- Sheila tells Mark she's received a letter from Russell begging forgiveness. It also contained a playing card with the Queen of Diamonds on it.
- Russell has asked to see Fay in person.
- Amy trips outside the church and is assisted by Nick. She is quite taken with him.
- Amy sees Nick at the pub. Tyler warns her that he's Piper's estranged uncle who went to jail for nearly killing Paul. Amy is crestfallen.
Nick brings Amy her drink over and she immediately confronts him.
AMY: Did you follow me? Is that how you knew I was at church?
NICK: Uh, why would I do that? What's going on?
AMY: You know who I am...? I'm Paul Robinson's daughter.
NICK: What?
AMY: You really didn't know?
NICK: Um, I had no idea, no.
An awkward silence descends.
NICK: Um, well, look, maybe...maybe it's fate that we met.
AMY: Oh, don't try that!
NICK: No, I mean it. Ever since getting out of prison, I've been wanting to make amends for everything I did. Maybe you're a part of that plan.
AMY: I'm not a part of any plan that involves you.
NICK: Can we just maybe sit down and...
MISHTI: I think it's best we just leave it for now.
She leads Amy away. Tyler suggests to Nick that they go and see Terese.
Harold's Cafe
Clive and Sheila are having a coffee and discussing The Book of Mormon. Apparently one audience member converted after seeing the show(!)
Clive invites Sheila to come to Phillip Island with him - for an overnight stay. Sheila is a bit uncertain, but agrees to next weekend.
David and Aaron are loved up and they agree to meet up tonight. Sheila asks how Fay got on with Russell. Apparently he told her something that she only wants to tell them in person. Sheila looks worried.
Paige and Gabe have apparently just landed in Queensland (Piper has spoken to Paige on the phone). Terese has had her T-Cells extracted and is feeling a bit better.
Just then, Tyler comes in with Nick.
NICK: I'm sorry. This will only take a minute.
TERESE: Nick, if you wanted to speak to me, I would have preferred if we'd met at the hotel.
TYLER: I brought him here and this couldn't wait.
NICK: It's not as bad as it sounds.
TYLER: I'd say hitting on Amy is pretty bad!
Terese is shocked. Nick explains that he didn't realise who Amy was. He is sad that he made an "honest connection" with Amy and now has to walk away from it. No-one has any sympathy and tells him to keep away from Amy.
Paul and Leo think Nick is trying to get to Paul through Amy. David isn't convinced. Amy is cross that nobody thinks that Nick might actually have liked her(!)
Mark and Aaron are chatting about Russell while waiting for Fay to arrive.
Fay arrives, having got an earlier flight. She asks them to call Tyler over - she has something to tell them.
FAY: Your father is sick. He had a heart attack, a big one.
MARK: When?
FAY: Last month. That's why he was leaving all those messages for me.
TYLER: Are you saying he's dying?
FAY: The doctors have told me he's not in immediate danger. But his condition is still being monitored.
AARON: Wait. So, he's still in hospital?
MARK: Why didn't he just tell us himself?
FAY: He knew how much he hurt you last time. He was worried you might reject him if he got in touch.
TYLER: So he sent you instead.
FAY: Believe me, I thought I was done defending him to you boys. But I have to say, seeing him in that hospital bed, he's a different man. He's got nothing but his thoughts in there, and they're not giving him much comfort. He wants to see you all.
The brothers exchange glances.
MARK: I think we might need some time to think about it.
FAY: Of course.
She says she is going to call Chloe and then drop in to see Sheila.
Amy is angrily playing darts with Mishti. She says she feels stupid for letting herself get swept away by Nick.
At the bar, Fay is telling Sheila about Russell's condition. She's still confused by the Queen of Diamonds playing card, but Fay explains that Russell has been sending them out to everyone (she got the Queen of Hearts) Fay suggests that Sheila could visit Russell if she felt up to it.
Mark is looking online for flights to Adelaide, though Tyler and Aaron aren't enthusiastic.
MARK: Look, all we have to do is fly over and tell him that we care.
TYLER: That's just it. I don't know if I can do that.
AARON: Is it really that bad if we just hold off for a bit? Mum said that he's doing fine...
MARK: I know that this is going to be hard, especially for you, Ty. But seeing him might be good for us after everything that happened.
TYLER: Can't you go by yourself?
MARK: He wants to see all of us.
AARON: If that's the case, then he might just have to wait.
Nick is getting on better with Terese now and they are chatting.
Just then, there's a loud, insistent banging on the door and Paul barges in.
PAUL:(to Nick) How dare you harass my daughter like that!
NICK: I know how it looks, but I can assure you it was a complete coincidence.
PAUL: Oh, as if I'm going to believe a word that comes out of your mouth, you lying!
Gary gets angry with Paul, but Terese shouts at everyone to get out so that she can talk to Paul.
PAUL: How could this happen, eh? Who is supervising him?
TERESE: Nick is not under lock and key. He reports into the station once a day then after that, he can do whatever he likes!
PAUL: Oh, yeah, like harass my family!
TERESE: Oh, come on, Paul, it was an innocent conversation.
PAUL: You really think that Nick has changed? What, that he went to that church to pray to God, not prey on my daughter?!
TERESE: Alright, look, Gary spoke to a friend of his in prison. He confirmed Nick's conversion. This whole thing is a big misunderstanding.
PAUL: You know what, that is ludicrous! I will never trust your brother again, and if you've got any sense, you wouldn't either.
Outside No.24
Mark and Aaron talk on the balcony. Aaron points out that Tyler needs some time and their support. Mark talks about being in witness protection and being cut off from everyone - he thinks Russell might be feeling the same way.
Lassiter's (Outside)
Tyler and Piper are chatting about Russell and Nick. Aaron comes along and asks Tyler if he minds him going to Adelaide with Mark. Piper thinks that maybe Tyler should go, and it will be easier with Mark and Aaron there.
Day Spa
Xanthe is giving Sheila a manicure. Sheila tells her about the potential overnight trip to Phillip Island with Clive. But now all she can think about is Russell. Xanthe advises her to avoid a love triangle and get some closure from Russell - so she and Clive can have a chance.
The Brennans are looking through old photos with Fay and laughing. Tyler comes in and tells them he's decided to come to Adelaide with them.
Sheila tells Clive that she needs to go and see "an old flame" at the weekend. He is a bit takenaback. She assures him that he's no competition to Clive, but she wants to be sure that her feelings for Russell have gone.
Lassiter's (Outside)
Gary is advising Nick that all prisoners have to be saints when they come out as they face so much prejudice. He says Nick had better do the right thing by Terese or else. Nick assures him that he's determined to make things right. He sees Leo and Amy approaching and goes over to apologise to her. Before he can, Leo grabs him. Amy and Gary pull him off Nick.
NICK: I'm sorry.
AMY: Just go!
Harold's Cafe
Clive and Paul meet up. Paul wants Clive to revoke his support for Nick to the parole board. Clive says Paul is over-reacting to the situation with Amy, and Nick is good for the hospital.
When Clive has gone, Paul gets straight on the phone to Tim Collins, saying he has a story for him.
No.24, the following morning
Piper begs Fay for baby photos of Tyler, but apparently he got rid of them all. Sheila comes around to wish the boys luck in their trip to Adelaide, and to tell Russell that she'll see him at the weekend.
Just then, Fay gets a phonecall and goes outside to take it. Presently, she comes back in.
FAY: Boys, that was the hospital. It's your father. He's, uh...he died.
They all look at her, shocked.