- Lucas tells Bea he might have to consider selling the garage.
- Bea tells Ned she wants to hit the ground running in order to impress Lucas.
- Heath introduces himself to Mel as the new manager of the garage.
- Heath tells Bea to take the rest of the day off.
- Mark tells Aaron that he's struggling to care about wedding plans given Sonya's diagnosis.
- Mark tells Sonya he feels like postponing the wedding.
- Callum wins a bid at Sonya's fundraising event in The Waterhole.
- Sonya tells Callum she thought he didn't know about her cancer.
- Sonya gets annoyed with Dipi for telling Callum about her diagnosis before collapsing.
The Waterhole
Everyone fusses over Sonya but she insists she's fine. Callum suggests taking her to the lake and they head off.
Dipi apologizes to Toadie for telling Callum about Sonya's cancer diagnosis, but he continues to berate her, saying she should have known better after the debacle with the tarot cards. She says that Callum was worried that his parents weren't telling him something. Toadie says they'd all agreed to let Sonya take the lead on her diagnosis, no matter what. He exits.
Fitzgerald Motors
Ned arrives, surprised that Bea isn't at The Waterhole. She says she's got things to do at the garage and he offers to help, saying that Piper is still angry with Terese at home. She mentions that there's been a lot of cancellations at the garage, including a big fleet job that was booked in for the afternoon. Heath told her to take yesterday and today off, but she's worried about the future of the garage, as Lucas plans to only give it a month's trial under new management before he might sell. She says she's going to ring round to try and book some jobs in and agrees to meet Ned later.
Number 24
Chloe and Mel are hanging out in the living room. Chloe tells her ideas for the opening of Mel's real estate business. David enters from the backyard just as Mark and Elly return from Sonya's fundraising event. David tells them he's now about to head down there. Mel asks Chloe if she wants to go to her bedroom but Chloe says she'll meet her there in a moment. In the kitchen, Elly tells David that Callum turned up to see his mum.
MARK: Bit unnecessary if you ask me.
ELLY: She's his mum. Of course he'd wanna be with her.
MARK: Yeah, but Sonya's gonna beat this, so it's completely unnecessary.
David reminds Mark how serious Sonya's condition is. Mark ignores him, asking Elly if she wants to go over details for their wedding.
Lassiters Lake
Sonya and Callum walk arm in arm towards the lake. She says how nice it was for Karl and Susan to organize the fundraiser and mentions the recent tension between Karl and Toadie. Sonya soon becomes angry again that Dipi told Callum about the cancer diagnosis and his attempts to calm her down are to no avail.
SONYA: It was completely unfair.
CALLUM: Yeah, it was completely unfair. You know, I should never have found out from Dipi. Why didn't you tell me?
Fitzgerald Motors
Piper turns up to ask Bea if she can bring her car in as there seems to be a leak in the cooling system. Bea suggests tomorrow which surprises Piper given the short notice. Bea says there have been a load of cancellations for some reason and she can't find the contact sheet in order to follow up with anyone. Piper jokes that the new boss isn't as organized as Mark, suggesting giving him a call as he might have a copy of the contact sheet. Bea thanks her and Piper heads off.
Number 24
Elly makes some suggestions for her and Mark's wedding dance but he seems completely distracted. She says they could make their own routine and get Dipi to help them, but Mark understandably shuts down the idea.
ELLY: Well, we could do something slow and romantic.
She grasps his hand and pulls him towards her in an embrace. Mel and Chloe walk in from the bedroom.
CHLOE: Ooh, private party or can we crash?
ELLY: No, we're just figuring out our wedding dance and different styles we could do.
CHLOE: Well the way Mark dances I don't think it really matters (laughs)
Elly reassures him, while Mel suggests choosing a song that they can dance to again at their 10thanniversary. Elly jokes that it needs to be suitable for their 50thtoo.
CHLOE: Oh, when you're both using your walking frames?
The audience and another reminder of mortality upsets Mark and he suggests talking about the wedding later.
Lassiters Lake
Sonya and Callum sit awkwardly in silence.
CALLUM: So are we gonna talk about this?
Sonya replies that she doesn't know what to say. He asks her why she didn't tell him about the diagnosis and she says she was just trying to protect him. Visibly upset, he says he would have been on the first flight back to Australia if he'd known, and could have gone with her to every treatment session, but she didn't give him the chance.
CALLUM: When were you gonna call me? Would you have told me at all? Or would you have just had dad do it...after? I thought that after everything we've been through, we were finally in this great place of honesty and truth.
SONYA: We are, Callum.
CALLUM: Then why mum, why, would you not tell me something like this?
Number 24
Bea asks Mark if he has a copy of the contact sheet as it's been misplaced; he's surprised as he says he left everything in order for Heath when he took over. Mel watches suspiciously in the background before Mark heads off to look for a copy of the sheet on his computer. Mel comments on Bea's dedication to her job and she replies that it's the best job she's had. She snarks that Mel wouldn't care about that given she wants to buy the business for Paul.
MEL: Well I'm just as dedicated to my job as you are.
BEA: We'll see who wants the garage more.
Bea exits, as Chloe and David walk in, discussing how Mark got upset talking about the wedding dance earlier. David points out that he's got a lot on his mind worrying about Sonya and Chloe mentions how in denial he is about her condition.
DAVID: Aaron did mention that he had a moment where he thought of postponing.
CHLOE: What?
DAVID: Yeah, it was after he'd just found out about the diagnosis, but Sonya talked him round.
David reassures Chloe but she just hopes things are sorted out before the wedding day.
CHLOE: Elly doesn't deserve this.
Number 28
Chloe arrives, apologizing for crashing Elly's discussion with Mark about the wedding dance earlier and joking that Mark didn't seem to appreciate the commentary. Elly says that he's got his first day back on the police force tomorrow so that's probably on his mind.
CHLOE: And Sonya?
Chloe asks if Elly's spoken to him about Sonya, but she admits she hasn't, as she doesn't want to push him. Chloe says it's not healthy to bottle things up but Elly is sure they'll be able to talk about it after his first day back at work.
CHLOE: I hope you're right.
Elly looks concerned.
Lassiters Lake
SONYA: It's just with you being here it makes it more real. It's like you've come to say goodbye to me.
She breaks down in tears.
SONYA: And I'm trying to be strong, ok, I'm trying, but your dad is so scared and I'm just. (hesitates) I'm terrified and. It's why I didn't tell you.
CALLUM: Ok, well thank you for being honest. But you are not going anywhere.
SONYA: I don't want to. I'm trying so hard to fight it.
CALLUM: And we will fight this; you and me, and dad, and we're gonna beat it.
Sonya nods unconvincingly and turns to look at the lake. She looks overwhelmed.
Chloe's bedroom
Mark asks what Chloe wants and she replies that she needs his organizational skills to tidy her bedroom. He jokes that he doesn't know how she manages to find anything.
CHLOE: We all have our systems, and ways of dealing with stuff. Or not dealing.
MARK: Do you have a point, cause I've got stuff to do.
Chloe encourages him to talk about his feelings in regard to Sonya being sick. She says it doesn't have to be Elly he confides in, but bottling up his feelings isn't fair on either of them. He digests what she's said and exits, leaving her looking concerned still.
Number 30
Dipi arrives with cash raised from the fundraiser and says the event went well, raising a few thousand dollars. She continues to apologize profusely about contacting Callum, but Sonya's finally calm about it, admitting she's glad Dipi did it as it was the right thing to do; she needs Callum there.
CALLUM: I reckon mummy needs to hug it out.
NELL: Mummy needs to hug it out!
Sonya and Dipi hug.
Number 22
Ned wants Bea to come to bed but she's distracted by her phone. He asks if she's looking at her performance at The Waterhole but she's not; Mark's just sent her the contact sheet for the garage. Before they go to bed, she receives a text from Heath telling her not to come in tomorrow as there's not enough work. She soon begins to fret but Ned says now she's got the information from Mark she can make some calls in the morning.
Number 24
Mark gets ready for his first day at work; he puts his uniform on and stands in front of the mirror. he walks into the kitchen and Elly fusses over him, clearly proud of her handsome husband-to-be. She mentions that David got him a present for his first day back.
MARK: Donuts. Cheesy, but appropriate.
Elly suggests sharing one and talking about ideas for the wedding song. Sadly he's dismissive, saying that he doesn't want to be late for his first day. As he departs, she looks disappointed.
Harold's Café
Bea bumps into Piper who says that she's surprised to see her there given how busy the garage is. Bea replies that the garage isn't busy and she was told to take the day off again. However, Piper's just tried to drop her car off and Heath told her he couldn't fit her in today. As Piper leaves, Bea begins to get suspicious.
Ramsay Street
It's morning. Sonya, Callum, Toadie and Nell walk up the driveway discussing the day ahead; Callum is taking Nell to school.
NELL: I want a milkshake.
SONYA: It's too early for that.
CALLUM: How about this? How about on the way back from school, I buy you a milkshake at Harold's?
NELL: Yay!
Sonya and Toadie watch their kids walk down Ramsay Street.
Number 22
Mel gets ready for the launch of her business and Elly asks where Chloe is. Mel replies that she's already there setting things up and that she couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.
ELLY: I really do wish you both all the best.
MEL: Thank you. Certainly not at the wedding stage like you guys though.
Mel apologises for getting in the way yesterday when Mark and Elly were discussing their wedding song.
MEL: At least he's past that cold feet stage.
ELLY: What do you mean?
MEL: You know, how he was thinking of postponing the wedding.
ELLY: No, I don't know about that, who told you?
MEL: David mentioned it to Chloe yesterday.
ELLY: (emotional) Great, so everyone knows what's going on with my fiancé but me.
MEL: Look, I'm sorry, I didn't realize. From what David said, Mark only briefly considered it.
ELLY: But he should have told me! Instead he's out confiding in everyone else.
Mark looks emotionally at the gravestone of his dead fiancé, Kate Ramsay.
MARK: I miss you, Kate.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe says Mark was supposed to start work first thing; Elly says he must have lied.
- Elly says Mark is hiding his feelings from her.
- Mel reassures Paul that she won't disappoint him.
- Bea tells Ned that whatever Heath's up to won't work.
- Bea asks Heath if he's scared she might find something.