- Chloe being appointed GM of Lassiters
- Pierce obtaining 40% of Lassiters' shares
- Susan angrily telling Elly and Finn to manage their feelings
- Finn asking Toadie if he can legally move out of #28
- Toadie putting an end to that idea, pronto
- Finn trying to reassure Bea that everything is fine
- Elly telling Finn that she's going to move out of home
Number 28 Backyard
Everyone, minus Elly, is sitting outside enjoying breakfast, some of which is being cooked on the BBQ by Karl. Bea notices Finn is quiet and asks if he's having second thoughts about moving into her room. Susan gives Finn the side eye as he smiles and replies it's been the "best decision ever". Hendrix has a small grumble about the baby being loud of a night-time, and is then sent inside by Karl to retrieve a BBQ plate Susan gave him for Christmas.
Number 32
Elly's visiting David and Aaron, who are having a great time cooing over Aster. Elly says she might be biased, but agrees with David her daughter is pretty cute.
AARON: David's seen a few babies in his time; I think he knows cute when he sees it. It's probably why he married me.
DAVID: Because you're a baby?
Aaron pretends to be offended. David asks Elly how new mum life is going and Elly says it's a bit overwhelming, so the boys offer their babysitting services any time. Elly then asks how David's first night back home went. David smiles and says it "lived up to the hype". Aaron adds that Kyle stayed at #26 to give them some space, which was nice for one night but he misses the madness of a share house. Inspired by this revelation, Elly asks the guys if they'd be interested in having her and Aster as housemates.
Number 28
Hendrix goes into Karl and Susan's bedroom, as directed by Karl, to look for the BBQ plate. But he can't resist a snoop around the place first. On his travels he finds a certain blue box shoved underneath the bed. Hendrix opens it, his eyes widening in shock at the contents. He gingerly lifts up a feather boa and sits there both horrified and bemused until a sharp knock at the front door startles him. Hendrix shoves the box back under the bed and races out.
Harlow's stopped by to ask for a cat toy of Clementine's that was left behind. They bicker about it for a while, Harlow believing Hendrix is lying to her about its location, but Hendrix appears to genuinely have no clue. When Harlow leaves, though, Hendrix gets an idea for a prank. He grabs an empty shopping bag off the bench and races into Karl and Susan's room.
Ramsay Street
Hendrix chases after Harlow and pretends he found the toy after all. Harlow questions why it's in a bag so he lies and says it's so her allergies wouldn't flare up. Hendrix then asks her to describe the toy before he hands it over, but Harlow says she doesn't know, "I stay out of the cat's way". Satisfied his prank will work, Hendrix finally gives her the bag, smirking as she thanks him and walks home.
Lassiters Office
Chloe's happy that her and Pierce are a powerful team at Lassiters. Pierce says she should keep up that positive energy for their call with Lucy. This makes Chloe worried as hotel bookings haven't gone up since Christmas (something the concert was supposed to help with). Pierce says they'll work it out and reassures her she'll be okay.
Number 32
Aaron and David ask Elly if something has happened at home to make her want to move. Elly says everyone's fine, the house is just really full now and it's not fair on everyone dealing with a newborn. Elly adds that her family have been amazing but they've been making a lot of concessions for her and Aster. She's also got six months worth of savings to put towards the rent and will be looking for a job soon. Aaron and David say they'll have to check with Kyle first but seem happy to have her move in. Elly cheers and they have a group hug.
Number 28 Backyard
Karl and Susan have a chat about the BBQ and Hendrix can't help snickering when Susan tells Karl to keep it "oiled and primed". The Kennedys and Bea give him a weird look. Elly graces them with her presence and drops the bombshell that she's decided to move into #32. Susan's sad it's come to this, but Bea and Karl are understandably shocked. Bea tells her sister her decision makes no sense, but Elly says she's been thinking about the idea for a while. Bea urges Susan to talk some sense into Elly, but with the burden of knowledge on her side, Susan is in agreement with Elly.
BEA: No, Susan!
SUSAN: Obviously none of us want you to go.
ELLY: I just need a break.
BEA: A break from what? Finn is in my room now and that's freed up his room for Hendrix. We're all helping out with Aster when she's unsettled and it's starting to work, but all of a sudden you're going to move out?
ELLY: It's not all of a sudden.
BEA: Yes it is! And I'm actually not buying this. What's the real reason why you're leaving?
Elly shares a concerned look with Susan, but Karl agrees with Bea. Elly tries to explain that as a single mum she can't rely on them forever - it's not that she doesn't appreciate them, but she has to learn how to stand on her own two feet. Hendrix has gone from looking somewhat guilty about the issue to zoning out completely and laughing at something on his phone. Elly gets annoyed and asks him to give them some space.
ELLY: I think we're all finding this situation with the full house really hard and I don't think a teenager and a newborn are working together.
KARL: (sighing) Is that what this is all about? Elly, as I said to you, it's early days.
ELLY: Yeah but how much will it change? We all know what he's like. He slams doors, he plays music really loud, he doesn't consider anyone else in the house. I'm over it and I just don't need it.
Karl then says he'll make arrangements for Hendrix to stay elsewhere, Elly's their priority. Seeing that this argument could go around in circles forever, Elly takes drastic measures.
ELLY: This is what I'm trying to avoid. If I'm being honest, I feel suffocated. I'm going to move two doors down the road; I'll see you guys every day. I feel like it's the right decision for me and my daughter.
Bea looks incredibly hurt by Elly's words.
Lassiters Office
Pierce and Chloe end their call with Lucy but it hasn't gone very well. Chloe believes the targets Lucy has set them are 10/10 impossible and Pierce agrees they're brutal. If they don't hit them, though, Lucy says they're going to lose the Lassiters brand. Chloe's also stressed because Lucy asked her to fire six people immediately and she's never had to do something like that before. Pierce knows being a manager is tough but believes Chloe will be able to do it.
Number 22
Harlow calls out for Clementine but gets no response. She takes the shopping bag (which has a rattling sound effect when she moves it around) and empties the 'cat toy' out behind the couch with a thud. Even after getting a proper look at it, Harlow is none the wiser to what it actually is.
The Waterhole
Ned is smiling at his phone when Chloe walks in, on a mission.
CHLOE: Ned...
NED: Hey! What, no 'Nedwardo' today?
CHLOE: Your shift started ten minutes ago.
NED: Ooh, sorry, I was trying to keep track of the time.
CHLOE: You literally have your phone in your hand.
She realises he's been texting Yashvi and softens somewhat.
CHLOE: I'm really glad it's worked out with you two, but you're killing me, Nedwardo.
NED: Got it, it won't happen again. Anyway, better get to work before the boss catches me.
She fakes a laugh at him as he leaves. Pierce has been watching the interaction and tells Chloe that Ned got off lightly. He points out that Chloe probably wouldn't have been so lenient if it was a staff member other than Ned, and Chloe admits she should have stuck to her guns more. Pierce reminds her that it's not just the staff that has to hit their KPIs, management do too.
Number 32 Backyard
Aaron takes a drink to David, who is resting poolside, and tells him he's cleaned a room for Elly and Aster. They're giddy about having a baby around and think it's lucky that Kyle's keen too. Aaron says the bonus of having Aster around is that they'll get to help raise her while they get the ball rolling on their own child. David smiles and Aaron says they'll be experts by the time it's their turn.
Lassiters Office
Chloe apologises again to two women she's just fired, one of them crying as they leave the office. Pierce arrives and Chloe looks cut up about what she's just had to do. Two volunteers took a package but the others came down to "last in first out". Ned appears at the door to tell Chloe he's leaving, but Chloe asks if he delivered dry-cleaning to one of their guests. Ned says it wasn't an urgent matter and he'll do it tomorrow, but Chloe is putting her foot down this time and tells Ned to do it before he goes home. Pierce gives her an approving nod but these aspects of the managerial role aren't sitting too well with Chloe.
Number 28 Backyard
Susan tells Elly that she hates that everything has come to her moving out, but Elly reasons that it's the only solution. She doesn't want to move either, but she's concerned that if she stays something might happen with Finn, and Susan shouldn't have to worry about that.
ELLY: Finn and I need distance so he can focus on Bea. Besides, all this tension, it's not good for Aster. Please talk to the others, make sure that Hendrix knows it's not really about him.
SUSAN: I will, he'll be fine.
ELLY: Bea and Karl as well. I don't want this to turn into a bigger issue.
They fall quiet when Bea joins them. Bea hopes Susan is trying to talk Elly out of her decision to move. Susan says that she tried but Elly's not budging. Bea still can't make any sense of what's happening.
SUSAN: Elly's doing this for Aster, and like it or not, we have to respect that. (Gravely, to Elly) I hope this works out.
ELLY: (tired) Yeah, me too.
Number 28
Bea harasses Finn as soon as he gets home about not answering her phone calls. He explains he had it switched off at the Foundation and then has to act surprised when Bea says Elly's moving out. Bea says it's crazy and that they have to talk to her again and tell her she's making a mistake. But Finn says they should trust Elly to make the right choice for her and Aster, making Bea more distraught.
FINN: It's a huge decision but one I'm sure she hasn't come to lightly. We need to respect that.
BEA: I just don't want her to leave.
FINN: I know, I'm sorry.
Number 22
Hendrix is sitting on the couch holding Clementine, telling her his #28 woes. He knows Elly's moving because of him but is grateful for the cat's quiet support in 'listening' to him. Harlow is affronted to find Hendrix in her house but he explains Ned let him in. He says he just wanted to know how the cat was getting on with the toy. Confused with Hendrix's fixation on the item, Harlow says Clementine's not even interested in it.
HARLOW: I showed her where it was but nothing. In fact, she kind of seemed scared of it.
HENDRIX: Keep at it; I'm sure she'll come around.
HARLOW: Yeah, well, as long as you don't come around anymore we'll be fine.
HENDRIX: (smirking) Nice wordplay. Have fun with the toy.
He exits. Ned bounds down the stairs but stops dead in his tracks when he sees the 'cat toy' behind the couch.
NED: What the hell is that?!
HARLOW: Um, nothing? It's just a toy.
NED: ... Roxy's?
HARLOW: (confused) What? No! It's Clementine's.
NED: (flustered) Harlow, that's not a cat's toy, that's... Where'd that come from?
Ramsay Street
With the offending item back in the shopping bag, Harlow storms after Hendrix, calling him a "disgusting, bottom-feeding troglodyte". She tells him what he just did was a new low, but Hendrix is finding the whole situation very amusing.
HENDRIX: How did you figure it out? Please tell me you did a Google search.
HARLOW: It's not funny, Hendrix.
HENDRIX: It depends which side of the fence you're sitting.
HARLOW: I had to just go explain to Ned how this... thing got into the house.
HENDRIX: Ned? Well that's disappointing.
Harlow hits him with the bag; outraged he has such little respect for people. Karl rides over on his bike and Hendrix's jovial mood dissolves when Harlow decides to tell (or rather show) Karl exactly what he's done. Karl looks inside the bag and is mortified but also very disappointed in Hendrix.
Number 28 Backyard
Karl angrily tells Susan that Hendrix has crossed a line and has to leave. Susan agrees what Hendrix did was incredibly stupid, but thankfully not that many people saw it. They bicker about the semantics of Hendrix finding the item in the first place ("You sent him in there!"), but Karl can't believe Susan isn't more furious on the matter. Susan says that with everything else going on it's not the end of the world.
KARL: We need to talk to Pierce about making other arrangements for Hendrix.
SUSAN: No, the best place for Hendrix is under our roof.
KARL: The best place for Elly is under our roof.
Susan knows Elly belongs at #28 too, but again, the burden of keeping a big secret is against her. She turns it around by telling Karl he's overreacting about Hendrix to cover up how upset he is about Elly moving. Karl concedes defeat, admitting he doesn't want Elly to go, but Susan says they have to respect her choice.
Number 28
Bea and Finn are making the bed but Bea is sad because they're using the linen Elly gifted them. Bea wonders if it's something they've done that's made Elly want to move, like they haven't helped her enough with the baby.
BEA: She must be pretty stressed to be forced out of her own home. What else could it be?
FINN: Bea it's nothing you've done.
Finn hugs her, looking guilty over how upset she is.
The Waterhole
Pierce is telling Hendrix off over his behaviour. Hendrix tries to joke about the contents of the box, but Pierce isn't having it. He's disappointed in his son and tells him to apologise to the Kennedys. Hendrix says he will and figures he'll be on dish duty all week.
PIERCE: Yeah well if you are you'll be getting off lightly.
HENDRIX: (grinning) If anyone's getting off...
PIERCE: Just go.
He leaves and Pierce gets an email just as Chloe arrives. Chloe can tell something's wrong with whatever Pierce just received because of the "Houston, we have a problem" look on his face. He nervously tries to play it off as nothing, but it soon transpires that he got an email from Lucy that Chloe wasn't privy to.
CHLOE: Why is Lucy emailing you about hotel business and not including me? I'm the General Manager. Pierce? (Worried) Was it about me?
PIERCE: (uncomfortable) Lucy wants me to fire you.
Chloe is speechless.