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Neighbours Episode 8219 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8218 - 8220>>
Episode title: 8219
Australian and UK airdate: 24/10/19
Writer: Jo Zantuck
Director: Tenika Smith
- "Future In You" by Patrick James
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Sheila and Clive hooking up behind Beverly's back
- Clive saying he can't break up with Beverly until after the symposium
- Finn unhappy that Bea's researching Scarlett's background
- Finn snatching Bea's laptop from her
- Bea calling Finn 'Patrick' during their argument
Number 28
Bea apologises for her slip of the tongue in calling him Patrick, but Finn's quite shell-shocked. He says he was just trying to protect Bea, except Bea thinks his controlling behaviour snatching the laptop triggered something in her. Elly suggests they both sit down so they can work things out but Finn can't deal and leaves the house.
The Waterhole
Roxy is suss on Sheila's weirdly generous mood in giving Gary a free beer, so Sheila spills the beans on her hook up with Clive. She then explains that Clive still hasn't broken up with Beverly and is away at a conference with her, which doesn't fill Roxy with much hope. She believes that Clive isn't into the relationship as much as Sheila, but Sheila says Clive loves her and wouldn't do anything dodgy. Roxy suggests that if she were in Sheila's shoes, she'd do something memorable to get Clive's full attention.
Number 30
Toadie's stoked that Kirsha has given him so much tech help with his tax woes and calls her an asset to the family, but it turns out poor Kirsha hasn't felt that way in a while.
KIRSHA: Yashvi's had a lot on, dad's been preoccupied and mum's always busy.
TOADIE: Do your folks know you're feeling this way?
KIRSHA: I haven't really said anything. There is something I've been wanting to ask them though.
TOADIE: Well then you should.
Dipi and Shane arrive home on cue, chatting about Shane's catch-up with Mackenzie (who is still hurt and angry about Grant). Kirsha starts to ask them if she can have a chat, but Shane heads out to Clancy and Dipi asks her to put away the shopping so she can start the café rosters. Defeated, Kirsha goes about her chores. Toadie encourages her to speak up next time and not hold back.
Number 28
Bea tries to call Finn but he's not answering. She reiterates to Elly that she doesn't still see Finn as Patrick, which makes Elly hesitant.
ELLY: Not consciously, no.
BEA: What's that supposed to mean?
ELLY: You know I've always been worried about you two being together. And honestly, this is exactly why.
BEA: We've been fine up until now.
ELLY: You guys love each other but your situation's very complicated. If you want to make this relationship work, you're going to have to learn how to have a fight without bringing up the past every time.
Bea takes her advice on board while Elly leans in to give her a comforting hug.
Number 30
Toadie plays with Hugo and Nell in the lounge room while Dipi and Shane have a chat in the kitchen. Dipi says she's feeling really tired today so Shane suggests she take a nap. This doesn't go well with Kirsha's plans as she wants to have her chat now and takes a stand this time to get her voice heard.
KIRSHA: I want to apply for a scholarship to another school.
SHANE: What? Why?
KIRSHA: Jay told me about it. It's his sister school.
DIPI: In Sydney? You can't.
TOADIE: Come on, guys, hear her out.
KIRSHA: I have been thinking about this for a while now.
DIPI: I thought you were happy at Erinsborough High?
KIRSHA: I am but this school has amazing facilities. There's stables and an animal husbandry program.
DIPI: Stables? You don't even ride.
KIRSHA: I could learn! And I think it's what I want to do when I go to uni: become a vet.
Shane's worried since it's a private school, but Kirsha says she's had a chat with Elly and she thinks Kirsha has a good chance at a full scholarship. Dipi and Shane are also very worried about Kirsha's anxiety and don't think she'll cope well on her own. Kirsha's disappointed so they say they'll think about it more. Toadie looks on, wishing he could contribute to the discussion.
The Waterhole
Sheila can't help ask Roxy what she meant by doing something memorable, so Roxy says a "sexy photo" never goes astray. Sheila dithers over her decision for a bit before deciding to go ahead with her "sext". Roxy shoves her into the office so she can stand guard while Sheila takes her photos.
ROXY: Don't be shy; we can edit it later if you want.
SHEILA: (offended) My girls don't need editing thank you very much!
ROXY: Love it! Body positivity, hashtag no filter.
Sheila finally emerges from the office with a grin and triumphantly declares she's just sent her first sext. Roxy laughs and says she doubts it'll be her last.
Harold's Café
Finn tries to ring Shaun but he's not answering any of his calls. Elly finds Finn and goes over for a chat but Finn says whatever she thinks of him he's already thinking way worse. "I was an idiot with Bea's computer. I was out of line," he murmurs, and thinks he'll always be compared to Patrick. Elly doesn't disagree and gives him the same 'this is why I didn't want you together' spiel she gave Bea.
ELLY: I couldn't understand how you guys would be happy together when you felt that way. On the one hand, she'd always feel like the victim and on the other hand you'd always feel guilty for the way you treated her.
FINN: So basically we're doomed then?
ELLY: No, that's not what I'm saying. I just don't want to see you guys hurt each other. I think you've got a few things to figure out.
Ramsay Street
Dipi finds Shane watering #30's front yard and sneaks up for a cuddle. They're both a little stunned at Kirsha's announcement and are worried that all the good work she's done managing her anxiety will come undone. Shane brings up the fact they let Jay go to boarding school at Kirsha's age, but Dipi says they're two very different kids. Shane seems like he's more on the fence than Dipi, who appears certain to say no to Kirsha.
Harold's Café/Number 28/Number 28 Backyard
Finn looks at a photo of himself and Bea on his phone and has a little mope, remembering the good times they've had together. Bea does much the same with her phone back home. They both reach a decision about how to proceed next.
Finn appears in the backyard with a pizza for Bea, amused to see she's set the outdoor table for lunch after buying Finn his favourite pizza. They both apologise. Finn says he needed time out to realise he's really not Patrick. Bea wonders if she makes Finn feel like the "bad guy" in their relationship. Finn replies that it's not like she "makes" him, but he is on eggshells sometimes, "only because I don't want to screw it up."
BEA: Yeah and you feel that way in case I throw Patrick back in your face.
FINN: I know you didn't do it on purpose. Just like I hope you know I would never hurt you, Bea.
BEA: If we're going to make this work we need to be able to have an argument without feeling like it's the end of the world.
FINN: Do you think we can do that?
Bea smiles and says they've made the first step with their apology pizzas. Finn smiles back at her.
Number 30
Toadie is still hanging out with the kids while Dipi and Shane have a chat with Kirsha on the couch. They tell her they really took on board how serious she was about applying for the scholarship, discussing the pros and cons at length, but they think it's too soon for her to live away from home. Kirsha's understandably upset, especially because they just said Jay was the same age as her when he left home. Dipi and Shane tell her she can apply again next year but Kirsha doesn't want to wait that long.
SHANE: We're sorry.
KIRSHA: But I'm doing better with my anxiety. Heaps better.
DIPI: We know.
KIRSHA: No! You don't, or you don't know the full extent of it. You can't because you've both been too caught up with Mackenzie and Yashvi to really even know how I am.
SHANE: Come on, that's not fair.
KIRSHA: You're right, it isn't. And maybe you should think about that.
She gets up and leaves her parents quite shocked. Toadie looks like he's itching to say something to them too.
The Waterhole
Sheila asks Roxy what happens next after you send a sext - will Clive send her one back? Roxy replies that he might but in no way does she want to see it. Sheila then becomes concerned that she's heard nothing and is worried Clive didn't like the pic, but Roxy tells her to chill or she'll seem desperate. Things take a turn when Sheila suddenly realises she didn't send the photo to Clive - she accidentally sent it to Gary instead.
ROXY: Why would you send your kid a pic of your rack?!
SHEILA: I didn't mean to, did I. Clive's last name is Gibbons and Gary's name is, well, Gary, and my stupid fingers are too big for these stupid buttons and...
Roxy cracks up laughing and takes Sheila's phone for a look. After complimenting her on her photo, she then tells her to relax because it says Gary hasn't seen her text yet. Sheila wants to know what to do now.
Number 30
Elly drops by and gives Toadie a USB that has Kirsha's video application on it for the school in Sydney. Toadie's worried Kirsha's already applied but Elly says she's started working on it "on the quiet". Kirsha wanted Elly to have a look and give her feedback but Elly thinks it's great. She knows Dipi and Shane have said no but Elly's hoping once they've seen the video they might reconsider. Toadie's buoyed by Elly's glowing comments about Kirsha's newfound confidence and says he'll pass the USB on to Dipi and Shane.
Number 26
Sheila sprints into the house just as Gary's about to look at his phone and she whacks it out of his hand. Gary's like 'what the hell are you up to' and Sheila blabbers on about accidentally sending him a virus, but then eventually confesses she sent him a sext meant for Clive. Gary stupidly still opens the message and is scarred for life by the photo. Sheila grabs the phone off him and Gary begs her to get rid of the message.
Number 30
Toadie sits Shane and Dipi down to have a look at Kirsha's application video she filmed at school. Kirsha confidently addresses the camera as she speaks.
KIRSHA: A year ago I wouldn't have been able to do this. I've had anxiety all my life and I used to think there was something wrong with me. But I don't feel that now. If I can manage my anxiety, I can deal with anything. Delivering this video essay, applying to your awesome school, living away from home and hopefully studying to become a vet. I can't wait to be a part of your school community. Thank you.
Shane and Dipi call the video sensational and Toadie wonders if it's sensational enough to change their minds about letting Kirsha apply. But by the looks on their faces it's a no. They both still think she's too young and that she can apply next year.
SHANE: There's no harm in waiting.
TOADIE: Yeah but is there any point in waiting?
SHANE: We think so.
TOADIE: Right, well, I think you're making a mistake.
SHANE: Okay, well you can have your opinion, bro, but it's not your decision is it?
Toadie remains quiet, knowing Shane's got him there but he's not happy about it.
Number 28 Backyard
Finn tells Bea he overreacted because he was scared; especially after her hospital scare he just wants her to be safe. They say they don't want to lose each other, but Bea knows they have to be realistic. They're bound to hurt each other again but have to learn to communicate better. Bea then suggests they do more fun things together and Finn offers up karaoke, singing a line of 'Sorry' to her before she shuts him up. Finn's phone rings and he's happy, thinking it's Shaun, but then his face drops when he answers. "What sort of accident?" he asks in concern to whoever's on the other end of the line.
Number 30
Kirsha is pleasantly surprised when Toadie hands her a reference letter for the Sydney school with a lot of nice compliments in it. He knows her parents have said no to the idea, but he thought her video essay was brilliant and it would be a shame to see it go to waste. Kirsha says her parents would be so mad if she applied behind their backs, which Toadie doesn't disagree with, but there's no guarantee she'll be accepted either so why not go for it.
KIRSHA: What if I do?
TOADIE: Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Don't worry; I'm in your corner.
Kirsha thanks Toadie and heads off to hide the letter somewhere. Shane walks in from the backyard and apologises for snapping at Toadie earlier about Kirsha. Toadie guiltily says it's no worries.
SHANE: No it was uncalled for. You're my bro; I know you've always got my back. And you know it's our kids our decision, right?
TOADIE: ... Absolutely, mate.
SHANE: Good.
Toadie smiles through his guilt.
Number 28
Elly shows Bea and Finn the cute baby clothes she just received in the mail from Shaun, but she can see they're both rattled about something. Their solemn mood scares her, especially when Bea asks her to sit down.
BEA: Shaun is missing.
ELLY: What?
BEA: There was an avalanche in the area where he was hiking and search and rescue are looking but so far they haven't found him.
Elly's speechless. She glances up at Finn who is crying. No one knows what to say.
<<8218 - 8220>>
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8219
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8219
Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Toadie Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8219
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Kirsha Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Kirsha Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8219
Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning

Elly Conway, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8219
Elly Conway, Finn Kelly

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8219
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8219
Finn Kelly

Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Kirsha Rebecchi

Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8219
Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8219
Toadie Rebecchi, Elly Conway

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8219
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Kirsha Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8219
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Kirsha Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8219
Kirsha Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8219
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8219
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

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