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Neighbours Episode 7584 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7583 - 7585>>
Episode title: 7584
Australian and UK airdate: 20/04/17
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Shane Rebecchi: Nicholas Coghlan
Mishti Sharma: Scarlet Vas
Brooke Butler: Fifi Box
Nerida Moor: Kelly Nielsen
Summary/Images by: Jeremai/Graham
- Terese waxes Gary's back
- Gary tells Brooke that Terese needs a new day spa manager
- Terese tells Brooke she's made other arrangements
- Jack tells Terese that Paige is heading into her third trimester and he thought it would be good for her to have her sister around for support
- Toadie introduces Nell to her Uncle Shane
- Toadie tells Shane that Sonya isn't doing anything with Mark but Shane tells him he saw them having a snog
- Toadie accuses Sonya of sleeping at Mark's house and kissing him; he kicks over the picnic basket
- Mishti asks Shane if he's told his brother everything yet
Harold's Café
Shane asks his yet-to-be-named-on-screen companion Mishti if "she" (presumably his wife) suspects anything. Mishti promises to stick to the story and cryptically tells Shane that night changed everything; he can trust her. Shane is going to start putting things in motion.
Mark is getting a coffee and Paige invites him to hang out but Mark needs to sort something out with Sonya. Paige gets a text and suddenly has plans. Mark jokes he was worried she'd be lonely but Paige does get lonely in the house on her own. Mark looks suspiciously at Shane and Mishti as he leaves.
Number 26
Gary is still complaining about his waxed back and Sheila (on the exercise bike for a rare change) says Terese should have asked.
SHEILA: To be honest, I don't know what Terese's problem is. I've always liked a hairy man myself! Oh, Sean Connery! Is he still number one on the sexiest hairy man list?
GARY: I don't think there is a list.
SHEILA: Well your dad, he was tall and hairy all over. I guess that's where you get it from.
GARY. Yeah, um... thanks Mum!
Brooke finds the day spa manager position is still on the Lassiters web site and thinks Terese fobbed her off. She storms off and Sheila can understand where Brooke is coming from. Gary thinks the job would be a great start for her to get back on her feet and make things up to Xanthe. Sheila wonders if Brooke's beauty course is legit; Gary should suss out her credentials before he goes talking to Terese.
Terese is on the phone to a candidate but they can't start soon enough. Shane introduces himself to Terese and asks for a private word.
Paige asks Jack if he fancies binge watching a series with her tonight but he's busy. He offers to go shopping for the baby with her tomorrow. Paige says it gets lonely at the house.
Number 30
Sonya is asleep on the couch when Mark knocks at the door. She hides the empty wine bottle before opening the door. Mark asks if she explained things to Toadie but Sonya says Toadie has no right to be angry. Mark mentions he saw Shane with a woman at Harold's and Sonya says that could be his wife Dipi. She is clearly out of it and Mark asks if she is OK. Sonya claims she took a sleeping pill because she hasn't been sleeping well. Mark leaves her to it but is obviously concerned.
Number 28 (next day)
KARL: I'm not saying Ben shouldn't follow his passion. I just wish his passion was a little more...
SUSAN: Like your passion?
TOADIE: Is this the same jar of honey from when I lived here?!
Shane arrives and Toadie asks Karl and Susan if they remember him. Karl asks how they could forget! Shane has been to Angie's and hands Toadie a letter from a lawyer, telling him not to shoot the messenger. Shane has some news and asks them all to meet him for a toast at Harold's.
SHANE: And invite any of your other mates too. The more the merrier. Anyone who might enjoy a good bush ballad.
TOADIE: Sorry, what?
SHANE: Yeah I know, right? See ya!
SUSAN: What do you reckon we're going to be toasting?
KARL: Who cares? It's a free lunch!
TOADIE: He did say bush ballad, right?
Community Centre
Sonya is at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. She says her marriage has broken down and she lost her baby. She is heartbroken. She knows it's not all her husband's fault but she's just not coping. She is about to confess that after years of sobriety she has fallen off the wagon but Terese walks in and Sonya lies that she's been tempted but is still sober.
Church vestry
Paige is showing Jack the shopping list she's made.
JACK: Crib, nappies, playsuits, sizes O-O-O to six months.
PAIGE: It's "triple zero".
JACK: Right. Is there actually anything that small?
PAIGE: Yeah. We're gonna have a really small baby and it's going to be a really short labour!
JACK: Wow, what a considerate baby we have.
A woman (Nerida) comes in, looking for a reference as she's just out of prison. Jack tries to put her off but Paige says it's OK; she'll go by herself.
Community Centre
Sonya is getting coffee and tells Terese she's surprised to see her here. Terese says she's been struggling a bit with the anniversary of Josh's death and having Brooke in town. Sonya apologises for not being aware of anyone else's problems but Terese tells her she's strong and is an inspiration.
TERESE: If it wasn't for watching you be so strong I would never have been able to hold it together. Every time I feel like a drink I think 'come on Terese, come on, if Sonya can do it you can too'.
Harold's Café
Karl, Susan, Toadie, Brooke, Gary and Sheila applaud Shane's bush ballad and Toadie says it's a change from the heavy metal he used to be into.
KARL: Do you write any original poetry?
SHANE: Yeah, I've had a crack.
KARL: Oh good because I'm a lyricist myself so if you want to run anything past me I'd be happy to give you some advice.
SUSAN: Careful, it's a trap!
While Brooke is at the counter, Gary tells Sheila that Brooke's qualifications and references check out. Sheila says he should talk to Terese. Sonya arrives and Shane tells Toadie he invited her to smooth things over. He hopes Sonya got the bottle of plonk he left on her doorstep. Toadie tells Shane that Sonya doesn't drink but Sonya says she can speak for herself.
SUSAN: Sonya missed your performance, Shane. How about another one?
KARL: You never say that to me!
Lassiters Lake
Mishti looks melancholy and sad music plays as she throws rice into the water.
Harold's Café
Brooke tells Sheila she's decided to give Terese a free massage. Sheila wishes her luck and Brooke leaves. Sonya is having a private chat with Toadie, telling him she never misled him about her relationship with Mark. Toadie says he knows he has no right to be jealous but hearing about her kissing him has torn his guts out.
SONYA: Well losing the baby and losing us is all I've been able to focus on. So the thought of romance or whatever else you think is going on is just so far from my mind, Jarrod. It's almost an insult.
Toadie says he wants to be the one to comfort her. Shane tells everyone lunch is wrapping up and there's no need to pay because he's settled it with the new owner of Harold's... yours truly!
SHANE: I've bought the Harold's lease from Lauren Turner and plan on staying in Erinsborough for good; wife and kids to follow!
Toadie says it seems so out of the blue but he's glad Shane is sticking around. Karl asks if his wife is excited about the move. Shane says it's complicated but yes. He gets a text and has to leave. Toadie and Sonya agree for Sonya to bring Nell over later. Susan tells Sonya that things seem better between her and Toadie. Sonya says it's the first time she's been able to imagine them being friends.
Lassiters complex
Mishti asks Shane how it went and Shane says Toadie seemed pleased. Shane asks if she's OK and Mishti says it's been a day full of memories.
SHANE: Well, step one completed.
MISHTI: What's our next move?
Power Street
Mark insists on helping Paige with her shopping bags. Paige tells him that Toadie's brother bought Harold's; she hopes she can keep her job because she's spending so much time on her own. Mark offers his spare room to her; it already has a cot in it. Paige says it's a bit strange but it could work. Mark says he'll help her start packing tonight.
Lassiters Day Spa
Gary tells Terese he's done some checking and Brooke's employment history is 100% legit. Terese still doesn't want Brooke working for her. Brooke appears at the door and overhears Terese saying Brooke is shonky. Gary reminds her she took a chance on him but Terese says he paid his time whereas Brooke just lit a match and ran from the fire. Gary says it's best they don't tell Brooke that.
Number 26
Brooke returns and tells Sheila what she overheard and that Gary is going to cover up for Terese.
Number 28
Sonya brings Nell's pyjamas round but Toadie is bathing Nell. Sonya sees the letter from the lawyer on the table. It says substance abuse and addiction are serious red flags and Toadie would likely be granted sole custody of Nell. It also recommends divorce. Toadie appears but Sonya hurries out of the house.
- Looking at old photos of David and Amy, Paul says anyone would think the two of them are related
- Amy wants Leo, David and Jimmy to have a relationship; Jimmy asks what about Leo and Amy
- Shane tells Piper and Xanthe there's no need to worry a tyrant has taken over Harold's but his wife is a different story!
- Paige tells Mark she thinks this is going to work out perfectly
- Toadie hates the idea of Sonya being in the house alone
- Mishti asks Leo if he's seeing anyone at the moment
<<7583 - 7585>>
Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7584
Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma

Brooke Butler in Neighbours Episode 7584
Brooke Butler

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7584
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Shane Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7584
Shane Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7584
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Sonya Rebecchi

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7584
Mark Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7584
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Sonya Rebecchi

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7584
Terese Willis

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7584
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Nerida Moor in Neighbours Episode 7584
Nerida Moor

Terese Willis, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Terese Willis, Sonya Rebecchi

Brooke Butler, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7584
Brooke Butler, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Shane Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Shane Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7584
Mishti Sharma

Brooke Butler, Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7584
Brooke Butler, Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7584
Karl Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Mishti Sharma, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Mishti Sharma, Shane Rebecchi

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7584
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7584
Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Brooke Butler in Neighbours Episode 7584
Brooke Butler

Brooke Butler, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7584
Brooke Butler, Sheila Canning

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7584
Toadie Rebecchi

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