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Neighbours Episode 8119 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8118 - 8120>>
Episode title: 8119
Australian and UK airdate: 06/06/19
Writer: Matthew Bon
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Conrad Coleby: Vance Abernethy
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Demi Nicolaidis: Cecelia Lowe
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Shaun asking Elly to let him be involved with the baby
- Mark serving Elly with annulment papers
- Ned confessing that he knew about Harry's plan
- Ned acting aggro towards Finn and Bea
- Yashvi being a supportive friend to Ned
- Ned telling Terese that the horse is stolen
- Terese ordering Vance to break up with Roxy and leave
Number 22
Vance tells Terese there's no need to call the cops on him. He and Roxy love each other and there's no way she won't follow him if he goes. Terese bluntly states that Roxy won't know where to chase him because Terese is going to make sure he'll ghost her. When Vance refuses to play along, Terese starts to call the cops, causing Vance to snatch the phone away.
VANCE: Fine, if you want me gone you need to give me some time.
TERESE: That's not an option. The sooner you go, the sooner she'll get over you.
VANCE: Is this about Roxy or yourself? (Terese scoffs at him) That's why you're doing this! You just don't want me around.
TERESE: Oh get over yourself. You've got a week then you need to disappear.
Terese stomps away leaving Vance quite frustrated.
Number 28
The next morning Bea, Finn and Elly are having a cuppa and a chat about Bea's gig the previous night. Elly comments on Terese dancing with Vance before getting a reminder text about her 12-week scan in the afternoon. She invites Bea to join her, but Elly's happy mood evaporates when Finn suggests she bring Shaun along instead. Elly isn't keen on the idea of opening up her life to a complete stranger, but Finn insists his brother is a "good stranger". Finn just wants her to give Shaun a chance.
Harold's Café
Aaron tells Mark that it's so nice not to be walking on eggshells around David anymore, remarking that he probably should have apologised earlier. Mark's barely listening to Aaron, though, too engrossed in police work on the laptop in regards to the Andrea/Heather case. Aaron's worried Mark's burying himself in too much work to take his mind off Elly, and tells David as much in private when he walks into the café. David's sympathetic, but was also hoping he and Aaron could jet off to Japan for a couple of weeks for a holiday. Aaron's keen but can't help worrying about leaving Mark alone. David reminds Aaron that Mark's old enough to look after himself.
Number 28
Shaun's concerned about visiting Finn when he's meant to be giving Elly space. But Finn says if he wants to be part of the baby's life then he needs to be the active one. Bea chimes in that Shaun doesn't need to be afraid of Elly, "just don't push her." Elly emerges from the hallway and manages a terse hello to Shaun before telling Bea about an art therapy class at the lake. Bea agrees to join her so Finn ropes he and Shaun into coming as well. Elly's oh so thrilled.
Number 22
Ned asks Terese how things went with Vance, so she tells him her 'kick Vance out of town' plan. Ned heads off to have breakfast with Yashvi, passing Roxy and Vance cuddling on the couch. Before Paul leaves for work, Terese tells him, Vance and Roxy that she's decided to give the horse back. Roxy's disappointed, and Paul's surprised, but Terese says she doesn't see a long-term future for it. Forced to yield, Vance says it's all cool, he'll find another buyer for Red.
Lassiters Lake
While Elly and Shaun are acting awkward around each other, Yashvi chats with Bea and Finn about the art class. She's wondering if it's like a life model situation where you have to "go commando", but Bea scoffs and says she wouldn't sign up for that.
YASHVI: Probably not the best place to strip off unless you're a nudist from the outback on a mechanical bull.
FINN: (confused) Is Roxy a nudist? Or does she just like getting nude?
Ignoring him, Bea asks if Yashvi wants to join them. She's caught somewhat off-guard when Yashvi says she's meeting Ned. When V leaves, Finn promises Bea things will get easier in time but Bea pretends she's cool with them hanging out. The art therapy lady tells everyone to partner up so Finn does a sneaky and suggests Shaun and Elly work together. Art lady tells them all they're going to sketch each other and to "dig deep to find their truth." Looking forward to Shaun's sketch of a chardonnay bottle.
Lassiters Complex
Aaron tells Mark that David wants to go to Japan to see where his great-grandmother grew up, but Aaron's pretty excited to eat all the sushi. He can't help but worry that he's abandoning Mark, though, especially when Mark spies Elly and Shaun at the art class and looks sad. Aaron asks if Mark's submitted the annulment papers yet, but Mark just replies that his bro should go to Japan and stop worrying: "Have fun, everyone else is."
Lassiters Lake
Finn assumed Bea would have "mad drawing skills" because she's creative with her music, but Bea smiles and tells him to prepare to be disappointed. Meanwhile, things are starting to thaw out somewhat between Elly and Shaun as they make tentative jokes about their art, which doesn't go unnoticed by Finn and Bea.
Harold's Café
Yashvi chats to Ned about footy and is pleasantly surprised to learn that he's been coming to her games lately. She wonders why he never came to say hi but Ned didn't want to intrude while she was with her family and teammates.
YASHVI: Thank you for coming. I like it.
NED: Well after everything that happened at the foundation launch you stayed in my corner. I liked that. I'm glad we're hanging out more.
Yashvi smiles at him.
Lassiters Lake
Finn teases Bea that her sketch of him looks like a bearded robot. Elly smirks and tells Shaun that those two remind her of the naughty kids at the back of the class. They talk about Shaun's brief stint as a teacher, and then how Elly grew to love the job after initially only being there for all the school holidays. Shaun then admits he's been thinking about what their kid is going to grow up like. He worried he's said too much, but Elly says she's been thinking about it as well. Art therapy lady tells them it's time to share their portraits and the drawings range from okay (Elly & Shaun's efforts) to Janice from The Muppets (Finn's pic of Bea) to sorry won't turn back time on that Harry Potter nightmare android (no, no, no, no, no-no, Bea).
Number 22
Roxy's in a pouty mood because she has to find another buyer for the horse and tells Terese that selling Red is like a house deposit for her and Vance. They have a four bedroom love shack all planned out.
TERESE: You really do love him, don't you?
ROXY: Vance is my everything. I just hope mum and dad understand once they find out.
TERESE: You're planning on telling them?
ROXY: Birthdays, Christmases, I want Vance to be there. Y'know, part of the family not just some big secret.
TERESE: Maybe there's a reason you're keeping him a secret. Maybe deep down you know that he's not right for you.
ROXY: Vance is perfect. If I couldn't have him in my life... I don't even want to think about it.
Terese looks concerned about just how deeply Roxy has fallen for Vance.
Harold's Café
Shaun lingers in the background waiting for his order. Yashvi chats with Ned, asking him about his job and if he's still enjoying it.
NED: Yeah I guess. I mean it's not my forever option but I'm happy there.
YASHVI: That's good.
NED: Why do you ask?
YASHVI: I dunno. Just that I'm always talking about my dream to play footy, Bea's got her music and tattoos are your thing but you don't really get to talk about it. Except for your street art tour thing.
NED: Don't worry they keep me going.
YASHVI: That's good; I just want to make sure you're happy.
NED: Thanks. That's actually really nice, I don't think anyone's asked me that in a while.
Yashvi wonders why Ned's smiling at her in a fond way, not realising she's got cream on her face from the jam and cream bun she just bit into. Ned gestures for her to move closer so he can swipe the cream off her nose, but Yashvi gets the wrong message and leans in to kiss him. Things soon get awkward when Yashvi realises Ned wasn't moving in for a pash and she makes a quick, mortified exit.
NED: V stay. It's fine, honestly.
YASHVI: No, see you later... Probably never!
She rushes out the door, neither of them realising Shaun witnessed the whole exchange.
Lassiters Lake
Bea and Finn are pleased to learn from Elly that she actually didn't mind spending the afternoon in Shaun's company. Shaun returns with everyone's coffees and mentions to Bea that he saw Yashvi.
BEA: She's one of my best mates.
SHAUN: It's cool you're still getting on. (Bea's confused) I just mean I think it's great you can still be friends with someone after they get together with your ex.
Bea face is a picture. A portrait, in fact, titled: 'Hello darkness my old friend'.
Number 24
Aaron and David pop by and Aaron's still doing the overly worried brother thing, so Mark reminds him he's not 12 and he'll be fine alone. Besides, he's got his work. Aaron doesn't think he should obsess over the Andrea case but Mark says it's to do with the forensics fire. The boys then worry that Mark's now obsessing over pinning the fire on Shaun, even though his name was cleared.
MARK: Just because he wasn't around doesn't mean he wasn't involved. He's rich, he's well connected, he could have easily had it organised. If there's evidence that someone's missed, I'm going to find it.
Aaron and David exchange A Look™.
Number 22
Roxy tells Vance she's emailed him a list of potential buyers for Red, but Vance gently shuts down all her ideas. He's grateful for her help, though, and Roxy smirks that she's just being the boss. She says that she's going to be the boss for the rest of their lives. Vance gives her a hug and says he can't wait, looking sad when Roxy can't see him.
The Waterhole
Ned asks Terese when Vance is going to break things off with Roxy, surprised when Terese says Vance is going to leave without a trace. She knows Roxy will be hurt but if she knew of the real reason Vance was leaving, she'd probably follow him. Ned says it's a bit unfair on Roxy but Terese says it'll be better for her in the long run.
NED: And better for you?
TERESE: He did ask me if the reason I was getting rid of him was because I was drawn to him.
NED: Did you admit that you are?
TERESE: Oh what do you think? I'm just sick of the fact that I'm having to hide things from Paul.
NED: Yeah but now you just have to hide things from Rox.
TERESE: I can't have her hate me, Ned. It would defeat the purpose of everything.
Ned says Terese better hope that Roxy doesn't find out then. Terese looks very uneasy.
Harold's Café
Shaun tells Elly that he feels bad about mentioning Yashvi and Ned to Bea, but Elly says it was an innocent mistake. Elly's in a pretty friendly mood towards him now the ice has been broken. So much so that she asks if Shaun wants to accompany her to her 12-week scan. Shaun smiles and says he'd love to come.
Number 28 Backyard
Finn listens as Bea talks through her emotions. She's trying not to feel jealous about Ned and Yashvi, saying that they're free to do whatever. But she's still upset about it. Finn encourages her to draw out her feelings, but all Bea can come up with on the page is a question mark. Finn tries to make her feel better and acknowledges that change can be scary, "maybe you're not sure of where you'll end up fitting in?" The two of them stoop to pick up papers that have floated to the ground, but end up pretty close to one another and share a Moment™ as Finn glances at her lips before leaning in towards her.
<<8118 - 8120>>
Vance Abernethy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Vance Abernethy, Terese Willis

Ned Willis, Elly Brennan, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8119
Ned Willis, Elly Brennan, Bea Nilsson

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8119
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8119
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8119
Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins

Bea Nilsson, Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8119
Bea Nilsson, Elly Brennan

Ned Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Ned Willis, Terese Willis

Vance Abernethy, Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Vance Abernethy, Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8119
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Yashvi Rebecchi

Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8119
Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Shane Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8119
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8119
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8119
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8119
Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins

Roxy Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Roxy Willis, Terese Willis

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8119
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8119
Shaun Watkins

Finn Kelly, Elly Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8119
Finn Kelly, Elly Brennan, Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8119
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Mark Brennan

Vance Abernethy, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Vance Abernethy, Roxy Willis

Ned Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8119
Ned Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Brennan, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8119
Elly Brennan, Shaun Watkins

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8119
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8119
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

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