Previously on Neighbours
- Paul reports Valerie thinks she's made a mistake over the hotel
- Terese can't believe Valerie is suing the hotel
- Piper tells Leo he is entitled to feel how he feels, Leo is grateful to rant to her
- Sheila feels honoured to be going to the ballet with Gary
- Paul has done research, a doctor from his past might be able to help with Finn
- Finn insists he's not stupid, he has amnesia
- Karl has a go at Finn, Finn goes missing from the hospital
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl is on the phone to Susan who is at No.28 with Shaun in the background. Karl lets Susan know that the police have been notified and are searching the hospital and the grounds. Susan is bewildered as he could barely walk. Karl points out that Finn could have been exaggerating, Susan doesn't think Finn faked a coma for four months. Karl advises her to keep her phone with her and lock all the doors. Susan isn't so convinced but does this anyway. Susan promises to let Bea and Elly know, Karl will keep her updated. Susan rings off.
Shaun has realised what has happened, Susan is sure Finn will be found. Shaun wants to help search for Finn, Susan isn't convinced that's a good idea but Shaun persists.
SUSAN: The last time any of us went looking for Finn I ended up with my back at the edge of a cliff.
Susan asks Shaun to check the windows and back door, Shaun agrees.
Terese's Office
Paul and Terese are sitting either side of the desk. Valerie has responded to the lawsuit and has agreed to the sentiment they offered. There are conditions though. Valerie wants Leo to make a public apology and goes to anger management therapy. Paul is very doubtful that Leo would agree! Terese offers to talk to Leo, this would be a good chance for them to talk as they haven't talked properly since everything happened.
Somewhere in Melbourne
Sheila is fussing about the parking ticket and the fact that Gary used the parking machine on the first floor when the car is on the third floor. Gary is tense and Sheila wants to know what the matter is. Gary explains that he had planned this for him and Amy, Paul's plans have ruined their plans. Sheila tells him to take it out on Paul instead! Gary explains he thought it would be what Amy would like. Sheila says they can suffer through it together, Gary thought Sheila would enjoy it. She tells him she's just trying to help. Gary knows that the ballet is connected to swans, Sheila is convinced it will go over her head! Gary suggests they try it and can leave at half time if it's that bad! Sheila agrees to this.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl comes to talk to the police officer outside Finn's room. He introduces himself and asks for an update, there isn't any news. Karl wants to know more about the search, security cameras and everything else are being checked. Karl wants to know why Karl wasn't still restrained, apparently the hospital made this choice. The police officer points out there was a guard all the time, Karl wants to know how Finn got past the guard! The young man apologises and says a new guard will be posted when they find Finn.
KARL: This one had better do his job.
Harold's Café
Piper asks what Leo wants to watch for their movie marathon that evening. Leo is surprised that Piper has planned this on a school night! Piper reminds him he doesn't need to be up at an early hour! Piper wants to watch movies at the Backpackers which Leo agrees to. Leo suggests they both choose a couple of movies. Piper isn't so keen as he's made a lot of bad decisions recently!
There is a tense atmosphere as Terese walks in. She asks to have a word with Leo and Piper heads outside. She wants to break the ice, Leo calmly agrees. She invites him to say anything he wants to, he is sure there's nothing left to say. She tells him Valerie has reached an agreement, Leo is glad he can return to work. Leo is incredulous as Terese tells him the conditions Valerie has set out. Leo refuses as it was a one off, he doesn't have anger management issues. Terese tells him it's the easiest way to sort things out. Terese points out if this reaches court it would be more humiliating. Terese tells him it's the best move he can make money wise. Leo isn't bothered about money.
TERESE: Your father's and my first priority is that your life isn't affected by an unnecessary lawsuit. What you did was out of character. This is your chance to move on and forget about it.
Leo thanks her. She wants to know what he's going to do. Terese asks again if Leo accepts the offer, Leo is leaving it up to Terese. Leo points out that Terese will just do what she wants to do as usual.
Hospital Grounds
Karl is walking through the grounds on the phone to Bea checking that she knows what is going on. He advises her to stay put at the Waterhole along with Ned. Karl is contemplating how far Finn has got and goes to get in his own car. He sees Finn who has collapsed nearby on a slope, with the zimmer frame at an angle.
Karl heads over to Finn and calls out to him. Finn stirs, recognises Karl's voice and apologises. Karl reassures him that help will be there soon. Finn talks about the things Karl said, his body gave way.
FINN: I can't stop thinking about everything you said to me. (Karl reassures him.) The things I've done! I don't... I don't understand.
Karl tries to keep him calm, Finn can't make sense of it all. Finn talks about how kind Susan and everyone else has been. Karl promises to discuss it later as Finn cries.
Somewhere in Melbourne
It's now halftime, Gary wants to know what Sheila thinks. Sheila enthuses about it being the best show she's been to. They both agree they haven't seen any swans yet! Gary admits he is also really enjoying the show. They enthuse about the ballet dancers. Sheila is impressed about the dancers' muscles, Gary is impressed about the story and now realises that dancing can be very emotional. Sheila thanks Gary for the invite to the ballet. Gary enjoys her company, she realises he does when she's not nagging him! Gary suggests they do this more regularly. Sheila thinks he's already fed up of her, he was embarrassed at her whistling at a male dancer! Sheila comments they didn't have so much fun back when he was little. Gary points out they weren't friends when he was little though she helped him out of a few tight spots! Sheila thinks he did it though to get her attention. Gary wonders why she's suggesting it, the self help book suggested it. Gary advises her to not take it so seriously. Sheila says she would do things differently if she had her time over again. Gary isn't so convinced by the book, he gets a text telling him it's the end of half time. They go back inside.
Backpackers Retreat
Piper isn't impressed that Terese said what she did out of the blue. Leo thinks it's due to Paul and Terese agreeing to the settlement, Piper thinks they're being patronising. Leo apologises for him going on about everything, Piper tells him not to apologise. Piper suggests he apologise, Leo isn't so keen on publicly humiliating himself. Piper reminds him that he did knock an elderly lady over, Leo is starting to come round to the idea. Piper has sorted out the movies plus pizza, she's doing romance aversion therapy which confuses Leo. Piper explains she's chosen movies which are cheesy and cringy to help him realise how love is so lame! Piper thinks it will be hard to hear it over everyone else so Leo suggests they watch it on the laptop in the loft. Plus they get the snacks to themselves!
Hospital Grounds
Paul and Beverly greet each other warmly outside the hospital.
BEVERLY: You haven't changed a bit.
PAUL: Don't know about that. Maybe got a bit mellower in my old age.
Paul observes that Beverly has returned to Melbourne a few years back. They are now a few suburbs from each other. They joke about the reunion being due a long time! Beverly is wondering why Paul recommended her about the patient. Paul comments that she's re-specialised as they head into the hospital. She specialises in psychiatric effects of brain injuries. To an extent she has covered amnesia, she's not the only expert though or has the most experience! Paul points out it's unusual for her to undermine her talents. Beverly insists she's not doing that and was surprised when the hospital contacted her. She wants to know what's going on. Paul admits that she keeps being on his mind and all those that were connected to Jim. Beverly comments that it was 25 years the year before since Jim died. Paul tells her about the housing estate in Jim's memory.
BEVERLY: I never imagined you to be so sentimental.
Paul explains he thought of Beverly when Finn needed to be assessed by a specialist. Paul promises to catch up afterwards as she needs to go and see Finn. Beverly admits the case sounds fascinating!
Susan is glad Finn is ok and Shaun wants to know what happened. Karl admits that the guard got distracted. Shaun was actually wondering why Finn wandered off. Susan tells him that the doctors will assess why Finn felt the need to wander off. Karl blames himself, Finn said he reacted to what Karl had said about Finn's past. Karl admits what happened and Shaun and Susan are incredulous! Karl explains he was testing Finn to see how he would react. Susan is convinced that Karl has made the situation worse. Karl was scared for Susan's sake, Shaun thought Karl just wanted Finn back in handcuffs.
Erinsborough Hospital
Beverly arrives and introduces herself to Shaun as Beverly Robinson. Karl introduces himself and Susan. Beverly is going to see Finn and will come and chat to Shaun after that. Beverly and Shaun to walk off with Beverly still talking. Susan shakes her head at Karl!
Beverly comments to Finn that things are stressful and confusing him right now which Finn agrees with. Beverly wants to know what Finn does remember most recently instead of what he doesn't remember. Finn remembers being stressed about his uni exams for his second year studying to be a teacher. That's what he thinks is meant to be happening. He is really keen to be a teacher. Finn asks what the technology Beverly is using is, Beverly explains it's an iPad and explains its function. Beverly asks Finn to describe a typical day. He doesn't think he's a morning person and is living in student accommodation. He is glad he doesn't need to cook!
Susan and Karl wait and we see time pass. Susan considers the fact that Finn is being genuine, Karl promises to respect that. Karl asks how she is after the scare. Susan admits to being shocked how weak Finn is. Karl points out Finn was able to escape.
Beverly arrives wants to make more assessments before she reaches a final decision. She tells them that Finn knows about the crimes he committed, Karl admits to being responsible for Finn knowing about that. Beverly says it's good that Finn feels resilient. Finn does have questions. Finn doesn't know how he ended up in a coma. Beverly wants them to answer any questions Finn has. Beverly tells them she needs to be honest about Susan pushing off a cliff if she needs to get a clear picture about what's going on.
Somewhere in Melbourne
Gary thinks the second half was better, Sheila points out that it was the ending Gary was hoping for. Gary has been thinking about what they discussed earlier.
SHEILA: I thought I could smell something burning.
Gary is convinced that Sheila is beating herself up over nothing. The reason Gary got into school was it was the one thing he was good at. Sheila wonders if she should have taken him to the ballet. Sheila worries about how impatient and cranky she was with all of her children. Gary points out that they were a lot to cope with! Gary points out she didn't neglect them. He was the bad crowd, he didn't fall in with the bad crowd. Sheila regrets not doing these things with Gary. Gary knows they both made mistakes but shouldn't trawl through them. Gary loves Sheila and he knows she loves him as well. Sheila is touched by Gary's words and realises she must have got something right along the way. They blame the ballet for being so sentimental and head off.
Backpackers Retreat
Leo and Piper are lounging on the bed and there is a jokey atmosphere. Leo and Piper agree they have just watched the worst movie. Piper does think that Freddie Prince Jnr was ok. (Maybe She's All That?)
PIPER: You're going to hate romance when I'm done with you.
Leo thanks Piper for looking after him tonight, she has covered all the volunteer hours needed this year! Piper points out that there isn't anyone else to hang out with which Leo agrees with. She also feels better comparing her life to his! Piper's not sure what she's doing, Xanthe's in Toowomba, work is on hold as Toadie is overseas. Leo points out she'll have work soon but Piper comments it's still not a career. Things are weird with Terese when Piper's at home. Piper considers hanging out with Leo the highlight of her day, then laments how sad she sounds! Leo agrees it's sad but it's the same for him. They look at each other before Piper suggests another movie. Leo goes to get them another drink.
Erinsborough Hospital
Shaun asks how Finn is doing, Finn thinks Shaun wouldn't care. Shaun points out he is Finn's brother. Finn doesn't think Shaun would want to care after everything that's happened. Shaun points out that Karl has only told Finn his side, there are other sides to the story. Shaun tells Finn how great a teacher he made and the students loved him. Finn remembers that he was determined to make a difference. Finn wonders why things, changed. Shaun explains that something happened but Finn wasn't to blame. Finn asks what took place.
Beverly arrives back, Susan is waiting outside the room. She tells Finn she wants to help by answering questions he has about what put him in hospital in the first place. She tells him there was an altercation between him and several of his victims. The altercation was physical and happened in the bush. She tells him someone pushed him off a cliff, he realises this put him in a coma. He had sustainable head injuries.
FINN: Who pushed me?
BEVERLY: Susan Kennedy.
Beverly is talking to Karl and Susan outside the room. Susan tells Beverly that even though she could see Finn's face she was unsure how he took the news. Beverly says again that Finn seems resilient, Finn does have a lot to take in though. Karl suggests that Finn hadn't forgotten what happened in the first place. Susan points out that Finn knows Susan was responsible for putting him in a coma and the head injuries.
Finn is being pushed along the corridor in a wheelchair. He asks them to stop so he can talk to Susan. Karl reassures Susan that she can refuse but she agrees to speak to Finn. He tells her he o knows what took place and understands. He tells Susan that he forgives her. Susan looks stunned.
Backpackers Retreat
As the credits roll, Leo declares it the cheesiest movie! He realises Piper is asleep and shuts the laptop. He twirls her hair to wake her up, she tells him to stop doing that. He tells her she missed the guy cringily rushing to the airport. Piper admits she's watched the movie before now. Leo is wondering why she went to sleep when this was her idea of so many romantic movies! Piper points out it was for Leo's sake. She asks him if the plan worked.
LEO: Yeah I can't think of anything worse than being attracted to someone.
Piper is happy that her plan worked. They stare at each other and start kissing.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Elly asks after Mark, Aaron says Mark isn't doing great thanks to Elly
- Terese advises Leo to work through his own business, Leo tells her to butt out
- Chloe tells Faye she doesn't feel guilty for loving Elly as Mark didn't do the same
- Elly asks Mark if it's over between them