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Neighbours Episode 8376 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8375 - 8377>>
Episode title: 8376
Australian airdate: 02/06/20
UK airdate: 23/06/20
Writer: Holly Tosi
Director: Tenika Smith
Guests: Andrea Somers / Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Shane Jenek / Courtney Act: As Themselves
Heather Schilling: Kerry Armstrong
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Clare
Previously on Neighbours
- Naomi tells Kyle that the threesome didn't work out
- Pierce and Chloe admit to each other that they weren't really into the idea
- Naomi announces that she's leaving and tells Chloe and Pierce they need to communicate better
- Shaun points out to Elly she seems unkeen to go out of the house and offers to accompany her
- Toadie tells Dee he isn't in favour of her visiting Heather
- Toadie tells Heather to leave Dee alone
- Dee is upset that Toadie doesn't want her to get to know Heather
No.28 Backyard
Karl and Susan are sitting chatting at the table. Toadie arrives looking for Dee. She isn't at home and they last saw her this morning. Toadie admits to the massive argument over Heather. Dee is avoiding his calls. Karl suggests that Dee is allowed to cool off. Toadie tells them Dee doesn't think they have a future if she can't contact Heather. Susan thinks Toadie has been reasonable, Toadie points out that Heather keeps getting in the way.
TOADIE: What if we can't past this?
Heather arrives at the table where Dee is waiting for her. Heather is pleased that Dee has visited her twice today. Dee is rather quiet and Heather wants to know what the matter is. Dee brushes it off and Heather hopes it isn't due to her. A tearful Dee tells Heather she isn't to blame. Heather tells Dee she has her support. Dee just wanted to visit. Heather suggests they enjoy each other's company and they hold hands. Dee appreciates this and thanks Heather.
Lassiter's Office
Paul is stunned that Naomi has left with all the events going on, Terese agrees it wasn't the best timing.
PAUL: It's completely unprofessional and out of character
Pierce and Chloe are quiet and Paul asks them what really happened. Pierce tells him that they got the same story from Terese. Terese wants to get on with business. Chloe tells her that the Writers Festival is being sorted by various people so she just needs to check the venues. Paul wants to know what happened to the star attraction for the Pride event, Terese tells them it wasn't definitely confirmed. Naomi was going to find someone. Chloe offers to sort it. Pierce agrees that Naomi laid the foundations and they'll sort out the rest.
The Waterhole
Sheila is pleased to see Bea and Elly enjoying a drink. She admires Aster and is sure Aster is happy to be reunited with Elly.
SHEILA: Enjoy every moment because in a blink they'll up and leave you without a moment's notice.
Sheila tells them that she dropped Naomi off at the airport, they're surprised that Naomi didn't stick around. Sheila gets a text from Paul wanting The Waterhole to be 'sparkly' for the Pride event. Bea thinks Sheila should focus on this. Elly agrees as everyone will love the Cranky Granny! They think Sheila will be perfect. Sheila frets as there are tons of things to do and Roxy is away. Elly offers to help as this is what she needs. Sheila is happy with this idea. Sheila suggests they ask Paul for a disco ball!
Harold's Café
Chloe suggests to Pierce that they contact Mardi Gras enquiring about any leads. Pierce distractedly agrees to all that Chloe is saying. She gets his attention and they agree that Naomi has left them to deal with all of this. Pierce doesn't want to discuss this right now and wants to discuss Pride instead. Aaron arrives and they go to him for help.
CHLOE: I've got a running Code Green.
AARON: Well Roger that. What do you need?
CHLOE: A unicorn.
She explains they need a headline act and are desperate. Aaron asks if she wants a singer, dancer etc. She wants all of them! Aaron thinks he can find someone though it will be embarrassing for him. Chloe points out it will be helping her.
No.28 Backyard
Toadie arrives and tentatively approaches Dee. They've both been doing a lot of thinking, Toadie spent most of the night doing that. He apologises for making the situation worse. They realise that Dee continuing to contact Heather and Toadie staying out of it isn't working out as it causes arguments. Toadie can't change his mind and Dee can't change her mind about contacting Heather. They are both upset as they realise what has to happen.
TOADIE: I love you.
DEE: I love you. I love you so much.
Dee thought that they could get through anything after all they've been through. They realise it's over between them.
The Waterhole
Sheila is trying to work out why Naomi had to leave in such a rush. Naomi doesn't have a job or a place to live in LA so it doesn't make sense. Kyle reassures Sheila that Naomi will sort things out. She confirmed this in her text but Sheila isn't reassured. Kyle thinks Sheila should concentrate on the Pride event.
Sheila goes over to Elly who is rocking an unseen crying Aster in the pram. Sheila is pleased with what the decorations Elly has done. Elly didn't want to go overboard but Sheila thinks it's perfect. Sheila offers to rock Aster and Elly happily accepts.
Aaron arrives and joins Terese, Pierce and Chloe at one of the tables. Through a friend he has contacted Shane Janek aka Courtney Act. Chloe and Terese are impressed. Aaron explains he auditioned for her and bumped into her at Mardi Gras earlier in the year. She is happy to help out as she's in town. Chloe is really grateful! Paul arrives and is pleased as well. Courtney wants to go through the event details and Lassiter's will meet her standards. Paul is happy to speak to her.
No.28 Backyard
Toadie is sitting with Karl and Susan. They want to check it's really over after all they've been through. Toadie tells them that it wasn't an easy decision. They offer their support and he thanks them. Toadie isn't sure if Dee will stick around.
Heather is feeling bad for causing all this, Dee doesn't blame her. Heather wonders if Dee should do this.
DEE: You are my mother. It's a very complicated situation, there is no perfect solution.
Dee thought it was better for them to end things than carry on hurting each other. Dee knows that she will continue to be friends with Toadie and an Auntie to Hugo. Dee insists that Heather doesn't feel guilty. Dee isn't sure what will happen now. Dee wants to know about her birth father. She knows her father is deadbeat but wants to know more. Heather is unsure. Dee had planned to spend more time with Heather first. Heather can't remember anything so can't be much help. She promises to tell Dee if she recalls anything.
The Waterhole
The banners are up for the Pride event. Shane Janek has arrived and Sheila is enthusing over him. She offers him a drink including a dirty martini.
SHANE J: How dirty are we talking?
SHEILA: Well for the one and only Courtney Act I can make them pretty dirty!
SHANE J: I like that.
Shane J realises he recognises her as Cranky Granny and tells her he was watched her video at least 1000 times. Sheila is really happy that he recognises her! He likes the beehive so she offers to bring back the hairstyle.
Elly comes and asks for Sheila's help with something. Sheila doesn't want to leave him but he excuses himself for a meeting. Elly points out Paul, Sheila begs him to return.
Shane goes to introduce himself as Paul is distracted. Shane tries to introduce himself but Paul thinks he's another person doing a business proposal.
PAUL: I do not just work with anyone.
Paul starts talking about what is in a business proposal. He doesn't want him to waste his time! Courtney just looks bemused!
Lassiter's Lake
Chloe is grateful that Aaron has made this whole thing happen. Pierce is trying to get Shane's attention and get him to stay. Shane refuses to stay after the way Paul spoke to him so he's going! Pierce apologises
CHLOE: Erinsborough Pride wants Courtney bad.
AARON: Absolutely. People would kill to see you in their local.
PIERCE: That's what makes Erinsborough's Pride event so special. It's about celebrating queer culture in a tight knit community.
Andrea comes over to Heather who is staring into space. Andrea snaps her out of it and Heather apologises. Heather asks Andrea to join her at the table. Heather wants to know if Andrea's Dad crosses Andrea's mind.
ANDREA: I don't waste my time on lost causes.
It surprises Heather that Andrea didn't really have any interest in him. Andrea didn't think it was necessary. Heather thinks that everyone wants to know their roots. Andrea guesses that Saint Dee has been asking though Heather is vague about this. Andrea has no interest and heads off.
The Waterhole
Elly is telling Bea that Sheila met Shane Janek and Sheila was starstruck.
KYLE: Sounds like Gran had zero chill.
Sheila is all afluster! Kyle realises she will keep going on about it.
SHEILA: We can't stay sad forever love.
Kyle and Sheila share a look of understanding.
Lassiter's Complex
Chloe happily tells Terese that they have confirmed things with Courtney, Terese is really grateful. Chloe wants Pierce to take the credit for bringing them back to the heart of the event. Terese will be talking to Paul about this!
Paul arrives and tells them that Courtney was a no show for the meeting. Terese is speechless! Aaron comes out of Lassiter's Reception.
AARON: Ladies and gentlemen I give you... Courtney Act!
Paul welcomes her and enthuses about being a fan. He claims to closely follow her and compares her to Cher! Courtney thinks they have different styles which Paul hastily agrees Courtney has an understated style.
AARON: I think you two may already met.
PAUL: Aaron I think I'd remember meeting a beautiful woman like Courtney.
Terese tries to explain but Courtney tells him the deal is done. Paul offers to help if Courtney needs any assistance. Courtney asks for several drinks which Paul will deliver to her room. She has a luxury suite but needs another one for her dogs. She is very specific about the temperature and the sheets! He is unsure when Courtney asks for a zen garden in the dressing room and Terese is smirking! Paul heads off to sort things out and everyone creases up with laughter!
Lassiter's Lake
Karl and Susan have heard from Bea that Elly is ok. They wander over to Dee as Karl gets a call. Susan sits with Dee, Dee admits to having a tough day. Susan offers her support and help but Dee doesn't need anything. Dee tells her that she's been to visit Heather and helped distract her. They see Toadie walk past and he awkwardly nods at them. Susan thinks that time will help.
DEE: I know what it's like to lose him.
Dee isn't ready yet to discuss this and politely refuses a lift home. She heads off.
Karl tells Susan that someone wants to see him.
The Waterhole
Aaron wants to get some champagne.
CHLOE: If it's French and it pops I'm there.
PIERCE: Butcher for you Paul?
Paul doesn't look too amused! Terese thanks Pierce for things working out and really appreciates all he's done. Terese asks if the comments Paul made led to Naomi's exit?
PIERCE: Naomi did what's right for her. Important thing is we're back on track.
Chloe thinks that Courtney deserves the best champagne and has invited her to join them. Sheila is happy to join them! Sheila is astounded that Courtney is the headline act at the Pride event right here at The Waterhole! Aaron offers to introduce them.
SHEILA: Actually Courtney and I go way back.
Karl has come to see Heather at her request. Heather is worrying about how Dee is affected by the breakup. Heather tells Karl that Dee has enquired about her father. Karl isn't sure why he is involved. Heather hasn't been completely truthful about not remembering any details. Some things at the time are unclear but she remembers the father's name. She wants Karl to help her track him down.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Paul checks if the staff are looking after Courtney
- Mackenzie is worried she will scare Grant away
- Dipi wants to know if Grant will let Mackenzie down again
- Karl tells Dee that Heather hasn't told her the whole truth
- Dee types something into the work computer
<<8375 - 8377>>
Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8376
Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8376
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8376
Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling

Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8376
Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8376
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8376
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Sheila Canning, Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8376
Sheila Canning, Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8376
Aster Conway

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8376
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8376
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8376
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8376
Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8376
Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8376
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8376
Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling

Courtney Act, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8376
Courtney Act, Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8376
Paul Robinson

Courtney Act in Neighbours Episode 8376
Courtney Act

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8376
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8376
Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling

Bea Nilsson, Aster Conway, Elly Conway, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8376
Bea Nilsson, Aster Conway, Elly Conway, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Courtney Act in Neighbours Episode 8376
Courtney Act

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8376
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Dee Bliss, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8376
Dee Bliss, Susan Kennedy

Pierce Greyson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8376
Pierce Greyson, Terese Willis

Heather Schilling, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8376
Heather Schilling, Karl Kennedy

Heather Schilling, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8376
Heather Schilling, Karl Kennedy

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