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Neighbours Episode 7554 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7553 - 7555>>
Episode title: 7554
Australian and UK airdate: 09/03/17
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Dee Bliss / Andrea Somers: Madeleine West
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Jasmine Udagawa: Kaori Maeda-Judge
Summary/Images by: Jeremai/Graham
- Terese wants to go public; Gary introduces her as his girlfriend to Sheila and Xanthe
- Amy asks Leo if he thinks Mr. Udagawa's son Hiro is his father
- Amy tells Leo the Japanese man who lived in the building died
- Dee sees Sonya and Mark hugging; Toadie tells Dee there's nothing to worry about
- Sonya tells Toadie that Dee seems to be doing a lot of worrying for someone who claims not to be interested in him
- Dee tells Toadie she loves him and wants him back!
Robinsons Motel (Dee's room)
Toadie tells Dee she shouldn't have said that and she needs to fight her feelings.
DEE: I know you feel it. You know our wedding vows word-for-word.
DEE: I can't. I can't. I've tried. And I can't stand seeing you twisting yourself into knots over what Sonya's doing with Mark. I would never do that to you.
Toadie looks tempted but tells Dee they can't see each other any more. He will be there for Willow and get the money for her school fees. He goes to leave but Dee grabs him and says she knows he loves her. Toadie walks out.
Number 30
Nell is helping Sonya practise her speech for the hospital fundraiser tomorrow when Karl arrives to make sure she's all set. Sonya is waiting for Jarrod to come home and tell her where to put the jokes in but he's with Dee. Karl tells Sonya he gets the impression Dee is a little over-invested in Toadie but he's sure Toadie will shut it down. Karl leaves and Sonya looks worried. She tries to call Toadie but has to leave him a message.
Tanakas' Apartment
Aaron and David are entertaining the hospital's new Chief Operating Officer. It's none other than Dr. Clive Gibbons, last seen over 27 years ago in episode 1078!
DAVID: I heard a rumour that you used to work in Erinsborough.
CLIVE: Yeah? Yeah, I had a practise in Lassiters complex back in 86; just walking distance from my place in Ramsay Street.
AARON: Ramsay Street? That's where I live!
CLIVE: Yeah?
AARON: Yeah, number 24.
CLIVE: Ah, the old Ramsay house. Now what happened to the Robinsons? Any of them still around?
AARON: Ah, Paul Robinson. He's still here but he doesn't live in the street any more.
Leo arrives and tells David he's had five cancelations this afternoon because of Lassiters' budget room deal. David says Terese is really trying to punish him but Leo isn't sure Terese is the one firing the bullets.
Paul arrives and sarcastically thanks Terese for telling him about her new promotional offer. He sees Gary catch Terese's eye and is disgusted. Toadie is drowning his sorrows at the bar and tells Gary what Dee said. He goes to leave and Gary tries to check he's going home to Sonya, and not to the motel, but Toadie doesn't respond.
Number 30
Sonya is in bed, staring at the empty space next to hear. She checks her phone but there are no messages and she still can't get hold of Toadie.
The following morning, Sonya tells Steph that Toadie didn't come home last night. She thinks he's with Dee but Steph doesn't believe it. Sonya says Steph knew Dee and Toadie when they got together and asks if she thinks there's any chance their feelings could be coming back. Steph hesitates and Sonya says she knew it.
Robinsons Motel (Dee's room)
Dee opens the door in her dressing gown and Steph barges in to check if Toadie's there but he isn't. Dee tells her Toadie was here for a while and they argued but he left around dinner time.
STEPH: OK, alright, thanks. Sorry for barging in.
DEE: No worries. I'm used to it!
Lassiters Complex
Dee finds Toadie in his car and gets in, asking if he slept here all night. Toadie says he was only meant to be taking a nap; Sonya will be going out of her head. His phone won't work but Dee says using hers wouldn't be a good idea since Sonya sent Steph round to her room. Toadie says Sonya trusts him but he doesn't see Sonya walk past and spot him in the car with Dee.
Paul is pleased to bump into Clive.
CLIVE: Paul Robinson!
PAUL: Clive Monkey Man Gibbons! How are you? How many years has it been now?
CLIVE: Oh... a century? Maybe two!
Paul asks how he became head honcho at the hospital and Clive says it took years of sucking up to the right people. He is surprised Paul is still in Erinsborough.
CLIVE: And look, I know I'm a couple of years too late, but I did want to say I'm sorry to hear that you and Gail didn't end up making a go of it. She's a good woman.
PAUL: Yeah, well, probably why she got out when she did. I'll tell you who are still going strong though is Scott and Charlene.
Clive isn't married and only does gorilla-grams on special occasions now! He asks how Lucy is but Paul is distracted by Terese. Gary tells Terese she seems unsettled by Paul but Terese claims she's fine.
Number 30
Toadie is home when Sonya gets back from taking Nell to daycare. She angrily asks Toadie where he was and he explains about having too much to drink, falling asleep in his car, and his phone being on silent. Sonya says she saw him with Dee in the car park. Toadie tries to explain he was only with Dee for five minutes last night; nothing happened. Sonya clearly doesn't know what to believe.
SONYA: I have to work on my speech for the fundraiser today. I really hate feeling this paranoid, yeah? And I know that this is a mess, but if you want to be with Dee...
TOADIE: No, I don't, I don't at all. I'm committed to you and our kids and not Dee.
SONYA: You keep saying that Jarrod, but you just keep giving into her. So you need to set some clear boundaries and you need to stick to them. And if you can't do that then you need to honestly ask yourself why.
Terese tells Paul she meant to tell him about Gary sooner but Paul bites her head off and she storms off. Leo comes in and sees Jasmine. He tells her she can drop the act because he knows they might be related. Jasmine says that's absurd but Leo has seen the payments from her grandfather to his mother and he remembers Hiro visiting when he was a kid, and he's not going to give up until she admits it.
Harold's Café
Toadie tells Karl he should have seen this coming. Karl asks why he didn't just walk home and Toadie says he couldn't face Sonya straight away.
KARL: Did Dee tempt you?
TOADIE (choked up): I've never stopped loving her. I've spent years dreaming that she's still alive, and now that she is I'm married and I've got kids. It's not the same any more, I'm not the same...
KARL: Dee's not the same either.
TOADIE: But sometimes when she looks at me it all comes back.
Toadie says not long ago he thought he had it all together - beautiful wife, great kids, good job - and now it feels like it's all up for grabs. Karl tells Toadie he has to think about his next move very carefully because it's a decision he can't come back from.
Erinsborough Hospital exterior
Karl finds Sonya nervous about her speech. He tells her he believes Toadie slept in the car and not to forget how much they love each other. Aaron tells Sonya they're ready for her. Clive introduces himself to the small crowd and hands over to Sonya who talks about all the time she and Jarrod spent here when he had his spinal injury. Toadie appears in the crowd.
SONYA: We were just terrified that life as we knew it was just over. But as time went on we realised that that wasn't wholly true. It was different, of course, but Jarrod was still Jarrod. He was still the funny and the goofy man that I fell in love with. He was still kind and generous. He was also still the best father I've just ever seen... ever. He was still the man I loved. And gradually things got smoother. But not every family is as lucky as we are.
Erinsborough Hospital
Clive tells Sonya there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Toadie appears and tells Sonya she was amazing. He tells her he loves her so much and apologises for how messed up things have been. He says he didn't do anything last night and Sonya believes him. Toadie tells her she's the only woman for him. Karl sees them hugging and he smiles.
Jasmine offers Leo money to expand his business if he and David agree to never ask any more of her family. Leo says he's not after Lassiters; he wants recognition and wants to meet his grandfather. Jasmine says there's no real evidence so Leo suggests DNA tests.
JASMINE: I'm sorry Leo but honestly you should take the offer or you'll end up with nothing. You're not going to get family from this and I won't give up a share of our business. I've sacrificed too much.
LEO: Yeah, like your own step-brother!
JASMINE: James is lazy. I'm the one who's put in the hard miles. I've earned this. Take the money. It's the most you're going to get.
Unmissable Neighbours
- Lauren tells Paige this could be a sign she needs to tell Jack the truth; Paige knows the longer she leave sit the harder it will get
- Steph finds "Skank" sprayed on her bike
- Steph tells Mark she knows when someone is trying to mess with her
- Steph calls out the door to Nell but tells Lauren she's not there
- Ellen floors the police car; Steph is on her bike; Mark yells Ellen's name
<<7553 - 7555>>
Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Toadie Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Nell Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Karl Kennedy, Sonya Rebecchi

Clive Gibbons, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7554
Clive Gibbons, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7554
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7554
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7554
Toadie Rebecchi, Gary Canning

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7554
Steph Scully, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7554
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi

Clive Gibbons, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7554
Clive Gibbons, Paul Robinson

Gary Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7554
Gary Canning, Terese Willis

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7554
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Jasmine Udagawa in Neighbours Episode 7554
Jasmine Udagawa

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7554
Leo Tanaka

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan

Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 7554
Clive Gibbons

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7554
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Jasmine Udagawa in Neighbours Episode 7554
Jasmine Udagawa

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7554
Leo Tanaka

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