- Hamish asks how the studying is going and Piper says she'd be going crazy without Tyler's support
- Tyler tells Piper that Hamish is going back to Noosa; he's thinking about going with him
- Hamish asks Sheila how she intends to fill the time and they kiss
- Aaron sees the letters from France and asks Louise if Hamish has developments in France as well; Louise says he has business dealings all over the world
- Louise tells Hamish to never forget that he needs her
- Hamish proposes a toast with coffee cups to him and Louise
- Hamish watches as Louise is rushed into ICU
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl tells Mark it looks like Louise went into anaphylactic shock because of her peanut allergy but she didn't have a bag or an EpiPen with her, just an empty cup which has been sent for testing. He asks Mark to track down her next of kin as there's no emergency contact in her work records and Louise is now in a coma.
Lassiters Lake
Shane and Toadie are setting up the Diwali light garden and Toadie considers fishing the love lock out of the lake now he and Sonya are back together. David arrives to check how things are going. They really want to impress the liveability judges. Toadie enquires about Sonya's release from hospital and David says she will need to take things easy. Toadie wishes he and Shane could do something with both of their wives present for the first time. However, Shane says none of Dipi's family does Diwali.
TOADIE: What? But she loves all her traditions and celebrations. Why doesn't she do Diwali?
SHANE: That, little bro, is a long and strange tale.
Harold's Café
Mark shows Dipi a picture of Louise but Dipi hasn't seen her. Aaron and David come in and Aaron tells David about Hamish's letters from France that he saw, and how his executive assistant (Louise) got all cagey. Mark asks David if he's heard about Nurse McLeod (also Louise). David doesn't know anything about where she's from.
Tyler is taking Piper to do some work in the fresh air; she can tap into the library wifi. Piper sends him to get some coffee.
Lassiters Lake
Kirsha has appeared and is happy she's got another gig with Ben. She leaves and Toadie says he guesses Shane hasn't told her about Dipi's Diwali issues. David returns with Aaron to check things out. Shane shows off his latest invention; a non-fossil fuel generator. Hopefully it will earn points with the judges.
TOADIE: So that's why you offered to help out... more shameless self-promotion!
SHANE: Or "Shaneless"!
TOADIE: Ah, boom!
DAVID: How's it's powered?
SHANE: Urine!
SHANE: Urine. Man-made liquid gold!
Shane has added a tap for filtered water converted from the same source. He pours a cup but Aaron refuses to drink it!
Erinsborough Hospital
Hamish comes in and asks Karl about the nurse who was found unconscious. He claims not to know her but that she looked after him so beautifully when he had his head injury. Karl tells him it's early days. Mark returns and tells Karl he's been to every coffee shop but nobody has seen Louise and there wasn't much at her address including no phone. He tries calling her phone again and it vibrates in Hamish's pocket. He quickly silences it. Mark suggests putting a trace on the phone.
Harold's Café
Dipi brings Leo and Mishti their coffees and Leo says she must be proud of the light garden. Mishti tells him their family has never celebrated Diwali so it's causing friction. Leo asks why they don't celebrate it. Yashvi says it's because Mum believes in a curse and so they all miss out.
DIPI: It all started hundreds of years ago in the village where our family originally lived. During Diwali a terrible earthquake struck, destroying all of the houses and killing many of our ancestors.
MISHTI: An earthquake? You always told me it was a landslide.
YASHVI: Yeah, last time I heard it, it was a tiger attack!
DIPI: It's not a joking matter, OK? From that day on Diwali's always been cursed for our family.
LEO: Wow, so you've never celebrated Diwali since?
DIPI: Well, my great-grandfather who married into the family thought he'd defy it. He bought all the traditional lamps, lit them up, and then boom! His house caught fire.
Leo asks why she's letting Shane go ahead and Dipi says he's trying to convince her the curse doesn't apply because it's for the liveability competition.
Lassiters Lake
While Shane fills the generator (yuck!) Hamish discreetly throws Louise's phone and EpiPen in the lake. Sheila appears, surprising him, and thinks he looks pale and shaken. She takes him back to the Waterhole for a lemonade.
Tyler returns with Piper's coffee and a custard tart and asks how it's going. Piper says it's better than at home but she keeps panicking about all the other subjects she has to revise. Tyler tells her he's decided to go to Queensland with Hamish to spend time with him and get some experience on the boat. He thinks she'll get more work done without him distracting her but Piper gets upset and says he's not a distraction. She's stressed about exams and what she's going to do after them and she can't talk to Terese about it at the moment.
PIPER: You're my rock, Ty, and I need you to tell me that everything's going to be OK.
Sheila thinks there's more to how Hamish is feeling that just something he ate. Hamish says he's had a lot on his mind; some hiccups with the business deal in Queensland. Sheila asks what about the executive assistant Aaron said had come to town. Hamish says he had to let her go because she had a bit of a thing for him. Sheila tells him he can count on her to help if he needs anything, and they can cancel tonight's family dinner. Hamish has clearly forgotten but says it might be just what he needs to take his mind off things.
Tyler has tied a string between two paper cups and tells her she has a call from the future. He's calling from 2022 to tell her she's going to blitz her exams and then take the best gap year of her life! Then she may or may not go to uni but will have an amazing career and live somewhere like New York.
TYLER: Wherever you go or whatever you do, as long as you want me, I'll be right by your side.
PIPER: So you're going to stay?
TYLER: Yes, I'm staying, because I love you, Piper Willis. I love you so much.
Lassiters Lake
It's dark and Ben and Kirsha are setting up the amp. Shane asks Dipi to do the honours and test the lights. She isn't happy and cautiously turns the switch on. Shane tries to convince her that there's no curse. Tonight's a big deal for him after all the stuff with Roly shook his confidence. This has made him realise he really can make good things. He pleads with Dipi to stay.
Tyler and Gary have joined Sheila and Hamish for dinner. Mark comes in and talks about the nurse at the hospital in a coma; there could be some brain damage. Sheila says that puts things into perspective. Whatever struggles they have, they always have family and friends. They drink to good health and Sheila hopes the poor nurse gets better soon, but Hamish looks shifty.
The Marina
Hamish has invited Sheila back to the boat for a nightcap. Sheila is still thinking about the nurse; one day everything can be perfect and the next you're gone without saying the things you should have said. When it comes to matters of the heart she's been burned a few times and it makes her reluctant. She takes a sip of her drink and courageously tells Hamish she loves him and hopes they can have some kind of future together. Hamish tells Sheila she's the only one for him and they kiss.
Lassiters Lake
The light garden is in full swing and Toadie is taking photos for Sonya. He's on his way to the hospital to pick her up and is very excited. Leo is with Mishti and says it's great when people finally get together. Yashvi points out to Dipi that there have been no earthquakes, landslides or tigers! David asks Ben and Kirsha to start playing. Ben counts down to start playing when Shane's generator suddenly explodes! Dipi walks off.
Unmissable Neighbours
- Dipi says they never should have risked this; Shane guesses she was right about the curse
- Courtney tells Terese she is the past; she will be doing the tour and Terese is happy to assist if she likes
- Terese tells Paige she's going to let Courtney swim a little longer and then she'll reel her back in
- Paige tells Mark it's like old times but in a good way and they kiss