- Yashvi considers dropping out of the police academy due to her mistake in letting Andrea take Hugo
- Emmett is left waiting alone outside his school when the agency driver doesn't show up
- Emmett later tells Aaron and David that it would be better if he moved to Erinsborough High
- Heather implores Toadie not to punish Dee for Andrea's actions, and offers to tell her to stay away
- But Toadie tells Heather he's given her family so many chances - now he's done with all of them
- Toadie hears from super- sleuth John Wong that he has found Dee's biological dad
No 32
Aaron joins David on the patio to discuss Emmett; they're about to take him to Erinsborough High for the afternoon, for his first half-day. Now they don't have the hour-long commute to contend with, Aaron suggests they start looking into some extracurricular activities for Emmett. But David thinks they should let him get through his first day at school first.
AARON: He'll be fine. Hey, it was his idea to move schools - and the quicker he gets involved, the quicker he's gonna make friends.
DAVID: Yeah, I guess.
Emmett emerges in his school uniform. He looks a bit nervous, and Aaron assures him that everyone's gonna love him at Erinsborough High.
EMMETT: I know. Cos I'm awesome (!)
AARON: Yeah, you are.
But Emmett only looks half-reassured.
No 28
Shaun is wearing a suit in preparation for a job interview. Elly asks where - Erinsborough High, as a school counsellor, he explains. Elly looks slightly put out that he's encroaching on her old turf, but smiles falsely.
SHAUN: Susan won't have anything to do with the hiring process, though.
Yeah, Shaun - I'm sure that's exactly how it is. Elly asks a pertinent question.
ELLY: Are you even qualified?
SHAUN: I have a diploma in counselling, worked for the Buddy Club in Zurich.
Sure, Shaun - we believe you, thousands wouldn't. Bea emerges from her room, to be filled in by Elly on Shaun's interview. Shaun goes back to his room to swap his tie.
BEA: Try not to be so obvious, checking him out.
ELLY: No, I'm not checking him out.
Elly explains about the job Shaun is going for, and whines about how it's reminded her of how much she misses teaching at the school - she has no idea what she's going to do in the future, career-wise. Bea tells Elly not to stress until she feels ready to go back to work.
BEA: Hot Shaun in his suit's a good distraction.
They laugh. Pierce turns up at the door; he has news which he thinks they'll want to sit down for.
No 30
Toadie tells Dipi that he's just had a call from John Wong, the private investigator, and that he's found Dee's biological father.
TOADIE: He lives in Alaska.
He asks Dipi what he should do - tell Dee, or not?
TOADIE: I have to tell her, right? I can't just sit on this.
Dipi suggests asking for more information before he makes a decision.
Ramsay Street
Yashvi suggests to Ned that they go and see a movie today. He's surprised as she's meant to be studying for her final weapons exam, but it turns out Yashvi is still thinking of quitting the police academy.
NED: I thought you sorted things with Toadie?
YASHVI: I did, he's great. Everyone's great. There's just a voice in my head telling me that I'm gonna fold under the pressure.
NED: But you can't keep punishing yourself. If something doesn't go your way, you've kind of just got to move on, get over it.
Ned reminds her how she helped bust a fight ring and a gun-runner before she even joined the academy. But Yashvi is still beating herself up about handing Hugo to Andrea, and now isn't even in the mood for a date. However, Ned thinks she could do with getting out of her own head.
NED: We're gonna have a good time today, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming.
Erinsborough High School
David and Aaron have walked Emmett not only to school, but into it - and now he's keen, like any self-respecting teenager, for them to leave! David catches on, and they're about to leave Emmett to it, but then Shaun turns up for his interview and gets talking to them about it.
EMMETT: Anyway, you guys were going...
Aaron and David introduce Emmett to Shaun and explain it's his first day, before going on their way.
SHAUN: Don't worry, mate, I'm just as nervous as you are (...) I know it's tough starting a new school, but it's always worse in your mind.
EMMETT: Well, I've moved schools heaps of times. I don't care about that.
But he's clearly still nervous. Shaun advises him to just get his bearings today; the teachers won't expect too much. Emmett thanks him, and goes on his way.
No 26
In the garden, Kyle is talking to Levi about the Roxy situation. Levi feels like he's ruined things between Kyle and Roxy by inadvertently offscreen-kissing her. Kyle assures him it's not the case.
KYLE: There's more to it than that. It's not about you.
Sheila emerges, with Pierce, who has some news for the Cannings too - the same news he delivered to Elly and Bea.
PIERCE: It's about the island. Before Claudia went to jail, she had an idea to turn it into a camp for disadvantaged kids (...) Chloe and I have been talking, and we'd like to go ahead with it (...) It's still early days, so we wanted to run it by you first before we take it any further.
He explains Elly and Bea are thinking about it, and says that if the Cannings have any issues with the plan, he and Chloe will sell the island instead, and move on. Sheila asks Pierce to leave it with them, and he leaves.
Kyle then gets a phone call from Ned, asking for a favour...
Ramsay Street
Elly and Bea are out for a walk with baby Aster in her pram. They are discussing Pierce's proposal about the island; Elly is okay with it, and Bea thinks that if they say no, 'Finn wins again'.
ELLY: Maybe we should ask Shaun.
BEA (teasing): Yeah. You should ask Shaun!
ELLY: Bea, don't you start this again.
Bea laughs. Aaron and David appear, and mention they saw Shaun at the school, which provokes more teasing from Bea.
BEA: Elly has a thing for Shaun.
ELLY: I do not have a thing for Shaun!
DAVID: (...) It definitely sounds like a thing.
ELLY: Okay, you know what? After everything that's happened, it's really nice to have some stability. And it's nice that Shaun's staying here for good, and that Aster has a dad and... yeah, it's just really nice.
AARON: I think that's also known as a thing.
Erinsborough High School
Who should be teaching algebra in Emmett's first lesson but our old mate, Marty Muggleton. Marty gives Emmett a 'simple' question to answer as it's his first day, asking what 'x' is if 4x = 36. Emmett is struggling, so Marty advises him to run through his nine times tables. But the attention is just making Emmett stressed, and he whispers that he doesn't know how to do it.
MUGGLETON: It's alright, mate - no answer's a stupid answer. Take a stab at it.
MUGGLETON: What, you're not even gonna try? ... I'm waiting.
EMMETT: I said I don't know!
Emmett storms out into the corridor, where he runs into Shaun, who encourages him to talk about why he's upset. Emmett explains what happened.
EMMETT: It's not just maths, it's everything. I didn't really want to come here, and now everyone's gonna think I'm stupid (...) What other Year Eight doesn't know their nine times tables?
Shaun shows him a handy trick to help with nine times tables.
EMMETT: Thanks. By the way, I hope you get the job.
The Sonya Wall
Ned is taking Yashvi for a surprise date, and she's trying to guess where they're headed. An Uber pulls up to take them into The City™, but at this point, Levi turns up. He says he's heard Yashvi is joining the force soon, and is taken aback by her pessimism. As Yashvi and Ned get into the car, Levi asks how Hugo is doing.
YASHVI: Yeah, I know - I stuffed up.
LEVI: I'm not having a go at you. I know how easy it is to have those kind of lapses in judgement.
YASHVI: Yeah? You ever given your cousin over to his escaped convict mum?
Levi tells a story of how, on his first week as a police officer, he wrongfully apprehended a pensioner for shoplifting, while the real thief walked straight past him. He was reprimanded, and still gets teased by his colleagues for it now.
LEVI: The point is, everyone messes up. It's how you deal with it and learn from it that makes you a better person, and a better cop.
Yashvi looks thoughtful as Levi leaves.
Lassiter's Complex
Toadie is catching up with John Wong for a coffee, and a lowdown on all he's discovered about Dee's biological dad, Peter Wilson. John Wong is, of course, certain he's got the right Peter Wilson, and confirms he's living in Alaska.
JOHN WONG: Probably not for much longer. Peter worked for a zinc mining company, until he retired due to illness.
TOADIE: Is he still sick?
JOHN WONG: Doctors have given him weeks, maybe days. If your friend wants to get to know her father, she needs to act fast.
Erinsborough High School
David and Aaron arrive to collect Emmett from school, keen to hear how he got on. Emmett reveals that he walked out of his maths lesson because he didn't know the answers. David and Aaron are understanding, saying it must be hard to keep up given Emmett has missed so much school, but that it won't help if he leaves class. They agree to go home and discuss better strategies for handling it.
Meanwhile, Shaun has stopped by to chat to Marty Muggleton about Emmett leaving his class.
SHAUN: I'm not sure if you're aware - Emmett's involved in the foster system. He's behind academically in maths, and probably some other subjects, too.
MUGGLETON: Okay, well, I didn't know that. But, umm, just so you're aware, this is a public school, okay? We don't have the resources to give each kid specialised attention... But thanks for the heads-up.
Shaun looks disappointed as Muggleton walks away.
Lassiter's Complex
Kyle gets a text from Ned, saying, 'Levi worked a treat. Thanks for the favour.' Evidently, Kyle was behind sending Levi to give Yashvi the pep talk, following Ned's request for help. Kyle smiles, satisfied.
Yashvi and Ned arrive at an upmarket restaurant in The City™, and are shown to a table. Yashvi comments that Levi seems like a nice guy; Ned remarks that all the Cannings are nice, 'albeit a little rough around the edges'.
YASHVI: I like how he's straight up. It's good to know that I'm not the only cop that's made a mistake. I think I just needed to hear it from someone on the job.
NED: Lucky we ran into him, then (!)
YASHVI: (...) You set that up!
NED: I don't know what you're talking about!
YASHVI: Don't lie to me, Ned Willis. You know I'm gonna be a detective. I can read you like a book.
NED: Oh, well, as long it's your favourite book.
They kiss.
No 32
David, Aaron and Emmett arrive home.
EMMETT: Every time I move schools, it's like I'm starting all over again. If I don't get what the teachers are talking about, I keep my mouth shut, because I don't want the other kids to think that I'm dumb. They laugh at me.
Aaron promises they'll do everything they can to help Emmett get up to speed. He nods, but looks unconvinced, and goes indoors.
DAVID: Poor kid. We should've realised there was more at play than just first-day nerves.
AARON: Yeah, but knowing us, if we'd known, we would've overreacted and then made him even more anxious.
DAVID: Yeah. I guess most teachers aren't trained in how to handle kids who've experienced trauma.
They agree to set up some meetings with Emmett's teachers, and set some achievable learning goals that he can work on at home, to build up his confidence. They agree Emmett has the right attitude; they just need to give him a little extra help.
Yashvi seems to be fully back on board with remaining in the police academy. A waiter hands her and Ned menus.
YASHVI: This looks expensive. They don't even have prices on the menu.
NED: I'm good for it. Order whatever you want.
YASHVI: Is that your successful artist cash speaking?
NED: Certainly is.
Yashvi quickly settles on caviar!
No 30
Toadie has (inexplicably) summoned Elly for life advice. He wants to know how to tell Dee that he's found her biological father and that he only has potentially days to live. Elly (inexplicably) queries whether Toadie needs to tell Dee about it at all!
ELLY: Dee decided not to look for her father. That was her decision.
TOADIE: Yeah, because it was too hard.
ELLY: Yeah, but think about how she would feel. This is heartbreaking, to find your father and then to lose him. Just think before you act.
Yashvi is impressed with (presumably) the caviar.
YASHVI: That's the most satisfied I've ever been.
NED: What? Are you saying I need to up my game in other areas, too?
YASHVI: Well, how much do you plan on spoiling me today?
NED: As much as I can.
A waiter brings the bill, and Ned can't disguise his horror at the price, despite his best attempts.
YASHVI: Do you want to split?
NED: No, definitely not (...) If anything, I thought it would be more!
Yashvi can see Ned's lying, and jokes that he should remember that when he decides how much of a tip to leave! Ned grudgingly puts his card in the wallet...
The Waterhole
Shaun joins Elly and Bea in the pub, and seems positive about how his job interview went. Pierce comes in, and it transpires that Sheila has gathered them all and Kyle to discuss the future of the island.
SHEILA: Pierce, Kyle and I won't stand in your way. It's your island, and we think it's a really good thing you're doing.
ELLY: Yeah. Bea and I support what you're doing as well.
PIERCE: Well, thanks, that really means a lot to us.
SHEILA: We just have one request - that you run a cooking class with the camp.
KYLE: Yeah, we thought it might be a good way to honour Dad.
Pierce thinks that's a great idea, and says they can consider it done. Shaun asks how long it's been since anyone visited the island; Pierce says they had a few people assess the infrastructure when Claudia was first pitching the camp idea. But now they're pursuing the project, they'll have to go out and suss out the state of things themselves.
SHAUN: I can do it, if you want. I'd like to do something practical to help.
PIERCE: Yeah, I don't have a problem with it.
SHEILA: Are you sure you really want to do that, love? I mean, it's not something I would want to do.
SHAUN: Not many of you would, I suspect. All the more reason for me to go.
Pierce agrees to organise Shaun a boat. Kyle looks worried.
SHEILA: Back to the island. What could possibly go wrong?
Coming up on Neighbours
- David asks someone to keep an eye out for Emmett at school
- Emmett is watched in the corridor by another male pupil
- Emmett says to someone, 'They think I'm a loser'
- Shaun tells Elly they've been given a chance to start over; he doesn't want to waste it
- Toadie calls someone, saying he has something he needs to tell them
- Toadie and Dee share an emotional kiss on Ramsay Street