- Susan walks in on Angus sitting with Elly in her bed
- Susan tells Elly and Angus that they'll have to live separately
- Elly asks Angus what he did to her
- David finds out about Leo and Elly's bet
- Brooke tells Xanthe about her fake jewellery scam
- Xanthe turns to Angus for advice
- Gary and Sheila tells Xanthe that she's not leaving with Brooke
No. 26
Brooke tries to explain herself to Gary and Sheila and claims that whilst she noticed that they had won money on Family Feud, she really just wanted to reconnect with Xanthe. She accidentally lets slip that she spiked Sheila's chilli, and Xanthe is disgusted that she tricked her into thinking that Sheila was ill.
BROOKE: I wanted her to think that she was too much for you to manage, and that would make her decision to come away with me easier.
Gary asks if their relationship was ever real, and her silence is all the answer that he needs.
Cue titles.
No. 28
Elly drops by and Susan explains that she had to report the incident with Angus and that it will now have to be dealt with through the official channels. Susan says that she's waiting to hear back from the Education Department and will follow it up in the morning. Elly pleads that she hasn't done anything wrong and that she'll need to move back in as she's been kicked out of the Tanaka's.
SUSAN: I know that it's been Angus's actions that have driven all of this, but it's just so delicate.
ELLY: Auntie Suse...
Elly tears up and asks Susan to keep her updated.
No. 26
Brooke tells Gary that she's given his money to Trey. She tries to tell Xanthe that she only did everything so that she could have a fresh start with her. Sheila points out that Brooke has still scammed all of the neighbours and she pleads to let her fix it.
No. 26 Backyard
Sheila, Xanthe and Gary convene outside to discuss their next moves. They realise that they all had their suspicions about Brooke, but none of them could act on them without upsetting each other. Gary insists that they don't say anything to the neighbours about the fake jewellery, or else the Cannings will end up getting an even worse reputation. Sheila decides that with her Family Feud winnings and some money taken from the mortgage they'll be able to pay everyone back.
GARY: But why would you bail her out?
SHEILA: Because she's family. I'm not just doing it for Brooke, I'm doing it for all of us!
Gary gives in and agrees to the plan but says Brooke will have to leave.
No. 28
Susan tells Ben about her conversation with Elly and Ben points out that Elly hasn't done anything wrong. Susan can't believe that it happened under her roof and points out that Elly could have flagged her concerns sooner. Ben argues that Angus isn't family, but Elly is, and they should be looking out for her interests. Susan points out that the very fact that Elly is family means that she has to stay impartial, but Ben still thinks it's unfair and storms off.
Aaron is running through the process of the record label interview with Angus. Meanwhile, Elly approaches Mark and asks if she can stay his house for the night, and he agrees.
No. 26
Mack pays Brooke a visit and tells him that she had an unexpected expense, but will definitely get the money to him as soon as possible. Mack stands his ground and says that he isn't leaving until he gets it.
After the advert break, the rest of the Cannings return from the garden and Gary demands to know who Mack is. He introduces himself as Brooke's girlfriend and says that he's there to collect an instalment. Sheila reluctantly writes out a cheque for Mack and says that she could think of two-thousand other ways she could be spending it. She hands over the cheque and tells Mack to clear out!
No. 24
Steph tries to convince Amy that Leo has genuine feelings for her as no one would go to such trouble for such a small bet. Amy says that she'll never know if their feelings were real and she can't be with someone she can't trust. Elly arrives and explains that Mark's given her permission to crash on the couch. Steph gives her a hostile welcome for making the bet with Leo, and Elly slopes off to have a shower. Amy pleads Steph not to make things worse with Elly and says she has to leave.
No. 26
Sheila's cross that her money was going to pay back the neighbours instead of Mack and Brooke comes out with a thousand apologies. Sheila tells Brooke that she has to work at The Waterhole to earn back all of the money and she'll have to confess her scam to the neighbours. In the meantime, Sheila offers her a bed at No. 26.
The Waterhole
Mark tells Steph that he hadn't heard about the bet before he offered Elly the couch, and reminds her that she's just staying for one night. At the bar, Gary reminds the waitress not to put any chilli in Sheila's meal and sits down at a table with Brooke. She apologises to him again and suggests that they could give their relationship another try, but Gary says he doesn't want to get hurt again.
Lassiter's Complex
Angus spots Elly and chases after her, saying that he wants to try and fix things. She explains that she's been kicked out of her home and might lose her job, no thanks to him. Susan pulls up in her car and spots the two of them talking. Elly yells at Angus to stay out of it and leave her alone.
No. 26
Xanthe approaches Brooke in the kitchen and gives her a diary that she kept whilst Brooke was away. She apologises for not being there for Xanthe.
XANTHE: I know why you did it. I've done a lot of stupid things thinking they were for the right reasons too, and that's why you should stay here. Because we're meant for each other.
Xanthe leaves Brooke with the diary, and she sits down to read it.
Lassiter's Complex
Susan informs Elly that the Education Department want to investigate the matter further as Angus was living in the same house as her. She explains that issue will now have to be referred to the police, who will now be dealing with it.
ELLY: You told them there's nothing to it, right?
SUSAN: It's the Department's call. But to be honest, when I see the two of you together, it makes it very difficult for me to defend you. I saw you and Angus talking before and it looked very intense!
Elly tries to explain that she was telling Angus to stay away from her, but Susan tells her that it's no excuse and suggests that Elly takes some leave from the school until the issue is resolved.
ELLY: You're not buying into Piper's opinion are you, that I'm somehow encouraging Angus?
SUSAN: ...are you?
ELLY: Okay, yes. I may have said a few things that gave him the wrong impression. But did I consciously encourage his crush? No.
Susan says that she'll be covering Elly's classes during her leave and Elly walks off.
No. 24
Elly unloads onto Aaron, who points out that Angus couldn't stop staring at her in Harold's. Mark enters in uniform and says that he's there to investigate an allegation made about her and Angus. He explains that she can't continue to stay at No. 24 whilst he's dealing with the case, and despite Aaron's protests, Elly takes her things and leaves. Aaron scolds Mark for treating Elly like she's guilty but he explains that he was just doing his job. Outside, Elly pauses and looks upset.
The Waterhole
Mark sits down with Elly and apologises for being tough on her, but says that he wishes she'd explained why she had to stay. Elly asks him to interview him then and there so that she can get on with her life. Mark agrees and they begin to discuss when she first met Angus. Over at the bar, Sheila asks Brooke if she's ready to begin her first shift and she's very enthusiastic although seems less confident about her ability to support Xanthe. Sheila tries to give her a pep-talk, but Brooke doesn't look convinced.
No. 24
Aaron continues to give Angus advice about his interview when Mark arrives to interview him. Angus is anxious if Elly mentioned the night of the Halloween dance; Mark says that she just mentioned that he wrote a song for her, and Angus seems relieved.
MARK: Let's talk about the incident that led to Susan contacting the Education Department: her finding the two of you on Elly's bed.
ANGUS: Listen, I just wanted to help Elly the way she helped me.
MARK: When your drink was spiked?
ANGUS: She was at The Waterhole and she'd been drinking because she was upset about her ex, and Susan was worried about her because she wouldn't reply to any of her text messages. So I went down there, and I brought her home. I got a glass of water. She was upset, so I laid down beside her and I held her hand.
Mark says that Elly also explained that nothing happened, although it seems that Angus definitely has a crush on her going from his other interviews. Angus insists that Elly always remained professional and set clear boundaries. There's a knock at the door and Aaron tries to wrap up the interview so that Angus can speak with the record label.
MARK: Has Elly ever done anything inappropriate towards you?
ANGUS: Never.
Mark concludes the interview as Aaron welcomes in the record label representative.
No. 28
Mark informs Susan and Elly that nothing in his interviews leads him to believe that Elly has done anything wrong. Elly is overjoyed and Susan sees him out. Susan and Elly both apologise to each other and Susan invites her back home, although she doesn't know what she'll do about Angus. They hug and decide they both need a cup of tea!
No. 26
Brooke sits on the sofa and is writing a letter as the camera pans over photos of the Canning family.
BROOKE: (voiceover) My beautiful honeybunch, you know I love you so much but I don't want you to be the same as me, which is why I have to leave. Your Dad and Gran can give you what you need, and I have to learn to be a better person. So I'm going away to get my act together, and when I get back I promise I'll be the sort of mother you deserve. I'm so sorry Xanthe, I hope you'll understand. And remember, I love you, always.
As the voiceover continues, 'Leaving On Time' plays in the background. Brooke places the letter with Xanthe's diary, takes her suitcase and leaves No. 26.
No. 24
Angus performs a song whilst Aaron and the record producer's watch on.
No. 28
As Angus continues to sing, Elly brings her things back into her bedroom and takes a seat on the bed. She suddenly has flashbacks to the night where she was drunk; she takes a glass of water, and Angus tells her she's beautiful. She suddenly remembers him leaning in to kiss her and looks shocked.
No. 26
Xanthe returns home with some wrapping paper and a tiny Christmas tree! She opens her diary to find the letter and her ring placed within it and sits down to read the letter.