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Neighbours Episode 8383 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8382 - 8384>>
Episode title: 8383
Australian airdate: 11/06/20
UK airdate: 02/07/20
Writer: Pavan Dutta
Director: Kate Kendall and Deborra-lee Furness
Guests: Grant Hargreaves: Paul Mercurio
Leila Potts: Jing-Xuan Chan
Emmett Donaldson: Ezra Justin
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Dipi asking Grant if he *really* wants to fix things with Mackenzie.
- Grant tells Dipi that he's here for Mackenzie
- Shane suggests that Grant goes to Pride.
- David gets an email from the agency - they have a child that needs emergency accommodation
- A social worker (Leila) introduced Emmett to David and Aaron. They're surprised to see that he's a teenager.
- Hendrix and Emmett bond
- Emmett overhears David and Aaron talking and is upset.
Emmett is very angry and says he broke the window on purpose.
DAVID: Emmett, if something's wrong, we want to help.
EMMETT: No, you don't! You just want to make yourselves feel good.
DAVID: That's not...
EMMETT: I heard you! You want someone younger!
DAVID: No, I...
EMMETT: You can't wait to trade me in for a new kid! As if I care, anyway! I don't want to be here!
He storms off to his room.
Aaron and David are mortified that he overheard their conversation. David says he's been thinking...they could take Emmett on for longer than a week.
AARON: Are yous serious?
DAVID: Yeah, I am.
AARON: After what just happened?
DAVID: ...
AARON: David, I don't think I'm cut out for this.
DAVID: Granted we haven't got off to the best start...
AARON: This is a huge decision!
DAVID: Yeah, but one we should consider. We have the opportunity to make a difference here!
But Aaron has walked off.
Grant and Mackenzie are chatting happily. Mackenzie has to go - she has the diary reading coming up. Dipi says she'll support her all the way.
Chloe has told Paul and Terese about the broken window. Paul asks Chloe about the writers' convention and hopes she's keeping an eye on things.
TERESE: It's a writers' festival, Paul. Not some sort of biker gang convention!
PAUL: Writers can be controversial.
There is the book launch too, which is still confidential. Chloe wants to peep, but Terese won't let her. Apparently the book will "make headlines"
When they've gone, Terese peeks at the books herself! She is shocked by what she sees.
Harold's Store
Grant is having a coffee. Dipi asks Grant to encourage Mackenzie in her diary reading.
DIPI: I thought you'd accepted Mackenzie for who she is.
GRANT: I have!
DIPI: Really?
GRANT: Yeah, I went to the Pride.
DIPI: Which was great...if it wasn't all for show. Just a way to keep everyone happy until Toadie does your WorkSafe claim.
Seriously, Dipi.
GRANT: Of course it wasn't.
DIPI: Then I don't understand why someone who says they support their daughter is actively doing the opposite.
GRANT: A bunch of stuff in those diaries is probably about me. About how I treated her. She's going to read it all. In public.
DIPI: So you don't want your daughter to express herself, because you're ashamed. This isn't about you. It's not even all about Mackenzie. What she's written has the power to help so many other kids in a similar situation. A good parent would support that.
Aaron tells David that he might be open to having Emmett for long, he just needed some time to think.
DAVID: It changes the way we imagined our lives, but there are some good things to having a teenager.
AARON: Yeah, I know. But...is Emmett the right teenager for us?
DAVID: After what he heard us say...if we let him go after a week, imagine what that does to his self-worth. I'm sure we can build a good bond. It's just going to take some time.
Paul comes in to enquire after the window and offers to pay as he provided the bat and ball. Paul is shocked to hear that Emmett isn't talking to them. David explains that he overheard them talking about how they wanted a younger child.
DAVID: He's really hurt.
PAUL: Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much, David. Teenage boys never really hang on to stuff for too long.
DAVID: When it comes to feeling unwanted, it can last a lifetime.
Aaron has been to look for Emmett in his bedroom - he's gone!
Lassiter's Complex
Karl and Susan are walking along and talking about their forthcoming trip.
Harold's Store
Chloe is on the phone to Pierce, excitedly speculating about the book launch.
David and Aaron rush in, looking for Emmett. Paul is apparently waiting at home. They ask Chloe to help them look.
David looks very worried.
AARON: Hey, we're going to find him. Come on.
Terese is on the phone to the publisher of the book.
TERESE: I am sorry. But we never would have let you use this venue if we'd known this was the book you were going to launch! If I can find anything in that contract that can stop this going ahead, be sure that I will find it!
Mackenzie comes over and thanks Terese for having her at the book festival. She's worried about Grant's reaction though.
MACKENZIE: He's been so good with me since he got here, and I don't want him to think that I'm throwing it back in his face.
TERESE: Well, it was a different time. I'm sure he'll understand why you wrote it.
She gets a text from Paul telling her that Emmett has run away.
No.32 (Garden)
Aaron and David have arrived back, beside themselves with worry. Paul has messaged everyone in the street, and Leila the social worker has also arrived.
DAVID:(to Leila) I am *so* sorry. We never imagined that be could screw up this badly.
LEILA: Emmett's done this a few times before. It's just his coping mechanism whenever he gets stressed or mad. He always comes back.
DAVID: Does he usually hide for this long? Maybe we should call the police.
LEILA: Just give him a few more hours before we do that.
Her phone rings and she goes off to answer it.
David is still berating himself and so is Aaron. Paul is less concerned and doesn't think upsetting a teenager is a big deal!
PAUL: Other parents have done far worse than this and bounced back. Including me. The thing is, most parents get the luxury of watching their kids grow up cute, before they turn into little hormonal monsters. You on the other hand, well, you've been dumped in the deep end. But you can't lose confidence. Emmett needs you to stay strong. Because he doesn't have anyone else on his side. Yeah?
This seems to get through to them.
Harold's Store
Mackenzie and Grant are talking about the legal system. She's very passionate about it, and says maybe she could be Chief Justice Hargreaves one day! Grant suggests she could do work experience with Toadie. He offers to have a chat with him for her. Mackenzie is pleased.
Dipi looks over, still with a sour look on her face. What do you have to do.
Lassiter's Lake
Chloe sees Emmett sitting on the grass and slowly walks over to him. He seems her coming and doesn't move.
CHLOE: Hey. Remember me? Chloe.
He just looks at her.
CHLOE: Aaron and David are really worried about you. They've sent out a whole search party.
EMMETT: Yeah, right. They don't give a stuff.
CHLOE: They really do. They want you to come home.
EMMETT: I don't have a home!
CHLOE: I know you haven't known Aaron and David very long. But Aaron's my big brother. I've known him my whole life. He's a good guy.
EMMETT: Look, could you just leave me alone?
CHLOE: They worked really hard to become foster parents. And they want you back. I'm just going to stand over here and give you some space.
EMMETT: You're going to call them, aren't you?
CHLOE: Kinda have to. Grown-up responsibility.
Emmett walks into the rotunda and sits down dejectedly. Chloe calls David and Aaron to come down to the lake.
Harold's Store
Apparently a lot of tickets to Mackenzie's reading have been sold. Just then, Mackenzie rushes in and says that Toadie has agreed to her doing some work experience! She's very pleased that Grant helped her with it.
When Mackenzie goes into the kitchen, Pierce comments that it sounds liek Mackenzie's dad is doing the right things.
DIPI: As long as it's not just a once-off. Hopefully it won't be.
We're up to about three times at least now, Dipi. Seriously.
Hendrix, Aaron and David have arrived. Hendrix offers to go and talk to Emmett.
HENDRIX: Might listen to me.
DAVID: Yeah, OK.
Hendrix walks over and sits down.
EMMETT: If you're here to tell me how much people are missing me and stuff...I've already heard it, so you can get lost.
HENDRIX: Woah, dude! Why are you mad at me? I'm just here to hang out. What are you planning to do, though? Sit here forever? I've played the runaway card a few times and trust me, it never really fixes anything.
EMMETT: You're rich. As if you have any problems.
HENDRIX: What's being rich got to do with it? I've had heaps of problems with my dad. And when I first got here, I didn't even think that he wanted me anywhere near him. Kind of how you're feeling right now, I guess. But, no matter what I did - and I did some pretty bad things - he never sent me away.
EMMETT: But he's your *dad*. Aaron and David aren't mine.
HENDRIX: Yeah, they're not, but they came looking for you. And if they really didn't give a stuff, they wouldn't be over there right now.
Emmett looks conflicted.
HENDRIX: Just...just give them a chance.
Elly wants to makes plans with Bea for when Susan and Karl are away(!) For example, house parties and breaking things(!)
Terese rushes over to them and tell them she has something she has to tell them. And Karl and Susan too.
Aaron, David, Paul and Emmett are having a drink.
AARON: We're glad you're safe, buddy. We were so scared when we couldn't find you.
EMMETT:(strained) Sorry.
DAVID: We're the ones that should be saying sorry, mate.
Paul goes off to the bar to get some crisps for Emmett.
DAVID: Thanks for giving us a second chance, Emmett.
EMMETT: Mm-hmm.
Lassiter's Complex
Susan and Karl are still in a very good mood, having been shopping for their trip.
Just then, Susan sees a poster going up on the hotel for the book launch. It reads, "THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - The story of Finn Kelly. The chilling true crime story of how one man devastated a community. Twice" by Olivia Bell. There's a picture of Finn too.
Susan is appalled. Just then, Terese, Elly and Bea rush up.
TERESE: I'm so sorry, if I could stop it I would.
Everyone is speechless.
No.32 (Garden)
Emmett tells Leila that he will stay the rest of the week, but he doesn't look too keen. He does promise not to run away again.
Aaron and David are talking.
AARON: This is what we signed up for. Isn't it? To help kids like him, and we knew it wouldn't be easy.
DAVID:(laughing) That's what I've been saying!
AARON: Well, so, let's do it!
DAVID: Really? You're sure.
AARON: Yeah. I want to give it my best shot.
Emmett and Leila come over. Aaron and David offer to have him for longer than a week.
LEILA: How do you feel about that?
EMMETT: I'll just stay the week.
He is clearly still very hurt.
No.30, evening
Mackenzie and Grant are playing cards and getting on well. She sees some of Toadie's files on the table and picks them up.
MACKENZIE: Dad. Why is your name on one of Toadie's legal files? Is he representing you or something? Dad?
Both Grant and Dipi look awkward.
MACKENZIE: What's going on?
Coming up on Neighbours
- Susan ranting at Karl for confiding in Olivia.
- Karl confronts Olivia
- Elly wants to read the book so she knows what's in it.
- The prison is put on to lockdown.
- Dee in the prison garden.
- Mackenzie asking Grant if any of the last few days has been real.
- Grant asking if Mackenzie understands how hard it's been for him.
<<8382 - 8384>>
Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Emmett Donaldson

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8383
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi, Grant Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi, Grant Hargreaves

Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8383
Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8383
Terese Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Grant Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Dipi Rebecchi, Grant Hargreaves

Paul Robinson, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8383
Paul Robinson, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8383
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8383
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8383
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson, Terese Willis

Leila Potts, Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8383
Leila Potts, Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Grant Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Grant Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Emmett Donaldson

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8383
Chloe Brennan

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8383
Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Hendrix Greyson

Terese Willis, Aster Conway, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Terese Willis, Aster Conway, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Aaron Brennan, Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Aaron Brennan, Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8383
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis

Leila Potts, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8383
Leila Potts, Emmett Donaldson

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8383
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8383
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi

Grant Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Grant Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8383
Mackenzie Hargreaves

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