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Neighbours Episode 7947 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7946 - 7948>>
Episode title: 7947
Australian and UK airdate: 09/10/18
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Det Pete Shaw: Christopher Stollery
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Shane is shocked that Dipi has been spiking his tea for years to improve their sex life.
- Ned tells Yashvi that it's Bea that he cares for, not her.
- Mishti tells Dipi that she's been suspended.
- Pavan's family don't like Mishti.
- Cassius tells Piper that he killed Hamish.
- Piper calls the police on Cassius.
Piper is staring blankly in shock as the police take Cassius into the station. Terese comes over and stands with her. Mark, Aaron and Xanthe also see this.
The detective nods at Piper as he follows Cassius in.
Shane tells Yashvi that she hasn't been training very much lately. She says that practising makes her think of Ned, so she hasn't been able to.
Dipi comes in and tells them that Cassius has been arrested, but she doesn't know what he's been charged with. Shane says she'd better call Sheila to tell her.
Sonya is back from the USA early to look after the nursery now that Cassius has been arrested. Mark tells her that Cassius has been arrested for the murder of Hamish Roche and that he told Piper that he did it. Sonya is staggered, and even more so when Mark tells her that Cassius is Hamish's son - and therefore Tyler's half-brother.
SONYA: So he's been lying the whole time? What does this mean for Tyler now?
MARK: We don't know yet. I mean, obviously I'm hoping he'll be released, but...I still haven't even told Chloe, I'm waiting for her to get home.
SONYA: So you're here all alone?
MARK: Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. I'm holding it together. Just. For Tyler's sake.
Sonya says that Mark should ring Toadie immediately - it doesn't matter that he's on holiday, this is too big.
Just then, Chloe bursts in, full of beans, having just been for cocktails. She quickly picks up on the atmosphere though.
CHLOE: What's going on?
Piper is feeling numb and Terese says she did really well at the police station. All Piper can think about is that Tyler is in jail for something he didn't do. Terese promises to support her.
Piper wants to talk to Ned, but he and Elly are still with Bea and not answering his phone.
Piper gets up and says she has to go and see Mark and Aaron - she can't rest until Tyler is free.
Mark, Aaron, Chloe and David are discussing the situation around the table. They haven't told Fay yet. Piper comes in and they talk about freeing Tyler. Apparently nothing can start moving with Tyler until the police have an official confession from Cassius. Piper says Cassius wrote one, and the police should have it by now.
CHLOE: So...Tyler's coming home?
Police Station
Apparently Cassius isn't talking and they can't find the letter with the confession in it. Mishti says that a postman gave a letter to a woman who approached him on his round and has since been reprimanded. Mishti thinks that it was Alyssa, Cassius's mother.
The detective goes back in and tells Cassius that they need a signed statement. He tells him that a woman matching the description of his mother has intercepted the letter. Cassius claims it's impossible as she isn't even in the area.
Mishti comes in and tells Cassius that his mother has been apprehended at the airport. Now she's face charges as an accessory after the fact. Cassius panics and says they can't lay charges on his mother. The detective says it's up to him, but Cassius says he won't talk until his mother is released.
No.32, the following morning.
Yashvi is sending Piper a Happy Birthday text and wonders if it's OK not to mention Cassius. Shane says he thinks that's the way to go(!) Dipi tries to give Yashvi her "lucky towel" for the game. Yashvi says she doesn't want them there as they'll put her off.
Mishti comes in and Dipi probes her for information on Cassius. She says she can't tell them anything. They talk about Pavan and Mishti says he still hasn't contacted her. Dipi says maybe it's for the best(!)
Terese wishes Piper a Happy Birthday. Xanthe is also there with some cakes for Piper. She gives her a hug.
Mishti comes round and asks if Piper can come down to the station with her this morning to go over her statement - the confession letter has gone astray. Now Cassius isn't co-operating and therefore Piper's statement has to be rock solid.
Shane and Dipi are playing boule. Dipi is worried about Mishti and Pavan. She just wants Mishti to be happy and wonders if she should call Pavan. Shane warns her not to meddle.
Terese comes in and tells the Brennans, Elly and David that she's worried about Piper who is down at the Police Station again.
MARK: What for?
TERESE: You should know that Cassius isn't talking. And there's no confession letter.
AARON: What? Are you serious?!
DAVID: Won't they have enough with Piper's statement?
MARK: Unlikely, she's Tyler's ex-girlfriend, it's too easy to pick apart.
AARON: Wait, so if Cassius doesn't talk, Tyler has to stay inside?
TERESE: It seems that's what they're saying.
AARON: I'm going to get down there!
MARK: Mate, it's not going to help.
AARON: Tyler is sitting in a prison cell right now, he's already lost nearly a year of his life in that place!
CHLOE: We know, Az, but going off at the cops isn't...
AARON: Cassius has confessed! How can they not let Tyler go? It's insane!
David tries to calm him down, but Aaron just bats a fruit bowl to the floor in anger, smashing it.
AARON: I'm sorry. I can't just stand here and talk about it!
He storms out, followed by David.
Police Station
Piper has come to visit Cassius. The Detective shows her in.
PIPER: Why are you doing this? Why won't you just confess to them like you did to me? You keep saying that you're a good person and if you want me to believe that, then you would *do* the right thing. Cassius, you need to tell them everything! If not for Tyler's sake, do it for mine!
CASSIUS: It's not black and white.
PIPER: I think it is.
CASSIUS: I can't say anything until I know that my mum's going to be OK, I'm not protecting myself right now, I'm protecting my mum, like I always have been.
PIPER: Maybe it's time to stop doing that. You said that you wanted to do the *right* thing. And that's why you saved me and that's why you stayed in Erinsborough. And if *any* of that was every true, and your love for me meant anything, you would *stop* torturing me like this.
CASSIUS: I want to...I hate what I've done.
PIPER: Then *tell* the *truth*
Dipi and Shane are having a picnic. He pours some tea out of a flask and tells her it's Full Salute tea. He has apparently got over his anger and says they should just have some fun. Dipi says that maybe they should go home before they drink it as it works quite quickly. Shane says there's no need and starts sipping his tea!
Aaron tells David that he's angry with himself for not continuing to fight for Tyler. David tells him that his anger is misplaced. He urges him to let go of his anger and be there for Tyler now.
Outside Harold's café
Susan and Karl are discussing the Cassius situation with Terese and Gary - none of them can believe it as Cassius seemed so nice. Gary gives Terese a bag with something in it for Piper's birthday. Terese is touched.
Shane and Dipi have been for a shag in the bushes(!) Dipi tells Shane that the tea was actually camomile, not Full Salute - so Shane is quite chuffed to be a "stallion" without the tea.
Dipi gets a text from Yashvi - she's on her way home, a few hours early. Oh dear, that can't be good.
Police Station
Cassius has apparently given the confession. The detective asks him why he came back to Erinsborough at all. He tells him about losing his medallion with his name on it. Even after he went to Paris, he couldn't stop thinking about Piper and kept watching her "Pipe Up" channel just to see her. When he heard the neighbours were digging for buried treasure, he thought he'd better come back to look for the medallion, posing as a medallion. He didn't ever find the medallion, but he did fall in love with Piper.
Piper has heard all this, just outside the door.
Sonya tells the Brennans and Piper that Toadie is on his way to Adelaide to start the process of getting Tyler out of jail.
MARK: I'm almost afraid to believe it, in case anything goes wrong.
SONYA: Believe it, because it's happening.
Piper is numb and Sonya asks her if she's OK.
PIPER: Yeah. This is going to change everything.
Yashvi says she played really, really badly - everything was off. She couldn't stop thinking about Ned and felt sick, too. She thinks the flask of tea she took with her was off too, because it tasted disgusting. Dipi and Shane realise she must have drunk the Full Salute.
Just then, Mishti rushes in.
MISHTI:(to Dipi) What were you *thinking*?!
MISHTI: You rang Pavan!
Dipi tells her she was just trying to help. Apparently Pavan has seen the video of Mishti and Dilhan online and now he's called off the engagement. Mishti thinks Dipi told him about the video but she insists she didn't.
MISHTI: It's over.
<<7946 - 7948>>
Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7947
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7947
Xanthe Canning

Cassius Grady, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7947
Cassius Grady, Mishti Sharma

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7947
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7947
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7947
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

David Tanaka, Piper Willis, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7947
David Tanaka, Piper Willis, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7947
Cassius Grady

Detective Pete Shaw, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7947
Detective Pete Shaw, Mishti Sharma

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Shane Rebecchi

Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7947
Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis

Mishti Sharma, Terese Willis, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7947
Mishti Sharma, Terese Willis, Piper Willis

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7947
Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Elly Conway

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7947
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Cassius Grady, Piper Willis, Detective Pete Shaw in Neighbours Episode 7947
Cassius Grady, Piper Willis, Detective Pete Shaw

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7947
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7947
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7947
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7947
Cassius Grady

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7947
Piper Willis

Sonya Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7947
Sonya Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan

Shane Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7947
Shane Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7947
Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

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