- Shane struggles with his drug withdrawal, and enlists Roxy's support
- But Dipi's concerned to see Shane spending so much time with Roxy, coming in to find them meditating
- Dipi confides in Pierce that she thinks something is going on with Roxy and Shane
- Ned tells Yashvi he has a plan to turn the backpackers' into an artists' collective
- He also tells her of his plan to sell photos of himself on Fandangle; she's bemused but accepts it
- Levi moves back in at No 26, but tells Sheila that this changes nothing between them
- Yashvi thinks that Bea is very invested in Levi
No 26
Levi is toplessly shadowboxing in the back yard, while Kyle lies on a deckchair. Bea turns up on the pretext of telling Kyle his car's ready to pick up, but really she's here to perve on Levi, and spends several seconds doing exactly that, while only distractedly answering Kyle's questions. Eventually, Levi notices she's there. Bea awkwardly greets him, then makes her exit.
No 30
Shane is meditating on the floor, while soothing music plays. Dipi comes in, loudly on the phone to somebody. Shane is irritated and Dipi apologises; she hadn't seen him.
DIPI: How's the meditation going?
SHANE: Pretty average. Finding it a bit hard to get into.
DIPI: Have you tried a diffuser?
SHANE: I don't think that'll help.
DIPI: There's some lavender oil in there, it's beautiful.
SHANE: Yeah, look, I don't need smells. I just need some silence!
Dipi's hurt by Shane's crankiness, but does as he asks and leaves him to it.
No 22
Ned is showing Terese and Yashvi his plans for the artists' collective which he hopes Paul will let him set up at what is currently the backpackers'. He thinks it will be more profitable as a business model, and Terese is impressed, saying she thinks Paul will be, too.
TERESE: He is so fed up with those rowdy tourists, especially after the drug bust.
She suggests Ned draw up a detailed business plan.
NED: Are you saying my little sketches aren't enough?
TERESE: Come on, you know Paul. He only responds to economic modelling.
As Terese leaves, Ned gets a notification on his phone, and shows Yashvi that he has five more Fandangle subscribers, which translates to $50 a month. Yashvi isn't that impressed, but Ned says it's a start.
Yashvi is about to go and meet Bea, and reminds Ned that they have plans with Levi later. Ned's disappointed as he wanted to work on his Fandangle account and business plan. But Yashvi is keen for him to get to know Levi as her work partner, and Ned says he'll be there.
NED: Ooh, a Fandangle message!
Yashvi leaves him to it, but Ned's smile fades as he reads the message. He calls out for Yashvi worriedly, but she's already gone.
No 26
Sheila is in the garden when Levi comes out with a basket of washing. She offers to hang it up for him. He says he's okay, but she keeps insisting.
LEVI: Gran, remember the part where we decided to be normal with each other? You're still pushing things.
SHEILA: Okay, your pace. I get it, loud and clear.
Gary the Pigeon turns up and starts eating from his seed dish, and Sheila is excited to see him. Levi looks on in astonishment, as Sheila starts talking to the pigeon.
SHEILA: Gary, you've come back! Where've you been? You haven't been here for days! You've been off, you know, hanging out with your mates? Stay away from those peregrine falcons! (To Levi) They're the only bird that's faster than him.
Levi leans in to talk to the pigeon, too.
LEVI: G'day, mate!
No 28
Bea is doing some complicated electronic diagnostics on Karl's toaster, explaining to Yashvi that he's too cheap to admit defeat and throw it away!
YASHVI: This is the most boring conversation I've ever had.
BEA: Rude!
YASHVI: And that's saying a lot, considering who my dad is.
BEA: So... I have a thing for Levi.
YASHVI: Now we're having a proper conversation! I knew it!
BEA: Yes, I know you did!
YASHVI: So, tell me all the little bits you're attracted to.
BEA: Well, he's funny, he's nice. And I feel really comfortable around him.
BEA: And he's ridiculously hot!
YASHVI: So, when are you gonna make your move?
BEA: I'm not sure I should.
YASHVI: You sound sure.
BEA: No, I'm really not. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. I actually don't think I ever will be.
YASHVI: Yeah. I get that.
BEA: Yeah, I think about moving on all the time. And I know I should. I really want to, but I just don't know if I can.
YASHVI: And you're scared.
BEA: Yeah.
No 30 / Lassiter's Complex
Shane is trying to concentrate on his studying when his phone rings. It's Roxy, who's outside the pub; Shane irritably answers it.
SHANE: Yeah, what?
ROXY: Well, hello to you too (!)
SHANE: Sorry. Hi.
Roxy asks Shane how the meditation is going. He says it's not for him, but she suggests trying it for longer.
SHANE: Nah, that's not gonna happen. I wanted it to work - I really need something to work. I can't stay feeling like this; it's not good.
ROXY: You just need to be patient. You're not gonna feel like this always.
SHANE: Nah, nah. Eventually I'm gonna feel like a total waste of space, cos I've completely stuffed up my chances at uni. My marks are going downhill. I'm really in trouble, Rox. Have you got any other ideas that might help?
ROXY: There was one more thing when I was researching (...) It's not a quick fix. You're not gonna get one of those.
SHANE: Yeah, yeah, but what am I doing?
Roxy looks hesitant.
Harold's Café
Pierce is hanging out in the kitchen with Dipi, who is telling him about Shane meditating earlier. Pierce thinks this sounds healthy given how strung out Shane's been, but Dipi points out that Shane claimed he'd been meditating with Roxy when she walked in on them previously. Pierce says that the fact Shane was doing it again shows he wasn't lying.
DIPI: Yes, but... I know this is gonna sound super-petty. I meditate. I've been doing it for years; it's my thing.
PIERCE: And he should've come to you for help?
DIPI: Exactly. But not only that - when I did offer help, he got really frustrated. Why does he listen to Roxy and not me?
PIERCE: You're jealous.
DIPI: Of course I'm jealous!
Pierce doesn't think Shane will do anything to damage his marriage, but Dipi says it's not that sort of jealousy.
DIPI: It doesn't matter that he's gone to Roxy. It matters that he hasn't come to me. I'm his wife. I'm supposed to be the one that's able to help him. And I can't.
PIERCE: Yeah, I get it.
DIPI: You know, it's our twentieth anniversary coming up soon. That's massive. And we haven't even spoken about it properly. He can't even be bothered talking about it.
Pierce compares it to his situation with Chloe, mentioning that she had something she wanted to get straight in her own head recently before she spoke to him (referring, indirectly, to the pregnancy). He suggests that maybe Shane is doing similar. If Dipi steps back a bit, Shane will probably come around.
PIERCE: When he does, just make sure you're there.
No 28
Bea is still chatting to Yashvi about the prospect of being in a relationship.
BEA: It could be a disaster. I fell in love with Finn twice. Each time, I thought it was the absolute right thing to do, but I was so wrong.
YASHVI: You can't compare that to this.
BEA: I can't help it. I just want to go on a normal date, with a normal guy, and do normal things. Do you think I can ever do that?
BEA: Well, I'm not so sure. Because I feel like every time I start to like someone, I'll worry that I've got it wrong again.
YASHVI: No, you haven't got it wrong with Levi.
BEA: But how do I know that?
YASHVI: Because I'm telling you! He's decent. He's got family all around him. He's an open book; there's nothing to hide. I'll do a background check on him if you want!
BEA: He's a cop. I don't think he's gonna have a record.
YASHVI: Well, then, I'll interrogate Sheila. If he's got something to hide, she'll know it. He's a good guy, Bea. And I think he might like you too.
BEA: Really?
YASHVI: He talks about you at work.
BEA: Really?
YASHVI: He's very impressed with you doing Krav Maga.
Yashvi says that she and Ned are going out with Levi tonight, and invites Bea to join them.
YASHVI: And if we sense a vibe, we'll just suddenly have to leave.
BEA: No, that's gonna be a bit obvious!
YASHVI: No, super casual. Don't worry. I mean, having said that, make sure you look hot.
No 22
Ned is still looking at his Fandangle messages when Yashvi comes in, telling him immediately about Bea's thing for Levi and how she is going to 'matchmake the shizz out of that'. She sees he's looking very worried, and asks what's up.
NED: I got a Fandangle message from one of my subscribers.
YASHVI: Awesome. What did it say?
NED: They want a photo.
YASHVI: Didn't you just put a load of new ones up?
NED: ... This is a pretty specific request.
YASHVI: ... What is it?
NED: They want a photo of me...
NED: In my undies...
YASHVI: Yeah...?
NED: Sitting on a cake.
YASHVI: A cake?
NED: Yeah, a vanilla sponge, to be exact. It absolutely must be a vanilla sponge. They even included a recipe in case I can't find one.
NED: It's odd. But it would only go to this one person, and it wouldn't be on my page. And it is a paid commission for an original piece!
YASHVI: What, we're calling this a piece now?
NED: Yeah, well, I'm not really sure what else to call it.
YASHVI: Why would anyone pay you to sit on a vanilla sponge?
NED: I dunno. People are drawn to obscure, risqué art. Mapplethorpe - he was considered a genius. Is this that different? (...) Oh, who am I kidding? It's about the money. They're gonna pay me five hundred bucks.
NED: Plus the cost of the cake... It's too weird, isn't it?
YASHVI: You're the artist. You tell me.
No 30
Dipi is mildly bemused to come in and find Shane working hard on one of Nell's colouring books, shading in a picture of a mermaid! He explains it's a mindfulness technique, and that Roxy told him about it. Dipi immediately sours.
SHANE: Come on, she's a friend, and she's helping me out.
DIPI: Yeah. But given the history, you can understand why I might feel uneasy about it.
SHANE: I know. I understand.
DIPI: It also makes me wonder...
SHANE: What?
DIPI: Why don't you come to me? You know, mindfulness, meditation - it's my thing.
SHANE: I know, I just... I wanna do it myself. I need to prove that I don't have to lean on you all the time.
DIPI: I like you leaning on me.
SHANE: But I need to learn to manage my own stress.
DIPI: ... Okay.
They smile at one another. Shane says he's working later and then has to study again, but suggests that tomorrow, they should discuss some ideas for their anniversary.
DIPI: I'd really like that.
SHANE: Me too.
Dipi leaves him to his colouring in. But Shane looks worried as she goes.
No 26
Kyle is on the phone to Roxy, arranging to meet up with her after work. Levi comes in, raving (in a positive way) about Gary the Pigeon!
LEVI: How sick is that bird?!
KYLE: Yeah, he's pretty great. I get out there and feed him a bit when Gran's not around. I know, it's obviously not Dad, but still, it's nice to have the little guy around the place.
LEVI: Yeah, it's nice to have family around you (...) Gran's been trying so hard to make things better.
KYLE: Oh, it's pretty annoying, isn't it?
LEVI: Yeah, she ironed my socks yesterday.
Kyle says Sheila knows Levi needs time, but Levi says he doesn't need any more.
LEVI: I know she loves me, and we've both been through a lot. I think it's time to move on. I'm going to stop fobbing her off.
KYLE: Mate, she would love that. And if you really want to make her happy, you should give her the okay to iron your jocks, too. Look, Gran does dumb things - makes mistakes, like all of us Cannings. But she loves her family hardcore. I reckon you can count on a fresh start.
Levi smiles as Kyle walks off.
The Waterhole
Shane is reporting back to Roxy on his colouring diversion; it worked for a while, but...
SHANE: Then I started regretting my colour choices. And I'm more stressed than when I started. What if nothing works? Am I gonna feel this way forever?
ROXY: No (...) It's only been a couple of days. Meditation and colouring in a mermaid isn't gonna give you an instant fix. You need to work on it (...) It's not gonna be forever.
Pierce comes in, and takes a seat at a table. He notices with interest that Shane and Roxy are having a huddled discussion in the corner, and looks concerned.
ROXY: Maybe you should try colouring outside of the lines?
SHANE: Hmm. I've been doing that for a while.
Roxy laughs, while Pierce watches, looking annoyed on Dipi's behalf.
No 22
Sheila is telling Terese how nice it was to see Gary the Pigeon again and to introduce him to Levi, even if it was only a flying visit! Ned comes downstairs with his shirt open, holding a cake box, and looks horrified to see Sheila and Terese at the table...
NED: What are you doing here?
TERESE: I live here.
SHEILA: And I was asked for afternoon tea.
NED: No, I mean... I thought I was alone... But I guess I wasn't. You were here the whole time.
TERESE: What have you got there?
NED (defensive): Nothin'.
SHEILA: Looks like a cake box to me!
TERESE: You haven't been having a solo, sly, cake binge, have you? I knew he had a dirty secret!
Terese declares that she'd love a piece of cake, and is sure Sheila would too! Sheila says she can't at first as she's doing the keto diet with Levi. Terese asks what the cake is.
NED: It's a... vanilla sponge.
SHEILA: Vanilla sponge is my favourite! I am going to have to have some. Give it here!
NED: I can't.
TERESE: Why not?
NED: Dropped it (...) On the way back from the shop. It's a mess. Ruined.
TERESE: Well, come on, show us!
NED (terrified): Nah.
TERESE: So, you bought a cake, you dropped it, you took it upstairs, and now you won't open it? What's going on, Ned?
SHEILA: Come on, give us a look!
Ned looks horrified as the women make him place the cake on the table and excitedly fetch some forks to eat with! They open the box.
TERESE: You really did do a number on it!
NED: Yep. By dropping it.
TERESE: Did a bus run over it or something? What's with the ridge going in the middle of it?
Sheila's about to dig in, but Ned shouts 'no!' But Sheila's not prepared to let it go to waste, and neither is Terese. Ned just stands there in horrified, silent paralysis, as Sheila and Terese shovel cake into their mouths...
Lassiter's Complex
Yashvi is telling Levi that she's invited Bea for their night out.
LEVI: Cool.
YASHVI: Really?
LEVI: Yeah, why not?
YASHVI: I dunno. In case you hated her, or something?
LEVI: Why would I hate her?
YASHVI: Does that mean you like her?
LEVI: Hold up. Are you trying to organise some sort of double-date-type thing?
YASHVI: No. I just don't want you to feel like a third wheel.
LEVI: Good, because I'm not into Bea.
YASHVI: Why? I mean, it's fine that you're not, but why?
No 28
Bea is having a stressful time choosing the right outfit for her night with Levi (which for some reason, she's doing in the garden).
Lassiter's Complex
Levi says he thinks Bea's a great girl, but...
LEVI: It's just, she's got a lot of baggage.
YASHVI: You hardly know her.
LEVI: Yeah, but I've read (...) the Finn book. I know what Bea's been through, and it's awful. There's just no way she's ready to date another guy.
YASHVI: Well, surely that's up to her and not you.
LEVI: Fair call. But if she is, I wouldn't want to be the guinea-pig.
Harold's Café
Pierce comes in for a juice. Dipi excitedly tells him about Shane's mindfulness colouring, which she thinks has 'really eased the load'. Pierce admits he's been thinking about their conversation, and has decided that he might've got it wrong after all.
DIPI: No, you didn't.
PIERCE: How do you know?
DIPI: Because I spoke to Shane. He just wants to be able to manage his own stress without constantly leaning on me, and Roxy is simply helping. It's a good thing.
Pierce nods, unconvinced.
The Waterhole
Shane is having a stressful time at work - he's fidgety, hyperactive and spilling drinks. He gets a text from Roxy, asking how he's doing. He replies hurriedly but we don't see what he puts.
Harold's Café
Pierce asks Dipi...
PIERCE: Do you trust him?
DIPI: Of course I do. He's my husband. Look, after everything we've been through, I know how fiercely he loves me and the family. We're everything he needs.
PIERCE: And you still feel like that right now? I mean, you just said that he's got something he's working through.
DIPI: Yeah, and he's taking the reins on it himself, to prove he can. I'm proud of him.
Pierce nods again, still unconvinced.
The Waterhole
We hear increasingly discordant music as behind the bar, Shane struggles with his mental turmoil, while still behaving twitchily and erratically. He gets another message from Roxy, saying, 'I'm proud of you. Call me if you need to.' Shane hesitates, phone in hand, looking increasingly like a man possessed. Eventually, he goes into the corner and makes a phone call. But it's not to Roxy.
SHANE: River - hey, mate, it's Shane. Listen, can you sort me out with a bag tonight?
Coming up on Neighbours
- Roxy tells Mackenzie not to worry about Susan's approval
- Mackenzie agrees, saying, 'Shaking things up is the whole point'
- On their night out, Levi tells Bea that he's glad she's here
- Emmett asks Aaron and David to promise his mum won't get into trouble if he tells them something
- Shane angrily tells a hurt Dipi that he needs everyone to leave him alone, and storms out
- Shane saying to somebody, 'What do you think you're doing?'