- Prue tell Harlow that she's left the order.
- Gary offering to shout Prue a drink with no strings attached.
- Harlow fairly sure her mum isn't going to change, despite Terese having a word.
- Gary and Prue pashing in Harold's!
- Sheila telling Gary that Clive hasn't broken up with Beverly yet.
- Gary ranting off at Clive's behaviour to David.
- Clive coming to an arrangement with David.
- Olivia commenting to Yashvi about Finn living at #28.
- Finn volunteering to take Elly's medication to her despite not being allowed on school property.
- Olivia tripping and Finn going to see if she is okay, but the lass then runs off.
- Susan hearing that Olivia didn't turn up for her exam.
Number 28
Susan comes off the phone and tells everyone what she's been told - that Olivia Lane didn't turn up for her exam and is missing. She (and Elly) are going to go to see Angela but does confirm that the police aren't involved yet.
Finn asks what Olivia looks like and after Susan describes her, he mentions seeing a girl of that description earlier when he was at the school.
FINN: I think I freaked her out.
Number 22
Harlow doesn't look too interested in her mum getting herself dolled up for a date with Gary when she arrives home from school. The lass also remarks on her mum's double standards, given her comments to Amy, and tries to get her to stay in rather than go out with Gary (since they were out yesterday). Roxy tries to get Harlow to let up and allow her mum to enjoy herself and the lass eventually gives up and lets her mum go out.
Number 26
Prue asks if Sheila and Kyle have any exciting plans for the evening as she follows them into the house prior to going on her date with Gary. After Sheila replies no, Gary fills Prue in on why his mum hasn't got a date, so she goes over and gives her a surprise hug, urging her to "stay strong."
After the duo leave, it turns out that neither Sheila nor Kyle are happy at Gary dating Prue but don't plan on saying anything to him. However, talking of love, Sheila is more than happy with the 'romanticesque' text she just got from Clive although refuses to say what it is to her grandson when he asks!
When they literally run into each other, Clive apologises to David for getting him involved in what is happening with Sheila and confirms that he is handling things with Beverly as promised.
The Waterhole
Gary and Prue are having a whale of a time on their date... well that's before Gary stops with the fake Cockney accent and starts letting out a few secrets to Prue about Roxy after the lass interrupted them to bring them a freebie cocktail to spice up their night.
Number 28
Karl and Bea are having difficulty understanding why Finn would jeopardise his parole after what he did at the school. Finn explicitly denies that anything happened, he simply saw Olivia fall, at which point he went over to see how she was, but she ran away.
Susan and Elly return home after talking to Angela Lane. Angela is sure that Olivia will return home once the lass has calmed down. However, she is demanding that the authorities know about Finn's parole breech so he decides to head to the police station. Elly isn't happy that he is now going to get into trouble for helping her (even if Finn did absolve her of her role in it since she did warn him not to come to the school) and wants to say something, but Susan warns that doing that isn't a good career move.
Lassiters car park
Susan and Elly arrive in the car park and hear that Finn (and Bea) are at the station already. Elly is determined to give her statement despite Susan's warning of the consequences (that the department will have to be informed immediately) as she is frustrated at not trying harder to keep Finn away from the school.
ELLY: Besides, what's another black mark against my name anyway?!
David looks more than relieved to get a call from Susan asking for his help with Finn after spotting Clive and Sheila hurriedly rush into his office!
In said office, Sheila is hurriedly removing Clive's clothing so they can get down to... business! She then admits that she isn't bothered that Clive hasn't yet finished things with Beverly as she enjoys being "the other woman!" He though would like it resolved and eventually they agree that he will end things with Beverly in 4 days' time.
Police station
David coming to talk to Finn seems to give him some reassurance over what is happening. Despite not wishing to bring Shaun's death up, David thinks it has played a major factor in what happened, since grief affects judgement.
DAVID: Its okay to recognise that.
Bea comes with an update from Toadie - he's trying to convince the OPP to let Finn wear the ankle bracelet again. Toadie will call back once its confirmed although what is delaying things, is trying to rule out the fact Finn has kidnapped Olivia. She admits after he asks, that she isn't happy at him as it's also dragged Susan and Elly into it however is pleased he did the right thing by coming straight to the police.
The 82
Kyle finishes talking bike club with Aaron after he spots Harlow arriving at the tram. He goes over to chat to the lass about their parent's 'relationship' and comes clean, admitting that he isn't "so sure about your mum." Harlow gets his concerns (he doesn't want Gary to take another hit) but does point out that her mum "isn't intentionally cruel," she simply got carried away, however, to appease Kyle, promises to have a chat with her mum.
The Waterhole
After a farewell pash, Gary leaves Prue as she is getting a lift home from Roxy (he did volunteer to walk her home though). Roxy comes over to collect the empties and is thrilled to get some very positive compliments from Prue.
Number 28
Susan receives an update in a text from Bea - given the circumstances, the OPP are going to speed up their process. Elly is still in a quandary over her role, but Susan points out to her that it was Finn's actions that got him into trouble, not her. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Susan says to calm Elly down after she starts to stress out big time that the baby, having already lost its dad, is now potentially going to lose its uncle too.
The 82
David has updated Aaron on what is happening with Finn and they agree to go check on Elly in the morning. He also has some other news - he's received a pay rise but is more than sure that its actually hush money and thus isn't sure about accept it. Aaron wants him to accept it, as the cash would be handy for paying the mortgage and to further reassure David (who is feeling guilty as he likes Beverly), is sure that Clive and Sheila would have cooled things anyway until the news is broken to Beverly. "I doubt it," David thinks, given what he saw earlier, and much to Aaron's exasperation plans on contacting HR about it.
Number 22
Prue doesn't seem too impressed at Harlow waiting up for her mum after she arrives home with Roxy. Harlow pleads to talk to her mum in private but is going to have to wait until Roxy's made everyone a round of toasties.
Number 28 (next day)
The residents wake up to some good news - because of everyone's statements, the OPP isn't going to pursue Finn's parole violation. However he isn't totally off the hook yet because Olivia is still missing, although Elly is sure his story will be verified once she's found.
Susan is the bringer of bad news though - Olivia still hasn't turned up, so Elly is under review thanks to Angela. "She's really gunning for you Elly," Susan warns her niece and promises to talk with Angela however they need to hope that Olivia turns up okay.
Harold's Café
Karl spots Aaron and asks that he passes on their thanks to David for his recent help with Finn. He then happens to mention the deserved pay rise David got and as they chat about it (as David is going to reject it), it turns out that the pay rise had nothing to do with Clive, it came courtesy of his line manager for his ongoing great work, especially at the conference! In a mad panic, Aaron rushes out of the café to go speak to his husband!
Aaron hurriedly arrives at the hospital to tell David what Karl told him but turns out he'd decided to accept the pay award anyway!
Meanwhile, Sheila surreptitiously gives Clive a farewell kiss as she leaves his office!
Number 22
The mother-daughter chat finally begins after being delayed last night because Prue was having so much fun with Rowrow! "You know you're always my number one," Prue tries to pacify Harlow with but she's wise to her mum and retorts to inform Prue that since her arrival, she's simply made the lass' life harder. "I'm here for you, I'm always here for you because I've missed you," Prue replies to calm her daughter down. "I've missed you too," Harlow says back to her mum, admitting that she feared she'd lost Prue to the order.
PRUE: You've never lost me sweetie, even if at times it's felt like it. You're always on my mind.
"Really?" a shocked Harlow replies and Prue reaffirms that its true, and as if to reassure her more, she then says, "poo to Gary and Roxy," because its Harlow she wants "to have fun with."
While Harlow heads upstairs to get dressed, Prue receives a call from the order! She tells whoever is calling her that she needs more time as things are tricky with Harlow but adds that she is "very loyal to the order."
Coming up on Neighbours
- Prue trying to explain things (about Gary) to Harlow.
- Roxy giving Harlow some advice.
- The wolves are out for Terese!
- Kyle demanding Paul has to pay for what he's done.
- Terese confessing to Paul that she's no- one to blame but herself.