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Neighbours Episode 7834 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7833 - 7835>>
Episode title: 7834
Australian and UK airdate: 03/05/18
Writer: Sandy Webster
Director: Kath Hayden
Guests: Rita Newland: Lisa Kay
Olive Murray: Karenza Stevens
- "Regret" by Amber Mark
- "Night Of My Life" by Jack Shaw
Summary/Images by: Jeremai/Graham
- Piper says Tyler wants her to move on, but how?
- Elly tells Piper she has her vlogging; that can give her the closure she needs
- Clive tells Sheila the idea of giving away MRI scans is crazy
- Sheila tells Karl and Susan that Clive's the one who'll have to answer to the community when Karl's project falls over
- Toadie apologises after Rita Newland gets a cake in the face at Harold's
- Jane gives Toadie money to thank him for helping her look for the stamps
- Toadie gives Chloe the rent cheque but it's too late; he's been evicted!
Chloe tells Toadie and Sonya they've had an offer for six months' rent up front on the office. Toadie says he will match it but Chloe tells him it's too late. Toadie gets choked up telling Chloe this is going to affect his family. He tells her she hasn't heard the last of this.
Number 22 back yard
Terese and Piper are colouring in colouring books and listening to relaxing music.
TERESE: I feel like I'm back in year three!
PIPER: Yeah. I'm not sure it's helping with the anxiety though.
TERESE: Don't you find it soothing?
PIPER: Well, no, seeing as I'm trying to stay in the lines!
Terese thinks it's important for Piper to do something creative and suggests she start her vlog again. She's not ready to share about Tyler yet. Toadie arrives and tells Terese about the eviction and Terese promptly goes to sort it out.
Sheila grudgingly serves Karl. Karl explains to Xanthe that Sheila is annoyed with him for going over Clive's head to get the hospital board to agree to using the Kickstarter funds for the MRI programme. He struggles with his coffee lid and Xanthe asks if he's OK. She apologises for Sheila's behaviour. Karl says he had considered asking Xanthe to be his assistant but he understands if her loyalties have to lie with Sheila.
Lassiters office
Terese tells Chloe she is still the manager here and values loyal tenants. Chloe says Toadie was more than a little behind on the rent.
TERESE: I don't know how you think that you can take the high ground on this after your $11,000 slip up over underage drinking.
CHLOE: You heard?
TERESE: Just because I'm on leave, Chloe, it doesn't mean I'm not watching you. And so far I haven't seen anything that I can recommend.
Terese tells Chloe to fix this mess.
Terese tells Toadie and Sonya the eviction is legally sound. She says he can contest it but Toadie says that will take time and money. Terese leaves and Sonya tells him he can see clients at home until they can find somewhere cheaper. Toadie overhears Sheila on the phone to Clive. He's about to have a meeting with Rita Newland; she's back in the country. Toadie rushes out.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie finds Rita and apologises again for the food fight. He'd like to get her business back. She thrusts her briefcase at Toadie and tells him she has a meeting with the COO to strengthen ties between the hospital and her pharmaceutical company.
TOADIE: It's going to take me a short time to get up to speed with the reading.
RITA: The meeting with Dr. Gibbons is now. You want this or not?
TOADIE: You won't regret this!
Number 26 back yard
Piper is looking for Xanthe but she's doing her internship at the hospital. Gary is figuring out how to use the metal detector, inspired by Mrs. Mangel's stamps.
GARY: Toadie assures me that this beaut can sniff out gold from quartz.
PIPER: Oh... not much quartz in Erinsborough last time I checked.
SHEILA: Or gold for that matter, love! Although I did find some cash stuffed in one of my gnomes. That was when Mason and Bailey Turner were up to no good but I didn't get to keep it.
Sheila tells Piper it's good to see Gary smiling again after everything that's happened. She assures Piper she's always welcome here.
Power Street
Piper is sitting outside Grease Monkeys and we see a flashback to the first time she met Ben and Tyler (episode 7215) when she was vlogging a kindness to strangers experiment. She sets her phone to record a vlog.
PIPER: Hey guys. Um, sorry I haven't been uploading videos lately. Just things have gotten a bit crazy here. Um, basically my whole life has changed. I never thought that it would come to this but it's definitely time that I try and move on. But how? How are you meant to move on when the memories of the person that you love are all around you?
She watches an old Pipe Up vlog that she and Tyler recorded together (it's a real one: "Most Likely To, Part I" that was published on YouTube on 29th June 2017).
Number 24
Piper has bought Mark a new frame for the poem and Caitlin's hand and footprints to replace the one she broke. Aaron comes in with more junk they have found from the back garden renovations as Gary has been onto them about the treasure hunt. Chloe comes home and says she wouldn't mind digging up some treasure to pay for a holiday. Mark guesses she's had more problems at work. He says it's not about scoring a prize but enjoying the search and thinking about your own past and what comes next. Piper says maybe the search is enough.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl thanks Olive Murray (the nurse Xanthe encountered on her work experience in episode 7549) for coming to the press launch. He thinks the press were impressed! Karl is tired and Xanthe asks him again if he's alright. She tells him she'd like to be his assistant and to leave Gran to her. She goes off in search of volunteers.
Number 24
Chloe, Mark and Aaron are polishing the junk and the guys are shocked to hear Chloe has evicted Toadie from his office. Chloe complains about Terese tearing strips off her. She thinks she may as well quit before Terese comes back to work but Mark tries to talk her out of it. He misses being on the force, including the stuff that used to drive him crazy. He mentions they even had plans for a big renovation and Chloe looks intrigued.
Number 22 back yard
Piper wants to film Terese digging in the garden for her vlog as everyone is getting into it. Terese obliges.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie and Rita have met with Invisible Clive. He has shut down all of Rita's proposals. Rita tells Toadie she won't be calling on his services again. Xanthe approaches Rita and asks if she'd like to take part in the free MRI screening project. Karl introduces himself as he's running the programme.
RITA: Rita Newland.
KARL: Ah Rita... Rita, you're Isabelle Hoyland's daughter-in-law.
RITA: My father was briefly connected to Isabelle Hoyland through marriage!
KARL: Yes. I'm very sorry she stole your inheritance.
RITA: And I'm sorry in taking it back; you were deprived of a new medical wing.
Rita agrees to take part in the programme.
Number 22 back yard / Number 24 / Number 26 back yard
Piper films Terese pretending to dig and we see a montage scene of her footage of the neighbours while she narrates.
PIPER: Sometimes life hits you with a blow so hard it can feel completely pointless, like you're lost in the dark and unable to connect. But then I watch the people I love and I see the strength that it takes to get back on your feet. And I get it now; I'm not special. Like, loss is all a part of the deal; part of being alive. But there's always more to the story. There are people who've been there before you and they can throw some light. So that's all I wanted to say, that life can suck but you have to keep on searching. You have to keep on digging. And in the searching and digging you'll find your way out and you'll be able to see what you haven't seen for so long; the hope to begin again.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl tells Rita her MRI is all clear. Rita also has good news; she'd like to fund the screening programme for one year. Karl is delighted.
Sonya and Toadie are discussing Rita. It's like she threw him in at the deep end and wanted him to fail. Chloe approaches and makes a cryptic comment that Toadie may not have to move on. She leaves and Karl appears.
KARL: Can I shout anyone a drink?
SONYA: Is this a joke?!
Erinsborough Hospital
Rita is talking to Olive. She's been reading the recent meeting minutes and noticed Olive consistently opposes Clive. Olive says she and Clive don't always agree on how the hospital should run.
RITA: I can assure you this is a private conversation, and since I'm making such a sizable donation it would be good to know if any other board members share your concerns.
OLIVE: I'm not entirely on my own.
RITA: So let's be frank. What would it take to remove Clive Gibbons from his job?
Sheila is happy Karl got his funding so Clive doesn't have to worry about the finance. Karl says it's a win-win for everyone.
Erinsborough Hospital
Olive asks Rita if she has a candidate to step into Clive's shoes. Rita says she does have someone in mind...
Karl sips his champagne.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Toadie tells Steph that Clive has got some work for him
- Clive tells Toadie that Rita has taken a particular interest in the hospital; she's up to something and he doesn't think it's above board
- Terese says Leo has always been Chloe's greatest defender; what's going on?
- Xanthe tells Chloe that hooking up with her boss is a really bad idea
- Leo and Chloe look longingly at each other
<<7833 - 7835>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Karl Kennedy, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning

Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Toadie Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Rita Newland, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7834
Rita Newland, Toadie Rebecchi

Piper Willis, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis

Piper Willis, Ben Kirk, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis, Ben Kirk, Tyler Brennan

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Piper Willis, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Xanthe Canning

Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Rita Newland, Xanthe Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7834
Rita Newland, Xanthe Canning, Karl Kennedy

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Terese Willis

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7834
Piper Willis

Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7834
Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy, Xanthe Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7834
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7834
Chloe Brennan

Rita Newland, Olive Murray in Neighbours Episode 7834
Rita Newland, Olive Murray

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7834
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy

Rita Newland, Olive Murray in Neighbours Episode 7834
Rita Newland, Olive Murray

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7834
Karl Kennedy

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