- Audrey points out to Nicolette that the lottery ticket belonged to Marco. Nicolette replies that Marco had died.
- Audrey says she wants to give the money back. Nicolette suggests giving the money back to Marco's family, but anonymously.
- Sheila admits to Clive that she edited Levi's medical report. Clive says their relationship is over.
- Harlow asks Jane for special consideration but Jane replies that it's too late.
- On the phone, Hendrix tells Harlow that she's going to ace her exam, while breaking into Susan's office at the school.
Number 22
It's late at night and Terese comes downstairs to find Harlow still studying.
TERESE: Harlow...
Harlow ignores her.
TERESE: Harlow.
HARLOW: One sec...yeah?
TERESE: You need to go to bed.
HARLOW: I can't.
TERESE: You can...And you will because I'm telling you to.
HARLOW: One more hour?
TERESE: No, now! Trust me, you'll be much more prepared if you have a good night's sleep.
Harlow's phone pings. Terese grabs the phone.
TERESE: And if you turn your phone off.
HARLOW: But Hendrix texted, it might be important.
TERESE: Yeah, well if it's that important he can call me. You need to sleep and screens are bad for that.
Terese carries on trying to convince Harlow that she'll be able to focus more in the morning and Harlow eventually agrees, asking her not to move her revision notes from the table as they're all ordered. Terese agrees and Harlow goes to bed. Harlow's phone rings; it's Hendrix and Terese switches the phone off.
Number 28
Hendrix enters through the back door, leaving a voicemail message for Harlow asking her to call him back. Jane arrives home at the same time. He awkwardly asks her how dinner was.
JANE: (surprised) It was wonderful, but more importantly, what are you doing back here?
Hendrix thinks up an excuse on the spot.
HENDRIX: I, um, think I left my phone here when I was watching Love Capsule earlier. I get so caught up in this you know. Kay found out that Shaun was cheating on her, it was so intense...
He goes to look for his phone in the couch, while holding it in his hand...
JANE: Hendrix...your phone is in your hand.
He looks at his phone and acts surprised.
HENDRIX: So it is...! Maybe reality TV does make people stupid.
Jane laughs awkwardly.
JANE: Well, good night then.
HENDRIX: Yes, good night.
Hendrix leaves and as he stands on the Kennedy's porch, he looks at the pair of keys to the school office, frustrated that he couldn't put them back.
Number 32
Nicolette arrives home to find Audrey sitting and chatting with Aaron. He says that he's been keeping Audrey company until Nicolette got home but Nic is clearly not pleased to see her. Audrey wishes her a happy birthday and hands her a cupcake with a candle in it.
AUDREY: Aaron said you were out with Jane. It's really great you guys made up. An emotional wonderful for the soul. Actually, I was listening to this podcast the other day about Hawaiians and they think we all carry these bags of unresolved negativity that need to be thrown into a volcano before they make us sick.
NICOLETTE: Gee, I'd love to talk about Hawaiian emotional luggage but it's late and I've got an early shift tomorrow.
AUDREY: Yeah, me too, we can catch up then. See ya Aaron.
As Nic accompanies Audrey out, Audrey tells her they do have some things to talk about, and Nic reluctantly agrees.
The Waterhole
The bar is closing for the night.
KYLE: I didn't think it at the time, but Roxy giving me that nipple cripple has really lifted the curse...And I'll be off these bad boys soon. I've got the doctors appointment tomorrow. I might bump into Clive, I wonder how he's doing...ah sorry gran, I shouldn't be mentioning the ex. My bad.
SHEILA: Say what you like, doesn't bother me.
KYLE: Are you sure? You seem a little...
SHEILA: What...
KYLE: Less than stellar.
SHEILA: It's just been a long day that's all.
KYLE: Wanna go past the hotel lobby? Poke some more fun at Paul's portrait? Come on, you love making fun of him!
SHEILA: Yeah, but not tonight love.
Kyle looks concerned about his gran.
Erinsborough Hospital
The next morning...
AUDREY: Oh, there you are. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were avoiding me.
NICOLETTE: (awkward) Is that the time? Bed pans in Ward C are calling.
AUDREY: Did you buy a new watch?
AUDREY: Oh, just I've never seen you wear it before.
Nicolette says Aaron and David bought the watch as a present for her. Audrey is surprised, saying it looks expensive. She then asks Nic how she's going with the savings plan, and Nic replies that it's going well and she'll pay the money back as soon as she can afford to. Audrey is pleased.
DAVID: Hey guys...fancy seeing you two here.
David apologises to Audrey for crashing early last night, but Audrey says that Aaron looked after her. He suggests doing something later.
AUDREY: Yes please, by the way I love Nicolette's new watch.
DAVID: Fancy...who's that from?
AUDREY: Jokester, she already told me it was a present.
DAVID: From who?
AUDREY: But didn't you say...
NICOLETTE: It was a birthday present to...myself.
Audrey realises Nic lied as David leaves. Nic then makes a joke about bedpans and also leaves.
Harold's Café
RICHIE: Wow, these questions are hard. No wonder Harlow thought she was gonna fail.
MACKENZIE: Thanks for the pep talk.
Hendrix looks at his phone and sighs.
MACKENZIE: Stop doing that.
HENDRIX: I haven't heard from Harlow yet. Have you?
MACKENZIE: Not in the two minutes since you last asked.
Terese approaches and wishes them the best of luck for today. Hendrix asks her if Harlow's sleeping in, and she replies that she's doing some mindfulness exercises at the moment. Terese mentions she told her to keep her phone off until after the exam. She wishes the guys luck again as she leaves.
HENDRIX: would Harlow feel if someone sent her pictures of today's exam in advance?
RICHIE: I reckon she'd love it.
MACKENZIE: No, no, she wouldn't.
RICHIE: Right, course not.
HENDRIX: Even if he or she did it out of a place of...concern?
MACKENZIE: Harlow would never cheat, no matter how scared she might be of failing.
Mackenzie asks Hendrix why he would send her photos of the exam.
RICHIE: Hold on, I thought this was hypothetical?
MACKENZIE: Catch up Richie.
RICHIE: Seriously?
Richie asks how Hendrix got copies of the exam and he admits he got them from Susan's office. He tells Hendrix he'd be screwed if someone caught him. Luckily, it appears Harlow's not seen the photos yet. Mackenzie tells him not to tell Harlow about it right before her biggest exam, so he plans to get her phone and delete the photos himself, before she gets the chance to see them.
Number 30
Kyle drops by Toadie's house.
TOADIE: The community centre said they'd host the clothing drive.
KYLE: Well, buddy club will be there.
TOADIE: Are you able to do any heavy lifting?
KYLE: I'll know more after I see the doc today.
Toadie suggests getting Levi involved as he's a 'strapping young man' but Kyle suggests his gran.
TOADIE: Not exactly a like for like replacement there mate.
KYLE: No, it'd be good to keep her busy though.
Kyle says that Sheila's been down since breaking up with Clive and he doesn't know how to cheer her up. Toadie asks what Sheila would do if it was the other way around. Kyle says she'd probably make him a fake online dating account. Toadie implies they could do exactly that but Kyle's shocked by the idea.
TOADIE: How would you feel though if she did the same thing to you?
KYLE: She did do the same thing to me, and I was annoyed.
TOADIE: Right, well there you go. If she thinks it's good enough to do for somebody else then she can't complain if somebody does it for her.
KYLE: Excellent point, Toadfish!
TOADIE: I rest my case, Kyle Canning.
Erinsborough Hospital
Aaron arrives at the hospital with lunch for Nic and David. He's also brought the cupcake Audrey gave Nic for her birthday.
NIC: I can't seem to shake her today (laughs)
Aaron tells David he got his text about Audrey coming over tonight but he thought they were going to talk about egg donors. Nic asks if they're still planning to do it long distance and they say they are, which isn't ideal but they knew that when they signed up.
DAVID: Anyway, maybe we can ask Audrey if she can come round tomorrow night instead?
NICOLETTE: About that. It was really lovely of you to invite her over but can you check with me next time?
DAVID: I thought you two were friends.
Nic says the friendship is more on Audrey's side, she sees her more as an acquaintance. They seem surprised, saying Audrey's so nice. Nic points out that Audrey's quite clingy, but David tries to remind her how she felt when she first arrived, not knowing anyone.
NIC: Yes, it was all very hard. But still, I'd like to set some boundaries.
DAVID: Ok, sure, if that's what you want.
Nic looks awkward.
Number 30
Kyle notices the time and says he's got to get to the hospital. Before he leaves, he and Toadie bicker over which profile picture and tagline to use. Kyle instructs Toadie what to type:
KYLE: I love people, I love a laugh. Most of all, I love my family. They'd do anything for me and I'd do anything for them. The world's a crazy place right now, but that doesn't mean we can't have a laugh. P.S. only gingers apply.
TOADIE: Aha, yes, I love it! Gold. Annddd...posting!
KYLE: Did we just make a huge mistake?
TOADIE: I don't know, I guess we're gonna find out soon.
Kyle looks concerned.
Erinsborough High
Jane is outside Susan's office on the phone to Bea, asking if she's seen her keys anywhere at home. It appears she hasn't, and Marty walks past as Jane hangs up. She asks him if he can open the office for her so she can get the exam papers.
MARTY: Don't you have your keys?
JANE: I've left them at home.
MARTY: (awkward) Not exactly a good look on exam day is it?
JANE: No, I suppose not.
MARTY: You know, we really need to keep this room like Fort Knox. I mean every single exam paper's in there so...
JANE: Yes, I am aware of protocol, thank you Marty, what I'm hoping for now is an open door, not a lecture...
He apologises and opens the door before she thanks him and enters the office.
Erinsborough Hospital
Audrey tells Kyle that his arm seems to be healing nicely.
AUDREY: Just keep avoiding doing anything too strenuous.
KYLE: Lifting clothes should be fine, right?
AUDREY: What are we talking, like a pair of undies or twenty sets of snow gear?
KYLE: Nah, I'm helping out at the clothes drive.
This appears to pique her interest. She says it should be ok as long as there's no heavy lifting. Kyle notices Nic walking past.
KYLE: Nicolette! You got a sec?
He hobbles over to her.
KYLE: What do you reckon about this bloke for my gran?
NIC: He looks exactly like Clive.
KYLE: Bingo!
Kyle heads off and Audrey asks Nic for a quick chat.
AUDREY: So, Kyle was just telling me about his charity work.
Nicolette nods awkwardly.
AUDREY: Charity...such a wonderful thing, as opposed to keeping money that's not yours.
NIC: Why do you keep bringing that up?
AUDREY: Because I get the feeling that you don't want to give it back.
NIC: I will...eventually.
AUDREY: After you buy expensive watches.
NIC: I have to tell the time somehow.
Audrey looks unimpressed and tries to come up with ideas to help Nic pay the money back. Nic snaps and tells her she's not giving the money back.
AUDREY: (laughs) No, Nicolette, you said we were gonna give the money back.
NIC: I lied. And there's nothing you can do about it without costing us both our nursing registrations so let's just never talk about money ever again.
Nic leaves.
Erinsborough High
The teens are about to start the exam.
RICHIE: Remember, if you fail miserably, I'll still be here for you.
MACKENZIE: Thanks, I'm touched and depressed at the same time (laughs).
Hendrix arrives, asking if Richie and Mackenzie have seen Harlow. Mackenzie encourages him not to say anything about the photos but she arrives mid-conversation.
HENDRIX: Hey, where have you been?
HARLOW: Meditating.
HENDRIX: Seriously?
HARLOW: Yeah, I feel a lot better actually. Not as many butterflies anyway.
HENDRIX: You got a minute?
HARLOW: I'm about to go into the exam.
HENDRIX: Ok, well um, do you want me to hold on to anything? Your bag, your phone even?
HARLOW: No, I'm good.
HENDRIX: You sure? I don't mind.
HARLOW: Yeah, weirdo, I'm fine, thank you (laughs).
HENDRIX: Ok, well, um, good luck.
She thanks him and leaves. Hendrix tells Richie that he needs to sneak the keys back into the Kennedy house while Harlow's stuck in her exam before getting back as soon as it finishes. Richie asks Hendrix if he 'hypothetically speaking' has any other exams, but Hendrix doesn't unfortunately. As he leaves, Jane and Marty walk by. She asks Marty to make sure all the students turn up for their exam and to notify their parents if there are any absences. He asks if everything's ok.
JANE: I'm just going to pop home and get those keys, I'm going to need them to lock tomorrow's exams in the office when they arrive. Won't be long.
Number 28
Jane searches high and low for the keys before noticing them sitting in plain sight on the kitchen worktop. She grabs them, looking a little frustrated.
The Waterhole
KYLE: Check out this red-headed fox!
TOADIE: Ah yeah, I'd go for him...if I was into Clive.
Sheila approaches and they look startled.
SHEILA: How was the hospital?
KYLE: Good, great.
SHEILA: Did you get your head checked out while you were there?
KYLE: Why?
SHEILA: Because that lecherous old goat Stu who works behind the bar just asked me out. Said I was seeking gingers online.
KYLE: Really?
SHEILA: I thought it was odd, so I checked it out. And I thought 'hm, who would be stupid enough to sign me up to a dating website?' And I'll tell you this, the list of suspects was very small.
TOADIE: It was Kyle's idea.
KYLE: Dobber!
Kyle admits that he thinks she's been a bit down lately and decided it might cheer her up if he set her up with a Clive lookalike. She wonders what on Earth could have possessed him to do that and he says she did, as she did the same thing to him in the past.
SHEILA (sighs) I didn't need you to return the favour.
KYLE: Yeah, but you do need to get out of this post-Clive funk.
SHEILA: I am not in a post-Clive funk!
KYLE: Gran, you've been a bit sour offence.
SHEILA: ...It's not about Clive.
KYLE: What's it about then?
SHEILA:...Just take it down.
Sheila walks away looking irritated. Hendrix enters the bar, talking to Richie on the phone. He tells him he put the keys back without a hitch, looking pretty proud of himself.
Number 28
Jane is on the phone to an unimpressed Nicolette who can't understand why her mother's called to talk to her about the missing keys she's just found. Jane says she was sure they weren't there when she looked before but they suddenly appeared. Nic says maybe Bea moved them but Jane says she spoke to her and Bea said she didn't. Jane does mention that Hendrix was there when she got home and Nic suggests it must have been him, seeming disinterested. Nic gets a text and cuts the conversation short.
Harold's Café
Nic arrives to see Audrey at the Café, telling her she got her text. They argue about the stolen money; Nic says they took a lottery ticket from someone who'd just died and it was just lucky, while Audrey believes it was really wrong. As Nic suggests they agree to disagree, Toadie appears.
TOADIE: Audrey?
AUDREY: Toadie?
TOADIE: you are the woman that wants to save my life.
AUDREY: Well, I am a nurse so I'm quite well-versed in the area.
They both laugh. Nic asks what's going on and Audrey replies that she sent Toadie an email earlier after talking to Kyle; she's signed her and Nic up to help out with the clothes drive for the Sonya Rebecchi Foundation.
AUDREY: We will help out in any way we know, Nic was just saying today how she'd like to give back. Weren't you?
NICOLETTE: (hesitant)...Yes.
Nic forces a smile.
Erinsborough High
Harlow and Mackenzie leave the exam feeling relieved, saying it wasn't as bad as they thought it was going to be. As she takes her things out of her locker, Hendrix offers to hold on to them if she needs to go to the toilet but she says she's fine. He keeps pushing the issue and she snaps at him.
HARLOW: What is wrong with you?
HENDRIX: Um, look, I can explain, I sent you a text message last night.
HARLOW: Yeah, I know, I'm gonna open it now.
HENDRIX: No, you don't have to. Look, let me take it.
He tries to take the phone and in their struggle it falls on the floor, sliding straight into Jane's foot. She picks it up and looks at the screen, noticing photos of the exam on Harlow's phone.
JANE: ...Why are there photos of the exam on your phone?
Harlow and Hendrix look shocked.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Terese asks Paul and Pierce what they're arguing about.
- Dipi tells Pierce she knew Paul wouldn't leave things alone.
- Kyle says the attack on Levi as a child still bothers him.
- Kyle says he's trying to track down the guys who attacked Levi.
- Roxy asks Kyle how he knows he's not just opening a big can of worms.
- Yashvi says that Scarlett's going to haunt Ned forever.
- Yashvi tells Ned he won't like what she has to say.