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Neighbours Episode 8390 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8389 - 8391>>
Episode title: 8390
Australian airdate: 22/06/20
UK airdate: 13/07/20
Writer: Shane Isheev
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Karl annoyed at Olivia using their chats to write a book.
- Elly suggesting to Karl and Susan they go far away to put the book behind them.
- Sheila revealing she'd set up a dating profile for Kyle... but he only wants Roxy.
- Hendrix annoyed at his dad and Chloe over their plan to do fostering.
- Leila wanting a chat with Hendrix.
- Chloe hearing that she and Pierce aren't ready to do fostering.
- Pierce wanting answers from his son!
Lassiters brasserie
Pierce, Chloe and Hendrix are trying to get to the bottom of the message Leila sent. Hendrix denies saying anything bluntly to her in their chat, just that they sprung this news (about fostering) on him very quickly. The lad is quick to also add that he didn't "make it a bid deal." Pierce concludes Leila obviously interpreted it as being a big deal, which causes Hendrix to take the hump at, as it is continuing the trait of Pierce always blaming his son.
Number 26
"Did you bring the whole of Frankston with you?!" Sheila remarks after Kyle helps Levi bring in more of his belongings to the house. Turns out that most of the boxes are mainly full of protein powders and Sheila suggests putting unused stuff into the shed to give him more room.
The pair praise Levi to the hilt for his role in getting Hugo back to his dad and after Levi heads to his room to unpack, Kyle thanks his Gran for the effort she is putting in with Levi and reckons they will be besties soon enough! From the look on her face though... that could be quite a while!
Ramsay Street
Pierce is waiting at the end of the driveway for Hendrix to return home, he isn't finished with the conversation they started at the complex. Chloe warns him waiting won't make the lad come back any sooner. She also doesn't think Hendrix deliberately made them look bad with the agency, and wonders if Leila was right about their suitability? The pair try to figure out what was the issue before coming up with a Plan B - going to another agency but making sure that Hendrix is prepped and on board before that happens!
The Waterhole
Kyle arrives hoping to go on a date with Roxy... however she is firmly sticking to Harlow's side, so and he gets the picture and walks away.
Harlow quizzes Roxy on whether she did see right, was Kyle on a date? Roxy is adamant she saw correctly and concludes that it's a trait for Kyle now - making girls feel special as they wait to make a decision... but then going on a date with the next girl he sees!
ROXY: I'm going back to the plan I had in Darwin, #koxy is no more.
HARLOW: If you say so.
She does and to prove it, declares that she isn't going to be the third wheel (by tagging along on Harlow and Hendrix's date) and is instead going to get back on the horse!
Number 28
Bea is surprised to hear that Shaun is on the way back to Australia (he's due to arrive in a couple of hours) and wonders if its due to the book. Elly confirms that is partially true but is also sure it's because he misses Aster like crazy. Her good mood is quickly soured after getting a call from a journalist wanting to ask her questions about Olivia's book. Bea is pleased her sister gave the journalist short shift by how quickly she hung up and agrees not to let the K's know about the call.
Despite being on holiday, there is still strife between the K's over Olivia's book. It comes to a bit of an impasse when she brings up the fact that she can't trust him.
KARL: Right... so you don't trust me?
SUSAN: ...
KARL: Then why are we even bothering to save this marriage?
The Waterhole
As they play pool, Harlow is trying to convince Hendrix his chat with Leila obviously wasn't the only reason the family got turned down for fostering. Hendrix feels like he is back to square one too with his dad, just as he thought things were better between them.
Number 28
The journalist who called Elly earlier (Casper Perry) is being persistent and has now taken to texting and leaving a voicemail for Bea too. Given the journalist has their details, Bea is now starting to worry if he will turn up at the house. Elly admits she isn't sure if he will or not but also what he might do if they continue to ignore him.
ELLY: Every time I think this nightmare is over, something else happens.
"We're not letting this mess with our heads," is Bea's determined stance, beginning with them both taking a trip to the complex - she will hang out in the pub while Elly goes to meet Chloe after she texted asking them to meet up.
Number 26
Levi presents his Gran with a pressie for allowing him to move in (some bags of cherries) and recalls a time from his childhood when she'd give him some sneakily after he was denied dessert after not eating his greens!
In trying (and failing) to persuade Kyle to come with him to the pub, Levi mentioned he was single... which is music to Sheila's ears! She tries to set him up with one of the ladies she'd initially shortlisted for Kyle... once she finds something suitable in his wardrobe to wear for a photograph.
LEVI: Is she for real?!
KYLE: You'd better leave before she gets back!
Levi does as Kyle suggests and scarpers from the house before Sheila returns from his room!
Harold's café
Over coffee and cake, Chloe and Elly are having a mutual wallowing session. Chloe admits that the fostering chat has brought up the need for a (natural) child but with the same pitfall - that the child will end up as her carer.
CHLOE: Foster care is less about being a mum and more about doing something good, to make someone's life better.
"Fostering is a great way to achieve that," Elly reminds her, but Chloe is fearful that they'll be back to square one if another agency rejects them. "You and Pierce are amazing," Elly reminds her friend with and adds that "if this is about helping people, there are so many other ways you can do that."
"I never thought we'd be in this position again," Susan admits to her husband as they stand admitting the view.
SUSAN: Every mistake, every indiscretion, I forgave you.
"You know I'm grateful for that," Karl replies back to her and reassures her about standing by her during the whole Finn mess. "You didn't walk out on me, I'll give you that," is her response but she's still adamant he blames her for Finn and then telling all to his "ex-girlfriend."
KARL: I told you about that, I needed an outlet to get things off my chest, because I wasn't afforded that opportunity at home!
SUSAN: Well forgive me for being too traumatised to comfort you!
"I didn't mean it like that," he replies but Susan is still on the attack, wanting him to admit that his "ego needed stroking and Olivia was only too happy to oblige!" The pair are really going for the jugular and Karl brings up Jim Dolan.
KARL: It's a pattern for you Susan. You didn't think about us when you insisted Finn come and live with us. Or when Finn and Elly had feelings for each other, you kept that secret too.
"Should I go on?" he asks her as he has plenty of examples where she "shut me out."
The venom seems to dissipate after Karl said that last bit and after a moment's pause, Karl asks "where do we go from here?" "I don't know," and almost shell-shocked Susan replies back.
Lassiters Lake
Pierce finds his son standing by the lake and tries to explain why he thought what he did. Hendrix's response is he would have been more explicit had he really been trying to sabotage things and is annoyed that he wasn't believed from the off. The lad wants to know why he wants to foster and asks if it is to prove that he "doesn't always fail as a father?" "I'm trying to do something good," is his honest reply but from the scoffing Hendrix makes, the lad things otherwise and indeed says to his dad "that's bull!"
HENDRIX: With your money, there's literally millions of ways you can help kids. You're fostering to make yourself feel better about stuffing up with me. End of story!
The Waterhole (exterior)
Bea is sitting quietly minding her own business when Levi joins her table. He is sussing her out to see if she works for "any boy racers" when Roxy comes over to the table and asks to join them. The pair do the intros to one another and Bea suddenly thinks its time to go find her sister and hurriedly leaves them to it!
ROXY: And then there were two.
Roxy then tells him that she's had an idea - going inside the pub to play strip dance!
The K's have retreated back to their accommodation, but you can still cut the tension between them with a knife as they sit on the balcony admiring the spectacular view. It is Karl who breaks the silence by saying that they "can't live a future waiting for something to happen that dredges up past hurts."
KARL: How do we fix this?
With a shake of the head Susan replies back that she doesn't know.
SUSAN: I don't know how to fix it because I don't know who I am anymore. I always saw the best in people, I trusted them, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. It's how I was able to forgive you the affairs, its why I wanted to help Finn. That's all gone now, I can't keep doing that, look what happened. I just don't know what that leaves me with.
KARL: No-one would expect you to be the same after what Finn did to you.
SUSAN: Oh Karl, I feel as though everything about me has changed. I feel afraid.
KARL: I was sure I'd never hurt you again. I guess I'm not the man I thought I was.
He acknowledges that its going to take work and asks if they will do it together "as a team?"
KARL: Or are we passed that?
SUSAN: We haven't felt like a team for a long time. Walking away doesn't feel right either.
Turning to face Susan directly, he reaffirms his love for her and asks, "do you love me?"
SUSAN: I do.
With tears in their eyes, each apologise to the other and an agreement "to do whatever it takes."
KARL: We've got our whole future to figure this out. We just... we have to keep talking to each other.
Number 28
Shaun has arrived in Australia and tells Elly about how much better he feels for taking time out to work through everything.
SHAUN: Getting over grief takes time, I know I can't force it.
Elly is impressed over how well he is handling things and asks if he's spoken to Claudia. Shaun confirms that he has, and he is just about to tell her about how Claudia is struggling when her mobile phone starts to ring. He is somewhat puzzled at her refusing to answer the phone and asks, "what's going on?" Hesitantly, she explains about the "unwanted attention" the family have received.
Number 26
Sheila is busy ironing a suitable dating shirt for Levi when Kyle comments why she is doing that?
SHEILA: Maybe you'd like me to go back to sorting out your love life?
KYLE: Scratch that, Levi's your man.
She is sure Levi will appreciate the help finding "his Mrs Right" unlike Kyle. It then dawns on Kyle that he hopes she isn't using his photo for his fake dating profile as his attempt to woo Roxy is complicated enough! Sheila tries to get him to give Jamie a call but is firmly put back in her corner by her grandson!
The Waterhole
Having presumably lost, Roxy is trying to get Levi to take his shirt off but the lad protests loudly... so she pours a beer over him!
ROXY: Whoops!
This forces Levi to remove his shirt and the lass likes what she sees and orders him not to take too long in the toilet cleaning up!!!
Number 26
Kyle types out a text to Roxy asking how her night is going. He ponders over sending it but instead switches his phone off.
The Waterhole
Roxy pounces on Levi the second he leaves the toilets to see if he wants to do shots! He rejects the offer, explaining that he only drinks water as it is better for his body. After she orders another round of drinks, he asks if she is a regular? "Something like that," she replies back and tells him that she is originally from Darwin.
LEVI: I bet you broke a few hearts up there.
ROXY: None worth remembering.
The arrival of their drinks barely cuts the UST between the pair and Levi remembers that she owes him a new shirt.
ROXY: How would you like me to pay?
After what feels like an eternity of them staring at each other, waiting for someone to make a move, the pair slowly edge towards one another... and then the episode ends!!!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Emmett declaring that he has stuffed up.
- Bea being harassed.
- Toadie letting rip at Heather.
- PI John reporting back to Toadie.
- Toadie debating an issue with Elly.
- Kyle asking who Levi was with.
<<8389 - 8391>>
Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Hendrix Greyson

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Levi Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8390
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Kyle Canning

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8390
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Sheila Canning

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8390
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8390
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Pierce Greyson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Pierce Greyson, Hendrix Greyson

Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson

Levi Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning, Roxy Willis

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8390
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8390
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8390
Aster Conway

Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8390
Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Levi Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning, Roxy Willis

Levi Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning, Roxy Willis

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Kyle Canning

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8390
Roxy Willis

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8390
Levi Canning

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