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Neighbours Episode 8652 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8651 - 8653>>
Episode title: 8652
Australian airdate: 28/06/21
UK airdate: 26/07/21
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Guy Strachan
Guests: Leo Tanaka: Tim Kano
Jesse Porter: Cameron Robbie
Shay Quill: Yasmin Kassim
Fifi Devenue: Carly Daniels
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Roxy coming up with an idea over how to win the film festival bid.
- Terese telling Harlow that Jesse likes her.
- Jesse and Harlow admitting they've never been in a fake relationship before.
- Amy taken with Ned.
- Amy after help from Jesse.
- Hendrix taking Nicolette to the winery after she admits to missing Chloe.
- Leo and Chloe getting on like a house on fire.
- Leo trying to sabotage Hendrix's plans.
- Hendrix coming up with Plan B - for Nicolette to have a picnic with Chloe.
- Nicolette out among the vines looking for the perfect picnic spot.
- Nicolette losing her bearings... and her footing causing her to fall.
Leo's winery (interior)
Leo has got hold of some 'trendy' aprons and after being given assistance by Chloe on how to do it up, wants to place an order so that it is their corporate look.
Leo's winery (exterior)
Out in the vineyard, a very worried Nicolette shouts for help.
The Waterhole
Paul seems very happy to see that Harlow is enjoying her date with Jesse when he, along with Terese and Roxy enter the pub. "It's like Brent never existed," Terese comments when they get to their table and even Roxy admits that she "doesn't get it" but Paul is all for encouraging their relationship.
The happy mood is curtailed though when Roxy hears they've not won the bid to host the film festival, they lost out to the Quill Group. Terese is confused given Julie is in jail but its Roxy who is even more confused, so Paul fills her in. She wonders if Quill won it fairly, and Paul quickly responds that word isn't in their vocabulary! He is confident that they "are up to something," even if he doesn't know yet what that is and asks Roxy to do some digging.
Leo's winery
Its Leo's turn to 'dress' Chloe in her apron and he is making a right hash of it when Hendrix appears. He explains to Chloe about the picnic basket and that Nicolette is finding the perfect romantic spot outside. Leo isn't too impressed at Chloe being 'dragged away' but she stands her ground and tells him that she'll be back within the hour.
The Flamingo Bar (exterior)
Aaron is delighted when Amy gives him a list of potential clients in the aftermath of the longest workout and hopes they can work together more in the future. He will contact the potential clients after pram shopping with David.
AMY: Make sure you get something with storage. Babies have a lot more accessories than I do!
Jesse looks like a relieved man after he finds out he isn't late for his shift; he is on tomorrow! He offers his apologies at them not getting the film festival contract but Amy's reply is a pragmatic, "you can't win them all" before he then heads off.
Meanwhile Ned gets more than he bargained for when he comes outside to serve Kyle - Amy bluntly tells him that she has set him up on a blind date with someone called Fifi at Harold's!
AMY: You can thank me later!
"I'm not going on a blind date!" a stunned Ned says to Kyle after Amy heads off. Even though Kyle thinks all Ned has to do "is turn up and turn it on!" he wonders why Ned isn't keen on the blind date. Ned admits that things with Amy have turned "flirty again" which earns him a mini lecture from Kyle over how messed up his love life is!
KYLE: You've a hot date with a chick tonight who isn't your boss and doesn't live with your ex! That sounds a lot less messy than whatever you've got going on with Amy over there.
Leo's winery (exterior)
Chloe returns to the main building worried that she can't find Nicolette and her calls are going straight to voicemail. Leo thinks Nicolette has simply "lost track of time" but offers (along with Hendrix) to help look for her.
The trio then begin searching the property and calling out 'Nicolette' and eventually its Hendrix that finds her. "Call an ambulance," she tells Hendrix just as Chloe and Leo also arrive.
NICOLETTE: Something's wrong with the baby.
Harold's café
Roxy is still trying to do the digging as Paul requested to find out why they didn't win the film contract. Amy encourages her to keep going as she too wants answers.
Ned trades places with Roxy and he seeks approval from Amy that his aftershave is okay ahead of his date - he is using a new one today apparently! She gives it the thumbs up and is then quizzed that given her own quiet love life why she's more interested in sorting his one out - "work" is the reply she gives him.
Thankfully for Amy, Fifi walks into Harold's... but then the awkwardness begins thankfully only melted when the pair start talking tattoos (Ned spots Fifi has one). Ned volunteers to get the coffees and after Fifi goes to a table, he admits to Amy that he is impressed with her... cue sad face from Amy.
Terese's office
Given they've lost out on the film festival, Paul, Terese and Harlow brainstorm to come up with something else for that night to entice folk away from it. Harlow's suggestion of using the Lassiters car park for a drive in movie is the suggestion they take forward into determining its viability. She heads off to do some research although that will be slightly delayed as she heads off with Jesse (he called by to see if she was finished) for drinks first and plans to tell him about what she is planning.
Aaron, Chloe and Jane sit patiently waiting for news on Nicolette. David comes along and says that Nicolette is getting tests done and admits, after Aaron asks, that he doesn't know how the baby is - they aren't letting him involved as he is the daddy. Aaron is hoping everything will be fine and Jane joins in with the reassurance.
CHLOE: They're going to make it... they have to.
The Waterhole
Hendrix admits that he is feeling guilty for his part in what happened at the winery. "This isn't your fault," Terese says to reassure the lad but Leo goes off on one and accuses Hendrix of jeopardising the baby since Nicolette was more interested in Chloe than the baby. Terese jumps right in to point out that Nicolette wasn't "base jumping" she simply "went for a stroll." Leo then wants to call Chloe for an update, which leads to a squabble with Hendrix until Paul tells the pair to "shut up" as he's had enough of their bickering!
The Flamingo Bar (exterior)
Harlow is getting stressed out trying to work on the drive in proposal while being worried about Nicolette at the same time. Jesse tries to get her to think about "happy things" to help de-stress her and Harlow admits that even though they aren't dating, she's happy to have him as a friend.
Their conversation is curtailed when Amy drags Jesse away, demanding to know what the dirt is on Fifi! He puts her mind at rest that she is "totally cool" and thus won't mess things up with Ned. "Nobody is totally cool!" she replies and is certain that there is "something wrong with her." "Perfect" is how Jesse describes Fifi and thinks that Ned has "lucked out" by dating her.
It is Chloe's turn to get it in the ear from Aaron why she wasn't with Nicolette. Jane defends her by pointing out to Aaron that Chloe had no idea about the surprise picnic.
David cheers then all up when he arrives with the good news that both Nicolette and the baby "are out of the woods" and that she can have visitors too. With the good news delivered, Aaron at least apologises to his sister.
Harold's café
Ned and Fifi seem to be getting on like a house on fire with each other. Someone is very jealous of that fact - Amy and when Fifi heads to the counter to order a croissant, she whispers something to her to sabotage the date!
In front of Aaron and Chloe, David tells Nicolette that she's being kept in overnight but should get home tomorrow with "parents orders" to take it easy. She thinks they are going to be mad at her "traipsing through a vineyard" but both reassure her that isn't the case and to help de-stressed her, they plan on doing a café run for some hot chocolate.
Chloe continues in the same vein, wanting to know what she's to do but is told, "I just need you." After weighing things up, Chloe declares that she's going to put Nicolette first by quitting her job at the winery!
Harold's café
Ned heads over to chat with Amy after he spots her on entering. She asks how the rest of his date went and the reply is "not great" because apparently Fifi left moments after Amy did! We now know what it was that Amy said to Fifi - that Ned has a thing for lizards and he asks if she mentioned anything when they were chatting at the counter. Amy plays dumb and said they only talked about croissants! He is still at a loss over why things didn't work out and she suggests that perhaps his "dating antenna needs a bit of a tune up" given its "been a while." Ned agrees it has been a while but thanks her anyway for setting things up even if it didn't work out.
Roxy and Ned trade places and we hear that she's had a result on her digging - the Quill Group proposal was exactly the same as the Lassiters one but came in 5% cheaper. "Its definitely not a coincidence," Roxy bemoans given that the Quill Group also copied The Flamingo Bar concept too.
The Waterhole
Chloe updates Hendrix, Leo, Paul and Terese on how Nicolette is doing... and that she is quitting her job too. "I need to be there for Nic," is Chloe's justification for doing this. Leo seems aghast at her doing this and tries to talk Chloe out of it. Terese suggests that Chloe gives it some more thought and sleeps on her decision overnight, especially when we hear too that Nicolette isn't keen on Chloe quitting.
When Leo was trying to persuade Chloe not to quit, Hendrix was giving Leo the evil eye and after the others depart, he has a go over Leo's "keenness for Chloe to stay" which "has nothing to do with the baby." Leo wants Hendrix to come out and say what he means, happy "to listen to my employees."
LEO: Yes, didn't think so.
Terese's office (next day)
Harlow (and Jesse) catch Terese and Paul just before they head off and she hands over her proposal for the drive in. "Quill's aren't going to know what hit them," Paul mumbles before he (and Terese) head off to a meeting.
Their departure is good timing as seconds after they leave, Brent calls and Harlow steps out of the office to chat to him. Jesse quietly closes the door to the office and heads over to the report Harlow gave Terese (she planned to look at it after the meeting) and using his phone takes photos of all the pages in it!!!
"Stop fussing," Nicolette is saying to Chloe when Aaron walks into the room. She also wants Chloe to go back to work and isn't too impressed to hear that Chloe has quit her job "because of me" especially given Nicolette knows how much she loves the job too.
Aaron gets Chloe out of the room on the pretence of going to find David (he's checking with the nurses) but really its so he can chat to his sister in private. He moans about how intense the winery job is and urges her to make Nicolette her priority. "She will be," Chloe quickly replies back and also promises not to let Nicolette get stressed either.
Quill Hotel Group
Ooh and it seems Jesse is a spy as he passes onto Shay (last seen in 2015!) the photographed report Harlow did! "Have you got anything else?" she asks and his reply is that he is "working on it" but she expected more given he's been "working there for months!" Jesse reassures her that he has been keeping his ears open, however she is demanding more like budgets and long term contracts.
SHAY: Things we can really hurt them with.
He pleads that Harlow doesn't have access to those sorts of things and asks "how" when her reply is to go behind Harlow's back.
JESSE: They already know we stole their film festival pitch. Its only a matter of time before they realise it was me.
SHAY: Jesse, I knew what to look for when I was Terese's PA, so don't tell me it can't be done!
JESSE: I'm not saying...
SHAY: Who are you going to tell? Julie?!
Jesse's facial expression on hearing Shay say that name look as if he's about to have an accident in his pants! After a moments pause, he replies "no" before then adding that he will "work it out."
Coming up on Neighbours
- Amy wanting to go after Ned.
- Amy telling Ned that she is into him.
- Ned and Amy about to pash.
- Sheila warning Levi to let it go... which he doesn't!
- Levi going after his attackers.
<<8651 - 8653>>
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8652
Nicolette Stone

Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8652
Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter

Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Roxy Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Roxy Willis, Terese Willis

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8652
Hendrix Greyson

Amy Greenwood, Kyle Canning, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Amy Greenwood, Kyle Canning, Aaron Brennan

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8652
Ned Willis, Kyle Canning

Leo Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Leo Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Hendrix Greyson, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8652
Hendrix Greyson, Nicolette Stone

Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8652
Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood

Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood, Fifi Devenue in Neighbours Episode 8652
Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood, Fifi Devenue

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8652
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8652
Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8652
David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8652
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Leo Tanaka

Jesse Porter, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8652
Jesse Porter, Harlow Robinson

Jesse Porter, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8652
Jesse Porter, Amy Greenwood

Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8652
Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Ned Willis, Fifi Devenue in Neighbours Episode 8652
Ned Willis, Fifi Devenue

Fifi Devenue, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Fifi Devenue, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8652
Roxy Willis

Hendrix Greyson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8652
Hendrix Greyson, Leo Tanaka

Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8652
Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter

Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8652
Jesse Porter

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8652
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Shay Daeng in Neighbours Episode 8652
Shay Daeng

Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8652
Jesse Porter

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