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Neighbours Episode 8020 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8019 - 8021>>
Episode title: 8020
Australian and UK airdate: 18/01/19
Writer: Lisa Maroun
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: None
- "Strategy" by Alice Wonder
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Gary mistakenly attacks Dipi outside the coffee hut
- Dipi does a tarot reading for Gary, and he resolves to work hard to try and win Amy back
- Sheila tells Gary to stop worrying about the past, and fix himself up the future
- Shane furiously throws Gary into the street after he finds him in his house with Dipi
- Dipi panics as she realises her daughters are being held by a gunman in the café
- Ned isn't happy when Bea announces that she wants to meet Finn's brother Shaun
- Ned pays Shaun a visit, physically intimidating him and telling him to stay away from Bea
- Shaun tells a confused Bea that he lied about Finn once being a good person, before leaving town
Fitzgerald Motors
Bea has summoned Ned to the garage to tell him about her conversation with Shaun - and how he claimed that all he had said about Finn being a good person was a lie, and never to contact him again.
BEA: If that's true, why did he bother showing Susan the photos - and the letter? It just doesn't make sense.
Ned realises he must have scared Shaun off, but doesn't admit this to Bea, and simply says it's a good thing that Shaun has gone.
BEA: It's so frustrating! The only reason I wanted to see him was to tell him to get lost myself!
NED: Really? It wasn't about understanding Finn?
BEA: No, I'm done with him. I wanted to take control - tell Shaun to back off. It would've put me in a really strong place - but he got in first. All of his weird excuses... I just feel like I've been played all over again.
Ned looks guilty, but says nothing.
No 32
Sheila comes to visit Dipi in the garden, to tell her that the police have given them the all-clear to reopen the Lassiter's Complex. Dipi doesn't seem that pleased by this, admitting she's not keen on returning to work after the siege; she says that Kirsha and Yashvi are her priorities at the moment. Sheila assures her that her daughters are strong, just like Dipi.
Shane emerges, and sees that Dipi is fiddling with a pack of tarot cards. She claims she's 'just keeping her hands busy'. Shane suggests the family should head to Colac to spend some time with his parents, and Dipi agrees - but then Sheila butts in and convinces Dipi it's a bad time for her to go away, as she needs to get Harold's ready to reopen.
DIPI: It is our livelihood.
SHANE: Are you sure you can handle it on your own?
DIPI: Yeah. I'll be fine.
Sheila offers to help, so Shane agrees, and goes inside to tell the girls to get packing. Sheila tells Dipi they just need to 'soldier on', but Dipi looks worried...
Ramsay Street
Sheila accosts Gary in the street and asks him to pick up some cleaning products she needs for work. Gary admits he was thinking of dropping in on Dipi to check she was okay, but knows he's not welcome at the house. Sheila assures him that Dipi and the family are fine and encourages him to stay away; she knows he's lost with Xanthe and Amy gone, but he needs to focus on the positives.
Sensing another attempt to convince him to try and win Amy back, Gary tells Sheila it isn't going to happen. But Sheila ignores him, telling him to 'stop moping and start doing'.
SHEILA: And if Amy happens to like what she sees when she gets back - well, all the better!
Lassiter's Complex
Sonya turns up with Hugo to meet Toadie as he's finishing work, so they can walk home together. Gary arrives with the cleaning products he's bought for Sheila, explaining that she's reopening the pub today. Sonya asks how Gary is since Amy left; he says no worse than everyone else at the moment. Toadie remarks that everyone seems out-of-sorts right now.
SONYA: Mm. This place, it's just got a very weird energy to it. I wish there was something we could do to help - you know - cleanse it.
Gary sees Shane approaching, and makes a hasty exit so as not to incur his wrath again. Shane tells Sonya and Toadie that he's heading to Colac with the girls, but that Dipi is staying to clean up the café. He asks them to check in on her while he's gone.
SONYA: Dipi - she helped cleanse the spa after Hamish. Maybe she'll know a way to get rid of all the negativity here.
No 32
Sonya is with Dipi, asking for her help to 'cleanse the energy' around the Lassiter's Complex after the siege. Dipi's heart evidently isn't in it, but explains how she burned some sage and incense to help cleanse the No 26 spa of Hamish. Dipi offers to write Sonya a 'short ceremony' that she can perform to get the cleansing process underway.
No 28
Karl comes in to find Ned on the sofa; he's waiting for Bea who is in the shower. Ned tells Karl that Shaun cancelled his planned meeting with Bea, and has left town, having told her that Finn was always a bad person after all. Karl is surprised by this, given how convinced Susan was - and thinks she'll be upset to have been 'had'.
However, Ned admits to Karl that he may have scared Shaun off by threatening him in his hotel room, and telling him to stay away from Bea.
KARL: Oh, Ned.
NED: I didn't know he was going to retract everything he said before. Bea feels really weird about it now, and... turns out she wasn't going to do anything with him. It was just so she could tell him to rack off, face-to-face.
KARL: Right. I gather she doesn't know that you interfered?
NED: No. But, I mean, now that he's gone, does it really matter?
Karl makes it clear that it does, and says Ned should come clean to Bea before things get out of hand. Ned nods reluctantly in agreement.
The Waterhole
Sheila has agreed to go ahead with Sonya's plan to cleanse the pub of its negative energy.
SHEILA: I'm only surprised that I didn't think of it myself!
She warns Sonya and Toadie not to set off the fire alarms, saying the doors and windows must be open before they burn the sage. Toadie offers to 'cleanse' the fridge as well - but Sheila tells him he'll be sorry if he so much as sips from any of the beer bottles, before leaving them to it.
Sonya lights the candles, and Toadie promptly opens himself a beer, adding that Sheila will never know! He says that drinking a beer in a closed pub is 'bucket list-worthy'.
TOADIE: Come on - isn't there anything you've always wanted to do in a public place like this?
SONYA: ... No.
TOADIE: When no-one's around, and you can do whatever you like?
SONYA: Well, there is something. But now is not the time for it.
TOADIE: Well, I'll be the judge of that - come on!
SONYA: Well, you know, I've always wanted to... you know.
She raises her eyebrows in a TITTNL™ kind of way.
SONYA: We can't do that, can we?
TOADIE: Uhh... I dunno. Are you feeling up to it? You are still recovering.
SONYA: Yeah. I've recovered enough for that. And anything to help reset the positivity in this place.
TOADIE: It'd be wrong not to.
SONYA: Yeah. Well, I think so.
They start kissing and disappear onto the floor behind the bar - but Sonya has left the sage right next to the burning candle...
Lassiter's Complex
Dipi is outside Harold's, looking pensive as she prepares to go in. Gary comes around the corner. She explains that Shane and the kids have gone to Colac, but that she's stayed to clean up at the café. Seeing how shaken she is, Gary offers to give her a hand with the clean-up. Dipi's worried Shane won't like it; Gary replies that he's not here to object, so Dipi hesitantly goes along with it.
Harold's Café
As they enter the café, Dipi is once again overwhelmed, seeing the mess the place has been left in. Gary spots the part of the ceiling where the bullet hit, but tells her it'll be easy to fill and paint over.
GARY: We'll have this place spruced up in no time.
But Dipi is still looking very upset.
No 28
Ned is still waiting for Bea to emerge from the shower. When she appears, she kisses him and tells him she's putting all the stuff with Shaun behind her, so as to focus on the future.
NED: That's great... although before you do that, there's something I should tell you.
He explains that he went to Shaun's hotel room before he visited her at the garage, and warned him not to have any further contact with Bea.
BEA: So, all that stuff he said when he called off our meeting?
NED: Yeah, it wasn't true. But I didn't put him up to that; taking back everything he said about Finn was his own idea.
BEA: I told you to let me handle things - why didn't you listen?!
NED: Because I thought he was gonna suck you in with some sob story, like he did with Susan!
But Bea is annoyed, and says she doesn't need Ned's permission to make life decisions. He retorts that he was just looking out for her.
BEA: You say that, but it's beginning to feel a lot like control. And after everything with Finn... I think you should go.
NED: Bea, come on.
BEA: Just go - now.
Reluctantly, Ned leaves. Bea looks upset.
The Waterhole
Toadie and Sonya emerge from behind the counter, naked except for an apron that Toadie is wearing! They high-five over their TITTNL™ efforts. Sonya begins to look for her clothes - but notices that the sage is on fire, and that the smoke is wafting towards the sensors! The smoke alarm starts to blare...
Lassiter's Complex
Alarmed-looking extras start to move faster as the alarm blares from the pub.
Harold's Café
Dipi is also concerned by the alarm and starts to get panicky, but Gary reassures her by putting his hands on her shoulders and encouraging her to breathe deeply.
The Waterhole
Toadie, still only wearing an apron, is trying to waft the smoke away from the alarm with Sonya's trousers! Sonya, now dressed only in a shirt, rushes around frantically trying to find a broom to deactivate the alarm - but it's too late! We get a brief shot of Toadie's bum as two police officers arrive in the pub, and look bemused by the sight before them!
Harold's Café
It's now dark outside, and Gary continues to help Dipi clear up following the false alarm. Dipi's just relieved that everyone's okay. Gary asks her how she's doing.
DIPI: Knowing my kids were in here with that man, and not being able to do anything, I just... And this place, it just... When things go wrong at home, I've always got Harold's - it's my haven.
GARY: You can't let what happened change that.
DIPI: Yeah, except now I've got a bullet hole in the ceiling to remind me of it.
GARY: So it doesn't feel like a haven anymore.
She admits she's been struggling to sleep, and that she didn't want to come back here - adding that it can be hard to talk to Shane about it, especially when it's connected to her tarot readings.
GARY: Oh, you mean that death reading you had? I thought that was about you being in hospital and getting one up on the grim reaper?
DIPI: Me too. But then, after the siege, I really think that card's still in play.
GARY: Which is why you freaked out when you heard the alarm?
DIPI: I just feel like a tightly wound spring, just waiting for something bad to happen.
GARY: Look - I know the cards are important to you. But half their power is about the energy we put into them, right? And it just seems to me that you're in a really negative place right now. If you talk to Shane, I reckon you'll feel better about it.
DIPI: I doubt he'd understand. Anyway, I feel so bad making it about me right now. After what the girls went through, my focus should solely be on them.
GARY: You know, when Xanthe got run down by Finn, I just lost it, trashed his apartment. When we can't protect our kids, it feels like what's happening to them is happening to us too.
Dipi smiles, simultaneously awkward at the closeness and pleased to find someone who understands. Gary makes them some herbal tea.
No 28
Ned is back. He explains to Karl that Bea has gone for a walk, after his admission about scaring Shaun off. He's baffled as to why Bea thinks he's controlling after he owned up and explained things. Karl says it can be difficult to watch someone you love make the wrong choice, but that sometimes they have to make it for themselves nonetheless.
Karl says he's sure Bea will accept Ned's apology soon enough. Ned realises that, in the heat of the moment, he didn't actually apologise to Bea, as he was too busy trying to justify himself. Karl tells Ned to give Bea time, then come back and apologise properly.
Harold's Café
Dipi is yawning as she sits down to enjoy her herbal tea. Gary sits next to her and keeps her smiling with small-talk of how Sheila disciplined him as a kid. However, within a few seconds, Dipi has fallen asleep. Gary looks awkward as her head droops onto his shoulder...
No 28
Ned returns to try and make things right with Bea. He tries to give her a rose, but she's unimpressed.
BEA: This is not The Bachelor, Ned.
NED: Alright. Well, I also wanted to apologise. I realise it must have been a bit much, me jumping in on your behalf.
BEA: You think? (!) I get that you were coming from a good place, and that it's hard for you to watch me doing things that you don't necessarily like. But you didn't live through the twisted experience that I did. You don't always know what I need.
NED: It's just hard to see the people that you love and care about in trouble, that's all.
BEA: But I wasn't in trouble. I was fine.
NED: Alright. Next time I will ask more questions.
BEA: You don't seem to understand. It's not your job to look after me. If I'm ever in trouble, I will call triple zero. You don't have to put on your tights and come flying in.
NED: Okay. I don't think that's what I do - but I realise this time, I overstepped the mark. I'm sorry.
He hands her the rose and she takes it, smiling. But when he asks if she wants to watch a movie, Bea gives him the brush-off, saying she's tired and needs to go to bed.
NED: Do you want to hang out tomorrow, then?
BEA: We'll see how we go.
She kisses him goodnight very briefly, and he leaves, looking forlorn. Bea looks at the rose pensively.
Lassiter's Complex
Dipi and Gary emerge from Harold's the next morning - it becomes clear that they've slept on the bench in the café all night. Dipi thanks Gary.
GARY: All I did was lend you my shoulder.
DIPI: You know, I think it was a bit more than that.
GARY: Yeah, well, you were good company too. It's been a bit quiet without Xanthe and Amy around and, you know, it's nice to chat.
They hug. But Sheila has appeared unseen nearby, and is shocked to see they've apparently spent the night together...
DIPI: Hey - if it's okay with you, can we keep this between ourselves? If Shane knew -
SHANE: Oh, no, no - I get it. Trying to explain why you spent the night with the lump who crash-tackled you could be a little awkward.
DIPI: Yeah, maybe a little.
Gary heads off, while Dipi opens the café. Still hiding nearby, Sheila looks worried.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Aaron asks Fay if it's weird that Elly would call Chloe instead of Mark
- Elly tells Chloe she means the world to her, and they hold hands
- Sheila asks someone if 'he' said anything about Dipi
- Sheila watches aghast as Dipi appears to give Gary a shoulder massage in the street
- Terese asks Leo to kiss her, and he does
- David tells Leo he's not willing to give him a second chance
<<8019 - 8021>>
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8020
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8020
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Gary Canning

Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Dipi Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8020
Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8020
Sheila Canning

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Sonya Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8020
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8020
Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8020
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8020
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8020
Sheila Canning

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