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Neighbours Episode 8363 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8362 - 8364>>
Episode title: 8363
Australian airdate: 14/05/20
UK airdate: 04/06/20
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Tony Gardiner A.C.S
Guests: Andrea Somers / Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Claudia Watkins: Kate Raison
Olivia Bell: Alyce Platt
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Ned tells Shane that he's going to try to make it as an artist
- Olivia tells Karl that if he ever needs to talk, she's there
- Elly tells Toadie that she really has to get out of prison
- Chloe tells Elly she'll try to discredit Claudia
- Claudia is seen talking to a dodgy judge
- Aaron asks Claudia if she's responsible for the fire. She says she is.
- Claudia tells Aaron that she'll get him a baby
Claudia says that she can use her money to get Aaron and David a baby, even though it's not legal. She says that foster is never a permanent option and they'd be better off with a child for life - and she can give him that.
AARON: OK, so I keep my mouth shut about the first, and you basically buy us a kid?!
He says he'll have to speak to David about it. Claudia says she hopes he'll make the right decision.
Elly is looking at a photo of Aster when Andrea comes in. Andrea says Elly has to hang on to hope, but not let the other prisoners see that.
Hospital (Outside)
Toadie and Dee talk about Elly. She says she'll come and check on him later.
When she's gone, Toadie's phone rings.
Chloe, Bea and Susan are chatting about Claudia. Apparently they can't just tell the police what they overheard, because it would just be Chloe and Aaron's word against Claudia's. They need more evidence.
Just then, Aaron and David arrive. They tell them about the "buy a baby" offer from Claudia.
Outside the Waterhole
Ned and Terese are chatting about his new career. Terese advises him not to wait for people to come to him, he should take any opportunity that comes along.
Terese passes Claudia, who is distracted by a text message from Aaron asking her to meet at their place.
Toadie tells Elly that the appeal on her sentence has been refused. He looks very upset.
ELLY: Are you telling me that I have to stay in here for my full sentence?!
TOADIE: Um...I'm afraid so...
ELLY: No! No, no no no this can't be right! You have to do something else, try another appeal! Anything! Toadie, I can't stay in here for three years.
TOADIE:(upset) I'm sorry.
Karl and Dee are chatting about him and Susan.
Olivia Bell comes in and asks how Karl is. She invites him to lunch late. Dee overhears this.
Garden of No.32
Claudia has arrived to see David and Aaron. Aaron says they'd be interested in her help with the baby. It's clearly a ruse, but they manage to convince Claudia they're genuinely interested.
Ah, the ruse is revealed - Aaron and David are distracting Claudia while Susan, Bea and Chloe search the penthouse for evidence.
Chloe urges them to look for bank statements or any other invoices.
Harold's Café
Karl and Olivia are having lunch and talking about her latest book. She asks him about his and Susan's relationship and he doesn't really want to talk about it. He does say that he seems to be walking on eggshells with Susan.
Outside the Hospital
Dee is comforting Toadie about Elly's sentence.
TOADIE: I don't get it! I thought I was completely prepared for this appeal. There's nothing more that I could have added to show that Elly was wrongly sentenced! Well, obviously I must have missed something...
DEE: If you felt you were prepared, I mean, is that even possible?
TOADIE: I don't know...I'm just...I'm going to have to go through it all and just...look again.
DEE: Toadie, you have done *everything* you can. You have been so stressed. Working all hours.
TOADIE: That's nothing compared to what Elly's going through.
DEE: Yeah, but...is it fair to give her false hope? Do you think she can handle more disappointment?
TOADIE: She needs something positive. I can't give up now. Elly needs me. There's got to be something that I can find to keep this appeal alive.
Dee asks how the Kennedys are taking it. He admits that he hasn't told them yet.
Jail (Garden)
Elly is planting some seeds when Andrea comes over. She threatens Elly with a trowel.
ANDREA: Three years is a *long* time, Conway. And you're going to learn some respect! Or you're going to spend a lot of time in First Aid!
She breaks the trowel (which is plastic) into pieces under her foot.
When she's gone, Elly picks up a sharp piece of former trowel and secretes it in her pocket.
No.32 / Penthouse
Claudia and David are having an extended cup of tea with Claudia. Meanwhile, Chloe, Bea and Susan are still searching through files at the penthouse (does anyone in 2020 really do this much printing out?!)
Claudia tells Aaron and David that they must keep everything to themselves. She says she has to get Aster home now.
Claudia's phone rings and she tells them she has to go. She heads off.
Aaron quickly rings Chloe to tell them that Claudia is on her way.
Karl thanks Olivia for lunch, saying he feels much better now. When she's gone, Dee asks Karl who Olivia is. She reminds Karl that Susan really needs him.
Lassiter's car park
Claudia is on the phone to Sam, telling her to "be on stand-by".
Ned comes along and asks Claudia about the camp - maybe she'd like to commission some art? She tells him that now isn't a good time.
Claudia sees Chloe, Bea and Susan coming out of the lift. She's surprised to see them and they cover, saying they came to the hotel to see Chloe.
Claudia gets into the lift.
Claudia wheels Aster in. She is crying. Claudia notices that one of her drawers isn't quite closed and looks worried.
Toadie has explained to Karl what has happened with Elly's case. He says Susan and Bea are out at the moment, but they can talk to them together later.
Toadie tells Karl that he's been going through the Judge's case history and there's something odd - he's almost always agreed with sentence recommendations before. But the cases he's acted strangely on have all involved Sam Fitzgerald.
Waterhole (outside)
David and Aaron arrive to see Susan, Bea and Chloe. Apparently Mark has reported the dodgy cop, so now he and Claudia are under investigation.
Susan's phone rings. She sees it's Karl and rejects the call.
Susan says she wants to hear the truth from Claudia herself.
Susan, Bea, Chloe, David and Aaron rush into the penthouse looking for Claudia. She's not there, and Bea finds the scarf Elly left for Aster discarded on the floor.
Chloe reports that all Claudia's clothes are missing, and Aster's too.
SUSAN: She's gone. She's taken Aster!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Naomi ogling Pierce
- Claudia and Sam arguing
- A fight between Elly and Patrice
<<8362 - 8364>>
Aaron Brennan, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8363
Aaron Brennan, Claudia Watkins

Elly Conway, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8363
Elly Conway, Andrea Somers

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8363
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss

Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Susan Kennedy

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8363
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Ned Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8363
Ned Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Conway, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8363
Elly Conway, Toadie Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8363
Elly Conway, Toadie Rebecchi

Dee Bliss, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Dee Bliss, Karl Kennedy

Olivia Bell, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Olivia Bell, Karl Kennedy

Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8363
Claudia Watkins

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8363
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8363
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan

Olivia Bell, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Olivia Bell, Karl Kennedy

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8363
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Andrea Somers, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8363
Andrea Somers, Elly Conway

Chloe Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Chloe Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Claudia Watkins, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8363
Claudia Watkins, David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8363
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Susan Kennedy

Dee Bliss, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Dee Bliss, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8363
Ned Willis, Claudia Watkins

Chloe Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8363
Chloe Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Claudia Watkins

Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8363
Claudia Watkins

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8363
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

David Tanaka, Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8363
David Tanaka, Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8363
Susan Kennedy

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