- Sheila and Fay agree to keep an eye out for job opportunities for one another
- But Fay later upsets Sheila by accepting her old job at The Waterhole
- Toadie tells Sheila to do the job she's paid for, or he'll have to find someone who can
- Gary and Fay appear to flirt over a dessert taster session, while Leo watches with bemusement
- Terese tells Chloe that she thinks Fay should ask Gary out
- Mishti enjoys her date with Travis, and tells David she thinks she'll see him again
- But Aaron later breaks the news to Mishti that her video with Dilhan has been leaked to the web
No 32
Kirsha is in the pool, randomly practising holding her breath underwater. She wants to be able to do it for a minute, but Dipi doesn't think she has what it takes.
DIPI: Sometimes brutal honesty is the support you need, darling.
Mishti wanders into the garden and bursts into tears. A surprised Dipi hugs her.
The Waterhole
Sheila comes in. She's behaving strangely, and tells Shane, who's on a shift, that she's just here to 'cast an eye over things'.
SHEILA: Personal interest. (hushed voice) Is she around?
'She' (Fay) appears from the office, and Sheila pretends she's come in to look for a friend - 'Frances' - but that she isn't here. Sheila leaves again, after Shane has quietly teased her about making up a friend to deceive Fay.
Chloe comes in with 'intel' for Fay, telling her that Gary is 'into' her. Fay laughs, saying that's ridiculous.
FAY: We're just colleagues.
CHLOE: I think you should hit that.
FAY: Chloe, speak English.
CHLOE: Ask him out!
FAY: Absolutely not! (...) The man is at least ten years younger than me!
CHLOE: So what? You're a fox!
FAY: Plus his mother hates me.
CHLOE: You're not fifteen!
FAY: Well, I suppose we do get on. And we're both really interested in food.
CHLOE: Oh, Mum! Keep it G-rated, please! I'll tell you what I'm not hearing - I'm not hearing 'no'!
FAY: Maybe.
CHLOE: Still not a 'no'!
FAY: Alright. Give me a bit more intel, as you call it, and we'll see.
Chloe disappears off to find out more.
Rebecchi Law
Sheila comes in and moans to Toadie about Fay.
SHEILA: I mean, the people from Adelaide are supposed to be up themselves, but really!
A client rings, and Sheila puts on her politest, sweetest telephone voice. Covering the phone, she then recounts the client's request to Toadie.
SHEILA: I don't know how many times I have changed the appointment for this stupid woman! Now I'm gonna have to move your haircut on Monday just to fit her in!
She returns to her polite telephone voice, and tells the client that 11am on Monday will be 'just fine' - before slamming the phone down angrily! Toadie praises Sheila for at least being professional when talking to the client, and tells her to keep up the good work! He hands her some filing to do, and Sheila grimaces as he walks away.
No 32
A tearful Mishti is telling Dipi about the video that Dilhan has uploaded - it's being uploaded to more and more sites all the time, and she can't keep track of them all.
MISHTI: Any time I speak to anyone, I'll never know if they've seen me!
DIPI: It'll pass, I promise. It's not gonna last forever.
MISHTI: How am I gonna go to work, or get a coffee, or speak to another human being ever again?
DIPI: It'll be okay, Mish. We all make mistakes.
MISHTI: Mistakes? This wasn't a mistake!
DIPI: No, I was just saying that -
MISHTI: No, Dipi - Dilhan did this deliberately to hurt me! He's the one in the wrong, not me!
DIPI: I know!
MISHTI: He committed a crime - do you understand that?
DIPI: Of course.
MISHTI: All I've done is enjoy myself. How could you possibly think that's a mistake?
Mishti marches indoors, as Dipi shouts after her.
Lassiter's Complex
Chloe joins Gary at a table in the courtyard; he's brainstorming some ideas for new desserts prior to meeting some new clients. Chloe compliments his 'sharp' suit, and tells him that Fay thinks his desserts are genius. Gary remarks that he and Fay have 'really connected' over their love of food.
CHLOE: I've noticed!
GARY: Yeah, she's been incredible. Such a force. Makes me think.
CHLOE: Think what?
GARY: That I'm ready to Take Things To The Next Level™.
CHLOE: With Mum?
GARY: Yeah, we'd make a good team!
CHLOE: On point, Gary!
Gary heads off for his meeting, and Chloe looks pleased with herself.
The Waterhole
Sheila is at a table, giving Fay, who's behind the bar, evil looks from a distance. Amy comes in, and asks Sheila how she's finding her work at the law office.
SHEILA: It's different.
AMY: So, you're hating it?
Sheila says she just can't be herself, as she has to be on her best behaviour for the clients - she misses being behind the bar here. Amy suggests she could find another bar job, and offers to buy her a coffee. Sheila says she has to get back.
But as Amy walks away, Sheila overhears a conversation between Shane and Fay at the bar - they're discussing money, and Fay suggests they go into the office when she sees Sheila watching them. Once they're in the office, Sheila creeps over and earwigs at the door.
SHANE: How long till we get the money?
FAY: Soon. We just need the right people to front up.
SHANE: Right. What are we doing with it?
FAY: We'll figure it out.
SHANE: Well, I want to know. There's a lot of red tape, and we have to be careful.
FAY: We will.
Sheila looks suspicious.
Lassiter's Complex
Dipi and Aaron are walking through the courtyard. Dipi is kicking herself for implying to Mishti that she was at fault for what happened with the video. Aaron agrees that it was a dumb thing for Dipi to say! But he suggests Dipi just give Mishti some time to cool off, and then apologise. Dipi adds that it's clear to her that 'that grub Dilhan' is the only one to blame for Mishti's predicament.
DIPI: As soon as you try to have fun as a woman, someone's out to get you. And he got her alright. And this moron here went and made it worse.
AARON: No, you didn't make it worse.
DIPI: Well, I haven't helped, have I?
Aaron assures her that Mishti knows Dipi didn't mean what she said - and just to give it some time. Dipi says Mishti's not even letting her near her at the moment, and wonders what they could do to help her. Aaron rushes off to try and find Mishti.
The Waterhole
Sheila comes to the bar to pay for her coffee, and uses the opportunity to probe Shane for information; she admits she heard him talking to Fay about money earlier.
SHANE: Why do you care?
SHEILA: Just saying.
SHANE: You're eavesdropping on private conversations now, are ya?
SHEILA: No, no - I just overheard a few words. Maybe I was wrong?
SHANE: Maybe you were.
Harold's Café
Aaron comes in with Mishti, where a support group comprising Dipi, Amy and Elly (who is In This Episode™) are waiting.
MISHTI: Pity party?
AMY: No way.
ELLY: This is not a pity party. You need to know we've got your back.
AMY: That guy is scum. Don't even think about it.
MISHTI: That's just it. I can't stop thinking about it. I feel ashamed.
AMY: No shame.
ELLY: No shame.
AMY: Anger, yes. Anger towards that absolute garbage human is fine. We've all been there, and we all know those feelings. But you've got to keep your head held high. And we can't let them shame us. Can we?
Mishti forces a smile, as the gang formulate an action plan. Aaron has already contacted some of the individual websites that are hosting the video, and will contact Google too. Mishti thanks them all for coming, and apologises to Dipi for losing it at her earlier. Dipi apologises for being an idiot.
MISHTI: Now I have the awesome job of going to the station to make a statement.
Dipi hugs her.
The Waterhole
Chloe skips in with a field report for Fay; Gary has bought a new suit, she explains, which proves he's 100% into Fay. That, and that Gary said he wanted to Take Things To The Next Level™ with Fay.
FAY: I wasn't expecting that!
CHLOE: That's because you've been out of the game for so long, Mum. Your instincts are rusty! (...) He's clearly been into you for yonks, and you've just missed all the signals. Lucky for you - genius daughter.
Fay says she doesn't even know if she wants anything from this yet - she doesn't know where it could lead.
FAY: I mean, look at his ex. Terese is a beautiful, successful, dynamic woman. A couple of weeks with me, and Gary will be bored out of his mind!
CHLOE: Do not do this! I won't let you talk yourself down!
FAY: Just being realistic.
CHLOE: You are a catch! You are kind, and funny, and a stone-cold hottie. And you deserve to be happy in your new life here. I reckon you go for it.
Lassiter's Complex
Sheila is telling Toadie about her suspicions that Fay and Shane are up to something untoward at the pub - and she thinks it's money-laundering.
SHEILA: Jimmy 'The Horse' Gartside - he pumped thousands in SP cash through The Royal Farquhar in Frankston back in the day.
TOADIE: What are you talking about?!
SHEILA: Or she could be doing something even dodgier. You know, like, she could have opened a small casino in the back room.
TOADIE: Sheila!
SHEILA: Or done drug deals over the bar!
Toadie objects to Sheila's insinuation that Shane could be involved in something like that.
SHEILA: Sorry. But she is definitely the ringleader, no doubt about it.
TOADIE: And secondly, what you've just said - there's probably three or four defamatory statements. Have you not learned anything working for me?
SHEILA: Just chat!
TOADIE: No, chat has consequences. Chat can get you sued. You've got to get over this obsession with Fay. Just - just move on!
Meanwhile, Chloe has summoned Xanthe to join her outside Harold's.
CHLOE: It is big. So I wanted you to be in on the ground floor. Your dad. My mum.
XANTHE: ... What about them?
CHLOE: It's on like Donkey Kong!
XANTHE: Sorry, what - no it's not!
CHLOE: Yeah! He said he wants to Take Things To The Next Level™ with her! It is a happening thang.
Xanthe looks shocked.
No 26
Xanthe accosts Gary in the garden, and asks him if he's into Fay - explaining that Chloe thinks they're officially a thing. Xanthe says she's happy for Gary if it's true, but is upset that she's the last person to find out.
GARY: You're not the last person to find out!
XANTHE: Well, then, who was?
Gary assures Xanthe he's not into Fay - not like that. Xanthe reports that Chloe said Gary wanted to Take Things To The Next Level™. Gary reveals that he was talking about his cooking and expanding his business prospects, and is embarrassed that Chloe got the wrong end of the stick. Xanthe tells him that Fay's apparently planning on asking him out, and that he has to be honest with her.
XANTHE: No avoiding this - no protecting her. The truth, okay? Straight up.
GARY: Yeah...
Lassiter's Complex
Mishti meets Aaron outside the police station, having made her statement. Mishti says Senior Sergeant Lake was really supportive, and made it clear that Mishti is 100% the victim. They're going to arrest Dilhan for distributing the video and will go hard on him, she adds.
AARON: Like, jail hard?
MISHTI: On top of all the other charges - hopefully.
Mishti says she's relieved that everyone at work has her back - but at that moment, some criminal (credited as Dean Duffy) that the police are pulling into the station wolf-whistles at Mishti, and shouts, 'how's it going, gorgeous?' Mishti immediately assumes the guy has seen the video.
MISHTI: They've all seen it! This video is going to haunt me forever!
No 24
Xanthe pays a visit to Chloe, to tell her that her intel is bad - Gary isn't into Fay after all. But Chloe says it's too late for them to shut it down...
No 26
... because Fay has already arrived at Gary's place to ask him out! But before she gets a chance, Gary starts making awkward, nervous small-talk, and asks her if she wants a drink.
No 24
Chloe and Xanthe each go to call their respective parents, to warn them of the impending calamity!
No 26
Fay is already ensconced with a glass of wine when Chloe calls her on her mobile. Fay ignores it, and then Gary's phone starts going as Xanthe calls him. Gary ignores the call too, and Fay is about to ask him out. But he interrupts again, asking if she's hungry.
FAY: Gary, can you just stop a minute? We've been getting along so well - and I think you're a lovely man. And I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime.
GARY: Right...
FAY: With me.
No 24
Chloe and Xanthe stress over what will happen between their parents.
CHLOE: She will literally die. She was so nervous to do this. It'll set her back years.
XANTHE: It's fine, okay? Dad will be nice about it.
CHLOE: Are you sure?
XANTHE: Yeah, he's always nice!
No 26
Fay presses Gary for an answer! Gary hears Xanthe's voice in his head, reminding him to tell the truth!
GARY: Can I think about it?
FAY: Oh! Yeah, I suppose so...
GARY: It's just, I've got the snags on, and... I mean, I need to consult my diary... The Retreat and all.
FAY: Absolutely.
GARY: Great.
FAY: Great.
They drink awkwardly.
Lassiter's Lake
Aaron and Mishti are hanging out on a bench.
AARON: Who cares, anyway?
MISHTI: Are you kidding?
AARON: No, I'm not! Why do you care what some idiot scumbag thinks? You wouldn't have before.
MISHTI: Yeah. I guess not.
Mishti gets a call from Travis, the guy she went on a date with. But Mishti doesn't want to answer. She wants a second date, but...
MISHTI: What if he's seen it?
AARON: There's a good chance he hasn't.
The phone continues to ring, and then stops.
MISHTI: I can't. Not yet.
AARON: Are you sure you're okay?
MISHTI: I'm fine.
Harold's Café
Sheila accosts Gary in the café - she wants to talk to him about Fay. She's talking about her suspicions of criminality, but Gary thinks she's talking about Fay asking him out.
SHEILA: I know what she's up to!
GARY: How do you know?
SHEILA: Well, because I keep my ear to the ground! Toadie says I'm being ridiculous, but -
GARY: Hang on, hang on - Toadie knows about this?
SHEILA: Why wouldn't he?
GARY: I'm surprised it's spread so quick!
SHEILA: Wait. You know?!
GARY: Well, obviously!
SHEILA: Gary Francis Xavier Canning - are you involved?!
GARY: Well, I haven't given her an answer yet. I mean, I don't want to be on my own for the rest of my life. She's an attractive woman, and I have needs, but - what?
SHEILA: What are you on about?!
GARY: Well, Fay asked me out. Isn't that what you're on about?
SHEILA: No. She's dodgy. What - hang on - she asked you out?!
Gary assures Sheila he's definitely going to say no.
SHEILA: Not so fast, speedy. What if you said yes?
GARY: Why would I do that?
SHEILA: Because something's going down at The Waterhole.
GARY: Like what?
SHEILA: Dunno. But it's shifty. And that's where you come in (...) You say yes, you ask her out on a date, you be your gorgeous self - and then you get all the information from her.
GARY: This is all about you getting your job back.
SHEILA: No! That pub means the world to me, and I don't want to see its reputation damaged. But if you did manage to find anything out, and Fay gets booted, well...
GARY: Dunno. Seems a bit...
SHEILA: Crafty?
GARY: Dishonest.
SHEILA: I'm not the one ripping off the pub! It's not so much to ask, is it? For your mother?
Coming up on Neighbours
- 'Patrick' flips out when Bea goes in his bag for something, telling her to stay out of his stuff
- Finn appears to be hiding a bag of clothes in a cupboard
- Yashvi advises someone to take some time to 'make sure [Finn] is who you think he is'
- Mishti presents a Very Special Episode™ at the school about her dodgy video woes
- But it backfires when all the schoolkid extras laugh at her
- Toadie tells Leo, 'he'd have to be an idiot to get into a fight while he's still on bail'
- Dilhan is playing pool in the pub; Leo tells him he's scum