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Neighbours Episode 8486 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8485 - 8487>>
Episode title: 8486
Australian airdate: 03/11/20
UK airdate: 24/11/20
Writer: Jessica Paine
Director: Declan Eames
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Bea is grateful that Levi was around at the fake wedding
- Sheila gets upset about all that's happened to Levi
- Levi reassures Sheila that it's ok
- Kyle asks Sheila what the matter is
- Ned begs for the painting to be removed
- Yashvi worries about Ned coping with the memory of Scarlett, Bea has a way to help
- Ned gets a call from a Gallery offering to buy the painting, he offers to sell it
- Levi, Yashvi and Bea set fire to the painting
No.28 Backyard
The fire is down to ashes now. Bea is finding snacks. Yashvi tells him that this has helped bring closure on what has happened with Scarlett. Levi offers to get rid of the ashes, Yashvi isn't bothered. Ned arrives and happily tells them that the Regional Gallery have offered to buy the portrait. Levi and Yashvi don't look so happy so Ned wants to know what's going on. Yashvi apologises and indicates the ashes. Ned can't believe this!
NED: You burnt my painting!
YASHVI: You told me to get rid of it.
Levi backs her up as Ned just looks at her.
No.28 Backyard
Kyle and Roxy aren't so sure the others did the right thing. Sheila agrees it helped by burning Finn's book but maybe not in this case.
SHEILA: Sometimes nothing helps.
Sheila heads indoors, Kyle isn't sure what is troubling Sheila. Levi offers to ask Bea to chat to Sheila. Bea came up with the idea and convinced Yashvi. Kyle points out that Ned wasn't so convinced! Kyle thinks that they should have checked with Ned first. Levi thinks that Yashvi should do what she needs to get past this after all she's been through.
The Hive
Ned looks at his paintings and tries to paint. He isn't able to and puts his brush down.
No.28 Backyard
It's now the next day and Yashvi reports that Ned has turned his phone off. Bea admits they shouldn't have done this so quickly. Yashvi thinks it was just what she needed.
YASHVI: For two whole minutes I felt like my life was purged of Scarlett.
They realise they're still chatting about Scarlett. Yashvi wishes they could cut her out of their lives and Ned agreed with her. She wishes Bea wasn't being so reasonable. Bea reminds her that Bea came out with this plan. Yashvi knows it helps but also Ned has to pay the price.
No.26 Backyard
Kyle is wondering if Scarlett could be released again as it's happened before. Levi assures him that isn't the case as Scarlett has confessed. Levi gets the reminder to take his medication. Kyle realises that Levi didn't get the chance to move on after he got attacked which isn't right. Levi jokes it's not fair that Levi himself is so good looking. They banter about being Sheila's favourite.
LEVI: I can't build a time machine. I can't fix the past.
Levi needs to head off and Kyle looks worriedly after him.
Ned is apologising on the phone that they can't rescue the painting and thanks them for their interest. He tells Yashvi that they were bewildered about what's happened. Yashvi suggests he keeps talking to them but Ned's heart isn't in it. Yashvi apologises again but Ned brushes it off. Yashvi thought he didn't want anything more to do with the painting. Ned would have preferred for her to check first. Yashvi points out that he wants the painting as a boost after Scarlett used the same painting to torment him.
NED: I wanted something good to come out of everything she put me through.
YASHVI: I'm glad I burnt it.
They start arguing about this, both believing they're in the right.
Sheila is going through her collection of baby teeth, trying to work out if they belong to Kyle or Levi. Kyle is concerned there is more to this. Sheila starts reminiscing over photos. Kyle tells her that Levi is affected by what happened. Kyle thinks Sheila is affected, she points out she wasn't attacked. Kyle thinks that she was responsible for it happening. Sheila doesn't think it's right to make a great drama out of it. After finding out about Levi's epilepsy, Sheila feels she can't put things right. She just makes things worse.
KYLE: Levi's forgiven you.
SHEILA: But I can't forgive myself.
Lassiter's Lake
Levi and Bea are bantering over training as Roxy walks past. Roxy doesn't want to get involved when they try to drag her in. Bea escapes with Roxy to get a coffee. Levi explains that Bea lost a bet, Bea claims she won the bet! Roxy comments on their banter, Bea insists they are friends. Bea points out that Levi proved he wasn't interested in her. Roxy thinks that Levi is happy after being not happy last night. Roxy suggests they double date, Bea isn't so keen. Bea promises that she'll let Roxy know when she finds someone she wants to go out with.
The Waterhole
Sheila is fed up of finding spiders rubber everywhere and threatens to cancel Halloween the following year. Sheila comes over to Kyle's table and he hurriedly closes his laptop. He claims it's private, Sheila hopes that it's not a dating site! Roxy would want to help with photos. Kyle wonders why she'd think he'd repeat his last mistake.
SHEILA: Do you really want me to be that honest?!
Roxy and Sheila are still hovering so Kyle heads off.
Lassiter's Lake
Bea has returned with their coffees. Bea saw Ned who has promised to talk to Yashvi, she hopes they can work through this. Levi is thoughtful and admits that Kyle said something that made him think. Bea suggests they go and see a movie as she's free this afternoon. Levi isn't so keen on sitting still for so long. Bea suggests a dance workout but Levi still isn't keen. Bea suggests a new Café and is going to try it, Levi doesn't get the hint and heads off!
Lassiter's Complex (Outside The Waterhole)
Kyle is looking at the business page for Bayside Woodshop. He goes to click on the Staff page when Roxy comes over. She suggests he tries watching something fun at home as the Wi-Fi isn't very fast here! Kyle admits his intention is to find the guys who were responsible for Levi's attack. Roxy hadn't guessed that was what he was doing. Kyle has found someone called Packo who is now a carpenter in Frankston. He isn't so keen to bring it up with Sheila given what happened. Roxy wants to know what he plans to do. He explains that Levi and Sheila are still dealing with this. The guys are able to carry on with their normal lives.
ROXY: It's a bit late for charges.
Kyle wants them to take responsibility for their actions.
No.22 Backyard
Ned is glad Yashvi is returned.
YASHVI: Me sucker for punishment.
Yashvi wonders why he's got art materials here. Ned explains he's taken it out of The Hive and go and see his Mum for a few days. Yashvi wonders if he plans to include her. He realises it wasn't right to call her selfish. He shouldn't put his career ahead of all that's happened. She realises he also has been through as much. He wanted something good to come out of this. She reminds him about winning the Osbourne. If Scarlett hadn't slashed his work he doubts whether that would have happened.
NED: I've realised that I can't turn anything that Scarlett did into a positive.
That won't help him through this. He admits burning the painting was what was needed and wishes they'd both done it. Yashvi offers to think up another idea together. Ned can't manage to paint, let alone hold a brush to do so. Yashvi suggests that visiting Beth might help him paint, he's not sure. He wonders if he'll ever manage to paint again.
NED: What if she's taken that from me too?
Harold's Café
Levi is getting a takeaway drink as Bea arrives. He questions her lunch plans. She admits it didn't go to plan. The booking needs to be for two or more people which baffles Levi.
Bea joins David as she had planned. David wants to know if Levi is joining them, Bea denies they are together. David claims he wasn't thinking along those lines, Bea apologises for being defensive. Roxy thinks Levi likes her.
BEA: I sometimes feel like there's something between us.
She realises she hasn't always been right about a spark in the past. She doesn't want to keep being rejected. David realises Bea is into Levi but Bea denies this, David can tell after Bea watched Levi leave. David wants to know what Bea hopes for. Bea wants this to be uncomplicated and drama free. David gently suggests Levi might not be the one for her, Bea tentatively agrees. Bea would rather that Levi initiates things instead of her.
No.22 Backyard
Yashvi asks that he video calls her every day he's away and Ned agrees. She also tentatively suggests that he takes his brushes in case he needs them. Ned gets a message from the Gallery. They want to display another piece after being impressed with his work. Ned realises that this is down to Yashvi. Yashvi admits to sending links of his work to the Gallery after what she's done. Ned isn't sure if he can produce anything that's any good. Yashvi encourages him to create some great art after all that's happened. Ned worries that they'll want a portrait of Scarlett as that was their original intention.
NED: That portrait was me putting everything that Scarlett did on a canvas.
He can't return to the anger and hurt he put on that portrait. Yashvi tells him he can still channel his passion and pain through any art that he produces. She believes in him.
The Waterhole
Kyle returns and Sheila apologises for the way she behaved. Kyle kindly agrees about her behaviour and Sheila offers a bowl of chips as a peace offering. Kyle tries to shrug it off but Sheila insists. Roxy comes over as Sheila goes to get the chips. Roxy has doubts about the Packo plan. Kyle thinks it's a great idea but Roxy thinks it could lead to more problems. Kyle is willing to put his neck on the line. Roxy isn't so sure after what happened with Ned and Scarlett. Kyle thinks things will be different and Scarlett was a cold hearted psycho. Roxy agrees but thinks it might not work out. Kyle wants to try and work this out as things have never been sorted out.
ROXY: Dumping fresh guilt on this Packo guy. How does that help Sheila and Levi exactly?
KYLE: It can't make things any worse than they already are.
Roxy worries they won't be happy that Kyle hasn't checked with them first. Kyle isn't so sure now.
The Hive
Ned is about to paint and has realised that he's got more to give to the art world.
YASHVI: Paint and trauma, who needs it?
Ned insinuates that Yashvi is the one who inspires him, no-one else. Ned asks if Yashvi would sit for him as he needs a new portrait. He would rather do this one as everything was fake before now. Yashvi gets ready to pose. He will make a start today and work on it at Beth's. Yashvi offers for him to take a photo but he tells her that isn't necessary.
Lassiter's Complex (Outside The Waterhole)
Kyle admits to Levi that he and Roxy have been hiding the spiders, Sheila knew it was him! Levi gets a call from work. The Sergeant is asking about his medical forms. After he rings off he tries to shrug it off. He explains he wanted to do some Special Weapons Training and hasn't been allowed to do it. Levi can guess the reason why. Sheila tries to tell him there were lots of other people applying. Kyle tells them he needs to call someone. Sheila reassures Levi another opportunity will come up. Levi is baffled as Clive gave him the go ahead.
Kyle is ringing the Bayside Woodshop. He asks to speak especially to Packo, no-one else can help. He tells the person he hears that Packo is highly recommended! Kyle agrees to have the consultation this afternoon.
Coming Up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie tells Harlow that Richie has mooted the idea of having sex
- Mackenzie and Richie arrive at No.26 seeing if anyone else is there
- Roxy asks Kyle what happened with Packo
- Nicolette tells Jane she's found out a fact about someone and thinks it will come back to bite her
- Audrey wants to know why Nicolette is so tense about the matter
<<8485 - 8487>>
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8486
Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Levi Canning

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Levi Canning, Roxy Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8486
Levi Canning, Roxy Willis, Bea Nilsson

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis

Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8486
David Tanaka, Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8486
David Tanaka

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8486
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8486
Kyle Canning

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