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Neighbours Episode 7839 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7838 - 7840>>
Episode title: 7839
Australian and UK airdate: 10/05/18
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Liam Barnett: James Beck
Poppy Ryan: Eloise Ross
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Poppy continually being mean to Kirsha behind Jimmy's back
- Elly telling Amy she ended things with Liam
- Amy letting Elly know Liam's taking her place at school camp
- Paul demoting Sheila at work but Sheila deciding to quit instead
The Waterhole Office
Paul's on the phone trying to get a replacement for Sheila but is stunned when Sheila waltzes in like she owns the place and starts counting the float. Paul reminds her that she quit, but Sheila says she's changed her mind.
PAUL: The fact that you sent me that rather colourful email at two o'clock this morning means that I have your decision in writing.
SHEILA: I retract.
PAUL: (recalling the email) Uh, soulless, bitter corporate monster...
SHEILA: I was sleep emailing, it doesn't count.
PAUL: You know the things that you called me are grounds for dismissal in their own right. And don't think that you can brazen your way out of this so don't even try.
SHEILA: How are you going to stop me?
PAUL: Well you are trespassing. This isn't your office anymore.
SHEILA: Yes it is!
She grabs the office keys off the desk, locks the door then promptly stuffs the keys down her bra. Paul's appalled while Sheila looks victorious.
SHEILA: Take me back and I'll unlock the door.
PAUL: You've got to be kidding me.
SHEILA: Or you could come and fish them out yourself? But how compliant would that be?
Erinsborough High
Susan goes over a last minute checklist for camp with Elly. They see Kirsha, who says she feels a bit sick, but they reassure her that a little bit of anxiety's normal and they'll keep an eye on her. Jimmy finds Kirsha after Susan and Elly leave and he gives her the same reassurance, but Kirsha's worried that the special treatment will give the bullies more ammo. Jimmy says they'll think of a code word, and if Kirsha says it he'll come help her out. Kirsha smiles and decides on "oranges" as the code. Out in a corridor Elly sees Liam struggling with some sport equipment and tells him to just let the PE teacher deal with it. Liam heads for the buses and Elly looks as though she's troubled by his presence already.
Camping Ground
Susan tells the kids to dump their stuff in their tents, instructing the boys and girls to keep to opposite sides of the ground. When the kids scatter, Susan quietly asks Kirsha if she wants to be in the tent next to her and Elly but Kirsha says she'll be fine. When Kirsha's alone, Poppy pounces on her and claims that she's got the hots for Jimmy and is trying to steal him away. Kirsha says that's gross and she doesn't, then panics and loudly asks Jimmy if "there are any oranges". Jimmy comes over and asks what's wrong, but Poppy says it's nothing and walks away to unpack. Kirsha's reluctant to tell Jimmy the truth but Jimmy reminds her that they're mates and he knows her code was serious. Kirsha admits that Poppy was teasing her and it's not the first time either. Jimmy's shocked to hear how his girlfriend's been acting.
The Waterhole Office
Paul's on the phone to Leo in the hopes that his son will rescue him, but Leo's just about to head into an important meeting and won't be able to come till later. Paul hangs up and demands Sheila open the door or he'll get her charged with unlawfully detaining him. But Sheila's not worried.
SHEILA: I don't think you will because I think you're afraid of a repeat performance of the last time we were locked together in the cool room.
PAUL: No, no recollection of that.
Sheila says if he gives her the job back then the key is his, but Paul reminds her she failed the compliance test. Sheila tries to protest that the trainer had it in for her, but Paul interrupts that Sheila just can't face up to her own actions.
PAUL: You are a risk, Sheila, so I'm putting my foot down.
SHEILA: (scoffing) You? Taking the high moral ground over me? That's a laugh.
PAUL: I'm the boss; my job's not in question.
SHEILA: You're the boss all right: nepotism, blackmail, fraud. Do you honestly think you would have passed that course? Be honest. And what about your kids? Not squeaky-clean! Would you have given them a second chance?
PAUL: Sheila this isn't about anyone else.
SHEILA: Or Terese, you got really cosy with her in the office. You'd give her another go. [Paul makes a face like 'you've got me on that one'] So why give second chances to all these people and not to me?
Paul looks as though he's just on the verge of giving in and letting Sheila have her job back, when one of the workers unlocks the door. Paul makes a quick getaway much to Sheila's outrage.
Camping Ground
Yashvi and Xanthe are going over the orienteering course so Yashvi doesn't have time for Kirsha when she comes up to her sister and asks for help about being hassled by Poppy. Yashvi tells Kirsha that she has to start sticking up for herself. When Kirsha walks away, Xanthe tells Yashvi that she was being a bit harsh. But Yashvi figures that since they're at leadership camp then Kirsha can learn how to rely less on others. Xanthe gives her the side eye though, so Yashvi sighs and says she'll help out if things get too bad.
Elsewhere, Liam finishes hammering in the tent pegs while Jimmy looks on. Liam can tell something's up with his son and Jimmy confesses that his girlfriend is bullying his best mate. He's at a bit of a crossroads on what to do next. Liam says that sometimes you can't see the bad in someone close to you because you choose not to, but if what Kirsha says is true then he'd know who he'd be standing by.
Jimmy takes Poppy aside and asks if she's bullying Kirsha. Poppy scoffs and says it's just a bit of teasing; everyone does it but Kirsha's being a sook about it. Jimmy's shocked by her outlook and says Poppy needs to stop being horrible. Poppy rolls her eyes and says she will but snarks at him that he's supposed to be her boyfriend, not Kirsha's.
Liam gives Elly a heads up about Poppy bullying Kirsha and says they might need to be separated into different hiking groups. Concerned, Elly calls Kirsha over and says they can change her into another group. But Kirsha has Yashvi's words ringing in her mind and declines the offer. Elly says she'll have to let Susan know about the bullying and thanks Liam for bringing it to her attention.
The Penthouse
Sheila follows Paul and says she knows he was about to cave and give her job back. Paul pretends he doesn't know what she's talking about but Sheila is persistent and won't let it go. This time, though, she's more genuine and less sassy in her approach.
SHEILA: That bar is not just a job to me. Look at this place, you love your work so much you moved your entire family into it.
PAUL: Yeah and I worked hard to make that happen.
SHEILA: Exactly, because it's not just a job to you it's who you are. But who will I be if I'm not behind that bar? Being the executive bar manager makes me feel important and useful. I love going to work and putting out fires and solving problems.
PAUL: Sheila...
SHEILA: Yes, sometimes I set the fires and cause the problems but at least I admit it. Please don't put me out to pasture.
Sheila leaves and Paul looks as though he's truly contemplating her plea.
Bushland/Camping Ground
Xanthe and Yashvi lead the small hiking group while Kirsha, Poppy and Susan bring up the rear. Kirsha trips and Poppy puts on a show of helping her, but once Susan's out of earshot Poppy turns back into a bully and taunts Kirsha. This time, though, Yashvi sees what's going on and rushes over to stick up for her sister. She tells Poppy to back off and Susan comes over to intervene, sternly reminding the girls they don't tolerate threats. Poppy thinks Susan's coming to her aide, but Susan says she's actually talking about Poppy's nastiness and lets her know she's being sent home from camp when they get back. Susan gets everyone to keep hiking while she stays back to have a chat with Kirsha and reassure her she's OK.
Back at the campgrounds, Elly visits Liam in his tent and thanks him again for looking out for Kirsha. But Liam says that Jimmy was the one who raised the flag. Elly asks how he and Jimmy are getting along and Liam says slowly but in the right direction. Elly can't get any reception on her phone to check the weather app so Liam offers her his phone. Elly gets a shock when an email comes through for Liam about a job offer in New York and asks him if he's leaving Erinsborough.
Susan and Kirsha are sitting down for a chat and a rest. Kirsha wants to know why she keeps getting bullied by people at school, but Susan says that bullies are just insecure people trying to make themselves feel better. It's not about anything Kirsha's done and her friends and family will always be there for her. Kirsha thanks her but still looks like she's thinking things over.
KIRSHA: Yashvi was right. I've got to start dealing with this sort of stuff myself.
SUSAN: Well, good for you.
Susan asks if Kirsha wants to catch up with the hiking group, but Kirsha just wants to head back to camp. So Susan pulls out her compass on top of her phone and looks for the right way home.
Back in the tent, Liam explains to Elly that he turned that offer down before he even came to Erinsborough because he'd have to move to NY and work there. He let the company know he didn't want to be away from his son any longer. Liam reads the new email and discovers that in this new offer they're willing to pay Jimmy's school fees in NY for six months. Elly doesn't think Amy will go for the idea at all.
The Waterhole
Sheila isn't too keen to see Paul at first, but soon changes her mind when Paul says he's re-considered and is going to give her job back. Her little speech struck a chord with him. Everything's hunky dory until Gary barges in and says if Sheila's not working at the bar anymore then he's taking his desserts back. Sheila tries to get him to shut up but Paul overhears and is angry that Sheila's stocking Gary's food in his establishment without his knowledge.
PAUL: This is just the sort of petty, shyster thing I would expect from you. Muscling in on my business like that.
GARY: Yeah well at least I'm not a hypocrite refusing to give mum her job back over stuff that's not even half as bad as what you Robinsons do.
SHEILA: No, Gary!
GARY: No, mum, I'm sick of being pushed around by this clown!
SHEILA: He didn't mean that!
PAUL: I think he did. I think he's being refreshingly honest, which is more than I can say for you.
Paul glares at Sheila and says she's burnt her bridges here. The job's no longer hers.
Bushland/Camping Ground
Susan and Kirsha amble through the bush but Susan's worried because none of the terrain looks familiar to her. Kirsha suggests the compass might be broken. Susan says it's unlikely but then realises the magnet in her phone case has been warping the compass's direction all this time. They're officially lost.
Liam visits Elly's tent and says he's been thinking more about the business offer. He knows Jimmy has friends and family here but what if his son is keen to go? Liam says he'd also like to make it up to Jimmy for not being there a lot of his life. Elly reiterates to Liam that she's certain Amy wouldn't want to be apart from Jimmy, or even agree to it in the first place. So Liam decides to put a cork in the idea for now.
Xanthe and Yashvi bring the hiking group back and Jimmy finds out that Poppy bullied Kirsha again, that's why Kirsha and Susan aren't with the group. Jimmy's had enough and storms over to Poppy to break up with her, much to Poppy's astonishment.
Kirsha asks Susan if they can take a rest but Susan wants to keep walking so they can try and find camp. There's no reception on Susan's phone but Kirsha's more worried about her missing bracelet and wants to go back and look for it.
SUSAN: No, we have to keep going, Kirsha. It's going to get dark soon and when it gets dark it's going to get much colder. We have to get out of here before the sun sets.
KIRSHA: (worried) What if we don't? What's going to happen to us?
But poor old Suse doesn't have an answer for her.
<<7838 - 7840>>
Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7839
Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson

Kirsha Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7839
Kirsha Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Kirsha Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7839
Kirsha Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams

Kirsha Rebecchi, Poppy Ryan in Neighbours Episode 7839
Kirsha Rebecchi, Poppy Ryan

Kirsha Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7839
Kirsha Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7839
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7839
Yashvi Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning

Jimmy Williams, Liam Barnett in Neighbours Episode 7839
Jimmy Williams, Liam Barnett

Poppy Ryan, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7839
Poppy Ryan, Jimmy Williams

Liam Barnett, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7839
Liam Barnett, Elly Conway

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7839
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Poppy Ryan, Kirsha Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7839
Poppy Ryan, Kirsha Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Liam Barnett in Neighbours Episode 7839
Elly Conway, Liam Barnett

Susan Kennedy, Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7839
Susan Kennedy, Kirsha Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Liam Barnett in Neighbours Episode 7839
Elly Conway, Liam Barnett

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7839
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Gary Canning, Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7839
Gary Canning, Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7839
Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Liam Barnett, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7839
Liam Barnett, Elly Conway

Poppy Ryan, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7839
Poppy Ryan, Jimmy Williams

Susan Kennedy, Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7839
Susan Kennedy, Kirsha Rebecchi

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