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Neighbours Episode 8429 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8428 - 8430>>
Episode title: 8429
Australian airdate: 14/08/20
UK airdate: 04/09/20
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Chris Adshead and Tony Osicka
Guests: Emmett Donaldson: Ezra Justin
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Jenna tells Emmett she's going to get him back to live with her, but he tells her to stop lying
- Jenna accuses Aaron and David of trying to cut her off; they say they want what's best for Emmett
- Roxy accuses Shane of using again, telling him he has a problem
- Shane buys more drugs from his study- mate River
- Dipi tells Jane how distracted and moody Shane has been; Jane suggests it could be depression
- Roxy sees a tearful Dipi talking to Jane, and reports back to Shane about it
- Having found more drugs on Shane, Roxy takes the pills and goes to pour them down the sink
- But Shane grabs and wrestles the drugs off her, hurting her in the process - just as Kyle comes in
No 30
Roxy is tearful, as Kyle demands an explanation from Shane for his behaviour. Shane, having shocked himself with what he's done, isn't able to supply one.
SHANE: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
KYLE: Not good enough!
SHANE: I wasn't thinking.
KYLE: You got that right! You don't touch anyone like that, let alone a woman half your size. I ought to -
Kyle lunges towards Shane, but Roxy begs him not to start a fight.
ROXY (tearful): I just want to go home. Take me home, please.
As they leave, Shane, who is sobbing himself, collapses in a heap in the corner of the kitchen.
No 32
Emmett is at the table outside, when David approaches. He gathers Emmett is still worrying about his mum, and offers to talk about it.
EMMETT: I'm good.
DAVID: Alright, well, why don't we have a fun day today instead?
EMMETT: But Aaron's not here.
DAVID: We don't need Aaron to have fun!
EMMETT (mischievous): But he's the fun one. And you do... other stuff.
DAVID (faux outrage): Well, that sounds like a challenge. Today is gonna be the funnest day you've ever had fun on. You're gonna have so much fun, they're gonna have to rewrite the dictionary definition of fun, and put a picture of today in it. You know why? Because David's the fun one.
Emmett is all amused scepticism.
No 22
Roxy has returned home with Kyle, who asks her what's going on with Shane.
ROXY: He's been really stressed.
KYLE: That's not an excuse, Rox. You don't abuse a woman just because you're stressed (...) He's the friend you've been worried about.
ROXY: Yeah. I've been trying to help him.
KYLE: And he attacks you. Has he done this before?
ROXY: No. No, he would never. Can we just leave it, please?
KYLE: He can't get away with this.
ROXY: I will talk to Dipi, okay?
No 30
An emotionally exhausted Shane stands in the living room, still in shock. Dipi comes in.
DIPI: What's going on?
SHANE: Did something st...
DIPI: You're scaring me, Shane. Tell me what's going on.
The door flies open and Kyle walks in.
KYLE: Have you told your wife what kind of man you are yet?
Roxy follows him in, wanting to speak to Dipi herself, but Kyle's too wound up.
KYLE: Your husband was shoving Roxy around. Pathetic!
DIPI: Is that true?!
SHANE: Yes. I'm sorry.
KYLE: Your sorry means nothing. Stay away from her.
Kyle and Roxy leave.
No 32
David has enlisted Ned as a participant in his 'fun day' with Emmett.
DAVID (dramatically): We are going to build a model!
EMMETT: Cool. We should build a castle, or something cooler - like, a fort where the survivors of the zombie apocalypse hide out. And then we can have a battle. And we should probably get some fake blood, too.
DAVID: ... Well, we can save that for next time. Because I have got us...
He pulls out a box from behind his back.
DAVID: ... A Drakar Viking ship from the tenth century!
Emmett looks distinctly unimpressed.
DAVID: It has laser-cut wooden parts, die-cast metal fittings, a pre-sewn sail - what do you think?
EMMETT (mischievous): It looks... fun.
No 30
Shane and Dipi are discussing what happened with Roxy. Shane says it was an accident, a misunderstanding, which he puts down to the stress he's been under.
DIPI: That's not an excuse!
SHANE: I know.
DIPI: You've been all over the place. You're up one minute, you're down the next. You shut me down when I try to talk to you about it.
SHANE: It's just uni.
DIPI: It's more than that. I know you're lying to me. I know you weren't at the library last night. You weren't answering your phone, so I checked to see where it was. West Waratah. I was out looking for you.
SHANE: What did you see?
DIPI: ... I saw you, standing alone, staring at nothing. It scared me, Shane. Maybe I should go see Roxy again.
SHANE: Okay, I'll, umm... I'll tell you what I was doing there. I was... I was just going for a walk.
DIPI (tearful): Tell me what's really going on. Just give me the truth.
Toadie walks in, and immediately sees it's serious.
DIPI: You talk to him. Maybe he'll tell you what's really happening.
Dipi walks out, leaving Toadie to look to Shane for an explanation...
Harold's Café
Karl and Susan are having a coffee, when a visibly upset Dipi turns up asking to speak to Karl.
DIPI: I need some professional advice.
Susan offers to give them some space, but Dipi says she could use a friend's input, too. She sits down to join them, and explains that Shane hasn't been himself ever since he started his accelerated uni course; he says it's just stress, but Dipi doesn't think it is.
DIPI (tearful): He's been lying to me, and every time I ask what's going on, he won't tell me (...) Jane thinks he might have depression, which is why I've come to you. I don't know where else to turn.
KARL: If Shane has a mental health issue, he needs to get help, as a priority. I can give you a list of professionals I recommend - but, you know, the best thing is to sit down and talk to him, without recrimination. Just remind him you're here, and you don't blame him. And encourage him to get help. Minimising stress is good as well; if you think he's taken on too much, then there might be something on his plate you can take off, you know? But, you know, the really important thing here, is you look after yourself.
SUSAN: Yes, whatever you need, we're here for you.
Dipi thanks them both, saying she now has an idea where to go from here.
No 32
Emmett is staring into space, as David builds the model Viking ship on his own! Ned is still hanging around, too.
NED: Hey, Emmett, maybe you could have a go at the sail?
DAVID: Yeah, ab-sail-lutely!
But Emmett is utterly uninterested, and David finally catches on, suggesting that they go out somewhere instead.
EMMETT: To the movies?
DAVID: Better. Scienceworks.
EMMETT: Isn't that the place kids go to on school trips?
DAVID: Yeah...
EMMETT: So, it'd be like we were at school?
DAVID: Trust me. It'll be way better than school.
EMMETT (bored): Sounds great.
He goes off to get ready.
DAVID (to Ned): So much for 'funnest day ever'.
No 22
Kyle is still with Roxy, when Dipi turns up to see her, asking how her arm is after Shane hurt it. Roxy says it's fine.
DIPI: I don't know where to start. There is nothing I can say to make this any better for you. But I can promise it will never happen again.
KYLE: It's easy for you to promise, but you weren't the one manhandling Roxy.
DIPI: Shane needs help, and I'm gonna make sure he gets it.
KYLE: What sort of help?
DIPI: That's between Shane and I.
KYLE: Well, I reckon Roxy has a right to know. DIPI: I think Shane might be suffering from depression.
KYLE: You sure that's not an excuse?
DIPI: You know it's not an excuse. He needs treatment. I'm sorry again for his behaviour; perhaps the only positive thing here is that I know now, and I can make sure Shane gets the help he needs.
ROXY: Thank you.
Kyle shows Dipi out, then tells Roxy...
KYLE: I don't want you working with Shane anymore (...) Rox, the next time he flies off the handle, it could be even worse. I'm gonna have to tell Gran.
ROXY: No, don't tell Sheila.
KYLE: Rox...
ROXY: If you get Shane fired, it's gonna make his problems worse, okay? Him and Dipi will have money issues as well.
KYLE: What about you?
ROXY: Yes, me. This happened to me, so it's about how I am going to handle it.
She says that if Kyle wants to do something for her, he could fetch her a burger and fries from Grease Monkeys - she just wants to spend some time with him. He complies; and the moment he's gone, Roxy takes the drugs from her pocket that she retrieved from Shane's bag, and buries them far down in the kitchen bin.
No 32
David's chatting to Ned in the garden. He admits that when he was concocting ideas for the 'fun day', he was just thinking of things he'd love to have done with his dad when he was a kid.
NED: Yeah. Did a bit of that myself when I was younger. Just spending a day like this with him would've been amazing. You know Emmett by now. Just come up with something different; something *he'd* really like to do. The most important thing is to be there with him.
David looks thoughtful.
No 30
Dipi and Toadie prepare to stage an intervention, and call Shane out to talk to them. He sits down, shame-faced.
DIPI: I think we can all agree what's been happening is more than just overwork and stress. I've talked to Karl, and he thinks you might be suffering from depression. He thinks you should see a doctor.
TOADIE: You need professional help, mate.
SHANE: I can manage.
TOADIE: (...) You hurt Roxy. What happens if you lash out next time?
SHANE: There's not gonna be a next time.
DIPI: Yeah, that we can all agree on. So, I think you should speak to uni, and defer the next semester of your course.
SHANE: Dip, come on, please - this course means everything to me. Please don't make me give it up.
DIPI: Shane, you need to hang back and get help. End of story.
No 32
David tells Emmett that there's been a change of plans; they're going to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner, and then they can come back here and play video games.
EMMETT: But I'm banned, and you're rubbish.
DAVID (laughs): Okay. Well, I spoke to Aaron and told him how good you've been today, with doing everything that I like to do. So we decided that you can have your PS4 back.
EMMETT: Cool! What's for dinner?
DAVID: Mac and cheese.
EMMETT: Awesome! Let's go - sooner we eat, sooner we can play.
No 30
In the kitchen, Shane tells Dipi and Toadie that he understands where they're coming from.
SHANE: I haven't been myself.
DIPI: So you'll take the next semester off uni?
SHANE: I don't want to do that (...) The whole idea of stepping back from uni makes me feel like I've wasted all the hard work I put in.
DIPI: Your health is more important.
SHANE: Which is why I have another suggestion (...) I'll just head down to Colac for a bit, forget about uni and de-stress for a few days.
TOADIE: I don't think being around Mum is gonna help you de-stress, mate.
SHANE: No, me neither. That's why I'll stay with Stonie. Mum won't even know I'm there. I've already spoken to Stonie, and filled him in on the situation. He's given me the number of his doctor; I think he'll be able to help.
DIPI: Okay. Fine. On one condition - I come with you.
SHANE: Dip, I... I know you wanna help. But I can't even look at you without seeing my own shame at what I've done. I just need to do this, by myself. For all of us.
No 32
David has beat Emmett at a video game, and is all triumphant about it. Emmett is in a reflective mood.
EMMETT: I used to do this with Mum. Just... when she was drinking, we'd stay up, and it'd be heaps of fun. Until the next day when she crashed. I always had to look after myself... Do you reckon you'd be able to make breakfast tomorrow?
DAVID: Of course.
EMMETT: I just, kinda, really like your eggs.
DAVID: I'll make you eggs in the morning, and any morning you ask for them. I'm not going anywhere.
EMMETT: Thanks.
No 22
Roxy opens the door to find Shane standing there.
ROXY: I got your text. You'd better not be here for the drugs.
SHANE: I'm not. I'm done. I just want to apologise again.
ROXY: You'd better be quick. Kyle's upstairs sleeping, and you don't want him to catch you here.
SHANE: Yeah. I'm, uh, heading off to Colac in the morning. Sorting myself out.
ROXY: Why? So you can go somewhere where no-one's gonna see what you're doing?
SHANE: I'm telling the truth, Rox.
ROXY: I've heard it all before. How can I believe you?
SHANE: I dunno. I want to, umm... thank you for looking out for me. And for not telling Dipi.
ROXY: I didn't do it for you. You deserve to be dumped in it.
SHANE: I appreciate it.
ROXY: Yeah, well, don't expect anything more from me.
SHANE: I don't.
ROXY: And you need to get clean, Shane. Not just for yourself, but for Dipi and your kids. And I am done trying to help you. You're in it on your own.
She closes the door on him.
No 30
Shane is packing for his trip away. Dipi comes in.
SHANE: Thanks for letting me do this.
DIPI: I still don't feel completely comfortable. I could come with you... You could've told me, you know. I would've understood. I'm your wife. I'm not here to judge you, and I meant it when I said 'for better, for worse'.
SHANE (tearful): I'll be back soon, and... I'll be better.
He promises to call her when he gets to Stonie's, before leaving. Dipi looks upset.
A road somewhere
Shane is parked up in the car, on the phone to Stonie.
SHANE: Yeah, Dipi and Toadie are on my back. I just need some space for a few days... No, no, I appreciate the offer, Stonie, but no, I just... I just need to be on my own for a bit, you know? ... Yeah, yeah. And, if Dipi or Toadie call... can you just cover for me? ... Beauty. Alright, thanks mate. Talk soon, eh?
He drives on his way.
No 32
In the yard, Aaron expresses his disappointment that David and Emmett got to play video games while he had to work.
DAVID: You can play next time. But you have to promise not to hold a grudge when I beat you.
AARON: Oh, when he beats me, he says! Like I'm not the undisputed champion of the Mario Kart wars in the Brennan house of 2015, huh?
EMMETT: Well, he's pretty good. You better watch out.
DAVID: Don't worry, I won't leave you for a better gamer.
AARON: Oh, thanks very much (!)
David goes inside to take a phone call.
AARON: Hey, was he really that good?
Emmett smiles and shakes his head.
AARON: I knew it. You let him win, didn't you?
EMMETT: I drove slow on purpose. But it was fun, though. Maybe we could do it again sometime. But, the three of us.
AARON: Yeah. I reckon we could manage that. That way, I'll show my husband who the true master is, huh?
David emerges again, and asks Emmett to go and fetch his washing. Once he's gone, David worriedly turns to Aaron. Leila from the fostering agency was on the phone, he explains.
DAVID: Emmett's aunt has moved back from New Zealand. They're considering letting him live with her.
AARON: What? Permanently?
DAVID: Yeah. We could lose Emmett.
Coming up on Neighbours
- David is with Paul in the garden at No 22
- David tells Aaron he just wants Emmett to be safe and happy
- Angela Lane offers to buy Toadie a coffee; hiding nearby, Susan tells Karl she will not allow that!
- Ned strips off in front of a camera
- Kyle tells Ned to go for it if he wants to make terrible life choices
- Nicolette admits she's fallen for someone unavailable; we see her looking at Chloe
<<8428 - 8430>>
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Shane Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8429
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Shane Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Dipi Rebecchi

Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8429
Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Ned Willis

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8429
Karl Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8429
Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8429
Dipi Rebecchi, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson

Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson

Shane Rebecchi, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8429
Shane Rebecchi, Roxy Willis

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Dipi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8429
Shane Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8429
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

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