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Neighbours Episode 8204 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8203 - 8205>>
Episode title: 8204
Australian and UK airdate: 03/10/19
Writer: Jo Zantuck
Director: Jean- Pierre Mignon
Guests: Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Beverly Robinson: Shaunna O'Grady
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Summary/Images by: Edward/Graham
- Pierce says he knows some wine- makers who would love to use The 82 for wine tasting sessions.
- Roxy stands on a table in The Waterhole telling Mark to down his drink.
- Mark tells Roxy that not everything has to be wild and crazy.
- Clive breaks up with Sheila.
- Amy finds a photo of Ned and Kyle and mistakenly assumes that Scarlet has a crush on Kyle.
- Shaun looks at paperwork to file for custody of the baby.
- David rummages through Shaun's things to find what he's hiding.
- David shows Elly the paperwork to file for custody and she's shocked.
Number 28
Shaun tries to explain that the paperwork isn't to gain custody, it's just a co-parenting agreement. However, David remains het up until Aaron tells him they're going home to leave Elly and Shaun to talk about it in private. Shaun says it wasn't even his idea, his mother Claudia suggested it.
ELLY: I'm not agreeing to anything legal until I know you better.
SHAUN: That's fine. I'm happy with how things are between us, please believe me.
The 82
Karl arrives and immediately gets on Kyle's nerves fussing over the day's event.
KARL: It's a big day for The 82. We all have to give our best performance.
KYLE: You're not singing, are ya?
KARL: Of course I wanted to but my guitar's been smashed to bits, hasn't it.
KYLE: Oh what a shame.
Pierce and Chloe arrive. Pierce hands Karl a list of wines they have on offer and he says that Chloe might need to print a few more copies off for the staff. Karl then asks her to give the tables and chairs another wipe down while he goes to acclimatize the cheese.
Number 26
Gary tells Amy and Sheila that Kyle's text, asking him to come down to the tram as soon as possible. Gary jibes his mum for reading a romance novel.
SHEILA: Just because a book is written for a female audience doesn't necessarily mean that it's trash, Gary.
AMY: Couldn't agree more.
Gary replies that he just doesn't think it's good for her to be reading things like that at the moment and he encourages her to come down to the tram. Amy says it could be fun.
Number 24
Roxy arrives at Mark's house wearing a very conservative outfit. So conservative in fact that he feels compelled to comment.
MARK: Roxy. I know we spoke about you toning things down a bit but I wasn't expecting a full personality transplant.
ROXY: That's not what this is.
MARK: Really?
ROXY: Yeah, I'm a woman of many moods. I'm a woman of broad tastes. And I would never change myself for a man.
Roxy just says he's seeing a different side to her.
The 82
Karl summons the staff of The 82 to give them an inspirational speech before the day ahead. He believes a role-play is in order so the staff can demonstrate their knowledge of the food and wine and he says he'll play the role of the customer. Gary doesn't look too pleased.
GARY: Karl, I'm the manager of this joint, I know what I'm doing.
KARL: And I'm the owner of this joint and I think practice is called for.
Kyle hands Gary a copy of the tasting notes. Pierce and Chloe joke about Karl's behaviour.
Number 32
Aaron bickers with David about his over-involvement in Shaun and Elly's private life. He points out that it wasn't so long ago that David was unhappy with him for going through private medical records and now he's been going through Shaun's things. However, David says that nobody's job was at risk this time so it's different. Even still, Aaron encourages him to not be so involved but David continues to believe that he did the right thing for Elly.
The 82
Karl lectures Gary about pouring red wine into a glass that had white in it but apparently the customer didn't want a new glass. Suddenly they're confronted by Clive and Beverly who look rather cosy. Gary wonders if they're seeing each other and his suspicions are soon confirmed when Clive kisses her on the cheek. Gary goes to call his mother to warn her but she arrives at the same moment and witnesses the couple for herself.
The 82
Sheila watches through the window of the tram as Chloe pours a glass of red wine for Clive. As he goes to try it she catches his eye which stops him in his tracks. He then necks the wine and asks for another glass. Elsewhere, Mark and Roxy are tasting wine.
ROXY: Mm. Citrus tones.
PIERCE: Interesting. We think this one's mostly melon and honeysuckle.
ROXY: Ah yeah, melon, totally...
She asks which terrain it was grown in but mispronounces the word which embarrasses Mark, although he doesn't comment on it. Pierce replies that it was grown in Upper Barossa Valley and she says that South Australia is beautiful. Mark says he thought she'd never been to which she replies that she hasn't but has always wanted to.
ROXY: It's actually really really nice hanging out with such a civilized crowd. I mean compared to the Back Lane Bar. I always wanted to bring in some upmarket people there.
MARK: Right. Is that why you got the mechanical bull to...class things up a bit?
ROXY: That was a branding error.
Number 28
Shaun has told Finn about the debacle with Elly. He asks him for advice but he just says to trust his gut.
The 82
Kyle discusses the wine with Clive and Beverly before heading over to talk to Amy.
AMY: I was hoping they'd have left by now. I'm half expecting Scarlett to show up just to make an awkward night complete.
Kyle jokes about her getting jealous of Scarlet's crush on him but she says she isn't. It doesn't help her case though when she suggests he has a word with her about it but he thinks it could get awkward if Amy's got the wrong end of the stick.
In the tram, Sheila asks Karl if the woman with Clive is the doctor who helped Finn and Andrea. He confirms it is Beverly Robinson.
SHEILA: Well it was very neighbourly of you to let me know that Clive has already replaced me.
KARL: I only just found out.
SHEILA: Well, with all her mind-bending techniques she's probably hypnotized him into asking her out.
Karl looks bemused and walks off before Clive enters the tram to be confronted by her. He says that Beverly bought the tickets as a surprise and he can leave if it's too awkward. Sheila says it's fine and offers to ask Gary to give him some free wine but Clive says he hasn't told Beverly about his relationship with Sheila yet.
Number 28
Shaun and Elly rip up the formal agreement. They discuss his role in the baby's life and she says it's going to be difficult with him living overseas but he replies that he's already scaling back on work in Switzerland and wants to move to Australia permanently. She asks him if he's sure that's what he wants to do and he is. She says she'd be really pleased to have him around as long as he doesn't keep anything from her.
The 82
To Karl's surprise Susan arrives at the tram but she's not staying as she's going to visit Bea. She just dropped by to give him a present; his fixed guitar! Elsewhere, Roxy is still trying to impress Mark.
ROXY: The tannins in this one are so well-blended.
MARK: They wrote the tasting notes Roxy; you don't have to parrot them back.
CHLOE: Roxy's a hospo pro, I would trust her call on a glass of wine any day.
Roxy starts asking Pierce and Chloe how they'll make money from an event like this which again embarrasses Mark, who says that she's being too intrusive. Pierce is happy to answer, saying the event is more about drumming up customers who may return in future. Mark finishes his glass of wine and comments that he might need another.
The 82
Karl strums at his guitar in the tram as Beverly enters. She greets him and asks if it's true that he's got a share in the place. He confirms that he does and Beverly says she'd like to order 2 boxes of wine to put in her cellar which she never properly stocks. Sheila interrupts.
SHEILA: A whole wine cellar? Some of us just make do with a humble bar fridge.
BEVERLY: Oh, well I suppose I am a little spoiled. Could I possibly trouble you for another bottle of water? We did ask one of the other servers but they seem to have forgotten.
SHEILA: Yeah sure, coming right up.
Sheila looks dismayed.
The 82
Roxy tells Mark she's going to powder her nose. He tells her to take her time. Chloe asks her if she's having a good night and she says that she is, trying to hold back tears. She rushes off awkwardly.
CHLOE: I don't know what Mark is playing at with her.
PIERCE: Seems pretty clear to me.
Number 32
Elly tells Aaron and David that it was Claudia who was pushing all the legal stuff with Shaun and the baby and that he's agreed to put her in her place. David still seems concerned but Elly tells him to trust her judgment. After Elly leaves, David says he doesn't want to let Elly down like he did with Leo.
DAVID: If I'd been more in tune with what was going on with him then maybe I could have helped more.
AARON: Hey...Listen, I thought you said Leo wasn't a part of this.
DAVID: I didn't think it was. It isn't, I don't even know...
Aaron goes to comfort his husband.
The 82
Karl is still strumming his guitar.
SHEILA: I'm just the hired help as far as the likes of Beverly Robinson are concerned. I mean look at her shoes, they're Jimmy Choo or Gucci or you know the girl with the long face in Sex and the City, she used to wear those.
GARY: Yeah, mum, why don't you keep yourself busy and pour me another pinot for table 3?
Beverly tells Clive that she thinks the 'blonde waitress' keeps staring at her and she wonders if she might be an old patient of hers. Clive admits that it's actually his ex Sheila and that her son manages the tram. He tells her that they only broke up just over a month ago.
BEVERLY: Well, I think it might be best for all concerned if we called it a night. We've drunk all the wine! (laughs)
Beverly gets up and bumps into Sheila. Wine is spilled down both of their dresses and Beverly is completely in shock, apologizing immediately.
SHEILA: You said you wanted a drink?!
She throws a glass of wine over Beverley.
CLIVE: Sheila!
SHEILA: You stay out of this!
GARY: Mum! It's time for you to leave.
SHEILA: My pleasure! Here!
She hands Clive the empty glass of wine.
Number 28
Shaun, Elly and Finn are looking for somewhere for Shaun to live. Finn remarks that Shaun could have the crib he and Bea have done up and then Elly wouldn't have to choose between that one and the one Aaron and David restored.
Aaron and David arrive. David apologises for becoming too overly-invested earlier and Shaun accepts his apology. Finn jumps in to say that he knows David is a straight-up guy. Aaron and David leave before long.
The 82
CHLOE: What a success! The wine, the people...
KARL: The music...how lovely was it for Susan to bring my guitar down for me, it made a good night great. And I got to speak to my daughter Holly in London too, she's got the lead in the school musical.
He says it would be a shame to miss it and Pierce asks what's stopping him, which makes him suddenly realize that nothing is really.
At another table, Mark and Roxy are still drinking wine.
ROXY: It's really lovely to get to know Chloe and Pierce a little better. Maybe we should go to dinner some time. Or we could go to a winery maybe...
MARK: Ok, ok, can you just stop, ok...
ROXY: Stop? Stop what?
MARK: With this whole act? I mean you look ridiculous. You're not fooling anyone Roxy.
ROXY: Well maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do...I'm not all party. I'm showing you a different side to myself.
MARK: Are you listening to yourself?
ROXY: Mark, what's your problem?
He stands up.
MARK: Doing up a few buttons isn't going to turn you into the person I can be with, ok, Roxy?
ROXY: But you are with me right now.
MARK: No, I'm not. Ok, we are about one thing. And if you're expecting something else then you can forget it. Ok?
Roxy looks upset.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe berates Mark for his behaviour towards Roxy.
- Pierce and Hendrix argue.
- Dipi tells Shane he's done everything he can. He replies that Mackenzie's going to be so upset.
- Chloe tells Pierce she understands if he wants to end things.
<<8203 - 8205>>
Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8204
Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Kyle Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8204
Kyle Canning, Karl Kennedy

Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8204
Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Roxy Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8204
Roxy Willis, Mark Brennan

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8204
Karl Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8204
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8204
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Kyle Canning, Clive Gibbons, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8204
Kyle Canning, Clive Gibbons, Beverly Robinson

Clive Gibbons, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8204
Clive Gibbons, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning

Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8204
Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Mark Brennan

Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8204
Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins

Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8204
Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons, Kyle Canning

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8204
Amy Williams

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8204
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8204
Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway

Roxy Willis, Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8204
Roxy Willis, Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Susan Kennedy, Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Chloe Brennan, Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Mark Brennan, Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8204
Chloe Brennan, Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Mark Brennan, Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons

Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Gary Canning, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8204
Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Gary Canning, Beverly Robinson

Beverly Robinson, Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8204
Beverly Robinson, Roxy Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8204
David Tanaka, Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8204
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Roxy Willis

Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8204
Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons

Sheila Canning, Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8204
Sheila Canning, Beverly Robinson, Clive Gibbons

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8204
Karl Kennedy

Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8204
Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway, Finn Kelly

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8204
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Roxy Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8204
Roxy Willis, Mark Brennan

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8204
Roxy Willis

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