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Neighbours Episode 8261 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8260 - 8262>>
Episode title: 8261
Australian and UK airdate: 23/12/19
Writer: Jo Zantuck
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Leo Tanaka: Tim Kano
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Jimmy Williams: Darcy Tadich
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Ned handing over the signed Sherrin that was destined for Yashvi's Christmas so not to put pressure on her.
- Chloe refusing to take the Sherrin as its destined for Yashvi.
- Yashvi not happy at the message that accompanied the Sherrin.
- Ned denying that he was giving Yashvi the Sherrin.
- Amy finding out that Jimmy is missing.
- Jimmy turning up in Ramsay Street!
- Jimmy stealing money from his mum's purse and denying anything is going on.
- Harlow telling Robert how sick David is and he agrees to get tested.
- Harlow explaining the deal she's made with Robert to Paul and Terese.
- Robert and Paul agreeing on a deal.
Number 26
Jimmy is in a very sullen mood as dinner finishes, he even rejects the cake Sheila has made for him too. Much to his mum's annoyance, he then skulks off to his room after getting a message on his phone.
Amy goes into her bag to give something to Sheila for making the cake and realises that there is money missing. Gary jokingly suggests that its Jimmy who is responsible, but Amy is sure he wouldn't do that. "Do you think there's something more serious going on?" Kyle asks and Amy replies that she isn't sure. She gets that someone needs to talk to the lad, as he's not talking to her, so consents to Gary being the one to try and talk to him.
Road somewhere
"Talk about doing a deal with the devil," is how Paul is describing what he had to do in order to help David. He isn't very happy either as he (and Terese) make their fake drive back to Erinsborough.
PAUL: So where does this leave us now?
TERESE: To one healthy son... and another one in jail that can't hurt you.
Paul isn't happy either at the prospect of Harlow visiting her dad too, worried how it is going to affect the lass. Terese points out that she does have her "head screwed on" and isn't sure either that he would have prevented the pair getting in contact with each other but will make sure the he doesn't "play games" or anything else with the lass.
Hospital (next day)
Paul and Terese arrive with news that Robert is going to donate a kidney to David. David seems somewhat shell-shocked while Aaron is deliriously happy that someone has come through. Terese points out that its still dependant on the 3rd test, so Paul warns against "getting ahead of ourselves." And it looks like things are starting to progress - Karl arrives to inform them that Clive has liaised with the authorities and Robert will be arriving at the hospital to undergo the 3rd test.
When Paul heads out of the room to get something do drink, Karl quickly follows to see how he is holding up, considering the news that Robert is going to be arriving. "Don't really have a choice," Paul quietly replies back to Karl's concern. Karl thinks that time has been a good healer and that Robert is simply doing something good as a way of saying 'sorry.'
PAUL: Karl, I looked directly into his eyes. There was nothing, nothing at all.
Number 22
Paul updates Harlow and Roxy with the news that Robert is being lined up as a potential match for David. Roxy is at least trying to keep calm on hearing the news and readily heads off with Terese to make food thus allowing Paul and Harlow to chat. He tries to suggest to Harlow that now she's met her dad, she shouldn't contact him again, but the lass immediately rejects that suggestion especially given he's wanting to move to a jail near her.
PAUL: Oh Harlow, I can see how you would interpret that as a nice gesture, but you cannot take the man on face value.
HARLOW: Look, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just I want to figure it out for myself and not take someone else's word for it.
Paul can see she makes a good point and asks that she doesn't visit him at the hospital (as he fears for her safety) and very reluctantly she agrees.
Paul is double checking the security arrangements have been put in place with Karl just as a heavily chained Robert (and his double escort) arrive in the ward.
Leo introduces himself to his brother first (no handshakes allowed!) and then introduces Robert to Amy and Aaron. He doesn't seem too enthralled to hear Harlow isn't present before he is then led into David's room to meet him (offscreen).
Number 30
Toadie spots that Yashvi doesn't seem to be letting the Sherrin out of her sight, so explains to her exactly how she ended up with it. The lass isn't happy at making an ass of herself, but the conversation is curtailed when she (and Toadie) hear who is lined up to save David after her parents come home. Toadie looks rather stunned to hear that he is going to be David's "savour" given he "lost a lot of friends because of what he did." Dipi seems to speak for them all when she says that she "hopes it works out for David."
Robert looks rather comfy sitting on a hospital chair being thanked by David for giving his kidney to a virtual stranger. "We're not strangers, we're brothers," Robert points out and would like to get to know him if he can successfully move prisons. "I will, as soon as we're back on my feet," David replies and warns Robert about his recovery too.
Outside in the corridor, Paul is warning the others "not to be fooled by him," because "Robert is a master manipulator" and is sure that if he knows he has their sympathy, "he will use that to his advantage."
PAUL: Just keep your guard up for as long as you're in his orbit.
"Understand?" he finishes off with and everyone nods their heads in agreement.
The Waterhole
Shane offers Roxy an avenue to chat (she's nervous ahead of hearing Robert's test results) but she wants to keep working, so he hands her some drinks to take over to the table where Harlow and Terese are.
Harlow is well peeved at not being at the hospital and Terese tells her niece that there is no news yet from the hospital, so best to keep busy (they're doing stuff for the concert).
Ramsay Street
Kyle is very peeved about the whole Jimmy thing as he chats Toadie about the lad while also taking out his temper on washing the Ute. "Is Jimmy really that bad?" Toadie comments and after Kyle explains that Jimmy won't even go see David, Toadie strongly urges Kyle to "keeping your trap shut."
Yashvi finishes chatting with the guard (on his job even if they are different to the police) just as Ned arrives. She's inspired at the role they do and admits to Ned that she's fretting about the fitness test, but he is sure that she will "smash it." Both would like to see David, but he has his family around him so decide to head off instead but not before Yashvi apologises to Ned for jumping to the wrong conclusions over the footy. "Just a misunderstanding," is how Ned is interpreting it as and she seems very relieved when he says she can keep the Sherrin.
Number 26
Jimmy is surprised at Gary's suggestion of playing a game of chess but does start playing against him. It is of course a ruse so that Gary can chat to Jimmy and he isn't exactly being subtle, getting in that he's been a "ratbag half my life" and of course that he's been in "trouble" too.
GARY: I tend not to judge what happens to others.
JIMMY: Could you be more obvious?!
Gary comes clean and can see that Jimmy doesn't look happy, so volunteered to "give you some help." Jimmy's sarcastic reply is that he "really should listen to the guy that's been in prison eh?" "It's up to you," Gary replies back but the conversation is interrupted when Sheila comes over to have a go at him for eating all the cake she made last night. Jimmy confesses to being responsible, which Sheila is stunned to hear that given he "turned his nose up at it," last night. "I got hungry last night," the lad tells them before he 'check mates' Gary and heads out of the livingroom.
The Waterhole
Terese rushes off to meet someone in connection with the concert and trusts Harlow to finish folding up the programmes in her absence. Before she leaves, Terese asks Roxy to look out for Harlow and keep her busy so she doesn't think about her dad, and somewhat reluctantly she agrees. Despite Terese's request, Harlow decides she's had enough of being 'chaperoned' and goes to leave for the hospital.
Lassiters Complex
Dipi checks in with Toadie to check how he is doing given it will be his first Christmas without Sonya. Toadie is taking comfort from the concert and Dipi promises she and Shane will be back (they are flying to Sydney on Christmas Eve, coming back first thing Christmas Day) to make the day "nice for you guys."
Yashvi interrupts them, having come back from the hospital and is impressed at the officers with Robert, really looking forward to being in uniform soon. After Dipi heads into the café, she tells Toadie about meeting Ned at the hospital and that they cleared the air... but adds that she has feelings again for him. Toadie thinks it's a good thing that the feeling is mutual between the pair of them but Yashvi is mindful of what she told her dad - that she would never be with Ned again! She pleads with her uncle to talk to her dad on her behalf, but he thinks that is the last thing Shane wants.
TOADIE: You are better off going this one alone.
Karl explains to Robert what the last test entails before leaving with his bloods to start the process. After he exits the room, he immediately sees Harlow in the corridor. As she wasn't expected, she isn't on the approved visitor list, but after her pleas, he agrees to see if he can let her see her dad.
Lassiters Complex
Yashvi stops Ned when she sees him in the complex to give him her Christmas pressie, which she demands he opens now. The gift is a book for his tattoo designs embossed with his name on the front of it, as the "old one was looking a bit rough." "It's beautiful," he says to her and they confirm to each other that they plan on attending the Christmas concert.
Number 26
Just as Amy finishes chatting to Leo on the phone, she spots Jimmy heading out of the house and asks if he wants to go to the hospital with her, but he gruffly informs her that can't and walks out the house!
AMY: I feel like I'm going mad, it's like he's been possessed!
She asks Gary if he got anything out of Jimmy during their chat and Sheila urges her son to tell Amy his theory.
GARY: I have a theory about why Jimmy's been stealing money. He's secretive and sullen, and we found out last night that he had the munchies and he ate a whole cake.
Amy has twigged as to what Gary is suggesting and Kyle warns that "it might not be what we're thinking."
AMY: Drugs?
KYLE: Come on, Jimmy wouldn't do that?
"Just leave it," she tells Kyle before heading out of the house.
"Its good news," Karl greets the family with as he enters David's room - there isn't any incompatibility between David and Robert's blood, so the operation can go ahead as early as tomorrow! With a new kidney, David will then be able to fight the infection that has been ravaging his body. "Thank you Karl," a very relieved Paul says and tells Terese the good news when she enters the room.
We find out why Terese has arrived - she asks if he has seen Harlow as she can't get hold of the lass. Karl reveals he saw her earlier and that she was going to call Terese because "she's with Robert."
We then cut to Harlow sitting next to her dad where he is thanking her for the letters she sent, which he read until the paper fell apart. The pair are starting to bond when Paul (and Terese) enter the room, although staying very close to the door.
PAUL: Harlow, I thought we agreed that you weren't going to come here.
ROBERT: (muttering) Guess I'm a bad influence on her!
The pair are just about doing everything to get the lass to leave other than fully going into the room and dragging her out! Somewhat reluctantly, Harlow leaves but promises to see her dad again.
"That was a bit unfair," she tells the pair when they get out into the corridor and given how secure he is (handcuffed to a chair as well as two guards watching over him), she doesn't believe that Robert could do anything if he tried, negating Terese's fears about being worried for her safety. "There are still plenty of ways he can get to you," Paul warns and wants Terese to take the lass home. Terese requests Harlow heads to the car and before she follows too, she warns Paul off scaring Harlow.
PAUL: Terese, he is already getting to her. I can feel it.
TERESE: Yes, I think you might be right.
PAUL: Yes. And I can't. I cannot let him get his teeth into her. Now, as soon as David has had his kidney, Robert can rot in supermax for all I care because there is no way that I am having him moved closer to Harlow.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Terese commenting that someone's plan is "insane!"
- Leo receiving a frantic phonecall.
- Roxy asking Harlow "what if there is another way?" but Harlow replying that "there isn't."
- Paul crying while holding onto David's hand.
- Toadie explaining that David's life is on the line.
- Aaron shouting for urgent help for David.
<<8260 - 8262>>
Jimmy Williams, Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8261
Jimmy Williams, Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8261
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8261
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8261
Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy

Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Robert Robinson

Leo Tanaka, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8261
Leo Tanaka, Amy Williams

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8261
Aaron Brennan

Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8261
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8261
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
David Tanaka, Robert Robinson

Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Amy Williams, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8261
Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Amy Williams, Leo Tanaka

Shane Rebecchi, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8261
Shane Rebecchi, Roxy Willis

Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8261
Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8261
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Jimmy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8261
Jimmy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8261
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Karl Kennedy, Robert Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Robert Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8261
Harlow Robinson, Robert Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8261
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8261
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Robert Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Robert Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8261
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

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