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Neighbours Episode 7780 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7779 - 7781>>
Episode title: 7780
Australian and UK airdate: 16/02/18
Writer: Natalie Medlock
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Gabriel Smith: Kian Bafekrpour
- "Something Like This" by Gordi
- "Mess It Up" by The Preatures
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Sheila and Hamish frolic in the spa
- Mark tells Sheila that Hamish and Louise McLeod were romantically involved
- Hamish lying dead in the spa
- Judge Challis sentences Tyler to twenty years in prison. Piper cries some more
- Paige and Jack spend the night together
- Paige isn't sure if she can tell Mark the truth about what happened with Jack
- Jayden proves a liability on the building site, and Elly recommends Amy try to force him out
- Leo sees Amy playing hardball with Jayden and issues a workplace bullying warning
Lassiter's Complex
A distracted Amy bumps into Mishti, who can see she's flustered about something. Amy eventually explains about the workplace bullying warning that Leo issued her with. Mishti is surprised - she thought Leo was going to offer Amy support over Jayden. She asks Amy why Leo would do that, and Amy pretends she can't think of a reason.
Mishti says she'll speak to Leo on Amy's behalf, but Amy pleads with her not to, claiming she's just venting. Amy admits she's perhaps been a bit harsh on Jayden after all, and rushes off. Mishti looks suspicious.
No 24
Mark is sitting on Tyler's chair, looking emotional. Paige encourages Mark to keep visiting Tyler in prison and show him that he loves him. Mark points out that that's what Piper did, and was roundly rejected by Tyler. Paige says they know he loves Piper really. Mark says Tyler's just trying to do the right thing, by not having Piper put her life on hold for him.
PAIGE: I dunno. I think if you love someone, you have to fight for them. I mean, there's always gonna be obstacles... Mistakes, even. It's just about how you get past those.
Realising she's effectively talking about her own infidelity, Paige quickly changes the subject, suggesting they go for a walk. Mark says he'd prefer to stay here in case Aaron or Piper need him.
The Waterhole
Mishti is asking Leo about his workplace bullying warning to Amy. Leo claims he had no other option; Amy was depriving Jayden of breaks, and he didn't want a lawsuit on the company's hands. Mishti says she can understand Leo's position; he says it wasn't easy but that he can't turn a blind eye, even with family. They kiss, and Mishti tells him he did the right thing.
However, she's still curious about why Amy is being so mean to Jayden. Leo pretends he doesn't have any answers for her...
No 26
Sheila walks into the garden while on the phone to Clive, arranging a date for tonight. But she sees Gary cleaning the spa, and quickly ends the call, asking him what he's doing. Gary says the spa's been out of action for a while...
SHEILA: Yes, because a man died in there, Gary! And a friend of ours is in prison because of it!
GARY: Alright. But the law has closed that case, so maybe it's time we moved on as well. I mean, you've hardly spent any time in the back yard. When was the last time you gave one of your gnomes a good wash?
SHEILA: Oh, I can't even look at them these days.
Gary says they should try to move past Hamish's death; seeing Clive has helped Sheila to do that, and maybe reclaiming the spa will help too.
SHEILA: But this just doesn't feel right...
Harold's Café
David is hanging out with Paige. He asks how Aaron's doing, but Paige hasn't seen him much since the trial. David admits that when he saw Aaron, it was pretty awkward.
DAVID: I want to be there for him. I'm just not that person anymore.
Paige gets a text from Susan, informing her that she's won the hospital fundraising raffle and that she's won a 'glamping' (glamorous camping) trip. The downside is that the prize has to be used tomorrow, which 'given Mark's headspace' since Tyler's imprisonment could be an issue. But David encourages Paige to give Mark the option - it might do him good.
Mishti comes over, and starts banging on about Leo and Amy's workplace bullying debacle - it's the first David has heard of it. Mishti explains that Amy was being rough on Jayden, and Paige's ears prick up.
PAIGE: I know him. He's gross.
MISHTI: In what way?
PAIGE: A couple of years ago, he tried to blackmail me into sleeping with him in exchange for keeping something quiet. I mean, obviously I didn't - but I can totally understand why Amy has an issue with him.
Mishti's now even more suspicious as to why Amy would keep him around if he's that bad. David suggests she might feel sorry for Jayden, as his parents are breaking up.
PAIGE: Either way, Leo should be brought up to speed.
No 32
Sheila is talking to Dipi about Gary's plan to 'reclaim' the spa. Dipi thinks that Sheila shouldn't let Hamish ruin her gnomes and her spa for her!
SHEILA: We had some significant time together in that spa, if you know what I mean? So how can I get in it now, without thinking about him?
DIPI: Hop in with Clive, and make some new memories! Lots of 'em!
DIPI: Alright. We could get it professionally cleaned. Get a team of experts to give it a real going-over!
SHEILA: Well, I can't see that making much of a difference. I mean, he didn't just get into the spa. He got in *here*.
For the avoidance of doubt, Sheila points to where her heart is!
DIPI: Then we need to get him out.
DIPI: Look, I don't know. But what I do know is, you deserve to be outrageously happy. And from what I've seen so far, Clive may well be the man for the job.
SHEILA: Maybe.
DIPI: Great! So all we need to do now is rid you and your spa of any memory of Hamish. I will not have him haunting you.
No 22
Jack is hanging out with Paige and Gabe. Paige asks if Jack is free to take Gabe over the next couple of nights, so she and Mark can go away together. Jack says that he and Steph have plans, and Paige says she'll ask if Piper and Terese can look after Gabe instead.
JACK: You know I would if I could. I just don't think I should cancel on Steph right now.
PAIGE: Listen, I get it - it's totally fine. I'm springing this on you last-minute. You should be spending time with Steph.
Jack agrees, unenthusiastically! Paige says that going to Fiji with Steph will be good for Jack too, and will mean that he and Paige can spend some time away from each other, with their respective partners. Jack admits that Steph and Charlie are both really excited about it.
PAIGE: That's great, Jack.
JACK: ... Hmm.
PAIGE: It *is*.
Jack looks like he wants to say more, but doesn't. Paige asks if he's still okay with not telling Mark and Steph about them sleeping together. Jack says it's fine.
PAIGE: I feel awful about lying to them too, but that night was a mistake. And we both know it's just gonna bring them pain.
JACK: Yeah. Yes, it was.
Paige goes off to change Gabe, leaving Jack looking pensive.
Harold's Café
Dipi tells Mishti that she's planning to clear Hamish's 'energy' from the spa - with an exorcism!
DIPI: That man had bad vibes, and they're lingering.
MISHTI: And you're sure this is something *Sheila* wants you to do?

Dipi says Sheila wants to put her experience with Hamish to rest, adding that she's been researching some cleansing rituals that will help. Mishti warns Dipi not to go overboard.
DIPI: Hey! When have you ever known me to do that?!
Amy comes in, and Mishti immediately engages her in conversation about 'the apprentice from hell', Jayden. Amy continues to act shiftily around the subject, claiming that she just overreacted with Jayden. Mishti mentions that Paige said Jayden was dodgy, but Amy tells Mishti not to waste her time worrying about it.
MISHTI: Are you sure he hasn't got something over you?
AMY: What?! No - no!
MISHTI: Well, Paige said he tried to blackmail her.
But Amy insists that there's nothing untoward going on with Jayden now, and that Mishti's 'police-lady-brain' is overthinking it. As Amy turns away, Mishti looks even more suspicious than before...
No 30
Mark and Steph are having a cuppa together, and a chat about Tyler. Mark feels powerless to protect him while he's in jail. Steph says it's natural to worry, but that Mark also has to get on with his own life. Staying positive will allow him to be a better support to Tyler.
STEPH: And if Paige wants to try and help, just let her. Lean on her.
MARK: She's already got so much on her plate with Gabe.
STEPH: She's strong enough to be there for you. You just have to let her.
No 26
Gary - meet dried sage. Dried sage - meet Gary. Dipi explains to him and Sheila that she's going to set the sage on fire and use it to exorcise the spa and back yard of Hamish's spirit!
SHEILA: It's not gonna get weird and creepy, is it?
Dipi claims not - they'll just wave the burning sage around a bit, and make a 'small speech'.
SHEILA: Oh, I don't think I want to talk about him.
DIPI: We'll all be here with you. And I think you'll find it quite powerful.
SHEILA: Well, let's give it a try.
DIPI: Good girl.
GARY: Oh, man, this is ridiculous!
SHEILA: Oh, no - it can't hurt, can it, love?
GARY: Okay, but I'm not holding hands!
Quick cut to Dipi, Sheila and Gary sitting in the empty spa, holding hands! The sage burns in a dish next to them.
DIPI: May all unwanted, toxic energy leave this space - transforming it back into a haven of peace and harmony.
GARY: ...
DIPI: There's no need to be afraid, Gary.
GARY: I'm not afraid! I'm angry. (to Sheila) Hamish put you through hell, and talking about him reminds me of how terrified I was when... I thought you'd killed him.
Dipi nods wisely.
DIPI: Now, Sheila - draw an imaginary circle around the spa in your mind, and say whatever you like while you're doing it. Speak from the heart.
SHEILA: Hamish, I loved you. But you lied to me, and you broke my heart. And I can't hold onto that bitterness, or those feelings anymore. So I need to let you go, so that I can move on. So, Hamish - please go!
Spooky music cue.
SHEILA: I *do* feel different - let's fill this bad boy!
They all laugh.
The Waterhole
Amy tells Leo that Mishti has been asking a lot of questions about Jayden, leaving her in an awkward position. Amy wants to be honest about the previous Development™ owners scamming the old folks out of their properties - but Leo thinks if Mishti finds out, she'd go after the previous developers and that it would be a PR disaster for Robinson Heights.
Mishti turns up and starts banging on about the same thing again. Amy makes a hasty exit, and Leo insists to Mishti that there's nothing illegal going on with Jayden's hiring - Amy just had to hire him because Paul 'owed someone a favour', and he proved to be a bad worker. She's been tense with Mishti because she's annoyed at Leo for giving her the bullying warning, Leo claims.
MISHTI: And you're sure he hasn't been blackmailing her?
LEO: Yeah, I'm positive - positive! So can we just have a drink, and not talk about my sister?
Mishti seems placated, but Leo looks worried as he turns to the bar to order.
No 26
In the back yard, Sheila thanks Dipi for all her exorcism efforts!
SHEILA: It's not easy getting the confidence to get back in the saddle when you're a woman of my experience. But you have always been on my cheer-squad.
DIPI: I'm your friend. And as your friend, I feel it's my duty to tell you not to waste any time getting with that Clive!
Dipi says that being a doctor must be stressful for Clive.
DIPI: He needs to make time to relax and unwind, and what better place to do that than...?
SHEILA: Oh, would you behave?!
DIPI: I'm just saying! I mean, your Valentine's Day was a bit of a washout - it might be time to remedy that. Why don't you give him a call? Go on - ask him how he feels about blowing bubbles. Ask him to wear his budgie-smuggler!
But Sheila shushes Dipi, as she's already on the phone to Clive!
No 26
Mark and Paige are packing a picnic to take to the lake. Mark tells Paige he wants to apologise.
MARK: I haven't shown you how grateful I am for everything. I mean, you came all the way to Adelaide for me, and I've kept you at a distance.
PAIGE: You don't need to apologise.
MARK: Yes, I do. I have given you every reason to give up on me, and you haven't. So I want to make it up to you. I want to spend some time together.
Paige decides this is the perfect time to tell him about her raffle prize, the 'glamping' trip - adding that Terese has said she'll look after Gabe if Paige wants to go. Mark seems keen at the idea.
MARK: I've been feeling guilty about doing normal things since Tyler went to prison. But he wouldn't want me to forget the things that make me happy. And that's you and Gabe. I love you both so much, and I feel so lucky to have you both.
PAIGE: I feel so lucky to have you too.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Steph is telling Jack how good their trip to Fiji to see Charlie will be, while he barely makes the effort to feign enthusiasm.
JACK: Yeah, it'll be good. I've just got to watch out for those tropical smoothies.
STEPH: And that would be a problem?
JACK: I'm allergic to pineapple.
STEPH: You're what?! Really? Well, you kept that a secret! What else are you hiding?
JACK: ... Mango. I'm all good with mango.
STEPH: You realise this means we can never order Hawaiian pizza together, don't you? You're lucky I love you, despite this massive flaw!
Steph kisses him and leaves, just as Leo comes in. Leo immediately senses something is wrong, but Jack says he's fine.
LEO: You're a terrible liar.
JACK: Mm. I actually feel like I'm getting a little too good at it lately.
LEO: Yeah. Yeah, I know the feeling.
JACK: Anything you want to talk about?
LEO: Nope.
JACK: Me neither.
No 22
The next day, Mark and Paige are packing for their 'glamping' trip. Paige is a bit nervous about leaving Gabe, as it's the first time she's been away without him since the kidnapping - and she's also worried about Piper, who is Not In This Episode™ since she's holed up in her room. Mark says Gabe will be a wonderful distraction for her.
MARK: We are gonna have two nights that you're never gonna forget.
PAIGE: Ooh! Is that right?!
MARK: ... Well, it's not what I meant! But now that you mention it, I have a playlist for the car, and one for later!
Mark starts kissing her neck.
PAIGE: Oh! What has gotten into you?! You're up to something.
MARK: Me? Never!
PAIGE: Alright. Let's hit the road, Jack.
Paige freezes as she realises what she's said, but Mark is oblivious to the double meaning...
The Bush™
Mark and Paige arrive at the 'glampsite', but are quite disconcerted to find that another tent is pitched next to theirs!
PAIGE: I guess we'll have to keep out of their way.
MARK: Yeah - and earshot!
They kiss.
PAIGE: Pace yourself, tiger!
But as they go in for another pash, their tent neighbours emerge, giggling. It's Jack and Steph!
MARK: What are you guys doing here?!
STEPH: We won the glamping trip!
MARK (deflated): No way. So did we...
Steph laughs awkwardly, and nobody else looks very pleased...!
A Must-See Week of Neighbours
- Jack and Paige exchange tense glances across the 'glampsite'
- They bicker about why neither told the other they were coming here
- Paige looks to have sprained her ankle by the river
- Susan saying that nothing is as it seems with Isabelle, as Izzy walks up Ramsay Street
- Sheila tells Rafael that Paul's the only bloke who can get out of jail richer than when he went in
<<7779 - 7781>>
Mishti Sharma, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7780
Mishti Sharma, Amy Williams

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7780
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Leo Tanaka, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7780
Leo Tanaka, Mishti Sharma

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7780
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7780
David Tanaka

David Tanaka, Mishti Sharma, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7780
David Tanaka, Mishti Sharma, Paige Smith

Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7780
Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Jack Callahan, Gabriel Smith, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7780
Jack Callahan, Gabriel Smith, Paige Smith

Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7780
Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

Amy Williams, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7780
Amy Williams, Mishti Sharma

Steph Scully, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7780
Steph Scully, Mark Brennan

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7780
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7780
Gary Canning, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7780
Sheila Canning

Amy Williams, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7780
Amy Williams, Leo Tanaka

Mishti Sharma, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7780
Mishti Sharma, Leo Tanaka

Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7780
Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7780
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Jack Callahan, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7780
Jack Callahan, Steph Scully

Jack Callahan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7780
Jack Callahan, Leo Tanaka

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7780
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7780
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Jack Callahan, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7780
Jack Callahan, Steph Scully

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7780
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

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