- Paul and Terese getting together and willing to see where it goes.
- The RSRs getting together to raise money for the Rebecchis.
- Sonya chastising Toadie.
- Toadie begrudgingly acknowledging Karl that he owes him a lot.
- Bea onto Heath trying to sink the garage.
- Heath telling Mel about Bea wanting to drum up business.
- Mel sneaking into the garage
- The garage (with Bea inside it) going on fire thanks to a dodgy power board
The fire begins to take hold in the garage but Bea sleeps on unawares inside the van.
Number 30
Susan is almost beside herself as she tells the Rebecchi's about the donation someone has made via Piper's link - $20,000! They are shocked to hear that news and wonder who would have made a donation like that. It dawns on Toadie who it might be - his parents who have dipped into their super. Sonya doesn't want to take money from her in-laws, so tells Toadie to call his parents.
Power Road/Garage
Ned exits Grease Monkey's and as he looks up, spots the fire at the garage. He quickly drops the coffees he had in his hands and rushes across the street shouting 'Bea'.
With the flames coming up the window to the front, he rushes round the side and kicks the half-door in before entering the garage. "Bea," he yells and makes his way over the van where he bangs on the back windows. Bea is now awake but can't get out of the van, as to do so, would mean she's right where the flames are. Ned becomes her hero when he finds the fire extinguisher and uses it to put the flames out, allowing her to get out of the van before the pair hastily beat a retreat out of the building.
Number 28
Susan returns home downbeat after her trip next door and updates Karl on Sonya is feeling - he doesn't feel welcome yet to go there despite the truce with Toadie at the fundraiser.
Taking the bull by the horns, Susan wonders if inviting the Rebecchi's over for an early supper (despite Sonya's loss of appetite) is the way forward to repair relationships between the men and goes to invite them. Karl is aghast at her plans as he doesn't think Toadie wouldn't see it as an "intervention" despite the best intentions and eventually Susan gets what he is meaning and stops texting. But Susan isn't beat, and now comes up with the idea of it being a dinner party by inviting Terese and Paul along too! Karl again tries to stop her, because he can't see Paul coming but it's too late, the text has been sent!
Penthouse suite
"I don't do suburban dinner parties," Paul declares but Terese is having none of his excuses, he is going and hopes he can give Sonya the same support as he gave her during her cancer battle. Eventually he admits why he is reluctant to go - he thinks "none of the people there think that I am good enough for you." "These are our friends you are talking about," Terese reminds him but then changes it to more her friends than his.
PAUL: We know it's been complicated up to this point and do you really, honestly want this to be our first public outing as a couple?
TERESE: Look at you, getting your knickers in a twist! Okay, sooner or later we've got to rip the band-aid off and if people don't approve, well then who cares! But Sonya's going through a huge battle right now and I intent to be there for her as much as I can, and I'd love you to be a part of it.
The fire brigade has arrived and so has Heath, who accuses Bea of setting fire to the garage! "She could have been killed!" Ned yells at Heath. Bea restrains Ned before making it clear to Heath she'd nothing to do with it. She tries to explain to him why she was in the garage and Ned sticks up for her by telling Heath that he shouldn't be blaming her.
HEATH: Then who should I blame it on?! This shouldn't have happened!
Ned then leads Bea over to the ambos to get her checked out.
Ned and Bea discuss Heath's attitude towards her, especially trying to pin the blame on her. She wonders if it was down to an arsonist but Ned counters that it could just be an accident, however, wants to wait and see what the fire brigade say.
Number 30
Toadie finishes talking to his parents and reports to Sonya that it wasn't them who donated the $20k. Sonya is happy pleased it wasn't them but now wonders if who donated it can afford it. She then has to break the news to Toadie of where they are heading for supper but sells it to him as being a good thing!
Number 28 backyard
Karl is nervous about their impending guests as Susan sets the table but its too late to worry, as the Rebecchi's arrive. The conversation is very polite and moments later Paul and Terese arrive.
PAUL: (muttering) Lambs to the slaughter.
TERESE: (quietly back) Oh stop it!
Terese and Sonya greet each other warmly and we hear that Jade is arriving soon too, and they're taking themselves off for to a beach hut to get away from it.
Sonya tries to get Toadie to help Karl with the food but he's insisting he can manage himself and heads off inside to get the pizza dough.
SUSAN: (to Sonya) I guess they're making an effort.
Building somewhere
"What are you playing at?!" Heath asks Mel when he gets hold of her.
HEATH: I did not sign up to almost kill someone.
Mel explains that she didn't know Bea was going to be there and likewise Heath was unawares she was going to torch the place! Despite Mel saying he didn't do anything, he fears that the finger is going to be pointed at him and tells her that he is out... but still wants his share of the cut! "Cut of what?" she replies after reminding him that Lucas hasn't sold up nor has the extension been confirmed. "Doesn't matter," is Heath's point of view, he wants the cash now.
MEL: Or what?
HEATH: Or I'm going to the cops.
Number 28
The ladies are chatting about the fire at the garage and Sonya wonders if she can help (to help pay the community back for their support) until the others point out that she needs to conserve her energy.
Paul joins in the conversation after his ears pick up at hearing about the $20k donation. He suggests that they shouldn't look to where it come from but at what good it can do.
Terese has a quiet word with Paul as to whether he needs to contact Mel about the fire (and his efforts to buy the garage) but he will do that later especially as he knows Bea is safe.
Number 28 backyard
Sonya arrives with the salad and there is zero conversation going on between Karl and Toadie. She tries to get Toadie to talk to Karl especially after Toadie admits he doesn't want to stay angry, so somewhat reluctantly, Toad stands up and walks over to where Karl is standing at the pizza oven.
When they start talking, Toadie is very much appreciative of the effort Karl has taken to consider Sonya's dietary needs for their meal, which helps start the thaw between the men.
TOADIE: I'm sure she'll appreciate it... we both do.
Bea is now off the oxygen she was on earlier, but is bored silly, so Ned departs to see if he can find someone and rustle up some coffees.
While he is away, Bea's mind is going over recent things - from the garage suddenly being quiet and her getting days off work to Heath's reaction when he got to the garage after the fire was put out. She then gets off the bed and walks out the room she was in.
Number 28 backyard
The men are tentatively talking to each other (about pizza dough!) and ask Karl goes to put the dough in the oven, Toadie goes over and pulls him into a hug. "Maybe you should wait to taste it before you get too carried away!" Karl jokes but does seem appreciative of the hug gesture.
TOADIE: I'm really sorry, I've umm... I said some awful things over the last few weeks, it was never directed at you. I wanted to shout and scream at the cancer and I couldn't.
KARL: I'm still sorry. I should have insisted that Sonya see a specialist.
TOADIE: It wouldn't have made any difference.
The men hug it out before going back to making pizzas.
Meanwhile Paul comes over to chat to Sonya who begins by saying its nice to see him and Terese happy. He thanks her for the kind words before admitting that he expected the gathered to have a go, especially given how they got together, although confesses that its been worth the collateral damage.
Sonya then thanks Paul for his donation, she's worked out he was the one who made it and sincerely thanks him for it, because "it's going to make a huge difference."
Heath is very much surprised to see Bea inside the garage especially as its supposedly been cordoned off! "In that case, you shouldn't be here either," she points out and demands to know what stuff he is back to collect.
HEATH: Get up off that desk, you're not meant to be poking around.
BEA: Why not?! Are you scared I might find something?!
"What are you on about?" he asks, and she wants to know if he knew something was going to happen since he told her not to come into work? Heath remains silent, so she asks if he lit the fire? He points out his excuse (at the dentist) and orders her out of the garage.
Reluctantly she gets out but hovers by the door and gets out her mobile to call Ned to ask him to come meet her "and I'll explain everything."
Number 28 backyard
The atmosphere is totally changed from how it was earlier... maybe because the food is now ready! Before they begin though, Sonya makes a speech and thanks everyone for the company and helping to take her mind off things.
SONYA: You really are incredibly special people and I'm blessed at your company. So, thanks.
"To good friends!" she says and the others raise their glass and say the same thing.
Number 30
The Rebecchi's are back and Sonya is totally done in, although she comments that "it was worth every minute!" She is that knackered that she easily gives into Toadie's request to start taking some painkillers too.
As Toadie pushes his wife's hair out of her face, some of it comes away in his hand. "It was going to happen sometime," she laments and wants him to help her shave it for when it all goes thin! "Of course, I will," he immediately replies before they start talking about what her hair could be like when it grows back in.
TOADIE: Curly hair, straight hair, no hair, I don't care, as long as I've got you.
Lassiters Park
As they walk through the park following Heath, Ned and Bea are discussing his alibi. Bea has him down as being responsible and is fairly certain he is hiding something. Just as she's said that, Heath has met up with Mel and she hands over an envelope that I'm fairly certain (from its shape) is full of cash!
NED: That does look pretty suss!
BEA: Tell me that doesn't look like a pay-off?
Ned takes a photo on his phone of Mel and Heath meeting.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe getting defensive.
- Bea wondering if Heath isn't up to anything?
- Leo down on himself.
- Leo having a one night stand.
- David reminding Paul that it's all his mess!
- Leo going to kiss Piper!