIE (to Zara): I can't believe you got to move here. You're so lucky.
ZARA: Why, cos I get to live near half the teachers at school?
AUBREY: No, because you get to live near the hottie!
ZARA: Who's that?
AUBREY: Hendrix Greyson.
SADIE: He's so hot. No-one in our year even comes close.
ZARA: Yeah, right - umm, we actually work together. We're really close friends.
AUBREY: Are you serious?
SADIE: (...) As soon as we ditch the parentals, you're telling us *everything*.
Zara looks worried, then gets into the car with Sadie and Aubrey.
No 26
Levi is singing the praises of the burger joint he and Freya visited to Kyle and Roxy. He remarks that Freya also thought it was a highlight, albeit 'one of many'.
KYLE: You smooched her, didn't ya?
LEVI: No, man, we didn't kiss.
KYLE: Why not?
ROXY (worried): Did something happen?
LEVI: Nah, we're just taking it slow. And I'm chilling with her.
Roxy decides it's time to tell Levi about catching Freya using the police computer - but Levi is not surprised, and says he already knows, because Freya told him.
LEVI: Called me last night. Apparently she was stewing on it for hours.
ROXY: (...) Awesome. It's good she came clean.
LEVI: (...) I mean, I was annoyed, but honestly, it's nice to know that she's someone that'll come clean when she's made a mistake, you know?
ROXY: You're not gonna get in trouble for what she did, are you?
LEVI: No. I mean, unless someone flags her search. But with any luck, no-one will.
Roxy looks only halfway reassured.
The Penthouse
Terese is about to leave for work, but Paul wants to hear what Jane had to say about him, despite Terese's reluctance to say.
PAUL: If she's badmouthing me, I'd like a chance to defend myself.
TERESE: Actually, it wasn't about you. She was talking about herself, and how she'd never put herself in a position where you'd hurt her again.
PAUL: Oh, that is rich! Has she completely forgotten about her very own daughter's role in what happened?
TERESE: No, of course not.
PAUL: Then, why is it that Nicolette gets forgiven and I stay the bad guy, eh? Talk about hypocrisy. You know, she has no right to say anything about me.
TERESE: Oh, my god, listen to yourself! You know, you say you want to change - but the second you feel slightly threatened, just slightly, you turn into this self-righteous, controlling bully!
PAUL (contrite): Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.
TERESE: Don't be sorry. Be different. If that's possible. You know, this is exactly why I can't rush into things with you.
She wishes him well at his check-up, then marches out to work, leaving Paul despondent.
Lassiter's Lake
Mackenzie's on her way to work, walking with Hendrix who is trying to convince her to 'chuck a sickie' and hang out with him. Mackenzie isn't amenable to this idea, but does say she'll struggle to stay awake at work having been kept up by new housemate Zara playing loud music at 1am. Mackenzie heads off to work, while Hendrix gets started on his exercise regime on the grass.
Zara, Sadie and Aubrey turn up. Sadie and Aubrey are on the lookout for 'hot guys', and given Hendrix now has his top off as he works out, they decide they have found what they're looking for.
Lassiter's Complex
In the car park, Levi greets Andrew, who thanks him for filling up the tank on the police car he collected for him the other day. Andrew asks if Levi's friend had a good time riding in the car; Levi says he thinks she did.
ANDREW: Is there anything you need to tell me?
LEVI (worried): Like what?
ANDREW: Mate, the last car we got was a hunk of junk. Did you hear any rattling? Smell any burning?
LEVI (relieved): Nah, nothing like that, Sarge. All good.
Andrew thanks Levi again, and goes on his way.
Lassiter's Lake
Hendrix is having a workout montage, then pours water over himself, while Sadie, Aubrey and Zara perve on him from a distance.
SADIE: You should ask him over.
ZARA (worried): What?
SADIE: Tell him to come and sit with us. You're besties, right?
Zara has no choice but to go and talk to Hendrix, to prove they're friends. While she's gone...
AUBREY: She's so full of it!
SADIE: Five bucks she's asking for directions, and then she'll come back and be all, 'Oh, no. He said he had to go.'
But Zara is in fact asking Hendrix if he wants to come and join them while they 'chill' and listen to music. Hendrix agrees, on the grounds that he gets to pick the music if he doesn't like theirs. Aubrey and Sadie are shocked as they watch him follow her back towards them.
AUBREY: What the...
SADIE: No way.
Hendrix greets them, recognising Sadie as Andrew's daughter.
SADIE: But don't worry. I'm nothing like my dad.
HENDRIX: And you're...?
AUBREY: Aubrey. No cops in my family.
Hendrix says he's here to help them make some music selections, and Aubrey and Sadie beam at him excitedly. Zara smiles to herself.
No 26
Kyle and Roxy come in with shopping bags. Roxy gets a text from Freya, apologising for putting her on the spot by asking her not to mention the police computer search to Levi. Roxy is suspicious, including of how many emojis Freya has included, but Kyle stells her not to stew over it.
ROXY: I can't help it. I just don't think Levi should be throwing himself at a woman he knows nothing about.
KYLE: That is literally the definition of dating.
ROXY: No, it's not.
KYLE: Yes, it is.
ROXY: No, it's not! You meet someone, you like them, you scroll through all of their social medias, until you know them better than their mum does, and you can't do that with Freya (...) I've looked her up. Hasn't posted in years. Weird.
KYLE: So? She got over it. Look at Auntie Nomes. She used to post a hundred times a day - now, nothing.
Roxy suspects that Freya might have something to hide. Kyle advises her to let it go, but Roxy doesn't look convinced.
Ramsay Street
Freya turns up just as Levi is about to head to work. She's brought him doughnuts to apologise for her behaviour.
FREYA: Personally, I'm more of an almond croissant kind of chick, but these were keto-friendly.
She admits she was up all night worrying she'd get Levi into trouble for her police computer search, but he tells her nobody seems to have noticed the database was accessed, so he thinks he's off the hook.
LEVI: And while I will gladly accept these baked goods, you can stop beating yourself up about it, alright?
FREYA: Why are you being so nice about all this?
LEVI: You apologised - you meant it. We're all good.
Freya smiles as Levi digs into his keto doughnuts.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl is taking Paul's blood pressure and pulse, and reports that all seems in order. But Paul claims he has a dull pain in his stomach. Karl says it's normal, and says he'll extend his painkillers for a week, before transitioning Paul to softer meds. He also dismisses Paul's claimed concerns about bleeding.
KARL: It's not full recovery, but you're well on your way.
PAUL: Alright - but, I mean, I still have to take it easy, yeah?
KARL: I don't see why you can't ease your way back into your daily routine. Maybe just a few hours a day for starters?
Paul looks as if that's the opposite of what he wanted to hear! Karl notices this and says he'll be fine, telling him to get in touch if he has sudden pain or dizziness.
Lassiter's Lake
In another montage, Hendrix, Zara, Sadie and Aubrey are playing with a frisbee by the lake. Sadie and Aubrey raise their eyebrows as Zara leaps on a topless Hendrix to retrieve the frisbee. Hendrix decides it's time to head home for lunch; Zara tries to persuade him to join them for lunch at the beach, but this time he turns her down. He tells her he'll join her next time, and bids them all goodbye.
ZARA: See? Told you we were close.
SADIE: Maybe as friends. But don't forget, he still has a girlfriend.
ZARA: ... Yeah, but he's not serious about her.
AUBREY: Have you seen them together? They're, like, so in love.
ZARA: Well, maybe they used to be. But he told me they're thinking of ending things (...) He said he's met someone else. Someone he has great chemistry with!
SADIE: In your dreams.
AUBREY: I dunno. I saw a total vibe between them today.
ZARA: Just you wait.
No 30
In the kitchen, Toadie is teasing Mackenzie about her broken arm!
TOADIE: Do you need a hand? Ha-ha! Thank you - I'm here all week.
Zara comes in, and grabs one of the sandwiches they've been making. Toadie reminds her not to treat the place 'like a dump'. Zara tells them she's been hanging out with Hendrix and some mates. Mackenzie looks worried. Amy comes in, and recruits Zara to help her flatten some of the packing boxes they moved house with.
ZARA: Way to kill my buzz, Mum.
Toadie calls over to Nell, who's with Hugo on the sofa.
TOADIE: Hey, Miss, can you help me set the table, please?
NELL: Way to kill my buzz, Dad.
TOADIE (peeved): ... Without the commentary, thank you.
'Wow', Mackenzie mouths to herself silently!
The Penthouse
Paul and Harlow come in, back from his check-up. Terese asks how it went; Paul asks if they can talk about it later as he wants to have a lie down. Paul goes to the bedroom, and Harlow reports to Terese that Paul hasn't said anything to her about what happened at his check-up. Terese looks worried.
Terese follows Paul into the bedroom and he immediately begins playing up his fatigue, claiming he's exhausted after the trip out.
TERESE: What did Karl say?
PAUL: Nothing useful.
TERESE: That's not an answer!
PAUL: Ah, he just renewed my painkillers and sent me on my way.
Paul groans, apparently in pain. She goes to fuss with his cushions for him, but Paul plays the reverse psychology card, saying she doesn't have to do any of this for him.
TERESE: I said I'd look after you while you recover. So I'm staying here as long as you need me to.
PAUL (laying it on thick): Thanks.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Leo is avoiding spending time with Abigail after the accident; but Aaron objects that she's his daughter
- A guilt- ridden Leo tells Glen he could've killed Abigail
- Paul tells Karl his health is getting worse, but Karl assures him everything's in order
- Terese admits to Susan that she's worried about Paul. Susan asks if Terese still loves him
- Listening in on this chat, Paul smirks to himself
<<8773 - 8775>>
Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8774
Levi Canning

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8774
Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Hugo Rebecchi, Zara Selwyn, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8774
Hugo Rebecchi, Zara Selwyn, Nell Rebecchi

Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8774
Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood

Zara Selwyn, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8774
Zara Selwyn, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Amy Greenwood, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8774
Amy Greenwood, Andrew Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell, Zara Selwyn, Aubrey Laing in Neighbours Episode 8774
Sadie Rodwell, Zara Selwyn, Aubrey Laing

Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Roxy Willis

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8774
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson

Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8774
Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn

Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8774
Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell

Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Hendrix Greyson

Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8774
Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn

Zara Selwyn, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Zara Selwyn, Hendrix Greyson

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8774
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8774
Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak

Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8774
Hendrix Greyson, Zara Selwyn

Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8774
Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn

Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8774
Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8774
Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood

Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8774
Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8774
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

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