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Neighbours Episode 8673 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8672 - 8674>>
Episode title: 8673
Australian airdate: 27/07/21
UK airdate: 24/08/21
Writer: Wendy Hanna
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Melanie Pearson: Lucinda Cowden
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Melanie offers to go part- time so she and Toadie don't spend so much time working together
- Hendrix thinks Chloe is mistaken for getting engaged to Nicolette very quickly
- Chloe admits to Nicolette she doesn't know what happened between her and Leo the night before
- Jane realises that Nicolette has disappeared
- Leo tells David that they made a bad choice about Nicolette as their surrogate
- David punching Leo
- Chloe doesn't want Leo to make a move on her
- David tries to get information about Nicolette from Stevie
- Stevie thinks it's getting close to harassment as Aaron gently pulls David away
- Chloe loves Nicolette so doesn't feel she can be friends with Leo at the moment
Chloe works on the laptop, Chloe looks at her phone. (We see these events happening at the same time.) Chloe sits on the sofa thinking, Chloe slowly paces. Chloe leaves Nicolette a voicemail asking her to get in touch.
CHLOE: I miss you. I need to see you.
Chloe looks at Nicolette's missing page on a Missing Persons Board. Chloe paces then looks at Nicolette's page again.
Sheila knocks, Chloe invites her and Kyle in. They want to know how Chloe is doing, she hasn't heard from Nicolette. Chloe tells them that Jane and Clive have gone to Queensland, Nicolette had contacted Toby. Sheila is pleased there is some connection. Chloe isn't sure if it will work.
KYLE: She will turn up eventually.
CHLOE: All the waiting is driving me crazy.
Chloe doesn't feel able to do anything. Kyle thinks the poster will help. Sheila offers any help they can give or a listening ear. Chloe thanks her.
SHEILA: I think your Mum would have liked me to help and I'm sure she's here in spirit.
David is sitting on a bed staring into space, Aaron brings him a drink. Aaron wants to know what happened before. David wanted to know if Nicolette had contacted Stevie.
DAVID: I really think she knows something... It was more what she didn't say.
Aaron understands where David is coming from. He gently points out that David's colleagues aren't allowed to break the confidentiality rule. David feels he has no other choice. Aaron thinks they should ask Karl to speak to Stevie instead. Aaron hopes Stevie won't put a formal complaint in. David would rather they left Karl out of it. Aaron is just trying to suggest options. David just thinks his temper got the better of him and just wants to leave the hospital. Aaron tries to call after David but he has already gone.
Harold's Café
Hendrix and Mackenzie are having lunch with Toadie and Melanie. It seems to have gone despite Toadie and Melanie gate-crashing! Toadie and Melanie suggest splitting the bill, Melanie reads out who had what.
HENDRIX: Are you taking lessons from Karl?
Mackenzie explains that Melanie is good at focusing on details. Melanie admits that she's counting pennies as she's working part-time. Toadie thinks she will find work soon, Melanie hopefully agrees on the 4th attempt! Melanie starts to read Toadie's order, Toadie offers to pay, Melanie accepts. Melanie offers to foot the bill next time when she is back to full-time. Melanie admits it's taken longer than she was expecting. She hasn't had any feedback which seems to be the way when she's not fitting the criteria. Mackenzie is surprised that Melanie doesn't fit the EA role they're looking for and offers to look over Melanie's CV. Melanie tries to brush it off but Mackenzie is happy to help. Melanie hands over her CV, Toadie is surprised it's only one page. Melanie says that she wanted to keep it as short as possible. Chloe has come in and is listening to their chat.
TOADIE: There is a thing as too short.
MACKENZIE: How can you show them what you can offer if you don't give them anything?
Chloe leaves as Melanie is still happy to keep it to one page.
Lassiter's Complex
Harlow is chasing up a delivery over the phone as Sheila waits impatiently next to her. Harlow confirms she has made the payment the week before. As Harlow walks off still on the phone Sheila tells Chloe that half the stock of booze has disappeared and Harlow is overseeing things. Harlow is telling the person on the phone that they've made the mistake.
CHLOE: (Quietly) I don't think she's got it.
Sheila isn't impressed as Harlow finishes the call, four groups have booked that night. Harlow suggests that they approach the Flamingo Bar to help them out. Chloe likes this idea and Harlow will get onto it. Sheila is keen for her to start asap!
No.32 Backyard
David is staring as Aaron and Karl comes outside. Karl tells him that Stevie won't be making any formal charges. Aaron is grateful and thanks Karl.
KARL: I think you should seriously consider taking leave. Just until things settle and you feel equipped professionally.
DAVID: You're saying I'm unprofessional.
Karl denies that that is what he meant. Aaron gently tells David that he doesn't need extra pressure added to his job which is stressful already, Karl agrees. Karl felt the same way when they were dealing with Olivia. He could manage to carry on despite all that was going on. David doesn't think their situations are the same. Karl agrees but tells David he can get what he's going through, feeling angry and frustrated. Taking leave gave time to pass for Karl. Clive really got behind this happening and Karl is thankful he did this.
AARON: Seeing you with Stevie before, David. That just wasn't you at all. We need to find a way to ease this pressure or I'm worried you'll do something you'll regret.
Harold's Café
Susan arrives and Toadie tells her about Mackenzie helping Melanie. Susan is surprised as Melanie has quite a few years of experience and wonders if Melanie's age is going against her. Toadie disagrees as Melanie has a lot of skill to offer but her CV isn't great. Susan is sure that this will help.
Mackenzie recalls that Melanie was the EA at Justin Buke's. Melanie tries to downplay it. Mackenzie encourages her to list it as the firm is definitely well respected. She tells Melanie that it's important to list these firms. Hendrix doesn't think that anyone checks if the details are correct. Mackenzie plans to tidy up the CV and will have it ready for Melanie's interview. Melanie thinks Mackenzie is being too kind but Mackenzie is happy to do it. Toadie thanks Mackenzie. Melanie smiles but looks unsure.
Lassiter's Office
Harlow is giving Terese an update for work. The delivery will be here in the morning and due to the mistake there will be a discount. Terese is pleased with all of this. Harlow is enjoying the challenge but wasn't impressed when Sheila was hassling her!
TERESE: If you stay here long enough you'll appreciate people like Sheila. If she complains it's usually for a very very good reason.
Harlow heads off as Chloe arrives to see Terese. Chloe has come to tell her that she's no longer working at the Winery, Terese understands why Chloe has done that. Chloe was hoping to return to her old job, the next day if possible. It is driving Chloe up the wall waiting to hear anything about Nicolette. Terese would be happy for Chloe to return but suggests she's moving too quickly. Terese suggests she should hear from Nicolette first but the distraction would help Chloe. Terese doesn't want to rush her so suggests that Chloe returns the next week, Chloe agrees.
No.32 Backyard
David is anxious, Jane hasn't been in touch even though she was meant to have arrived in Queensland. Aaron asks for help folding the laundry. Aaron wants David to take Karl's advice.
DAVID: It's not fair. I shouldn't get pushed out of my job.
AARON: Karl asked you to take leave from your job as you're a loose cannon right now.
DAVID: I think I'm as good as can be expected after -
AARON: No no you're not, you're not. You're beyond exhausted. You are not even thinking clearly anymore. You want to be out there finding Nic.
DAVID: Do you not understand anything?
Aaron tells David he is also stressed and scared. David points out he's folding the laundry calmly. Aaron is trying to handle this calmly and rationally. Aaron wants Nicolette and their baby back, David isn't so sure. Aaron thinks that David is making things worse instead of better. He thinks David will be too worn out to try and rescue their relationship with Nicolette when they do find her. Aaron tells David that he's listening for the phones so David should go and rest, David insists he's fine. Aaron tells him he needs to rest and refuses to budge.
Karl arrives home and Susan wants to know if he caught up with David. Karl tells Susan he attempted to do just that but he doubts if he succeeded in making any difference. Susan can't get around David being capable of hassling a colleague. Karl agrees it's not like David.
KARL: He's unravelling. Unless he admits it I'm at a loss how I can help him.
Susan points out that Karl can't force the issue and hopes that David will ask for help when he's ready.
Hendrix and Mackenzie arrive home. Hendrix tells Mackenzie she has a lot for Melanie. Mackenzie hopes that it will help Melanie get the job. Karl is surprised that Melanie needs help as she has done a great job in the past. They agree but even Hendrix can see that the CV doesn't really help to show this before Mackenzie helped her. Mackenzie is astounded that Melanie was reluctant to include that she worked for Justin Buke which should help her to get a job. Susan suggests that Melanie only worked for him for a short time. Melanie was Justin's PA for more than a year a couple of years ago. Mackenzie would announce if she worked for Justin even if it was a short contract!
Ramsay Street
Melanie is heading off, Toadie runs after her with her updated CV.
TOADIE: You are the most experienced, most confident, most provacious candidate that they are going to have.
Toadie is convinced she'll do a great job. Melanie is boosted to be reminded of this. Melanie is motivated by this. Toadie suggests getting a thank you gift for Mackenzie, Melanie is grateful for all her help. Melanie wants to get her a rose port generator. Toadie has never heard of it but thinks it's a good idea. Melanie wants to head off so she isn't late. Toadie heads inside. Melanie screws up her updated CV and puts it in the bin.
The Waterhole
Aaron arrives, notices Chloe and goes quietly to the bar. Chloe notices him, Aaron isn't ready to listen. Hendrix has said his piece today and just wants to tell him something. Aaron agrees to hear it.
CHLOE: Everything you said the other day was really hard to hear and it hurt. But you're right. I just want to apologise again to you and David for all the pain I've caused.
AARON: OK. (He comes over to her table.)
CHLOE: I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm starting to understand why I veered off course. So I've cut all ties with Leo.
AARON: That's really good but I don't have time for it, not today.
Aaron collects his takeaway and heads off as Chloe tries to put a brave face on. Terese has come in.
TERESE: It's never easy trying to put things right.
CHLOE: It's not like I've got anything else to do.
Terese wants to know if Chloe is ready to return. Chloe is definitely sure! It would help her to focus on something with everything else going on. Terese offers for Chloe to return on Monday which Chloe gratefully accepts. Chloe will be eased in with light admin duties.
Toadie likes a new lager he and Karl are trying. Susan is offered some but she's not keen on the idea! Hendrix gets a text from Chloe wanting to chat. Mackenzie realises that Hendrix isn't keen.
HENDRIX: I'm still pretty angry with her.
MACKENZIE: She probably knows how you feel. It might be good to hear what she has to say.
Toadie wants them to be quicker with the bar snacks. Hendrix jokes about remembering the cost of the snacks! Toadie hasn't heard from Melanie about the job interview. Susan thinks that Toadie will hear soon and Melanie will get this job. Susan is touched how supportive Toadie is being of Melanie. Toadie heads out of the room.
Karl recognised Justin Buke's name, he is married to Anna Buke. Anna is a consultant neurologist at Eden Hills Private Hospital. Susan recalls meeting her at a conference about MS that happened a few years ago. Karl knows that Justin and Anna are both high profile. Karl is surprised that Melanie didn't mention it on her resume. Hendrix points out that Melanie omitted a lot of her previous jobs. Mackenzie thinks it's ok now they've sorted out Melanie's CV.
Lassiter's Complex
Terese is updating Chloe about her meetings. They meet up with Sheila and Harlow. Sheila tells them that Harlow has sorted things out. Harlow tells them that it wasn't just her who can take the credit, Chloe knows she did a good job.
SHEILA: Cool as a cucumber and whip smart.
Terese is proud of Harlow who is touched by their compliments. Sheila wanders off. Terese lets Harlow know that Chloe is returning on Monday. Terese is impressed by Harlow's efforts but will ease up on Harlow as Chloe returns.
TERESE: You only started the EA job as Paul and I pushed you into it. It's never been a dream job.
Terese thinks that Harlow will be under less pressure with housekeeping as she still has her uni work. Chloe offers to do the handover. Chloe thanks Terese. Terese offers to take Harlow to dinner after her success. Harlow has been smiling but looks disappointed when Terese and Chloe head off.
Aaron is looking at a cousin romper suit and inhales the smell. David comes in and Aaron stops inhaling the smell. David calmly tells Aaron that he tried the tea that Mia gave Nicolette thinking it might help, it didn't. David has decided to take leave and admits Aaron was right that this is the best step forward. Aaron is relieved.
DAVID: I'm not dialling back looking for Nicolette. I have to hear from her. Once that happens we'll both feel better.
Aaron agrees. David plans to do this more rationally than he has previously been doing, he admits to being OTT.
AARON: You know that I am on your side right? And I have been feeling all the same things that you have since Nicolette left.
DAVID: I know.
AARON: All I want to do David is support you. But we need to be there for each other.
DAVID: I'm just really scared.
AARON: Yeah. (They hug.) So am I.
DAVID: I'm sorry.
Kyle has brought over a cross stitching kit to help keep Chloe occupied, Chloe is touched by this. Kyle knows this is a great thing to do from his Insta feed.
CHLOE: I look forward to all the productive stabbing.
Chloe tells him she's returning to her previous job at Lassiter's which pleases Kyle. There won't be much reason left to mope. Kyle offers support when she needs it, she thanks him.
Hendrix arrives and Kyle heads off. Hendrix was hesitant to come over but Mackenzie convinced him.
CHLOE: I owe you a huge apology. You've been right all along. You saw what a mess I was making with Leo and Nicolette long before I did. I wish I'd listened to you.
Chloe was hurt by Hendrix's criticism but Chloe realises she shouldn't have said those hurtful things. Hendrix admits to being quite hurt about it. Chloe didn't mean what she said though she was being defensive. Hendrix means a lot to her. Hendrix wants to know why she hasn't apologised before now. Chloe hasn't been in the right head space before now for this and the rest of it. Chloe is very apologetic. Chloe hopes they can move past what has happened when the time is right for Hendrix. Hendrix offers to have coffee at some point, Chloe agrees. Things seem to be better as Hendrix heads off.
Karl is on the phone and thanks the person for the information they have given him. He comes off the phone and Susan notes the late hour to be calling someone. Karl rung someone he knows at Eden Hills and wanted to ask them something about the Bukes. Karl tells Susan it wasn't purely for gossip.
KARL: I remember hearing something troubling about Dr. Buke and wanted to seek clarification.
Susan realises that this is connected to Melanie. Karl knows why Melanie is reluctant to put her employment with Justin's firm on her CV, it doesn't put Melanie in a good light. Susan doesn't think they should stick their noses into this. Karl agrees that might be the case but thinks it might be Toadie's business.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Levi and Ned agree they both are keen on Amy
- Levi tells Amy it's fine if she's happy with the idea
- Susan is in a quandary about this information she now knows
- Sheila wants to know which one of them should tell Toadie what's going on
- Aaron tells David that Jane doubts whether Nicolette will return
<<8672 - 8674>>
Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Chloe Brennan

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8673
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson

Harlow Robinson, Sheila Canning, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Harlow Robinson, Sheila Canning, Chloe Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8673
Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8673
Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8673
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8673
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson

Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8673
Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Chloe Brennan

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8673
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8673
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8673
Karl Kennedy, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8673
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8673
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8673
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8673
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson

Harlow Robinson, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Harlow Robinson, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan

Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8673
Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8673
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8673
Karl Kennedy

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