- Elly is furious when Finn moves into Terese's house, but he refuses to move out of the street
- Leo and David confront Kim with their theory that Hiro Udagawa is their father
- Mr Udagawa says Hiro wasn't the boys' father, and that he'd take DNA tests to prove it
- Leo smashes Kazuko's Buddha ornament, and finds a key inside with the initials 'EB' on it
- Amy tries to convince Kim to let the boys meet their dad, but Kim tells her to keep out of it
Tanakas' Flat
Leo tells David he's convinced the key must be important, or else why would the Tanakas' great gran hide it inside the ornament?
LEO: EB. It's got to be initials, right?
Leo gets a text from Kim, saying she wants to talk. Leo isn't keen to speak to her, as he's annoyed at her behaviour - but David encourages him to call Kim and get her to come back. Leo tells David to do some investigating into the 'EB' key, while he speaks to Kim.
Lassiter's Complex
Amy is stressing to Steph about how she thinks she offended Kim by going on about the boys' father. She explains how Kim tried to get her to persuade David and Leo to call off their search, and how she refused. But Steph thinks it's telling how worried Amy is about a woman she barely knows. Amy says it's just because David and Leo are really good mates, but Steph implies she thinks it's more.
Amy decides to call Leo, to tell him how she messed up with his mum.
No 28
Xanthe and Finn are talking to Elly. They've come to meet Ben, as Finn is now tutoring him as well.
XANTHE: We get more time together, and I get smarter.
But Elly says Ben's at the garage, so Xanthe and Finn decide to head to Harold's where Ben can join them later. Elly offers to tag along to buy Xanthe some cake, provided Xanthe wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen away from school with two teachers.
XANTHE: As if! Everyone would be super-jealous - you are like the Glamazon of E High!
Xanthe adds that Finn's not so bad either.
XANTHE: You know Li-Kim tried to get a detention with you on purpose the other day, just so she could hang out?
FINN: I don't know if you should be telling me that!
XANTHE: Why not? You're the best teacher ever!
ELLY: Ahem.
XANTHE: I mean, you know -
ELLY: It's fine, Xanthe.
Xanthe goes to call Ben to tell him to meet them at Harold's. Finn remarks to a now colder Elly that Xanthe's a bright kid, and starts flattering Elly for the role she must have played in that as her tutor. He also says he's noticed that Elly has booked in for a professional development day - so she must be serious about her job.
ELLY: It's just a conference on leadership.
FINN: Well, the way you used to boss me around, I reckon you could probably run that thing.
Elly doesn't reply. Finn leaves, saying he'll see her at Harold's.
The Waterhole
David is showing Aaron the 'EB' key. He's already been to the antiques shop with it, he explains, where he was told it could be an old hotel room key - but beyond that, he's out of ideas. Aaron encourages him to continue his investigation.
DAVID: Okay, Sherlock - where do I start?
AARON: Well, that's easy. Paul Robinson! Come on, he's been in the hotel business for years.
David says he doesn't really know Paul well enough to start asking questions. So Aaron offers to speak to Paul for him, and David gives him the key.
AARON: You're lucky I'm getting a big kick out of this.
Tanakas' Flat
Kim is with Leo. She admits she finds it hard talking about the boys' father. Leo says Amy has been in touch; she feels bad for pushing Kim about their dad.
KIM: Good. So she should.
LEO: Amy only got involved cos she knows what it's like to grow up without a dad. She says when she reconnected with Paul, it was like the missing piece of the puzzle coming together. Everything just made sense.
KIM: You know a lot about her, considering she's only your business partner.
LEO: Yeah. We're friends.
KIM: Nothing more?
LEO: ...
KIM: She's not right for you!
LEO: Are you for real?
KIM: And she's too opinionated.
LEO: Pot, kettle, black!
KIM: You're too good for her - you're too good for this place.
LEO: What does that even mean, Mum?!
KIM: Please. Come back to Parramatta - we can be a family again.
LEO: No!! You've shown pretty much no interest in my life for the last couple of years. You can't tell me what to do just cos Amy said something you don't want to hear! It's my life, clear?!
The Waterhole
Aaron is showing Paul the old key, and Paul recognises it straight away - he says it's from the motel, from the days it was known as the Erins Burrow.
PAUL: The Udagawas owned it back then. Must have been thirty years ago.
When Paul asks where he got it, Aaron claims he just found it - it's a new hobby of his.
AARON (winking): You can call me the history detective.
Paul looks bemused, but says that if Aaron wants to try it in any of the locks at the motel in the unlikely event that the matching lock hasn't since been replaced, he'll have to let Steph know, so he doesn't end up barging in on any of their guests. Aaron thanks Paul for his help.
PAUL: And you just stay away from those minibars, too.
Nearby, Leo is talking to Amy over a drink. He's moaning about Kim poking her nose into their relationship.
LEO: She's never been interested before. I doubt she knows the names of any of my ex-girlfriends.
AMY: Hang on. Does she think we're -
LEO: No, no. I told her we were just mates. But for some reason she seems convinced that you and I are into each other.
AMY: How ridiculous (!)
LEO: I know, right? I told her we were just mates.
AMY: You already said that!
LEO: Right, right. I mean, if there was something between us, it's none of her business, right?
AMY: Of course. It's nobody's business but ours.
They smile at each other flirtatiously.
Ramsay Street
Tyler and Ben have been summoned to examine Finn's car, which isn't starting. Ben has already spotted all kinds of problems with Finn's car, including worn brake pads, a cracked radiator hose, and an 'oil leak from hell'. Finn remarks that Ben's really good at this mechanic stuff. Tyler suggests they change the brake pads, but Xanthe is upset because she's missing her tutoring.
XANTHE: I thought I was gonna get through the whole of human evolution today. And Elly promised me cake!
Ben seems keen to stay and help Tyler as he's enjoying it so much, but Tyler encourages him to go to his tutoring session - he can help out again later.
Tanakas' Flat
David is just heading into his flat, when he gets a text from Aaron (signed 'Sherlock'), saying that he's had a breakthrough in the 'EB' key investigation. He asks David to meet him at Robinson's. David goes inside, and finds Kim ironing his clothes. She admits she felt bad about their argument.
DAVID: It's the same argument we always have. Look, I know none of this is easy for you.
KIM: You're a good boy. I wish your brother could be more like you.
DAVID: Your chat didn't go well?
KIM: He wouldn't tell me anything. About his job - or Amy.
DAVID: Leo and Amy aren't together.
KIM: They seem so close.
DAVID: Leo's always been keen. But he made a few mistakes. And there's no way Amy'd be interested now.
KIM: Are you sure?
DAVID: Leo knows where he stands.
David tells Kim about Kazuko's ornament getting smashed, and explains about the 'EB' key being inside, which could be a hotel room key. Kim goes very quiet - and when David persists, tells him that his great gran was mad, and that it's best to throw the key away.
DAVID: Yeah. Maybe.
Kim looks worried.
Harold's Café
Ben and Xanthe are having their tutoring session with Finn, while Elly watches from another table. Finn is encouraging Xanthe in her nursing ambitions, and is surprised to learn that Ben is thinking of going into medicine too.
FINN: What about the car thing?
BEN: Oh, that's just a hobby.
FINN: Yeah, but you're so good at it.
BEN: My dad was a mechanic. I guess it just runs in the family.
FINN: Why don't you follow it up?
BEN: The idea of me being a doctor makes my grandparents happy. So if they're happy, I'm happy.
Finn looks concerned.
Meanwhile, Paige joins Elly at her table, remarking that she hasn't taken her eyes off Finn since she arrived. Elly denies it.
PAIGE: Don't be embarrassed. The boy's cute.
ELLY: Not my type. But he does seem really dedicated, doesn't he?
PAIGE: More than any of my teachers ever were.
Bec, the schoolgirl who was selling fake IDs recently, is laughing by the counter with some friends. For some reason, Paige assumes it's about her.
PAIGE: If you've got something to say, say it to my face.
BEC: We weren't talking about you. Who even *are* you? We have a question for Miss Conway.
ELLY: Yes, Bec?
BEC: We were just wondering - have you heard from Angus lately?
Elly laughs it off, and Bec leaves. Paige tells Elly to pay no attention and she insists she isn't.
ELLY: You know what's funny, though? They're still gossiping about me, yet the woman who got knocked up by a priest doesn't even get a mention!
PAIGE: I know, right? Teens these days - priorities all over the place!
Paige suggests they should hang out tomorrow, as she has the day off. Elly says she'd love too - then goes back to watching Finn curiously.
The Flame Tree
David and Aaron are searching through old records from the motel. We learn that the key didn't fit any of the locks, but Aaron is determined to continue their search. Steph appears with some old employment records for the motel, and sits down to join them. There's nothing in the files under the name 'Sano', the Tanakas' great-gran's surname. But David finds a record pertaining to Kim instead.
AARON: Kim Taylor? What, so she worked here?
STEPH: Yeah, she must've.
AARON: It's dated 1985. That means she would have been fifteen or sixteen.
STEPH: Still in school.
DAVID: It says Mum went to Erinsborough High. Grandma Marcia was a teacher there, but Mum always said she went to Eden Hills.
AARON: It's weird that she never mentioned working here. Like, she actually worked for the Udagawas.
DAVID: She never mentioned going to Erinsborough High either. It's just weird secrets to keep.
The Waterhole
Paul is alone at the bar, when Kim comes in, asking the bar staff if she left her debit card there under the name of Kim Tanaka. Paul turns and recognises her immediately.
PAUL: Kim? Kim Taylor? Is that you?
A shocked Kim doesn't reply, and simply walks straight out again.
Tanakas' Flat
Kim is with Leo again, who is cooking dinner.
KIM: You need to leave Erinsborough.
LEO: Not this again, Mum. I like it here.
KIM: Let's go to Sydney today.
LEO: You honestly expect we're just gonna do that?
KIM: It's for the best.
Leo points out that he has his business to think about, and David his residency at the hospital. Kim says she'll talk to David about it, but Leo accuses her of planning to emotionally blackmail him, and play them off against each other.
KIM: I'm your mother!
LEO: Yeah, exactly! And a real mother would see we're making something of our lives. And yes, that includes searching for our father, no matter how hard you try to stop us.
When Kim doesn't respond, Leo storms out, telling Kim to make her own dinner. Kim looks worried.
Harold's Café
Amy comes in to meet Leo. He admits his mum's driving him nuts, so Amy suggests that he go away for the weekend. Leo decides that's a good idea, and says he might borrow his friend's beach house down the coast, which is an Airbnb. His friend has apparently been encouraging him to send his backpackers there, so Leo thinks he could check it out first.
Amy admits she's having a quiet weekend renovating the kitchen at No 26, and showing Sheila how to use the new oven.
LEO: Sounds fraught with danger (!)
Leo suggests Amy come with him to stay at the beach house instead. He could get her advice on the construction of it, he says (!) and it would be nice to have the company too. She asks about transport.
AMY: Would you come with me, or...?
LEO: I'm planning to stay the night.
AMY: We'd go separately.
LEO: Unless you wanted to stay the night too...
AMY: Oh! Well, I'd be happy to. I think Sheila wouldn't mind looking after Jimmy. But only if there's room.
LEO: Yeah, there's plenty of room apparently.
AMY: Cool.
LEO: Cool!
They're all smiley and flirty again. Amy leaves, saying she'll see Leo tomorrow. Leo looks pleased with himself.
No 28
Finn turns up. Elly asks if he's come to tutor Ben again, but he says not - unless Ben wants to join him and Xanthe by the lake later for another session. Ben's not here, but Finn asks Elly if she can pass on some information for Ben that he's printed out about an automotive tech course. Elly points out that Ben plans to go into medicine, but Finn says he has a real aptitude/interest in mechanics.
ELLY: All this effort you're putting into Ben and Xanthe - are you deliberately trying to rattle me?
FINN: Why would focusing on my students upset you?
ELLY: Ben's related to me. Xanthe's his girlfriend. I also used to tutor her.
FINN: This isn't about you or me. It's about making a difference. And now we're at the same school, I thought we could work together on that.
ELLY: What, become staff room besties?
FINN: Isn't it valuable to have someone that you know who you can talk to at work?
ELLY: Yeah, I do - Susan.
FINN: She's your boss. It's different.
ELLY: No, Susan's always been an incredible support. She's always encouraged me to better myself.
FINN: Like with that leadership conference?
ELLY: Yeah, like that.
FINN: Take it from someone who's been to a million of those things - don't bother.
ELLY: Why would you say that?
FINN: Because I looked up the programme, and the speakers are totally clueless. You could run rings around those guys. Don't waste your time. Elly, believe me - I'm looking out for you.
He leaves, and Elly looks conflicted.
No 30
Amy comes round to drop off some of Sheila's garden veggies. She also wanted to see how Sonya was going, but Steph explains that Sonya's Not In This Episodetm, having pretty much been in bed since the memorial for her baby. Amy explains she's going on an 'overnight business trip' with Leo, and Steph's amused.
AMY: Stop looking at me like that!
STEPH: Why don't you admit that you like him?
AMY: Oh, okay, fine. I've got a crush.
STEPH: See, it wasn't that bad, was it?
AMY: It is bad. I think I really like him. Like, see-a-future-with-him like him.
STEPH: That's a big call.
But Amy admits she hasn't forgotten about Leo's bet that he could seduce her, and is concerned that she might be getting into a pattern of falling for dodgy guys, after her bad experiences with Jimmy's dad Liam. Steph advises Amy to go with her gut, and if it feels right, just to have fun.
Lassiter's Complex
Elly and Paige are hanging out in the courtyard, planning their day together. Ben turns up, and asks Elly if she's heard of Roll Call, an online forum where kids 'share stuff about school'. Elly says she has, and Ben admits that somebody has been posting on there about her.
He shows her a thread from the forum entitled 'Miss Conway - E-High's HOT MESS', by an anonymous poster called 'student95'. The post relates the story of how Elly got wasted in the Back Lane Bar and then thrown out, resulting in Tyler being fired.
Once Ben's gone, Elly tells Paige how humiliating it is - all the kids at school will see the post. Paige assures her it will blow over, and that it's probably a student she failed trying to get back at her.
ELLY: No. I know exactly who did this, and where he is. And it's not a student.
Lassiter's Park
Finn is tutoring Xanthe on genetics as they sit on the steps. Elly turns up and confronts Finn.
ELLY: I knew you were up to something when you tried to talk me out of going to that conference.
FINN: What are you talking about?
ELLY: You are trying to discredit me again! You're the only one from school who was at the bar that night, and I'm sick of it! I'm going to tell Susan.
FINN: I don't understand what you're accusing me of!
ELLY: You're so career-hungry, willing to put anyone else down so you can come out on top!
Elly rushes away up the steps again, and Finn goes after her, as Xanthe watches. He lays a hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking away, and Elly shoves him away.
ELLY: Get away from me!
But the shove sends Finn flying down the steps, and he lands on the ground next to Xanthe.
XANTHE: Oh my god, Mr Kelly! Are you okay?!
Elly looks on, worried.
Tanakas' Flat
Kim is alone in the flat, when Paul turns up.
PAUL: Got your text.
KIM: Come in.
No 28
Aaron and David are in the Kennedys' house, looking through what appears to be an old school yearbook. (Presumably they've asked Susan off-screen if they could go through the archives?) David immediately spots his mum as a teenager - her photo is next to an image of Scott Robinson (the Jason Donovan incarnation).
Tanakas' Flat
Paul is with Kim.
PAUL: I know this address. And I heard you call yourself Tanaka. So who are you to David and Leo?
No 28
Aaron (somehow) recognises Scott as Paul's brother, and Daniel and Madison's dad.
DAVID: So that's Amy's uncle? Weird.
AARON: Woah. Even weirder. Looks like [Scott and Kim] went to the formal together.
Tanakas' Flat
Paul's still with Kim.
PAUL: I heard their mother was in town, visiting from Sydney. Is that you? Oh, come on, Kim, for goodness' sakes, you have to be straight with me.
KIM: Yes. I'm David and Leo's mother.
No 28
David and Aaron are still looking at the yearbook.
DAVID: Mum got pregnant with me and Leo around this time.
AARON: She's been secretive about going to Erinsborough High.
DAVID: Maybe our dad went there.
AARON: No, you don't think -
DAVID: Is Scott Robinson our dad?
Unmissable Neighbours
- Mark has an awkward encounter with Toadie and Nell in the park
- Lauren asks Toadie how Sonya is; he admits he doesn't know
- Toadie describes how he took Nell back to No 30 and found Mark there
- David quizzes his mother about the Erins Burrow key, and why their great gran had it hidden
- On the beach, Leo tells Amy he's been trying not to fall for her since Day 1; they smile at each other