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Neighbours Episode 7721 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7720 - 7722>>
Episode title: 7721
Australian and UK airdate: 30/10/17
Writer: Linda Stainton
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Hamish Roche: Sean Taylor
Snr. Sgt. Christina Lake: Kath Gordon
- "Getting Away With It" by Tex Parkins & The Dark Horses
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Aaron finding out that Hamish has been receiving mail from Paris.
- Louise giving Hamish an ultimatum.
- Louise being rushed into hospital unconscious.
- Tyler receiving conflicting advice about Piper.
- Yashvi responsible for a muck up day prank at the school.
- Elly informing Yashvi there is a good chance she will be expelled for what she did.
Erinsborough High
Shane and Dipi are meeting with Susan (and Elly) about what Yashvi did. "It's just a prank," Shane pleads and likewise Dipi pleads for her to be allowed to complete here VCE at Erinsborough High.
Meanwhile out in the corridor, Yashvi sits waiting for news of her fate having been prevented from overhearing further when Elly closes the door. Ben spots her sitting and asks what her punishment is and on hearing it could be expulsion, thinks Susan will convert that to suspension once she calms down.
YASHVI: Why do I keep stuffing up like this?!
The Waterhole
Aaron and Mark are both mystified over how Tyler is treating Piper and the pair don't seem too amused at the undue influence Hamish is exerting over their younger brother. Things aren't stacking up for Aaron and tells Mark about running into Louise and the letters from Paris that he saw her with but fears that Tyler won't listen to either of them.
AARON: I just wish I knew what to do.
Lassiters Complex
Hamish empties out his mailbox and while he is looking at the contents of one of the letters, the passing Aaron takes note of what the combinations are for his briefcase.
Very subtly, he goes over to Hamish (surprising the life out of him!) and asks if he knows of places to stay in Paris as he is heading there for a fitness convention. Despite being a well-travelled businessman, Hamish responds that he doesn't know the place so can't help Aaron however is happy to offer advice when Aaron wanted to pick the brains of an expert in a business matter.
The Waterhole
Aaron and Hamish enter the bar to discuss business but on the pretence of going for drinks, Aaron pulls Sheila aside to suggest she takes Hamish into the back office for some *personal time* since she's bemoaned they haven't had much *alone* time recently.
On the pretence of needing help with a "dodgy light switch," Sheila takes Hamish into her office and while he's away, Aaron puts the number into the briefcase lock and it unlocks. He looks inside and its full of letters from Paris and he looks at the one Hamish opened and it contains a photograph of a woman and a message on the back 'Don't forget me - I know your secrets. Aaron takes a photo of the picture on his phone and puts everything back where it was.
Erinsborough High
It looks like the axe has fallen for Yashvi as she is clearing out her locker. Shane and Dipi don't look too happy but more at Susan expelling her daughter than actually at their daughter. Yashvi pleads she will do any other punishment if Susan doesn't kick her out... and then a knight in shining armour comes to her rescue - Ben, who admits it was him and Yashvi was simply taking the credit to impress the other kids.
BEN: I'm the one that should be expelled.
Commercial break later and everyone has now relocated to Susan's office and Ben is trying to convince everybody that it was him - Yashvi simply wanted the 'legend status' hence allowing her to take the credit "and the heat off me." Susan is exasperated at hearing the conflicting stories over who did it and in the end after being 'convinced' it was Ben, informs him that he is expelled.
Hospital car park
Mark and Karl are talking about Louise - there is still no news about her next of kin but although she is now stable (however still unconscious). We now know what caused it - traces of peanut oil were found in the cup she was drinking from. "It's starting to look a bit suspicious," Mark remarks and when they both spot Hamish entering the hospital, that too has them thinking its suspicious as he's no real reason to keep hanging around.
Harold's Cafe
Arron catches up with David and tells him his suspicions about Hamish although the boat was clear (he's just back from checking it). David confirms that the letter was definitely posted in Paris and can even break it down to which district it was posted from too.
Number 28 backyard
Karl is utterly distraught at what Ben has done with his prized durians. Susan still isn't convinced it was Ben and confirms he can still sit his exams but somewhere else and she orders him to go and find Yashvi to apologise.
Hospital exterior
Karl heads back to work and Mark has the misfortune to run into him as he was leaving the hospital and listens to Karl unload on what Ben has done.
Once he's done venting, Mark mentions that he has requested a copy of Louise's file in case his bosses want to investigate and in return, Karl mentions that Hamish has been hanging around the ward where she is (he put in a call to the ward clerk). "Do you think he knows her?" Mark asks, and Karl thinks the connection is when she helped treat Hamish and so he might have some "residual concern." And as Karl departs, you can see the cogs in Mark's brain start to turn.
Lassiters Complex
Hamish cuts down the side alley next to Harold's and goes into his briefcase to look at the photo of the blonde woman and its message one last time before ripping it up and throwing it in one of the wheelie bins.
Number 32
"I can't let you do this, it's so unfair," Yashvi tells Ben as he finds her in the backyard. He reassures her he is more than willing to accept being expelled especially since getting good grades aren't vital to his career path (finishing his apprenticeship at the garage followed by getting into music). "You're too nice to me, you know," she eventually concedes after realising she isn't going to persuade him to change his mind and Ben's response is he "must have a thing for chaotic girls!" She asks how he can make it up to him and is told she doesn't have to!
The Waterhole
As they chat, Sheila tells Tyler she's decided to fly to Queensland with Hamish but wanted to make sure it was okay with him first, since they are still in the early thrones of building their relationship and didn't want to intrude. Tyler is fine with them dating and thinks it's good she is going to go up with Hamish as he's probably not going to go up there just yet. She just now hopes Hamish says yes to her plans... or she is going to be severely disappointed given how she's already starry-eyed about spending time with him!
Ramsay Street
Ben finally names his price to Yashvi - her completing Year 12 and staying out of trouble as they part ways although that's more due to Yashvi holding back to talk to Xanthe. When Xanthe ran into them, she gave Ben 'a look' and Yashvi quizzes her on what it meant. Turns out Xanthe has heard rumours about muck up day and was after confirmation, and Yashvi is happy for Ben to be the one to tell her although warns that she's not to believe everything Ben says!
Getting straight to the point, Yashvi asks if she wants to get back with Ben or not and she replies no as its "ancient history", plus she's not sure Ben would want her after what she did. However, she can't but help look over to Ben who is taking his time in going inside #28.
The Waterhole
"He's really separated himself from us and Piper," Aaron remarks as Tyler turns down the opportunity of joining him, Mark and David for a drink. David mentions that the signs Tyler is exhibiting usually means they are in an abusive relationship and even Aaron seems shocked to think that Hamish could be dangerous. "I don't know," Mark honesty replies then tells Aaron he did get the photo (of the blonde woman) and agrees he is hiding something. Both David and Aaron are both curious to hear Hamish has been visiting Louise and Mark wonders if there is a connection between them. "It's still nothing concrete though," Aaron mutters as Hamish walks into the bar.
Hamish avoids the trio but Mark leaves to go to talk to him about Louise. Hamish admits he's been going into see her, but doesn't bite when Mark then says he is going to look into what happened to her.
The trio are sitting discussing how to get information about Hamish - with no evidence the Paris police won't be interested, a PI would be too expensive so when Mark innocently says, "it would be cheaper for us to fly to Paris ourselves," Aaron volunteers his services go to there and do some digging, especially since they know which district the letter was posted from. He's even got the convenient cover too since there is a genuine fitness convention on.
AARON: I think it's the best plan we've got. It's worth it, to protect Tyler.
Police station
Hamish enters the station to enquire how to make a complaint against Mark for hassling a patient at the hospital. The Sgt points out that Louise is in a coma, so he backtracks and says it was when she was nursing him that he was badgering her. And just for good measure, he informs the Sgt that it's through Mark he ended up in hospital with concussion and he's been following him since. "We'll look into it," the Sgt tells Hamish.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mark after answers from Hamish and being told to leave it by Tyler.
- Steph still curious to know who their mystery donor is.
- "We're only doing this because we don't trust this guy," Mark is telling someone.
- A fireworks party going on at Lassiters.
<<7720 - 7722>>
Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7721
Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi

Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7721
Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan

Hamish Roche, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Hamish Roche, Aaron Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Sheila Canning, Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7721
Aaron Brennan, Sheila Canning, Hamish Roche

Elissa Gallow in Neighbours Episode 7721
Elissa Gallow

Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7721
Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7721
Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk, Dipi Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7721
Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7721
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan

Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7721
Hamish Roche

Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7721
Ben Kirk, Yashvi Rebecchi

Tyler Brennan, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7721
Tyler Brennan, Sheila Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7721
Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning

Mark Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Mark Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan, Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7721
Mark Brennan, Hamish Roche

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7721
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Snr. Sgt. Christina Lake, Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7721
Snr. Sgt. Christina Lake, Hamish Roche

Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7721
Hamish Roche

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