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Neighbours Episode 8006 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8005 - 8007>>
Episode title: 8006
Australian and UK airdate: 31/12/18
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Liz Conway: Debra Lawrance
Ben Kirk: Felix Mallard
Kev McNally: Troy Davis
Hugo Somers: John Turner (didn't actually appear in the episode)
- "Wish You Well" by Brendan James
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Gary realising where the solar inventors are from.
- Gary trying to cover up the break in then telling Kev he's out.
- Xanthe admitting her fears over accepting her Uni place.
- Elly realising her wedding vows could have upset Chloe.
- Chloe fearful of never finding someone special.
- Elly reading that Chloe is in love with her.
Number 24 balcony
Chloe pleads with Elly that she didn't actually read what was written in the card! Elly though is gripping onto the card for dear life and asks Chloe why she said that the kiss didn't mean anything? "It didn't," Chloe pleads and acknowledges that Elly isn't into women and thus couldn't love her back. Elly now feels like an idiot asking Chloe to get involved with the wedding and is now aghast at reading out the wedding vows too.
CHLOE: You didn't know. I am so happy you're marrying Mark and I still want to be part of it. Besides, you know what I'm like, I'll probably be over you by next week!
ELLY: Whatever it takes for us to get back to normal.
"Normal is good," Chloe agrees, and both agree to forget it all happened as Elly returns the card to her. Chloe admits wishes she'd torn the card up after Liz returned it to her and Elly wants to know what her mum did.
Number 26
Gary hears about Xanthe's Uni offer and it slowly sinks in that his 'princess' will be leaving to fulfil her dream. Xanthe admits she is still swithering whether to accept and explains why although Sheila does remind her of Alexander Graham Bell's invention! She also admits the money issue is bothering her, as they hadn't factored her in living away from home, but Gary isn't going to let her give her dream up since she worked so hard to get in.
Number 28
Elly storms into the house and has a go for reading her mail, especially too since it took a lot of courage for Chloe to write what she did. Liz is unrepentant as she was trying to sabotage her relationship with Mark, but Elly replies that it wasn't, it's was Chloe writing about how she feels.
ELLY: This is a very difficult situation for her.
LIZ: What so she has to lump it onto you?! Elly, imagine if Mark found out about any of this. You are risking your entire future to defend someone body who hasn't got a future!
ELLY: You are, you are cruel! Can you even hear yourself?!
LIZ: Do you know she made a play for you even after I warned her off.
Elly informs her mum that Chloe didn't give her it, it was the boys that found the card, plus she has now been humiliated as the lack of notice meant that Elly couldn't think of a way to let her down. "That's not my fault," Liz nonchalantly replies and pleads she is simply trying to help.
ELLY: I don't want your help, or your advice, nothing! From now on, don't bother!!!
The Waterhole
Sheila suggests to Gary that she could give Xanthe something out of her wages to help with the rent and Amy volunteers to chip in too, but he rejects that offer replying that they will sort things out.
Just at that, Gary receives a text and Sheila manages to send Amy off for a quick errand to let her talk alone from Gary - the text was from Kev with details of another job. "I thought you'd cut ties with that ratbag!" Sheila comments and Gary replies that he has and agrees to tell him to back off.
Number 26
Xanthe, Piper and Yashvi are getting ready to go out and celebrate Hogmanay, although Piper isn't keen on Shane's beer (too strong for her) plus she wants to keep a clear head for running her vlog booth at Harold's.
Coffee Hut
As Gary locks up for the night, he gets a visitor - Kev. Gary has told him that he doesn't want to get involved but Kev is round to remind Gary that once in, he doesn't get to walk away! "Sorry, not going to happening," Gary tries to say but he'd have been as well to have saved his breath as Kev warns him that he will make a "big mistake" by walking away.
GARY: Tough!
Number 28
Mark is very impressed at the dress Elly is wearing as she comes out of her bedroom. He then discovers that Liz will be home alone for Hogmanay and suggests she joins them at the complex. Liz remarks that she doesn't think she is wanted, which Elly confirms, and says "let's go" to Mark.
Harold's café
Piper and Xanthe warn Yashvi about decanting Shane's beer into her water bottle. The lass explains she isn't joining them in The Waterhole, going instead to a community picnic with her footy friends and thinks her 'refreshments' will be a great idea!
Xanthe's chat about Hogmanay plans with Dipi is interrupted by a video call from Ben! He has a proposition for her if she still wants to go to Uni - he knows of a job going in a healthcare facility...but it starts next week! "That's too soon," she points out, but Ben has sold Xanthe to the employer (a customer of the garage) and wants her to call tomorrow. "Why are you doing this for me?" she asks and is simply thinking of the positives - hanging out with her again and promises to text her the number before he disconnects the call.
"Beyond awesome," Yashvi declares and Piper agrees to help her pack and to find somewhere (initially) to stay.
PIPER: We can help you do it.
XANTHE: Okay, I'm going to do it.
The Waterhole
The Hogmanay party is in full swing and the Canning's are thrilled at what Ben is doing for Xanthe, even though it means she is moving away. Sheila also reminds Xanthe of the family motto if she has any doubts!
Coffee Hut
Gary volunteers to nip to his hut for some coffee as The Waterhole have run out, but when he gets there, he notices that the padlock is open. Tentatively he opens the door and finds the hut full of the stolen solar invertors! Given the area is full of folk and RSRs, he decides to just grab the coffee and return to the pub, rather than dealing with what else is inside!
The Waterhole
Yashvi has run out of her secret stash of Shane's beer, so comes into The Waterhole for a fresh supply - putting one bottle in her handbag and opening another and necking some before meandering her way over to where Piper and Xanthe are. She explains to them why she's come inside and doesn't plan on slowing down drinking the beer when Xanthe comments on it.
Meanwhile, Gary has told Sheila about what he found in the coffee hut and she orders him to move them before the police find out. "I can't, people will be everywhere," he points out, but Sheila reminds him of the consequences of being caught!
GARY: Not if Amy kills me first!
He can't believe it is happening on New Year's Eve as everyone is going to be out tonight, but Sheila thinks they should use that to their advantage - if he waits until midnight, everyone will be at the lake watching the fireworks.
GARY: There must be something I can do now.
SHEILA: Yes, cross your fingers and hope the cops don't come knocking!
The Waterhole (exterior)
Back with the teens and Yashvi is using the excuse that it will be the last time the trio can party as an excuse to get drunk (she's onto another bottle of Shane's beer!). Xanthe temps Piper into taking up her Uni place so they can study together but Piper seems to have gone off the idea of higher education.
Yashvi humbles a comment about what Piper has said and Xanthe warns her to go easy on the drink, "I haven't had that much," she protests, despite it appearing so as she stumbles into the furniture while making her way indoors to impress people with her dance moves!
Harold's café
The #24 residents are using Piper's vlog setup to record their thoughts and resolutions for 2019 - Aaron wants to be a better person and worry less about the little things; both Elly and Mark would like their jobs back (and looking forward to marrying) while he'd also like to stop stressing about his sister but making Aaron be more tidy; Chloe wants to focus on the now and how she can be a better sister and friend.
The Waterhole
It would appear that Yashvi has had a wee accident as we return to the bar to find Shane clearing up the mess she made!
After hearing his sibling's tales of what happened when they were drunk, Mark is glad the party days are behind him and Elly can't wait for them to be the boring old married couple. Chloe looks like she doesn't know where to look when Mark and Elly start kissing.
Meanwhile, Gary spots Kev entering the bar and breaks off chatting with Amy and Shane on the pretence that he's left something in the coffee hut and needs to check it out.
Harold's café
Liz asks Dipi if she's told anyone about the tarot card reading and is told no, but its still on her mind. "Are you sure its 100% right?" Liz asks and Dipi confirms in the past it has been and remarks that it's terrible seeing an ominous sign.
After Liz leaves, Dipi goes over to check with Sonya how Hugo's birthday party went - very well and he's now in a deep sleep. Apparently Toadie is sleeping with his son but has sent Sonya out to party with her sister-in-law.
Meanwhile Dipi isn't too impressed to see her daughter being supported into the café by Piper and Xanthe - Shane asked them apparently to take the lass to her mum. "I feel fine," she protests but is far from it as the girls head back out after leaving Yashvi in the care of her mum.
The Waterhole
Shane seems somewhat surprised to hear that his beer is of a higher strength than he brewed it to when Chloe comes over for another bottle of the stuff.
Elly takes a break from the dancing to ask if Chloe is taking over where Yashvi left off after spotting her at the bar nursing a beer. Chloe admits the truth - it is killing her seeing Elly with Mark. "I thought you were handling things," Elly asks but Chloe replies that she isn't, admitting too that she has never been on the other end of an unfrequented love situation.
CHLOE: It sucks feeling like this, I can't sit next to you now and I can't stand next to you at the wedding.
ELLY: What, you're dropping out of the bridal party?
CHLOE: There's no way I can be your bridesmaid when I feel this way.
Elly points out the wedding isn't for another 3 months, but Chloe would rather pull the pin now.
Shane interrupts everyone to announce that its almost midnight and begins the countdown of the final 10 seconds of Hogmanay and 2018.
CHLOE: Go back to Mark and Aaron.
ELLY: No, I can't leave him alone.
CHLOE: Its easier that way.
Just as the bells are about to strike, Mark pulls Elly to him and they bring in the New Year together with a hug as the fireworks begins along with the strains of 'Auld Lang Syne'.
Harold's café
Dipi and Yashvi have missed the bells when they finally come out of the bathroom. "Sit down!" Dipi forcefully says and does to Yashvi before dishing out the lecture on underage drinking. "It wasn't that much," Yashvi tries to protest and we hear why the beer is stronger than it should be - Yashvi added more sugar to it! "That is incredibly irresponsible," Dipi says since Shane was selling the beer tonight and gets out her phone to let him know.
YASHVI: I'm such a screw up. I stuffed up my VCE, I bombed the draft and now I've ruined every chance for dad to become a respected microbrewer.
Dipi consoles her daughter by telling her she acts like Mishti when she's had too much, which causes Yashvi to cry even more! "I miss her, I'm going to tell her to get home," the lass says before going into her bag to find her phone except its not there. Dipi gets out her phone to track Yashvi's phone and discovers its at the pavilion and volunteers to go get it since Yashvi isn't fit to do it herself (despite her best efforts to stand up and try!), leaving Sonya to tend to her.
Coffee Hut
Somehow it's all quiet as Gary creeps around and when he spots someone, presumably thinking that its Kev and crash tackles them against the hut, but the person was actually Dipi and as the camera pans to her, she is out cold!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Tearful Amy just waiting to hear what her dad is going to say about Gary.
- Liz annoyed that Bea cares more for her journal than her.
- Shane telling Gary a few home truths.
- The police wanting a word with Gary.
<<8005 - 8007>>
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8006
Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning, Piper Willis

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Elly Conway

Liz Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Liz Conway

Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8006
Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis

Gary Canning, Kev McNally in Neighbours Episode 8006
Gary Canning, Kev McNally

Liz Conway, Mark Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Liz Conway, Mark Brennan, Elly Conway

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Dipi Rebecchi

Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 8006
Ben Kirk

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Xanthe Canning

Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Sheila Canning

Piper Willis, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Piper Willis, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Gary Canning

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8006
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan

Yashvi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Yashvi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Xanthe Canning

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8006
Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8006
Aaron Brennan

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8006
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8006
Chloe Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Shane Rebecchi

Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Shane Rebecchi

Kev McNally in Neighbours Episode 8006
Kev McNally

Dipi Rebecchi, Liz Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Dipi Rebecchi, Liz Conway

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Sonya Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Dipi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning, Sonya Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Shane Rebecchi, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8006
Chloe Brennan, Shane Rebecchi, Elly Conway

Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8006
Dipi Rebecchi

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8006
Gary Canning

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