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Neighbours Episode 8049 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8048 - 8050>>
Episode title: 8049
Australian and UK airdate: 28/02/19
Writer: Keir Wilkins
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
- "Golden Sun" by Patrick James
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Drunken Leo making a scene on Ramsay Street
- Piper backing off when Leo tries to kiss her
- Elly concerned about her relationship with Mark
- Mark visiting Kate's gravesite to seek comfort
- Mark promising he'll open up to Elly next time instead of Kate
- Amy finding Gary unconscious at the warehouse
- Gary happy that Amy wants to reunite - but she wants Sheila to stop meddling
Number 26 Backyard
Amy tells Gary that she doesn't want to cause a rift between him and his mum but she's sick of Sheila interfering in everything. Gary says he understands but he knows that Sheila won't take the news well. Amy reminds him he needs to say something unless he wants Sheila accompanying them on every date. This makes Gary pause and smile though - they're actually back together! They kiss but of course nosy Sheila's outside 'hanging the washing' and can't help put her two bob's worth in.
SHEILA: Congratulations! I hope there's no hard feelings about me saying you were stringing Gary along. Because Mother Knows Best says that I need to be firm with what's good and proper with my boy.
Amy grits her teeth and smiles through her frustrations.
Number 22
Piper leaves a voicemail for Xanthe as she arrives home from the Backpackers. She's confused about "something really weird" that happened and she needs Xanthe to call her back. Paul walks down the stairs, putting his jacket back on as he calls out to Terese that he'll see her in the morning for a meeting. There's an awkward moment between him and Piper, but half of Piper's uneasy mood is to do with Leo.
PAUL: I know that you're not entirely on board with Terese and I...
PIPER: As long as my mum's happy.
PAUL: She'd be a lot happier if you and I learned to get along.
PIPER: Well it's a bit hard to do, Paul, considering the way that Leo was treated. He was completely blindsided and he's really not coping. He's just... he's just doing all sorts of crazy things.
PAUL: I regret more than anything the way that everything unfolded. But the sooner you can accept that I am going to be a part of your mum's life, the better it's going to be for everyone.
PIPER: (sighing) Just don't hurt her, Paul.
Paul looks slightly uncomfortable but doesn't say anything in return.
Lassiters Lake
The next morning Mark defaults to Brennan Coping Mechanisms 101 by going for a solitary jog around the complex to tire out his mind. But he can't stop thoughts of Sonya plaguing him when he takes a rest near the lake and looks over at the friendship tree Sonya planted.
The Backpackers
David finds Leo up in the loft, fast asleep on the bed with yesterday's clothes on. He tries to rouse his brother, eventually resorting to holding Leo's nose so he gasps awake. David's not in the mood for his twin's continued antics and tells Leo he needs to get his act together. If not, David's worried Leo will do something else stupid. Leo appears to be remembering what happened last night, though, and mumbles that it might be too late for that. David asks why but Leo doesn't elaborate.
Ramsay Street
Elly and Aaron return from a run to find Mark dressed in his police gear. He claims he's got a training day but Elly reminds him they have an appointment at a wedding reception venue today. Mark says she'll still have Aaron for company (Bea's got some last minute work at the garage), but he'll meet up with them later in the city. Elly's bummed out.
Number 26
Sheila's bragging to Clive about how she 'singlehandedly' got Gary and Amy back together thanks to Mother Knows Best. Gary appears and asks for a word with his mum but then gets into a back and forth with Sheila about working at the nursery & his payment plan with Amy. Clive's had enough of their arguing and heads outside to water the plants. Gary then tells Sheila he appreciates her help but he and Amy have been chatting about how to ensure things run more smoothly this time around.
GARY: One thing that we both agree on is that there's only room for two people in this relationship.
SHEILA: Well yes of course, love. You've always been very traditional.
GARY: No mum, that's not what I mean.
SHEILA: Me?! You think I'm a third wheel? Oh what does Amy say about that?
GARY: Actually it was Amy who brought it up. We both know that your advice comes from a good place but you do fixate on things. Look how obsessed you've become with Mother Knows Best!
SHEILA: That book is the entire reason you and Amy are back together!
GARY: Hardly! Our relationship is back on track because Amy and I have worked through our issues.
As predicted, Sheila gets the huff, pulls the 'I know where I'm not wanted' card and walks off on Gary.
Paul puts a large bunch of flowers by Kate's headstone. Mark walks over, surprised to find he has company. Paul says ever since he found out Mark's been visiting he was reminded that he hadn't stopped by as much lately, commenting on how peaceful it is. Mark agrees, saying it's a good place to gather your thoughts. Paul leaves Mark to it, patting him on the shoulder as he walks away.
Harold's Café
Shane and Dipi listen in as Sheila whinges to Clive about being accused of meddling by Gary instead of being congratulated for getting he and Amy back together. Dipi says she always knew those two would patch things up after she did the tarot reading for Gary.
SHEILA: Them getting back together has nothing to do with that mumbo jumbo.
DIPI: Well maybe Mother Knows Best is mumbo jumbo.
Clive tries to change the topic by asking Shane how orientation week is going at university. Shane replies that it's good but he hasn't been there much yet as he's been helping Yashvi settle back into Year 12. Clive sighs when Sheila gets straight back onto her book, telling Shane there's a chapter on helping your kids find the right career path. Sheila even suggests giving Clive's daughter a copy of the book now she has a baby.
Wedding Reception Venue
Elly and Aaron are in a beautiful reception venue overlooking the city, but Elly can't appreciate the ambiance while she's worried about Mark not taking her calls. She's also frustrated that Mark doesn't seem as enthusiastic about the wedding as her. Aaron says that his brother wouldn't be late unless he had a very good reason and urges Elly to relax.
The Waterhole
Amy's asked David and Paul to meet her for a coffee so she could tell them she's back together with Gary. David's pleased but Paul isn't quite as enthused. Amy says they had an honest talk and they want to make things work. She's waiting for the vitriol from Paul, but he surprises her when he says, "If it makes you happy, I'm happy too." He can't help but worry that Gary might fall back into his old habits, though, but Amy says Gary's really turned a corner. However, Amy wants to take things slow so she'll still be staying in the penthouse.
DAVID: Have you told Leo?
AMY: No, I thought it would be like rubbing it in his face right now.
Paul asks David how Leo is. David's not sure where to start.
Number 22
Leo stops by and Piper tells him he doesn't look too good. Things are awkward as Piper hands Leo back his jacket she accidentally took last night in her rush. Sheepish Leo apologises for making a move on her and Piper replies that it was pretty intense. Leo admits he thought they had a moment where they 'got' each other but realises he took it the wrong way.
PIPER: It really threw me. I was only there to make sure you were okay.
LEO: Yeah, you were just being a good friend and I completely screwed it up. My head's been such a mess lately and I'd had a few beers... I know that's no excuse.
PIPER: You know maybe what happened is a sign that you need to start dealing with all of this in a more constructive way.
Leo nods and says it's completely up to Piper, but wonders if they should keep the mishap a secret from Terese. Piper vehemently agrees it's best not to say anything. Leo leaves, telling Piper she's a good friend and he'd hate to lose that.
Wedding Reception Venue
Elly leaves yet another voicemail for Mark asking him to call her back. Aaron tries to remain chipper and tells Elly he'll help her pick out all the details; he's got way better taste than Mark anyway. But Elly's put out that Mark still hasn't replied, after all it only takes two minutes to reply with a text.
AARON: I'll admit he hasn't been himself lately but it's because of Sonya.
ELLY: Okay so what am I meant to do? Support him more? Give him more space? It would help if he's communicating. I don't know, maybe we should postpone the wedding.
AARON: What?
ELLY: That's what he originally wanted to do when he found out about Sonya.
AARON: And he changed his mind.
ELLY: Yeah, so where is he then?
Aaron reminds Elly that David was too busy to help plan their wedding but everything turned out fine. The only thing that matters is the actual day. Elly says she doesn't want to feel like she's forcing Mark into getting married, but Aaron replies that Mark will be all in on the day.
Number 26
Sheila's stilllllll going on about her book even with Clive trying to tell her that not everyone shares the same opinions as her about parenting. Sheila wants to show Clive something from MKB but egads! It's disappeared from its place on the table! Clive looks on the desk in the lounge room and just so happens to find another book called 'Cutting the Cord'. Sheila screws up her nose as she reads the subheading: 'How to live your best life and be more than a Mum'. She's immediately on the warpath, claiming that someone's stolen her book and she's got the exact culprit in mind.
The Penthouse
Leo surprises Paul by calling in to speak with him. He tells his dad that he's going to pull himself together, which makes Paul relieved. Leo adds that he's going to keep his distance and give him and Terese some space. Paul assures Leo he can take as much time as he needs away from work as well. Paul then invites Leo to sit and chat with him more but there's only so much civility and calm Leo can muster at the moment.
PAUL: Would I be pushing things to ask how you're doing?
LEO: Yeah. Yeah you would be.
The Waterhole
Amy and Gary are having a nice time laughing and chatting together until Sheila rocks up, going off like a frog in a sock about her missing book. She accuses Amy of stealing it and replacing it with Cutting the Cord. This amuses Amy but she's adamant she didn't take it - and neither did Gary. In fact, he stands up to Sheila and tells her to get her facts straight before she goes around pointing accusatory fingers. Sheila storms out and Amy congratulates Gary on not letting Sheila walk all over him.
Wedding Reception Venue
Elly says she's not even annoyed anymore by Mark's absence she's just worried about him. Enough time has passed for Aaron to be concerned too, especially since Mark isn't returning his calls either. Elly ends up calling the station to see where her fiancé is but is angry when she realises Mark wasn't scheduled for training like he said. And now she knows exactly where he is.
Number 26
When Sheila starts imagining Susan as the book-stealing culprit Clive is driven to speak up and admit that he was actually the one who swapped out the books. Sheila's stunned but Clive says it was meant to be a light-hearted joke so maybe she'd give all the MKB sermons a rest.
SHEILA: (upset) What's wrong with me sharing my newfound wisdom?
CLIVE: Nothing, but I think Gary and Amy may have a point; you can be a bit gung-ho when it comes to advice.
He tells Sheila about trying to be there for his daughter 24/7 when she was going through her separation, but his daughter eventually sent him packing because she needed space to figure things out on her own.
CLIVE: While I was busy managing her life I completely neglected parts of my own. The fun parts.
Sheila concedes there might be some wisdom in Cutting the Cord after all but Clive kisses her and says to worry about that later - they should concentrate on the fun now.
Mark thanks Kate for 'listening', saying it felt good to get everything off his chest. Elly strides over to the gravesite and stands between Mark and Kate's headstone, reminding him that he promised he'd talk to her next time. Mark looks guilty.
<<8048 - 8050>>
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8049
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams

Paul Robinson, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8049
Paul Robinson, Piper Willis

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Mark Brennan

David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8049
David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Mark Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8049
Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8049
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8049
Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson

Clive Gibbons, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8049
Clive Gibbons, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Shane Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan

Amy Williams, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8049
Amy Williams, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Leo Tanaka, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8049
Leo Tanaka, Piper Willis

Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8049
Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8049
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8049
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Amy Williams, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8049
Amy Williams, Gary Canning

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8049
Sheila Canning

Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8049
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8049
Mark Brennan

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