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Neighbours Episode 7941 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7940 - 7942>>
Episode title: 7941
Australian and UK airdate: 01/10/18
Writer: Wendy Hanna
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Pavan Nahal: Akkshey Caplash
Meena Nahal: Mala Singh-Narayan
- "Regret" by Everything Everything
- "What You Mean To Me" by Montaigne
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Yashvi asking Ned to help her with tackling.
- Bea informing Ned that Yashvi is the strongest on her team.
- Bea reassuring Piper that she is simply friends with Ned.
- Pavan reassuring Mishti that what happened with her ex wasn't her fault.
- Monique being arrested.
- Mishti being suspended.
- Xanthe looking for her meds... but David has them.
- After finding a prescription David wrote, Xanthe asking him if he's addicted to painkillers.
Number 24
David does his best to reassure Xanthe that he does not have an addiction to painkillers while at the same time, trying to get her (and Elly) out of the house as quickly as he can.
Number 32
Mishti breaks the news of her suspension to Shane and Dipi although she is confident it will be lifted soon as they realise she didn't actually break any laws. Mark feels guilty for his involvement but Mishti points out that she needed closure to move on to a new chapter of her life with Pavan. However, with Pavan and his mum's impending visit, she will need to tell him about the suspension, despite Shane and Dipi thinking she shouldn't, but will omit the part about Dilhan. Dipi wants her sister to be honest with Pavan but Mishti isn't ready to tell him and will use 'confidentiality' as a way of avoiding having to answer anything she doesn't want to.
Harold's café
Bea catches Ned while he drops into the café for a much needed coffee to hear that there is no new news about Cassius from Piper. He has to turn down an invite to go for a walk later as he is working early tomorrow on a graffiti tour, so they arrange to go for lunch instead.
Lassiters brasserie (next day)
Xanthe unloads to Yashvi her concerns that David (but without actually mentioning his name) might be doing something bad, however like with the name, refuses to go into exact details. "Could you get into any trouble at all?" Yashvi asks and instead of replying, Xanthe picks up her keys and walks away.
Ned walks by but does not have time to chat to Yashvi, as he's to prep for the graffiti tour. While he is talking to Chloe about that, Yashvi quickly takes a pic of the contact details of the folk booked on his tour.
Number 32
Pavan and his mum (Meena) have arrived although mum looks like she'd rather be anywhere but Dipi's kitchen! Dipi apologises for the rest of the family not being around as they've other plans. Meena is even less impressed when Mishti tells Pavan about her suspension and how it came about. Sensing the strained atmosphere, Dipi volunteers to show Meena around the house while Shane gets the lunch ready.
We now know where Xanthe went - to the hospital to confide in Karl her worries that David could be in serious trouble.
Number 24
Karl has taken Xanthe's claims seriously and come around to talk to David and gets straight to the point - someone has accused him of abusing prescription medicine. "Was that Xanthe?" he asks but Karl refuses to reveal who it was, instead concentrating on the evidence - he was in possession of a scheduled 8 drug that wasn't his own. "That's right," David confirms and that he also wrote the prescription too. Karl points out what could happen to him, including losing his medical license. He asks David if he is the one with problem, but before he gets a chance to reply we hear "it's not David," and Aaron comes into the livingroom to admit that he is the one with the problem.
Lassiters Complex
A bemused Chloe informs Ned that everyone booked on his tour have suddenly called to cancel but someone new has booked up... and we find that person is Yashvi! She plays all innocent that she didn't know Ned was the guide. He thinks it should be cancelled since there is only one guest, but Chloe replies that since she's all paid up the tour will go ahead!
Melbourne lane
Ned begins the tour with a history of how the graffiti came about.
Number 32
Pavan tries to reassure Mishti that between Dipi and himself having a word with Meena, things will be fine - in 20 years' time they will be laughing at what happened. "How can you have so much faith?" she asks, and his reply is that she "did what was right," because someone needed to be brought to justice, which she made happen.
PAVAN: Your boss will see that, and mum will too... eventually.
MISHTI: It means a lot that you've got my back.
PAVAN: We're making a commitment to each other, we're a team now.
Pavan then thinks he has done wrong by researching wedding venues (Chloe has told him about evening weddings in the botanic gardens) but she thinks the venue sounds perfect.
AC/DC Lane
Ned and Yashvi continue the tour and she questions him about the similarities between graffiti and tattoos. She then reveals she plans to get a tattoo and if he has any suggestion on what would look best for the location (her mid-rift to which he quickly looks away from after she pulled up her top to show him the site). Yashi asks Ned about where his first tattoo was (his back) but he refuses to let her see it.
Number 24
Aaron waits until everyone is seated at the table before saying that he has "a medical issue". "What kind of medical issue?" a worried Chloe asks and then breathes a sigh of relieve when Aaron continues by saying it was his back. He explains that although his back healed, he found that he couldn't stop taking the pain meds.
MARK: What do you mean?
AARON: I became dependent on them.
He then adds that it's been horrible, but David has helped him get through it, so that he's shaken it. David admits the speed of it surprised him too after Chloe did the maths.
AARON: I was taking them for no reason and then found I couldn't stop thinking about them.
Elly asks if it was David that passed on Xanthe's pills, but Aaron confesses that he was the one that took them. "I didn't take any," he does add although he admits to considering it.
AARON: David's been covering for me.
DAVID: I felt so awful missing the signs. I was hoping we could wean Aaron off privately, to save everyone the worry.
MARK: Worry?! Mate, this is a massive thing for you to go through. We will always support you, both of you; you didn't have to face this alone.
"What happens now?" asks Elly and Aaron explains that he will be enrolling in a recovery programme through the hospital as he should have done from the start. David adds Aaron has also been added to a medication watchlist, and that he has been reported too (probably thanks to Xanthe). "Reported for what?" Chloe asks, and David explains writing a prescription for his husband, being in possession of someone else's meds.
DAVID: It's pretty serious. Karl's talking to the board about my position now.
MARK: But surely under the circumstances?
DAVID: It doesn't matter, I knew the line and I crossed it.
"This is all my fault," Aaron bemoans but David replies back that it isn't. Mark wants to know what happens now and is told that it could mean the end of David's surgical training... or worse.
AC/DC Lane
"And that was our lucky last stop," Ned declares but Yashvi isn't done with the questions - this time trying to ask about girlfriends. Ned admits that while he doesn't have a girlfriend, there is someone he likes, adding that he can't stop thinking about them. From the way Ned fully responded to the question, it looks like for a few seconds Yashvi thinks it's her he likes, its just too soon for something to happen, but then he makes it clear that it isn't her he likes.
NED: I want to be upfront about where I stand.
Number 32
When Dipi and Meena return inside, Meena announces to Pavan that its time to go! "What happened? What did you say?" Mishti immediately asks and Dipi pleads that she said nothing. "I simply can't see any point in continuing," Meena says before walking towards the front door having already gathered up her handbag. After giving Pavan a mother's look, he quickly heads towards his mum. "What will this mean for us if she's not on board?" a worried Mishti asks but Pavan is sure he will be able to talk his mum round and that things will be fine.
"You must have said something!" Mishti angrily accuses of her sister after the pair have left and even Shane joins in by commenting that perhaps she said it by accident?
DIPI: Of course not! Mish, I am on your side, really, I am. I had no intention of upsetting your future mother-in-law.
MISHTI: Well I guess I'm just not good enough for her then.
DIPI: Look, I know this is hard to hear, but after speaking with Meena, I have more doubts about this whole thing.
MISHTI: Seriously?!!
DIPI: Meena is clearly hard work, she's very conservative and traditional.
MISHTI: I want to marry Pavan and we will deal with it.
Although from the look on Mishti's face, it is one battle she doesn't exactly look like she is looking forward to!
Karl delivers the punishment news to David - he is only getting a warning which he finds very generous. David acknowledges that it is generous and what the punishment would have been had the prescription been filled. Karl also reminds David that this isn't the first time there has been an issue with him and painkillers.
KARL: It doesn't look good. You can't afford another mark against your name.
DAVID: Understood.
Xanthe has been hovering in the background and after Karl leaves, she comes over to talk to David. She admits that she didn't want to dob, but equally didn't want to get into trouble later knowing what she did but David reassures her that she did the right thing and hopes that she doesn't get into the same mess as Aaron with her meds.
DAVID: Let Aaron be a lesson.
XANTHE: Yes of course, I'd never take them if I didn't need to.
Harold's café
"I've just had the best day ever," Yashvi announces to Bea the second she spots her in sitting in the café (before Bea's had a chance to see her) and tells her about the private graffiti tour she had with Ned.
YASHVI: And he admitted that he's secretly in love with me.
Bea can't believe what she's just heard but Yashvi is so much on cloud 9 that nothing is going to bring her down to earth tonight!
Chloe catches Karl on his break to have a quick chat. She admits that it was hard hearing Aaron saying that he didn't want to worry them (about his addiction) because she thought initially he was going to say he had Huntington's.
CHLOE: I was so happy when it wasn't. Happy about addiction. It's pretty messed up.
Karl urges her to tell her brothers, she can't keep delaying telling them, and again she replies that she will tell them when she is ready.
Lassiters hotel reception
Bea gets straight to the point when she comes into the hotel and sees Ned - does he have feelings for Yashvi? "No," he is quick to say so she brings up what he said to Yashvi, which of course he puts down to a "misunderstanding," but promises to call her to sort it out. He then asks if she's got a minute, as he has something to show her. "I think you'll like it," he adds.
Botanic gardens
Ned has taken Bea to the botanic gardens where it's all lit up with fairy lights for a wedding. He admits that what he said to Yashvi was correct, but it wasn't her he liked.
NED: And saying it out loud, I realised I didn't want to keep it to myself anymore.
He then moves away to turn the unlit fairy lights on, so it's all romantic.
NED: So, that girl I can't stop thinking about, it's you.
Bea must like what he's admitted to because she then leans forward, and they start pashing!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Jeremy's mum round for his cash!
- Ned refusing to help Gary.
- Cassius' mum telling him to get out of Erinsborough.
- Ned declaring that he's willing to take risks for Piper.
- Cassius torn over what to do.
<<7940 - 7942>>
Xanthe Canning, David Tanaka, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7941
Xanthe Canning, David Tanaka, Elly Conway

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7941
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Xanthe Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Xanthe Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Chloe Brennan, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Chloe Brennan, Yashvi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Meena Nahal, Pavan Nahal, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Meena Nahal, Pavan Nahal, Dipi Rebecchi

Xanthe Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7941
Xanthe Canning, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7941
Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Pavan Nahal, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7941
Pavan Nahal, Mishti Sharma

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7941
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Elly Conway

Mishti Sharma, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7941
Mishti Sharma, Ned Willis

Meena Nahal in Neighbours Episode 7941
Meena Nahal

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7941
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7941
David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy

Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7941
Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson

Chloe Brennan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7941
Chloe Brennan, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7941
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

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