- Ned secretly filming Kyle as he meets with Zenin.
- Yashvi not happy at what Ned and Kyle did.
- Yashvi knocking back Ned being her 'bodyguard'.
- Zenin welcoming Yashvi to the team.
- Jane telling Dipi about the man she met online that she's transferred all of her savings to.
- Dipi breaking it to Jane that she's been 'catfished'.
- Jane asking Susan for a teaching job.
- Susan welcoming Jane to the school as she starts work.
- Terese questioning if Jane is after Susan's job on hearing that she's working in a junior position at the school.
- Susan catching Jane rifling through her filing cabinet!
Jane apologises for rifling through the filing cabinet and goes to beat a hasty retreat until Susan closes the door, wanting to hear a proper explanation! Apparently Jane just wanted an update on the staff and students, given its been a while since she's taught in the school! She acknowledges that she should have gone to Susan for that information. Susan is beginning to question her wisdom in giving Jane the job, and she is quick to thank Susan for the opportunity, reaffirming that she can cope with being in a junior position at the school.
SUSAN: Consider this an official verbal warning.
JANE: Understood.
The Waterhole
Ned is frustrated that the police don't seem to be doing too much with the information he and Kyle provided as they enter the bar. Yashvi is briefly there before she heads home to complete some work for the academy and after she leaves, Kyle remarks that the pair of them seem okay considering. Ned thinks there is something a bit off and Kyle suggests that is just down to her being busy with academy stuff.
Number 32
Susan has been round helping put Aster down for the night and once they get into the kitchen, Elly hands over her (and Karl's) invite to the bairn's naming day. Elly confirms (after Susan asks) that Finn and Bea are the bairn's godparents, which doesn't sit too comfortably with Susan given she's meant to be keeping her distance from the pair. "Living apart has really re-set things," is Elly's explanation over why she chose them... plus of course they are Aster's aunt and uncle!
Chat then turns to what Jane did at the school and Susan is still bemused over why she did what she did. Elly wonders if nosiness runs in the family (given they've heard about her grandmother!) and Susan mutters "perhaps," so Elly warns her to keep a very close eye on Jane!
Harold's Café (next day)
As she chats with her mum, Yashvi is pleased that her parents are back together... but just doesn't want to hear the exact details of their reunion!
When Dipi heads out of the kitchen to deliver an order, Yashvi receives a call from a contact labelled Z on her phone - we find out a few seconds later that it is Zenin. We hear her tell him that she has the address and will be on her way soon, before warning that "the cops are closing in."
YASHVI: Zenin just chill, I've got this.
Ned enters the kitchen and plays dumb over knowing exactly who Yashvi was talking to, having heard the tail end of their conversation. When Yashvi heads into the café to help her mum, he opens up her phone and can see their text history - Zenin welcoming Yashvi to his team before going on to ask her to do a job for him and the address for it.
Of course Ned is caught red handed and Yashvi is very miffed he's been looking at her phone and storms out of the café.
Lassiters Complex
"What have you got yourself into?" Ned asks when he finally gets Yashvi to stop and listen to him for two seconds! "Nothing you need to worry about," is her reply but adds that she is helping him, however she can't go into details.
YASHVI: Just stay out of it.
NED: You're the one that said we should leave this to the police.
YASHVI: I had to protect my family somehow Ned. I know what I'm doing. Just trust me please.
The Waterhole
As they play pool, Ned and Kyle are bemused over what Yashvi is doing and wondering why she is doing it. Eventually they conclude she is doing it to help protect her family and their safety. Ned wants to confront Zenin (since she won't say anything) so that Yashvi doesn't lose her new career, even though Kyle thinks "it's too dangerous," but Ned isn't listening and instead is hurriedly rushing out of the pub.
Road somewhere
Ned calls Zenin to find out why he is getting Yashvi involved in his business. He replies that it was Yashvi who approached him "begging me to keep her family safe!" Ned begs to take Yashvi's place but Zenin isn't interested, "once you've got a cop in your pocket, it's for life."
Harold's Café
Dipi is relieved to hear that Jane has been to see the police about Richard. She is somewhat surprised that the police have taken her seriously and will be taking to the UK police too since that is where Jane was when the deception started.
JANE: It's so embarrassing.
DIPI: Hey, don't be embarrassed, he's the one in the wrong, not you.
Jane still feels foolish, but Dipi tries to get her to see that she can now move on and gets Jane talking about her first day back at Erinsborough High. Jane cryptically replies that being back at the school may be more beneficial than she initially thought!
Number 32
"Secret's men's business?!" Elly remarks when Ned interrupts her chat with Kyle about the naming day catering to continue their earlier conversation in private. Once Elly makes herself scarce, Ned tells Kyle that he can't get hold of Yashvi so is after another favour.
KYLE: I'm scared to ask what that is!
NED: If you don't hear from me in the next couple of hours, call the cops.
KYLE: Mate, what are you getting yourself into?!
NED: Whatever Vi has.
KYLE: You don't know what that is exactly?
Ned still can't get hold of Yashvi, and Zenin isn't saying anything, but he is fairly sure it involved the warehouse mentioned in the texts. "It's gotta be a delivery," Ned finishes with and Kyle wonders what it is?
NED: If I had to guess...
KYLE: Guns!
Kyle demands that Ned goes to the police now, but he is fearful that is just going to land Yashvi in trouble, so concludes that he is going to have to take her place. "But that's insane!" Kyle tells him but Ned plans on being there early, before Yashvi turns up.
KYLE: Yashvi's not going to be very happy with you mate!
NED: Well, I can deal with that as long as she's safe. Would you let your loved one walk into a situation like that? Would you do everything you can to protect them?
KYLE: (frustrated) Just be careful alright!
NED: I will... and hey, remember...
KYLE: Call the cops if you don't check in. I got it...let's hope I don't have to.
Harold's Café
Jane lets Dipi know that as the police investigation could take time, she is planning on doing her own investigation, more to see who it was exactly that she was talking to!
JANE: The one thing for certain is that this person has is a very strong connection with Erinsborough.
Dipi warns that might not be right, but Jane is sure he is local because some of the stuff they talked about couldn't be known by any other means.
JANE: Whoever's done this has deliberately set out to hurt me.
We know find out what Jane was snooping for in Susan's office - she is sure Richard is somehow connected to the school, since that is where she ruffled the most feathers on her last visit, and so was looking through the files for reprimand reports that she has written. "You are lucky you didn't lose your job," Dipi tells her after Jane brought her up to speed. "I know," she acknowledges before adding that she can't afford to lose her job as she needs the money. Dipi volunteers to use her friendship with people on the PTA to see if there is anyone holding a grudge against Jane or who have suddenly come into money.
Number 32
Kyle lies that he knows where Ned is when Yashvi calls round to apologise... well that is before he puts his size 11's in it by mentioning 'warehouse' by mistake.
YASHVI: Kyle, stop wasting my time and tell me where Ned is.
Kyle caves by telling her that Ned has gone to the warehouse to make her delivery. Yashvi can't believe what she's just heard especially as Zenin is expecting her to appear. Kyle tries to explain that Ned is doing it to get her off the hook, but all that does is have her leave the house even more annoyed!
Dipi reports in with Jane that she's heard nothing yet from her PTA contacts although has left a few feelers out to see if anything comes back from them.
Susan is surprised to see Dipi in the school as she goes to leave, so explains she was speaking to Jane. Dipi notices that Susan is away to teach (covering Marty Muggleton's class) and asks why he is off - Susan explains he came into some money unexpectedly and has decided to go off on holiday! "Interesting," Dipi nonchalantly replies as Susan comments on the amount he must have got as he's off for 3 weeks to the Seychelles!
Ned quietly creeps around the warehouse and just as he is getting into the van (where the drop off address is conveniently written on a notepad for him to see!) Zenin and his cronies spot the intruder! Zenin issues instructions to get Ned and as he can't get the van started quickly enough to get away, he's ceremonially dragged from the driver's seat, pleading that he is just the driver. It doesn't wash with the heavies and he receives a few punches from one of them.
ZENIN: You just don't know when to stay away, do you?!
"I'm just here to make the delivery," Ned replies and tries to say that its him or nothing as Yashvi isn't coming.
NED: Look, I do this for you, Yashvi's in the clear alright, you leave her alone.
ZENIN: For the last time, you don't get to tell me what to do.
Thankfully for Ned's sake, Zenin and his cronies have been too busy focusing on Ned that they have failed to hear the police (and Yashvi) come into the warehouse! Ned is seriously panicking too at this point because Zenin is pointing one of the 3D guns at him!
ZENIN: It's been fun messing with you Willis, it really has! Play time is over and so are you!
Just as Zenin is about to fire the gun, the police intervene and make themselves known. Zenin though is thinking quick, and puts his arm round Ned's neck, holding him hostage with the gun pointed at his mid-rift. Again, Zenin (and the cronies) are so focused on the police, that they fail to notice Yashvi slip away and go round the other side of the van and distract Zenin by pushing the horn. Zenin fires the gun, but thankfully into the air, and thus allowing the officers to rush at him and force him against the wall ready to be handcuffed.
Ned looks like a condemned man given a last minute reprieve as he hugs Yashvi!
Lassiters Complex
Elly stops Jane in the complex to warn her that if she dares to go after Susan's job or do anything shady, then she'll be dealing with her!!!
JANE: I can assure you there is nothing shady going on.
ELLY: Good, let's keep it that way!
Elly then walks off and thankfully for Jane, her next conversation is much more pleasant - Dipi passing on the tit-bit she heard about Marty. Jane is bemused over him being the culprit as she got on well enough with him during her stint, and despite Dipi giving her some emails to read (to compare the writing style), Jane is more than confident that Marty isn't her Richard. She is still adamant though that whoever is behind it is connected to the school and fears that they're subtly watching behind her back laughing at her. "Try not to think about that," Dipi consoles her with but Jane is simply waiting for the day that they slip up but in the meantime will be very vigilant!
After being thanked by the detective, Yashvi heads inside to where Ned is and we find out that the lass wasn't working for Zenin, but rather working in conjunction with the police! "Since when?" a confused Ned asks, and she explains since she had to go make a statement - the police saw how she took down Kane and thought she'd be useful again.
NED: So this delivery was a sting?
YASHVI: Well it was supposed to be until you destroyed any chance of us catching a buyer.
She isn't impressed when Ned remarks that at least they "got these guys." She has a right go at him for interfering, but Ned argues back that she should have told him!
YASHVI: This was a task force to bring in an illegal weapons ring. Am I supposed to blab that to my boyfriend?!
NED: No, obviously not.
YASHVI: This could have been a million times worse if Kyle wasn't so bad at keeping his mouth shut. They could have killed you Ned.
Having somewhat calmed down, she repeats that last statement again, so that it sinks in for Ned. "Sorry Vi," he very quietly replies back, and she points out that it's too late for that, he could be "facing some serious charges for trying to deliver those guns." Ned is stunned to hear that especially as he points out he didn't get very far and pleads with her to have a word. "What am I supposed to do?!" she angrily asks and informs him that he's going to have to answer to detectives from three different states.
YASHVI: And with your record, that doesn't look very good. And it doesn't look very good for me either.
Ramsay Street
Dipi acts like Yashvi is wrapped in cotton wool as she opens the door to let her daughter out of the car (Ned is left to open his door himself!) and would rather feed her up than let her go make a statement. She can't but get in that Yashvi isn't properly trained yet and she's putting her body on the line, like Mishti used to do.
KYLE: Sounds like she's a pro already!
DIPI: Can we please not encourage her!!!
While Dipi finally gets Yashvi to head inside, Ned goes over the cop car that followed Dipi back to see if he's taking him to the station but is told a detective is waiting inside to have a word first.
Number 22
And when Ned opens the door, we see the detective is waiting for him... Detective Mark Brennan!!!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Harlow declaring she hates Hendrix and the cat!
- Hendrix making accusations against Harlow.
- Finn speechless at seeing Elly dressed up.
- Chloe having a go at Paul and hearing how exactly she's got her job!