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Neighbours Episode 8310 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8309 - 8311>>
Episode title: 8310
Australian and UK airdate: 02/03/20
Writer: Emma J. Steele
Director: Jean-Pierre Mignon
Guests: Jane Harris: Annie Jones
Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Paige Smith: Olympia Valance
Lucy Robinson: Melissa Bell
Mark Gottleib: Bruce Samazan
Aster Conway: Isla Louise Goulas
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Lucy running into her ex, Mark Gottleib, in Harold's.
- Paul asking Lucy if she shared a moment with Mark.
- Chloe telling Mark that Paige and Jack are having problems.
- Mark rubbing Paige's arm despite telling his sister he isn't ready for a relationship.
- Finn's memory returning in the aftermath of kissing Elly.
- Elly and Finn agreeing to keep their distance from one another.
- Paul declaring that everyone is welcome and Lassiters... but Lucy telling Finn he isn't welcome!
- Angry Finn going for Lucy before coming to his senses.
- Finn determined to keep a hold of his anger.
Number 28
Finn looks like he is struggling to control himself as he drinks a glass of water, however, quickly acts normally when Bea and Karl arrive home and he asks how his headache is (a bit better). He then changes the conversation to the Mardi Gras asking Bea if she saw the boys on the TV (she did). She adds that it looked like they were having a good time, as are the punters at The Waterhole where Susan is still partying! "It's a shame that you missed it," she remarks and seeks confirmation that Lucy said something to him.
FINN: She asked me to go.
BEA: That is crazy.
KARL: I was afraid this might happen.
BEA: If I'd have known, I would have ripped into her.
FINN: (yelling) Well why didn't you!
"Because I didn't know," a stunned Bea replies before Finn regains his usual self and blames the outburst on his headache. "You need to forget about Lucy," she says to him and Finn replies "I know," before heading off to their bedroom.
Number 32
Chloe accompanies Elly (and Aster) home, still on a high from how well the night went at The Waterhole. Elly though has only one thing on her mind - Finn as she stares at the naming day photograph. Chloe brings her attention back to the present by asking what she wants doing for her forthcoming birthday. Elly doesn't think, given her current circumstances, that it warrants celebrating her 35th birthday.
Number 22 (next day)
Chloe and Pierce arrive to chat with Terese about the expo, and after a quick chat about Harlow and Hendrix first! The trio brainstorm ideas as ticket sales still aren't good and agree on going with Chloe's suggestion - finding locals to act as a bride and groom to publicise the expo.
After Chloe and Pierce depart to find suitable locals, Paige comes through with a cuppa for them both. She can see that Terese is a bit stressed, so offers to lend her a hand, which Terese accepts.
The Waterhole
Bea comments to Finn on him waking up very early when she catches up with him in the bar. He puts that down to just wanting to get a head-start on the day, and when chat gets around to what happened with Lucy, declares that he's "decided to not let Lucy get to me."
FINN: She can think whatever she wants about me. I know what kind of person I am.
Toadie though is worried about Finn burning himself out when he runs into the pair. Finn declares that he is fine and departs to head to the office now he's got his coffee.
Ramsay Street
Aaron and David are back from their successful trip to Sydney although wish that they'd left the glitter there as they stand chatting with Mark and Chloe. Paige interrupts to tell Mark that she can't make their catch up date as she is helping Terese - he is fine with that and they'll rearrange for another time.
When Paige heads back to #22 (to get into the car), Terese says that she can cope alone but Paige is determined to help.
Harold's Café
Mark (Gottleib that is!) is having a catch up over a cuppa with Jane and Lucy. We hear him say that Stephen and Phoebe have 5 kids now, all teenagers, and that he can't get over Brad ending up with Lauren after he ran into them when they were on a road trip in Nambucca Heads (where Stephen and Phoebe live).
MARK: I thought he was much better suited to Gabby.
LUCY: Gabby is Brad's sister! Don't you mean Beth?
"Right face, wrong name!" he quickly says to get out of his mix-up! "You're memory is shocking!" Lucy declares after reminding him that he lived with Beth and went out with Gabby!
After Karl interrupts to drag Mark away to The 82, Jane remarks at how quickly she and Mark have picked up where they left off "all those years ago." Not rising to the bait, Lucy just comments on them having a strong friendship but admits that them getting together has crossed her mind before it dawns on her that she hasn't asked a guy out for ages!
LUCY: I wouldn't even know what to do.
JANE: Well I'm certainly no expert, given my recent disasters, but at least Mark is real and right in front of you! You've got your eyes wide open - what's the harm in spending more time together?
Number 24
Chloe finally wears Elly down in persuading her to hand out flyers for the expo (dressed as a bride!) accompanied with Pierce (dressed as a groom), who was somewhat surprised to be commandeered for the job!
Pierce puts up a weak protestation after Elly departs, but is more interested to hear Chloe's suggestion for his island - a glamping resort. He suggests they do a recce to check things out, which thrills Chloe as she's already got the perfect excuse!
Community Centre
When Finn comes across a world map, and on it, Columbia, it brings on a panic memory attack and in a fit of rage, snaps in half the pencil he was holding. He's forced back into the presence when Toadie shouts on him for a document.
Lassiters Complex
Lucy is telling Jane about how good it is being in Erinsborough (to discuss business) rather than having to take the time difference into consideration when she is in New York. Before they can chat more, Jane goes off to take a call and Paige interrupts Lucy's ogling of Mark (talking to Karl). Lucy is pleased the lass is helping Terese out and empathises with her over the split with Jack, having been in similar circumstances herself...and looking right at Mark again! Once she pieces the dots together, Paige tells Lucy about Mark helping Jack on the online forum, knowing exactly what he was going through.
PAIGE: Does make you wonder, once you're married to the church, you can't really leave.
Jane and Paige swap places and she suggests Lucy goes talk to Mark but following on from the remark from Paige before she left, Lucy says the time isn't right.
Meanwhile as they walk towards the hotel, Elly and Bea agree to go to the cinema after she's finished handing out the flyers but can't agree on who will pay!
Lassiters hotel foyer
Before Elly goes to a room to change into her frock (Pierce is already in his tux), Chloe tells her about her birthday plans - going glamping to Pierce's island! Elly isn't exactly thrilled at the prospect, but Chloe reassures her everyone will muck in and help with Aster. Pierce adds that he'll be picking up the tab and Bea is already delirious with excitement, especially if Finn can go, while Elly already appears to be panicking at the prospect of that! Albeit reluctantly, and under pressure from the others, Elly eventually gives her consent to Chloe's plan happening.
Lassiters Complex
Out in the complex, Paige is ready in a wedding dress (but bemoaning the lack of a groom!) when Terese arrives to give her the flyers to hand out. The pair then spot Elly (in her dress) along with Pierce and head over where it's a terse greeting between the 'brides'! Terese thinks they should abandon the idea, but the brides want to soldier on and head off to hand out the flyers.
Harold's Café
Terese seeks Toadie's approval to use the Community Centre to store the stuff for the expo until the actual day when it will be moved into the marquee. Toadie (and Finn) are happy to go along with her plans although when she asks him about using Sonya's wedding dress, he still hasn't made up his mind.
Terese and Bea swap places and she excitedly tells Finn about the proposed trip to Pierce's island and wonders if he'll be allowed to go due to his bail conditions. Once he gets his head round the fact Pierce has an island, Toadie heads off to look into things - the island is still within Victoria, but Finn would miss one parole check in. Finn isn't exactly jumping for joy but admits why - he doesn't want to get excited about something that might not happen. However, when Bea adds in that the trip is for Elly's birthday, his whole demeanour changes somewhat and he now thinks the trip would be "cool."
The Waterhole
Jane is trying to persuade Lucy to reconnect with Mark, but she's fearful of getting involved remembering how tied he was to his religion.
JANE: I don't think he's entertained the idea of becoming a priest in over 20 years.
Lucy still isn't convinced, and Jane accuses her of looking for excuses to avoid asking him out! "Possibly," she eventually admits but the way she sees it, she is avoiding any future disappointments. Literally seconds later, Mark appears offering them a hot cross bun that he's made with Gary!
Lassiters Complex
Pierce is trying to gee the ladies up as they stand handing out flyers... so they start trading wedding war stories instead before Elly suggests they have a proper catch up prior to Paige heading home.
Meanwhile Mark (Brennan) is left speechless when he (and Aaron and David) spots Paige in her wedding dress.
Lassiters hotel foyer
Chloe is delighted at the ticket sales picking up thanks to the brides and groom outside. "Keep it up," Lucy remarks as Chloe heads back out with Pierce and some more flyers.
Finn approaches Elly as she is having a breather in the foyer, to check if she is happy for him to go to her birthday shindig. No is her response, and she doesn't think avoiding each other (on the island) will work either.
Their chat is interrupted when Lucy comes over to remind Finn that he isn't welcome at Lassiters. Lucy did give Finn the option of having their chat in private, but he was happy for Elly to hear what Lucy said and she isn't happy at all at over what was said! "This is nothing to do with you Elly," Lucy informs her and when Elly tries to remonstrate, reminds her who's business it is too! Finn has a huge grin on his face over Elly standing up for him. Elly decides she can no longer work for Lassiters and hands Lucy the flyers back before storming out of the foyer!
The Waterhole
"Must be weird seeing me in this dress," Paige greets Mark with as she joins him at his table on entering the bar.
MARK: More so seeing you and Elly in your wedding dresses.
Paige apologises to him, she (and Elly) didn't know he'd be around when she volunteered to help Terese as promo girls. "It's fine," he replies but she thinks otherwise although eventually manages to get a smile out of him!
Watching the tail end of their stuff is the newly arrived Aaron and David who make their way to where Chloe and Terese are sitting. Aaron remarks at how happy Mark is now compared to earlier. "Clash of the brides?!" Chloe suggests although David points out that Mark doesn't seem too bothered by it now. "Neither does Paige," Chloe adds and admits to not seeing Mark smile like that for ages. Terese points out that Jack and Paige have just broken up and thinks she needs time to let things settle
TERESE: Although, they always did make a good couple.
Lassiters Complex
Elly is still ranting about what happened when she (and Finn) discuss what happened with Karl and Bea in the complex. Finn has a huge smile on his face as he thanks her for having his back. Bea thanks her sister for standing up for him too although wishes she'd have known last night (what Lucy said) so she could have said something herself. "You could have lost all your gigs at The Waterhole," Elly says to her sister!
The ladies depart to go to the cinema, and Karl jokes to Finn as he goes to head to the Community Centre that is the one thing Lucy isn't involved in! Before they head off, Karl says for what has happened not to get to him.
KARL: You haven't done anything wrong.
Finn stands with a grin on his face as he watches the ladies walk along the path.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Finn suggesting to Bea that she should quit.
- Finn locking himself in his room.
- Paul reassuring Jane that his PI will come through.
- Paul chatting to his PI.
- Mark talking to Paige about letting her go.
- Elly checking something with Finn.
<<8309 - 8311>>
Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8310
Finn Kelly

Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway, Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8310
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway, Aster Conway

Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Terese Willis, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8310
Terese Willis, Paige Smith

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8310
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Toadie Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8310
Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Jane Harris, Mark Brennan, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Jane Harris, Mark Brennan, Lucy Robinson

Elly Conway, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
Elly Conway, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8310
Finn Kelly

Jane Harris, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Jane Harris, Lucy Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 8310
Karl Kennedy, Mark Gottlieb

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Terese Willis, Paige Smith, Elly Conway, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Terese Willis, Paige Smith, Elly Conway, Pierce Greyson

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8310
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8310
Toadie Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Jane Harris, Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Jane Harris, Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8310
Elly Conway

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8310
Paige Smith

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8310
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Lucy Robinson

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8310
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Elly Conway, Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8310
Elly Conway, Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8310
Finn Kelly

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