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Neighbours Episode 8460 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8459 - 8461>>
Episode title: 8460
Australian airdate: 28/09/20
UK airdate: 19/10/20
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Iain Pirret and Tenika Smith
Guests: Rose Walker: Lucy Durack
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Chloe thanking her brother for letting Nicolette stay at #32.
- Nicolette charging Karl and her mum for storing stuff in the Doug Out.
- Nicolette coming across some paraphernalia for surrogacy.
- David unsure that Nicolette will be staying longer in #32.
- Toadie verifying the legal deal Rose has been offered.
- Toadie having to read the riot act to Mackenzie over professional ethics.
- Toadie bending the rules to help Rose.
The Waterhole
"Why are you doing this for me?" Rose asks after Toadie goes over exactly what she's to say to her lawyer so that she gets a better deal from her husband. "Because everyone deserves to be treated fairly," is his honest reply back to her and agrees to her 'payment terms' - cooking him dinner.
And its celebration time for Jane - she's been made permanent at the school and hopes that Nicolette puts down roots in the street too. She though is adamant that she is moving, citing "it's the smart thing to do for me," rather than "hanging around like a bad smell," or "running away" as her mum suggested.
Number 32
Aaron comes off the phone from talking to his sister, things are going well in Adelaide. He can barely contain his joy at hearing, when Nicolette comes home, that she has an interview for a share house later in the day!
Number 28
Karl makes himself scare, when Toadie comes over and sees he is after a chat with Susan. The direction of the chat is totally changed though when Susan hears who is cooking dinner for him and why, remarking that its "very intimate gesture for a simple thank you." "She's just being nice," Toadie is quick to clarify and plays down any suggestion that Rose thinks it's a date.
SUSAN: Toadie, if she just wanted to say thank you, she could have got you a card!
After trying to spell it out to the oblivious Toadie what preparation (meal wise) Rose will be doing, which is still falling on deaf ears, she suggests that he brings the kids over for a sleepover "just in case."
TOADIE: It's not a date!
SUSAN: What if it is?
The Waterhole
With Chloe not up to it, Aaron and David are returning the baby shower gifts, and so drop off whatever it was that Paul and Terese purchased. "That's understandable," Terese laments and Paul thinks the gift could yet be used and asks if they've heard back about the surrogacy. The boys explain they've just come back from a meeting, but didn't learn anything new, and are now going to look at an overseas (Canadian) option, so it can be done "properly and ethically."
PAUL: There must be a way to pay someone over hear surely?
DAVID: Not without breaking the law.
"That's ridiculous," Paul remarks and even Aaron can't disagree with him, but "that's how it works." Terese and Paul offer the boys their full support and the boys head off to do some research.
TERESE: This could take years.
Number 32
Nicolette is surprised when Paul arrives wanting a chat, given their last one! He tries to suss her out to see if the friend she put the boys onto, will be their surrogate. She explains that she only gave them the name so they could chat and is shocked at Paul's suggestion, especially as it's against the law.
PAUL: I think we can come to some sort of arrangement where everybody's happy... and quiet. Who knows, there could even be something in it for you.
Harold's café
After running into Rose in the café, Susan puts 2 and 2 together and assumes her purchase is to do with the "thank you date" with Toadie. Rose is surprised that Toadie mentioned something, and Susan goes into damage limitation overload by talking up what a nice and thoughtful person Toadie is. While agreeing with the points Susan says, Rose also makes it clear that "it's not a date," she simply "enjoys cooking for friends." "My mistake," Susan is forced to say before they politely do goodbyes.
"Did Toadie actually say it was a date?" Karl asks as they head towards a table. "No," Susan replies and that her assumption was wrong. Karl still has his doubts about Rose, after her deception, and quizzes his wife on whether she convinced Toadie that it was a date.
SUSAN: Toadie made it very clear that it was just plutonic. There was no confusion.
Number 30
Rose arrives laden down with food (well chicken nuggets and chips) ready for dinner. Given the quietness in the house, she asks where the kids are, and he replies "sleepover" before quickly clarifying that it's a regular thing! She mentions running into the K's earlier and Susan referring to their dinner as "a date" but quickly extinguished that notion!
ROSE: How funny right?!
TOADIE: I'll bet... it's hilarious!
Rose notices that he has aftershave on, although Toadie is quick to say it was because he'd a client meeting. "I've never notice you wear it before," she remarks, and he nonchalantly puts it down to "trying something new."
Number 32
David is beginning the process of trying to get information from a Canadian company they've heard about for surrogacy. Aaron is unsure if the timing is right because of what Chloe has gone through. Despite it being "such a long and tricky process," David agrees to delay things for a few months.
Nicolette hears about their delay after she walked into the kitchen and volunteers to cook dinner (using some hidden goodies from the Doug Out stash) to try and cheer the boys up and to celebrate being successful in her share house interview earlier.
Number 30
As they now cook a more adult meal together, Rose tells Toadie of her post-settlement plans including the possibility of one day dating again, although she admits to not having given that too much thought. She checks that the kids will still enjoy the chicken nuggets and chips she brought over and Toadie confesses that the kids should be there, they don't have regular sleepovers at #28.
ROSE: I'm not really following.
Toadie explains about telling the K's of their plans and that it was Susan who said it was a date... "which I didn't think that it was," he quickly adds in for clarification! Toad admits that he then didn't want to let her down, in case she thought it was a date, before realising that he is digging himself deeper into the hole so changes track and declares that whatever she is cooking smells great!
ROSE: Would you like this to be a date?
Number 32
The boys really enjoyed the meal Nicolette cooked for them as they then sit chatting about who has the worst relationships with their parents! In defence of his dad, David admits that Paul is "controlling" but he can be "supportive when it counts, like with this surrogacy," adding that both Terese and Paul "are right behind us."
AARON: It's only because they know better than to stick their nose in it anymore!
NICOLETTE: Is that so?
DAVID: Yes, we've established thorough boundaries a while ago.
(Ignoring Aaron talking about how much he is enjoying the wine they are drinking)
NICOLETTE: I'm not sure those boundaries are as firm as you think.
AARON: What has he done?!
Number 30
After giving Rose the speed version of how the kids are over at #28, "I do like you," Toadie admits but does add that while he was her boss, it was inappropriate.
ROSE: Yes, then I was dodgy, so you fired me!
After his admission, he gives her a get out clause of leaving. She admits to not having thought of him "like that" but "now that it's on the table, I can see the possibilities."
Number 32
After what Nicolette said to the boys, the tequila bottle is out! Despite having had a fair skite of the tequila, the boys thank her for giving them the heads up over Paul's plan however reaffirm that they wouldn't accept it.
Terese's office/Number 32
When Paul answers his phone to Nicolette, he thinks it's because she has accepted his offer but instead he hears, "no deal dad!" Terese arrives to overhear Aaron telling Paul what he thinks of him "bribing our housemate!" Paul scoffs at the use of "bribe" and accuses Nicolette of "having the wrong end of the stick."
NICOLETTE: I've only got the one end of the stick that you offered me Pauly!
"Are you lot drunk?!" he asks after he hears them kill themselves laughing at the use of 'Pauly.' "No," they cry in unison!
TERESE: I can't say I blame them. What's your excuse this time?!
"She's waiting Pauly," Nicolette points out over the phone where the trio are listening in. "They're making it sound far worse than what it was," Paul pleads, and she wants to hear exactly what he said to her. The trio are literally on tenterhooks waiting to hear what he says!
PAUL: Darling, I was trying to do the right thing for David and Aaron.
She doesn't look impressed at all and with a face like thunder, says "see you at home," before about turning and exiting the office hurriedly!
Number 32
"He's in so much trouble," David gloats to the other two while Aaron decrees that Nicolette "is a legend!" before they celebrate with "more shots" and "music!"
Number 30
Rose has had a great time at #30, especially hearing all about the House of Trouser antics, and admits its "the most relaxed I've felt in ages."
ROSE: This has been a pretty good date for a non-date.
TOADIE: It's the best non-date I've been on in a while.
ROSE: Yes, me too!
Rose also admits that given how things ended with James, she wasn't sure if she could put herself "out there again." Toadie knows exactly how she feels but doesn't want the 'date' to finish with them comparing war stories, however they agree to go on a proper date late on.
Number 28
Karl isn't impressed at the noise coming from somewhere in the street, as he is sure it will wake the kids up. Jane thinks that her daughter is responsible for the noise and the trio exchange stories about coping with teenagers and their music. She reassures them though that if Nicolette is the person responsible, she will be moving out of the street, and adds that it's the right move to ease the tension between Chloe and Pierce.
Number 32
Aaron is sure that one favour deserves another, so plans to speak to his sister and Pierce to smooth things over. He also adds that it, "sucks" she's prevented from being friends with Chloe due to Pierce "having a problem with it," especially since he knows that "Chloe misses your friendship."
DAVID and NICOLETTE: She does?!
AARON: Yes, big time! And she doesn't need anything else going on with everything happening right now.
NICOLETTE: I mean, if you guys think that you could smooth things over, that would be great because she's become a really good friend to me.
AARON: Hey, this is a no-brainer. You don't go anywhere; you stay right here forever!
NICOLETTE: What about Pierce?
(Aaron literally scoffs!)
DAVID: He'll just have to get over it!
NICOLETTE: I will drink to that!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Toadie getting a visit... from James!
- Shane commenting on the tension between Pierce and Dipi.
- Nicolette peeved at Pierce.
- Aaron telling Nicolette she can stay.
- Susan pleased to see Jane and Karl without any shopping bags!
- Jane and Karl concocting a new plan.
- Aaron and David puzzled by something in their house.
<<8459 - 8461>>
Rose Walker, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8460
Rose Walker, Toadie Rebecchi

Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8460
Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8460
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8460
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8460
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8460
Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8460
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8460
Rose Walker

Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8460
Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8460
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8460
Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8460
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8460
Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8460
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8460
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8460
Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8460
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Jane Harris

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8460
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone

Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8460
Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka

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