- Piper admitting that she is growing close to Cassius every day.
- Gary doing a deal to get info on where Finn could be hiding out.
- Ned inadvertently taking Gary's money then commenting that it must be hot because Gary is so angsty about it going missing.
- The girls sending Liz away.
- Mark finding Liz unconscious lying on the ground.
- Liz claiming that it was Finn who attacked her.
Police station
Liz explains to Mishti what happened and is certain it was Finn who was responsible. After refusing hospital treatment, she follows Mishti into another room to make a statement.
Susan isn't sure if Finn was responsible and Mark has his doubts too, but Bea points out that Finn is "capable of anything."
Harold's café
Dipi has everyone gathered who has a role in Flapper and hands out the rehearsal schedule. Toadie isn't sure why he needs 6 hours of rehearsals every Sunday for 3 weeks given the few lines he has as Gangster #2!
SHANE: There are no small parts mate, only small actors!
DIPI: Exactly, take it from Gangster #3!
Toadie isn't the only one complaining about the rehearsal schedule but as she tells Cassius, "Flapper will be your life!"
Police station
Liz has finished giving her statement and Susan tells her that she is coming back to #28 so they know she is safe. "Its very kind," she acknowledges once Bea give her thumbs up to the idea too. Mishti explains that there will be regular police patrols in the area too.
The Waterhole
Elly is berating herself because that is another person Finn has gone after thanks to her and wonders if she should go away until he is found. Mark points out that if she leaves, then Finn wins but she wonders "what other options do I have?" "Your family's together," Mark reminds her and also that they all need her.
The Flametree Retreat
Gary is jumpy as anything but not for the reason Mishti is around to tell him about! She reassures him that Xanthe will be fine but as a precaution, extra security on at the hospital. After she explains that Liz isn't returning to the retreat, she warns him about paying her a visit at #28!
Number 28
Elly explains to her mum why she suddenly left and Liz points out that Finn is responsible for his own actions, not her. "But look at what he's doing to all the people I love," she laments and wonders how she managed to care for him! "Because he's incredibly good at manipulating people," Bea replies to her sister, and Liz claims to have seen the angry look in Finn's eyes too.
ELLY: Will it ever end?
LIZ: My word it will!
The trio all jump when they hear knocking at the door but its Gary who is calling, despite Mishti telling him not to! He is seeking confirmation from Liz that it definitely was Finn and isn't happy at the vague answers she is giving to his rapid questions. Eventually Elly orders him from the house and thankfully he does leave.
Number 22
Terese calls Piper to let her know what happened to Liz and asks if Ned can stay in the house with her as she is going to be delayed at work due to a call with Lucy. The pair just about jump out of their skins when Cassius suddenly appears! She wasn't expecting him, but he wanted to see her to cancel their plans for tomorrow as he's got to be at #32 for Dipi's cast bonding session... and breaks it to her that he's probably not likely to see her until after the show in a month's time because Dipi is very demanding!
CASSIUS: I'm sorry, Dipi she is... she's hardcore.
PIPER: Yes, well so am I!
Number 28 (next day)
As the ladies breakfast in the backyard, Elly tells Susan about their late night visitor although she understands his actions given what Finn did to Xanthe. Elly has plans for her mum too - a trip to the hospital and this time she isn't getting out of it!
Lassiters Complex
Gary leaves a voicemail for Jeremy to contact him urgently because Finn is back in town. He then starts handing out the police flyers to everyone in the complex.
Ned (on behalf of the hotel) comes over to ask Gary to stop as he is coming too full on for hotel guests (they're complaining). "I have to do something," he pleads and after Ned points out that Finn is hardly likely to appear during the day, he concludes that Finn is going to hide somewhere safe during the day and suddenly rushes off.
Number 32
Sheila manages to wriggle out of Dipi's bonding session (she needs to be with Xanthe at the hospital) as everyone starts to gather. There is an extra body too - Piper, who manages to talk herself into being the stage manager (and promising not to be there as Cassius' girlfriend) so she can stay as initially Dipi wasn't going to let her because its cast only.
Well Piper's promise barely lasts a few minutes as Dipi breaks everyone up into pairs - Piper is with Aaron and she is with Cassius, so they can build their chemistry for the show. The lass convinces Dipi that swapping is the right move (in case Cassius' sad body language comes through on stage) and so she consents to swapping partners around.
"You're in great shape," David declares after checking Liz over. He also recommends that she sees a counsellor, but she's had enough of talking about Finn so turns the offer down.
Ned arrives to tell Sheila what Gary was doing at the complex. She is in the dark about him (and what he was doing) as she hasn't see him today and doesn't know where he is either as he isn't answering his phone. Ned wonders if he's gone after Finn himself...
Church vestry
Gary (armed with a baseball bat) enters the vestry but nobody is home although there is evidence of food containers, so someone has been there. He suddenly hears a vehicle outside and someone getting out of it, so he gets into position ready to slug whoever it is enters.
Number 32
The first game everyone is playing is one half of each pairing puts a mouthguard into their mouths (so they can't speak properly) and attempt to say some lines from the show. Toadie and Shane were disastrous, but Piper has somehow managed to understand what Cassius was saying (god knows how!!!) so that they got all 3 right to go top of the leader board.
Church vestry
It wasn't Finn who walked through the vestry doors, but Ned after Sheila sent him out to look for Gary. Gary admits he is acting crazy "but what else can I do?" he asks.
Despite not really wanting to know, Ned asks Gary to tell him about the money, which he does, they agree to keep the information between themselves. Ned then asks when Jeremy calls to say where Finn is, to let him know too.
NED: Until then, calm down, focus on your family, otherwise you're going to end up doing something stupid.
Number 32
Aaron seeks Piper out to say that its good to see her happy again and that they make a great couple too.
Number 28
Liz reassures her daughters that she can cope while they go off and do things, and eventually they do leave. Alone with her sister, Liz admits that she is envious of how respected Susan is like, looking after their mum while she took off. "I wanted to be care free like you," Susan does say but doesn't want to drag up the past and instead wants to concentrate on the now and is hopeful that Liz will be able to keep things up with the girls. "So do I," Liz replies and thanks her sister for making that happen.
Power Street
Mishti stops briefly to chat to Aaron and David before they head into Grease Monkey's for something to eat, she's out on patrol looking for Finn. "Snatching Liz's purse was a new low," she remarks before the car moves off and after they do the camera swings round and we see Liz's purse lying in among the vegetation.
Number 26
Sheila is surprised at Gary being all domestic (hoovering frantically) when she comes home. He explains it is so the house is right for Xanthe coming home, even though Sheila points out that they don't know when that will happen yet! She admits that she did wonder if he'd get himself into strife (after seeing Ned) but he reassures her that he will let the police do their job while he concentrates on looking after his family.
SHEILA: You're a good boy Gary.
Harold's café
Piper admits to Cassius that it was nice what Aaron said to her, especially with him being Tyler's brother. Cassius' phone rings and he needs to take the call, so she decides to head to the toilet to give him some privacy.
Whoever it is, Cassius doesn't sound too happy, asking the caller why they are calling. We obviously don't hear the other side of the conversation, but whoever he is talking to, he tells them that despite it not being part of the plan, he doesn't want to leave
CASSIUS: I think I'm falling in love with her.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Gary after the info from Jeremy.
- Amy commenting that Finn will slip up eventually.
- Yashvi telling Bea that patrols aren't enough.
- Mark discovering something and telling his sister that he can't keep quiet.
- Aaron and Sonya discussing 'Dee'.
- Toadie and Sonya back in Tasmania.