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Neighbours Episode 8229 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8228 - 8230>>
Episode title: 8229
Australian and UK airdate: 07/11/19
Writer: Anthony Ellis
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Prudence Wallace: Denise Van Outen
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Scarlett turning against Ned and stabbing him
- Yashvi and Bea saving Ned from Scarlett
- Prue telling Harlow to come home with her
- Terese convincing Prue to stay on for a while longer
- Amy upset about the comments left on the hotel video
- Prue going off at the #22 residents and calling Amy a 'porn star'
Number 22
The mood is tense after Prue's tirade and only Paul, Terese, Harlow and Prue remain. Harlow is exasperated by her mum's "childish dummy spit" and reminds her that Amy is a victim of the hotel videotape. Prue explains she was just trying to protect her daughter but Harlow scoffs and wonders how temporarily her mother's concern will last for this time. Paul agrees that Prue is making rash judgements and embarrassing herself.
PRUE: I don't get embarrassed.
HARLOW: Why not? I do. You embarrass me. You're an embarrassing hypocrite.
Prue is taken aback and says she's off for a walk until everyone calms down.
Number 30
Toadie brings the kids back from the park and is full of stories, but Shane and Dipi are still frosty with him over the Kirsha debacle. They tell him to keep it down so Yashvi can study, but Yashvi doesn't mind the noise: "I can't study in a morgue". Toadie tries another attempt to chat with his family but Shane heads off to work and Dipi busies herself elsewhere.
YASHVI: You can tell me what you saw at the lake.
TOADIE: Duck with a Mohawk.
YASHVI: (smiling) Cool.
Toadie asks how Yashvi's leg wound is healing and then about "everything else", but Yashvi says he's allowed to say Ned's name. Yashvi tells her uncle that Ned is constantly texting her and she's conflicted: she still loves him, but she's frustrated with what happened between them. Plus it's disrupting her exam study.
Number 26 Backyard
Amy, Kyle and Gary listen as Harlow takes it upon herself to apologise on her mother's behalf. Amy tells her not to worry about it, it's not Harlow's fault. But when Harlow goes, Gary says her mum sounds a bit bananas. Sheila pops into the backyard and comments on everyone's sullen mood, but she then finds out from Kyle what Prue said to Amy. We see that Amy's annoyed because no one stood up for her in the moment. Kyle apologises and says he was too shocked to respond, but Amy snaps back that it's funny how he didn't even rate a mention in Prue's outburst: it was all on her.
SHEILA: Why would a woman be so vicious to another woman? I mean whatever happened to sisterhood?
GARY: Mum, what's with the clown makeup?
GARY: Your lippy, it's halfway across your face.
SHEILA: Oh... I ate a toffee apple. Sue me.
Ahh yes, Sheila's sisterhood where you happily cheat with another woman's partner. How do you like them toffee apples?
Number 22
Ned slowly makes his way downstairs and Terese instantly fusses over him. She makes up a bed for him on the couch to have a rest and offers to make him lunch. Ned's annoyed at being treated like an invalid, snapping back at Paul when he comments that Terese is just trying to help. Terese says that she doesn't mind as she's got plenty of free time, but Ned dourly replies that he does too. He lies down on the couch and sighs.
The Waterhole
Shane tells Prue that her card's been declined and takes back the glass of wine he just poured for her. Gary appears at the bar and the two of them strike up a conversation, leading to Gary offering to buy her a drink. Prue says she'd love to have a drink and a chat with him and Gary is pleased.
Number 26 Backyard
Paul has come to check up on Amy after what happened with Prue, but Amy's annoyed with him for not sticking up for her either. Paul says he didn't really get a chance but Amy snarks back that apparently no one did. Paul adds that he came over to say that he doesn't want Amy to do the press interview anymore after seeing how much Prue's comments rattled her. Kyle pipes up that Paul shouldn't have asked her in the first place, and Paul acknowledges that Amy shouldn't have to defend herself. Amy thanks him and Paul leaves, but she's still unsettled.
AMY: Apologies are all good but it doesn't fix anything. I can't keep feeling like this; like a victim. I've been trying to control things and pretend that it's nothing but it's not working. I want to watch it.
KYLE: What?
AMY: The video.
KYLE: Babe, I don't know...
AMY: Yes. I'm sick of this and leaving it to my imagination is way worse. I'll never get over it until I face it.
Number 22
Terese is relieved to see that Ned is finally asleep on the couch. Paul comments that it's probably emotional exhaustion, but Terese says it doesn't help that Yashvi's still ignoring him. Paul doesn't think Prue's comments about the stabbing helped either. While they're talking, Ned starts to twitch around in the background while he's sleeping. It soon develops into a full-blown nightmare about Scarlett coming after him. He thrashes about until Terese and Paul rush over to wake him up and reassure him he's okay. Ned's overwhelmed and says he's going for a walk, brushing off the rest of their concerns.
Number 30
Yashvi is upset when Shane and Dipi answer the door to Ned. She keeps her back turned from Ned as he tries to come in, hastily explaining how much of an idiot he's been. He wants a chance to explain himself to her but Shane and Dipi say she needs to concentrate on her exams. Ned calls out to an upset Yashvi, desperately explaining that it wasn't entirely his fault as Scarlett was a psychopath and fooled everyone, but Dipi sternly tells him to go home. Once Ned leaves, Dipi checks on Yashvi while Shane stares at Toadie, who had been listening from the lounge room.
SHANE: What?
TOADIE: Nothing.
SHANE: You think that was a bit tough? You reckon you can parent better do you?
Toadie just shakes his head, looking defeated.
Number 22 Backyard
Terese finds Harlow watering the garden and asks if she's heard from Prue. Harlow replies that with any luck she won't, but Terese says Prue loves her daughter in her own special way. Harlow is still annoyed so Terese says however she wants to handle things they'll back her up. Harlow says her mum has always been like this - she wafts in, causes chaos and wafts back out again, oblivious. She doesn't want it to happen this time, though, because she's finally found a home in Erinsborough.
HARLOW: Do you know what I can't believe? When she first arrived, for the first few minutes I actually thought this was going to be different. How stupid was that?
TERESE: No it's not stupid. You're allowed to have hope. But I don't think you should give up on her. Who knows, she might still come around.
HARLOW: Yeah, if she gets a brain transplant.
TERESE: Well I can't help you with that, but whatever else Paul and I can do, we'll do it.
Harlow smiles and thanks her.
The Waterhole
Gary has just finished telling Prue about his time in prison, which hasn't seemed to rattle her, and his kids. Gary realises he's been waffling on about himself this whole time as she's so easy to chat to. He offers to get Prue another drink then he can start hearing about her life. Sheila is sending a booty call text to Clive when Gary appears at the bar for more drinks. Sheila's pleased her son's getting on so well with his mystery lady, and Gary is too. But it turns south when Sheila unwittingly comments on all the British accents around lately - like Harlow, Harlow's mum and now this woman. Gary puts two and two together and actually comes up with the right answer for once. He goes back to Prue and flat out asks if she's Harlow's mum.
PRUE: I never had you down as a psychic, that's one of my talents. Do you know the family?
GARY: Yeah pretty well actually. And I heard what you said about Amy, slagging her off like that. I'm not real happy about it.
Prue's face is like 'yikes'.
Number 26 Backyard
Amy and Kyle have just finished watching the hotel room video on Amy's phone. Kyle hopes it hasn't made things worse, but Amy says it hasn't. If anything it's just proved that it was about two people who are in love and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Some people might find it 'dirty' but Amy doesn't, "And honestly? Who cares?" Kyle gives her a smile and hugs her. He says she's the bravest person he knows.
Number 22
Paul suggests to Harlow, and Terese, that they have dinner at the Terrace and then pop over to Harold's for cake. He asks Ned if he wants to join them but Ned grunts back a no. Terese sits with Ned and says she's worried about him, but Ned says he's just not feeling social at the moment.
TERESE: It's not just about dinner. I'm worried about you in general. Do you think maybe you should see a psychologist? The not sleeping, the nightmares; I wouldn't be surprised if maybe you were...
NED: Maybe I was...?
TERESE: Suffering from some sort of post-traumatic stress.
NED: (scoffing) That's a bit of a stretch.
TERESE: It can't hurt to talk to somebody.
NED: No I'm fine.
TERESE: It's okay to ask for help, Ned.
NED: I don't need help, okay? I just need to move on. Get on with my life.
He gets up and walks away leaving Terese concerned.
The Waterhole
Gary is pretty upset about Prue's behaviour towards Amy and says Amy's a good person who doesn't deserve the accusations. Prue surprises him by saying she agrees. She wants to own up to her mistake and admits she let her concerns for Harlow get the better of her.
PRUE: I got worked up and lashed out at whoever was in front of me. I'm ashamed. You know it's the reason I came here.
GARY: The video?
PRUE: It made the press at home. Scared the hell out of me. I didn't want Harlow around all of it.
GARY: I can see that.
PRUE: Gary I'm a lot like you. I love my girl fiercely and yeah; I admit at times my parenting is a bit patchy. I'm just scared I'm getting it all wrong.
Prue asks Gary to tell Amy that she's really sorry for what she said and that she was wrong in her accusation. She thinks it will be better coming from him. Gary looks like he believes her and says he can do that for her.
Number 22
Ned is lying on the couch having another nightmare. In this one Scarlett is chasing him through the maze again. He suddenly wakes up, sweating and panting for breath. Ned clutches his side where his stab wound is and grimaces.
The Waterhole
Amy's aghast to see Gary talking to Prue and lets Sheila know exactly who Gary's new English friend is. Amy walks over to the duo and lays into Gary, especially when she realises he's already aware of who Prue is. Gary explains that he heard Prue out and there was more to her vitriol than she let on.
AMY: Gary I don't want to hear it, she was completely out of line.
PRUE: I know and I'm so sorry. I was wrong and I wish I could take it back.
AMY: Yeah well you can't so...
Prue says she better leave, thanking Gary for the drinks and apologising again to Amy.
AMY: (glaring at Gary) You been drinking the Kool-Aid, mate?
GARY: Come on, Ames. I didn't know who she was, and when I realised I let her know exactly what I think.
AMY: Really? Because you guys seemed pretty chummy.
GARY: She explained and it made sense. Ames this is your call. She knows she went too far but she thought she was looking out for her kid.
Amy just sighs, conflicted but also still quite irritated.
Number 30
Studying is doing Yashvi's head in but Toadie can see she's actually really frustrated about Ned. Yashvi says he's right - she's freaked out by what happened to Ned, but at the same time she's also really hurt.
TOADIE: Maybe you didn't hear this from me, but perhaps your parents are wrong - just this once, maybe you should talk to Ned?
YASHVI: I'm so angry at him, Toadie.
TOADIE: Maybe you need to tell him that to his face? I don't know, it's up to you but you're not achieving anything there are you.
Yashvi mulls this advice over.
Harold's Café
Gary and Prue are sitting at a table in the background when Terese, Harlow and Paul walk in for dessert. They don't see the pair at first and Harlow's in a better mood after their dinner. Terese hopes Prue has done some thinking too but Harlow doesn't think she will have changed her mind. However, Harlow will be happy when her mum's ready to listen. Paul commends Harlow on her mature approach but the mood takes a turn for the worst when he spies Prue and Gary kissing. Harlow notices and is shocked.
Number 22
Ned is having another nightmare about Scarlett chasing him and doesn't hear Yashvi knocking at the door. Yashvi rushes in and attempts to calm Ned down, who is screaming. Ned is thrashing around violently and gets scared when he sees someone hovering over him. Half asleep, he accidentally punches Yashvi in the face and is mortified when he realises what he's done.
<<8228 - 8230>>
Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Prue Wallace in Neighbours Episode 8229
Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Prue Wallace

Prue Wallace in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace

Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Harlow Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Harlow Robinson, Gary Canning

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Sheila Canning

Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8229
Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning, Shane Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8229
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8229
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8229
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8229
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning, Amy Williams

Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8229
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 8229
Hannah Martin

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8229
Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8229
Ned Willis

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