- Ned asks Paul if he paid Mel to start the fire at the garage.
- Paul tells Terese that the West Warratah Star is running an article linking Robinson Pines to the fire at the garage.
- He says Ned gave them confidential information.
- Amy says to Paul he can't insinuate that Mel used the money for bribes.
- Mark and Elly get married.
- Elly tells Mark she slept with his sister.
- Mark screams at Chloe in Ramsay Street.
- Mark tells Elly he's having their marriage annulled.
- Elly has a positive pregnancy test.
The Waterhole
Amy is chatting to Elly but Elly is totally zoned out, thinking about all her recent troubles. Elly heads off after admitting that she's not really with it today, apologizing to Amy as she leaves. Amy walks over to Sheila and Gary who are talking about the ballet. They soon start to discuss Paul's involvement in the garage fire and the story appearing in the West Warratah Star. Amy says she's already received angry calls from buyers and investors.
AMY: I'm sure I'll get everything back on track. Just gotta keep everything above board.
Harold's Café
Fay and Aaron are talking to Mark in Harold's. Mark has just told them about the annulment but Fay's not happy about it, thinking he and Elly need time to let the dust settle. He's not having it and storms off to work. Fay and Aaron look concerned.
Ramsay Street
Terese sees Shane and Dipi across the road and heads over for a chat. She asks how Toadie's getting on in America and they say he's doing well. Shane mentions that Nell's having a great time with Walter and Zoe.
TERESE: So, you're moving out of Ramsay Street?
Shane and Dipi look confused before an awkward silence ensues.
TERESE: Lauren hasn't spoken to you yet? She said she was...
SHANE: Lauren's kicking us out?
Terese apologizes and says it's not her place to say, but Brad and Lauren do want to put the house on the market. She assures them that they'll be given first refusal on the house when it goes on the market. It gets awkward before Terese says she has to go.
Terese's Office
TERESE: Look, I just got off the phone to Paul. Mel's been arrested in South Australia.
CHLOE: Really?
TERESE: Yes, she's been charged with the fire at the garage.
Chloe probes Terese for more information but she doesn't know much else. Chloe then asks Terese if she thinks there's something wrong with her given her track record of romantic partners, but Terese admits she's not the right person to ask. Terese then lets Chloe leave early, so she can go and find Mark.
Lassiters Complex
Elly watches from afar as Mark and Chloe talk about Mel's arrest. He tells Chloe that she might be asked to make a statement or be called as a witness. The conservation seems very tense before Mark asks Chloe if there's anything else.
CHLOE: I also wanted to ask you how you are.
MARK: I'm not talking to you about this, Chloe.
He storms off.
Fay approaches Elly who's sitting just outside the hotel. She tells her she's heard about the annulment and that Mark is just acting out of hurt. Elly admits that it's not only the annulment that's on her mind.
ELLY: I just found out I'm pregnant.
She tells Fay that Mark doesn't know yet and she doesn't think she can cope with much more rejection. Fay tells her to come round tonight when Mark's finished work and to leave the rest to her. Chloe walks past and hears them discussing the pregnancy, but Fay and Elly don't notice. Fay departs.
CHLOE: You're pregnant?
Lassiters Complex
Elly and Chloe discuss the pregnancy. Elly says she thinks the child could give the couple a whole new perspective. On the other hand, she doesn't want to bring a child into the world where its father hates its mother.
CHLOE: All Mark's ever wanted is a family. I doubt he'd want his child to grow up in a broken household.
Elly says more than anything she wants to put everything behind them and try.
CHLOE: I honestly think if anything was going to get you back together, being pregnant is it. So...I hope it works out.
The Penthouse
Mark asks Paul to give him any documents associated with Mel as they could be useful supporting evidence in the case involving the garage fire. Mark tells Paul and Amy that Heath has been granted immunity in return for admitting that Mel started the fire. Mark leaves.
Amy tells Paul she's surprised he's so willing to give up the documents, but he says everything's been published in the newspaper anyway so there's no point in being resistant; he just wants to move on from it. The good thing is; they now own Grease Monkeys and the antiques shop on Power Road.
Number 32
Shane and Dipi are in the backyard discussing figures; but they can't afford to buy the house.
The Penthouse
Mark thanks Paul for sorting through Mel's documents so quickly. Paul replies that Mark needs to find somebody to vent to after his recent troubles.
PAUL: Mark, it's necessary.
Mark looks unimpressed and leaves, just as Terese arrives. She asks Paul if he's seeing Beverly soon but he admits that he doesn't think she'd be too keen to see him given what was printed in the Star. Terese reassures him and he says he'll arrange to see her again soon. They then discuss a way of rallying the investors confidence and Paul says he has just the person who could help.
The Waterhole
Amy tells Gary that she thinks Paul is taking for granted the fact that she's going to sell The Handywoman to him. She says Paul wants to stop Robinson Pines from being tainted but from her perspective it already is. She's not enthralled by the thought of being his 'right hand man'.
GARY: Well you have to ask yourself; "do I want to spend the rest of my career worrying if my dad's gonna drag me into something dodgy?" Didn't you insist on a get-out clause when you signed on to Robinson Pines?
The Penthouse
Amy arrives at the penthouse and Paul has the contract ready and waiting, but she refuses to sign. She admits she's resigning from Robinson Pines.
AMY: You don't respect that we are different people with different views.
PAUL: Of course I do.
AMY: No. If you don't agree, you just dismiss it.
Amy continues to berate Paul before he throws the contract in the bin, clearly irritated.
Harold's Café
Shane and Dipi tell Aaron and Sheila that their house is being sold but they have no way of affording it. They say they won't leave the area though. It doesn't take long for Aaron to jump in their grave; he calls David to ask how much money they have in their current savings account.
The Waterhole
Fay tells Chloe that in time their family will get past what's happened. Chloe says that she feels like her life is just one disaster after another.
FAY: It's still better that what happened between you and Elly is out in the open. Secrets fester. I mean hiding the truth from Tyler about Hamish caused terrible consequences.
CHLOE: Do you think Mark will take Elly back because of the baby?
FAY: I'm not sure. But a child will bond them forever.
Fay consoles Chloe over her pain about Elly, but Chloe feels like she doesn't deserve it.
CHLOE: I wish I could just switch these feelings off.
Harold's Café
Elly's just told Amy about the baby. She says she's already told Fay and Chloe but is yet to tell Mark and doesn't know whether she should. Amy advises her to leave the baby out of the conversation as she'll always be wondering whether Mark only stuck around for that reason.
Number 24
Aaron hands Mark a beer.
AARON: So has work helped you keep your mind off things?
MARK: Not when one of the boys keeps stirring me about Steph and Elly both cheating on me with women.
Aaron mentions how Mark forgave Paige when she cheated on him with Jack, but Mark points out how that relationship turned bad in the end anyway. Mark says that Fay wants him to talk to Elly but he doesn't think it'll help; he can't forgive her.
Number 28
Elly feels her stomach and looks concerned.
Terese's Office
Chloe is reading some documents but looks distracted.
Number 24
Mark walks into the kitchen and looks at a card addressed to him and Elly.
Number 28
Elly looks deep in thought again.
The Waterhole
Gary tells Sheila that Amy's resigned as Project Manager of Robinson Pines, and how she's really been listening to his opinions recently and that they feel like a true partnership. Paul approaches and asks Sheila for the latest wine list. Gary uses it as an opportunity to wind him up about Amy resigning, causing Paul to soon realise that it was Gary's influence that helped her come to that decision.
Number 24
Elly arrives to talk to Mark.
ELLY: Is there anything about me or our relationship that you still value?
MARK: From what mum said, I got the impression you had something new to say to me. I've had a long day, I'm exhausted, and I don't want to keep re-hashing the same things that we've spoken about, okay, so, if you don't mind.
Elly goes to leave, but then turns around.
ELLY: I'm pregnant.
MARK: What?
ELLY: I'm pregnant. I want to have this baby with you, I want to start a family with you...
There is silence.
ELLY: Mark?
He looks shocked.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Leo and Piper kiss.
- Beverly tells Karl it's virtually impossible for Finn to manipulate the results of his test.
- Elly says she doesn't know how to stay in a relationship with Mark and Kate. She says she's not the only one to blame for their relationship imploding.