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Neighbours Episode 7423 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7422 - 7424>>
Episode title: 7423
Australian and UK airdate: 03/08/16
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Gary Canning: Damien Richardson
Gregory Jenkins: Kevin Kiernan-Molloy
James Udagawa: Samuel David Humphrey
- "Hearts A Gun" by Gypsy & The Cat
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Someone has written 'DIE' on Sonya's car windscreen
- Meanwhile, a brick is thrown through the window at Rebecchi Law
- Amy proves she's not afraid of her past by wearing the sexy maid costume to work
- Paul spies some documents in Terese's office, and arranges a meeting with someone to discuss her
Robinson's Motel
Paul rendezvouses with Gary at the motel. He tells Gary that he wants him to steal the document from Terese's office - but that he has to be discreet.
The titles roll.
Afterwards, we rejoin Gary and Paul. Gary says he can't do what Paul has asked, as he's promised his family that he's gone straight since being released from jail. Paul says it's hardly a major crime, and adds that the motel needs to gain an advantage against Lassiter's.
PAUL: Besides - I own you now. So you will do this job, and any other one that I ask of you. End of story.
No 26
Amy is showing Aaron some flowers she's received. They've come with a note on them referring to her decision to be out and proud in her maid costume, which reads, 'That was the bravest thing I've ever seen. Can I buy you a drink? 6pm at The Waterhole if you're interested. Greg.' Amy has no idea who Greg is, but is convinced he's only interested because of the outfit she was wearing.
AARON: Maybe, just maybe, he might be interested in your attitude.
AMY: Yeah, and I like Leonardo DiCaprio because of his views on climate change.
Aaron points out that the note says nothing about Amy's body, and tries to convince her to meet with Greg.
No 30
Steph has been stocking up on treats for Charlie (who's Not In This Episode™); she explains to Toadie and Sonya that she's feeling ultra-protective of him since his adventures in the dumpster. Sonya has to head out for a council meeting; Toadie offers to walk with her, but she insists she doesn't need a bodyguard.
Once Sonya's gone, Toadie tells Steph how worried he is that there's someone out there who wants to hurt Sonya. Steph says Sonya's doing right by not allowing herself to be bullied - but Toadie says that no bike lane in the world is worth her getting hurt.
Gary comes in, and is about to take a lift up to Terese's office, when Terese herself walks in, and he ducks away to hide. Terese is on the phone to Madison in New York about a work matter, and Gary watches from behind a corner as she gets in the lift to go upstairs. He then rushes out of the building.
On another floor, a man joins Terese in the lift. He is considerably shorter in height than Terese, and she apparently mistakes him for a child.
TERESE: Hey! You must be after the kids' activity centre?
MAN: Sure.
TERESE: It's level four.
MAN: Thanks, Terese.
Terese looks disconcerted as the man walks out of the lift.
No 26
Sheila has now joined Aaron in the efforts to get Amy to meet her admirer, Greg.
SHEILA: He could be a real-life Christian Grey, just waiting to sweep you off your feet!
AMY: Or put me through years of abuse. Either/or.
Aaron offers to be Amy's wingman.
SHEILA: And I'll be your wingwoman. I don't know what that means, but it'll be an adventure.
AMY: Yeah. Maybe for you guys.
Sheila tells Amy that she needs to get her mojo back following her break-up with Kyle, and that this would be the perfect opportunity. But Amy insists she's not interested. Aaron suggests they can concoct a series of hand signals, so that they can help Amy escape from Greg if she needs to. If she wants to leave, she must tug her ear; if everything's fine, she has to scratch her nose.
Gary comes in, and motions to Sheila in order to have a private word with her. Amy and Aaron leave the room. Gary asks Sheila if he can borrow some money; he explains he already owes $1,200 to Paul, which has gone towards Xanthe's tutoring and dress. Sheila's worried that Gary owes Paul money, and reluctantly says she can scrape together $1,000, but no more. Gary is pleased.
Robinson's Motel
Paul is on the phone to Lucy, whingeing about how Terese gazumped him out of the hotel deal, and how she's now turned his old penthouse into her office. Gary comes in, and Paul ends the call. Instead of bringing Paul the documents he's asked for, Gary gives Paul the money he owes him.
GARY: So we're square. Done.
Paul laughs.
PAUL: No, you're kind of missing the point, Gary. You see, you owe me a lot more than just money. Now here's what's really gonna happen. You're gonna copy that file for me, or I'm gonna fire you and set you up for stealing. What do you reckon your parole officer will think of that, eh?
GARY: You wouldn't do that.
PAUL: Try me.
GARY: They'll put me back inside.
PAUL: Yeah. That's kind of the plan.
Paul gives Gary the wad of banknotes back, and tells him it's his choice.
Gary takes the lift up to Terese's office, and begins searching it. In her desk drawer, he finds a picture of Terese and Paul posing happily together. In another drawer, he finds the Lassiter's Strategic Plan™ which Paul wanted, slips it under his shirt, and makes a hasty exit.
The Waterhole
Amy is with Aaron and Sheila. Aaron is reminding Amy of the hand signals by which she needs to let them know whether or not to intervene in her date with Greg.
AMY: Why did I let you guys talk me into this?
SHEILA: Because you're desperate!
Greg comes in, and Aaron and Sheila slip away to the bar. Amy gets cold feet and tells Greg that she just came to thank him for the flowers. Meanwhile, Aaron and Sheila are taking surreptitious photos of Greg and zooming in, in order to get a closer look at him!
GREG: Just one drink? You have no idea what it will do for my reputation to be seen with the bravest woman in Erinsborough.
AMY: I'm not brave.
GREG: Well, I wouldn't have done what you did today if someone paid me.
AMY: Well, I don't know how good you'd look in a maid's outfit, to be honest.
She eventually agrees to stay for a drink.
No 26
Gary looks guiltily at the document he's just stolen. He gets a text from Paul asking, 'is it done?' Gary looks conflicted.
Ramsay Street
Sonya is back from her council meeting, and tells Toadie that the other councillors voted in favour of the bike lanes - and there was no sign of Clive West or any other protestors. Steph appears, and congratulates Sonya on getting the bike lane proposals through council. She leaves, telling the Rebecchis to 'feel free to celebrate' while she's out of the house!
SONYA: Are we okay?
TOADIE: Yeah, course we are.
SONYA: Yeah, it's just - we missed a day yesterday, and...
TOADIE: Kind of hard to get in the mood, though, when you're worried about a brick coming through the window.
But Toadie suggests they celebrate the council's decision by having a special dinner. Sonya likes the sound of that.
SONYA: Mr Rebecchi, you're just full of good ideas, aren't ya?
They kiss - but CovertCam™ and SpookyMusic™ indicate that there's someone watching them from a car across the road...
The Waterhole
Amy and Greg are discussing the differences between Australia and New Zealand - apparently he grew up there, as well as Amy. They seem to be getting on really well, but Amy accidentally touches her ear, inadvertently signalling to Aaron to intervene. He rushes over, pretending to be on the phone.
AARON (to Amy): I am so sorry, we have to go.
AMY: What? What?
AARON: Your uncle is so sick. It's an emergency and we have to go.
AMY: Oh, no, erm - there's no emergency! My uncle's fine, really!
AARON: ... Are you sure? Because that's not what the hospital said.
He touches his ear to signify, and Amy scratches her nose!

AMY: The hospital got it wrong!
Aaron creeps off awkwardly, and it's obvious to Greg that they've got their hand signals confused. All's okay, though, and he offers Amy another drink, to which she agrees. She then gives Aaron, who's returned to the bar, a killer look!
Robinson's Motel
Gary turns up and gives Paul the document he stole from Lassiter's. Paul says the document as he saw it was much thicker than what Gary has given him, but Gary says that's all there was.
GARY: What's the story between you and Terese, anyway?
PAUL: There is no story.
GARY: She's got a picture of the two of you in her desk drawer.
PAUL: Probably uses it for dart practice.
GARY: How long were you together for?
But Paul isn't interested in having the discussion, and asks Gary to photocopy the document and then take it back to Lassiter's before Terese notices it's missing. Gary asks if this means they're 'done' now.
PAUL: Hey. We are done when I say we're done.
Gary goes off to do Paul's bidding. Paul opens his own desk drawer, and we see that he has a picture of himself and Terese, too. He looks pensive for a moment, then shuts the drawer again.
Gary returns to the penthouse, and is just about to put the document back, when Terese comes up in the lift. Quickly, he takes a seat by her desk, the document still tucked down his trousers! Terese is surprised to see him, but he claims that reception sent him up, as he wanted to speak to her.
GARY: Things aren't really panning out for me at Robinson's, and I hear you're looking for a new cleaner. I wanted to throw my hat in the ring.
Terese looks awkward, and explains that she couldn't take Gary on as he has a criminal record - especially after what happened with Ryan Prescott, the previous contractor. Gary says that's fine, and hurries out. Terese looks a little suspicious.
The Waterhole
Aaron, Toadie and Sonya are talking at the bar. Hearing Aaron and Toadie talk about work reminds Sonya how much fun she had when she worked with Aaron, and she says as much. They tell each other that they miss one another.
Meanwhile, Greg and Amy seem to be getting on like a house on fire. Amy offers to get another drink, but Greg suggests they go up to his room for one instead, and it becomes awkward. He apologises for his poor timing, but says it's only because Amy is "way more awesome" than he imagined. He adds that he's only around for a couple of days. Amy decides to continue the date.
The man that Terese spoke to in the lift earlier arrives in her office. Again, she mistakes him for a child.
TERESE: Oh, hey! Are you lost again? Listen, if you tell me your name, I can page your parents?
MAN: I actually came here to see you, Terese.
TERESE: What? Why?
MAN: I need to look at your books.
TERESE: Excuse me?
MAN: I'm James Udagawa. I'm here as a representative of my family's company. The Udagawa family. You know, the main investor in purchasing this hotel?

Terese is embarrassed, as James explains his relationship to a famous recurring character from Neighbours' past, Hiroshi 'Mr' Udagawa, a Japanese business associate of Paul's and a prominent investor in the Daniels Corporation.
JAMES: I know what you're thinking - I don't look Japanese. My mother married Hiro Udagawa after she divorced my father.
TERESE: We weren't aware that you were coming, Mr Udagawa.
JAMES: Call me James. I wanted to experience the hotel as a guest would.
TERESE: Right. And your verdict?
JAMES: The kids' activity centre is great.
JAMES: But there were a lot of other things that need work. I want to see your accounts for the previous quarter, and your projections for the next year. Also, all the major supplier contracts. And I want to know why your PIP plan isn't ready yet.
TERESE: ... Got it.
JAMES: For the record, I'm twenty-three. But most people think I'm older. But let that be our little secret, okay?

The Waterhole
Terese arrives to pester Sheila for some invoices, so that she can show them to James Udagawa. She explains that James was pretending to be a guest.
SHEILA: Well, that's okay, because you're always nice to our guests, aren't you?
SHEILA: Okay, what did you say to this one?
TERESE: Look, let's just hope these invoices are accurate. That's all I have to say.
Terese marches off with the invoices. Meanwhile, Greg has gone to the bathroom, and Amy rushes over for Aaron's advice.
AARON: Okay. Never become a covert operative, because you suck at hand signals. Do you know how embarrassing that was?
AMY: Shut up and be serious! He asked me back to his room for a drink - what do I do?

Aaron tells Amy to go with her gut and accept the drink in Greg's room - if anything changes, she can always leave. 'It's your body, it's your rules,' Aaron says. But Amy still isn't sure what to do.
No 30
Toadie and Sonya come in following their celebratory dinner. Sonya apologises for how full on things have been lately, with the bike lane situation.
TOADIE: It's not your fault.
SONYA: Well, no, it is. It's my fault that I'm the mayor.
TOADIE: Hey! You're a great mayor. You are the hottest, smokingest mayor Erinsborough's ever seen. Way more attractive than Lou.
SONYA: Oh, thank you (!) But really, thank you for being my best friend. I promise things will get back to normal from now on.
TOADIE: I love you, babe.
SONYA: I love you.
They kiss, and head off to the bedroom to TITTNL™.
Ramsay Street
A shadowy figure is creeping about in the dark. He or she lays a large, live brown snake outside the door of No 30! The snake hisses menacingly and begins to move, as the figure creeps away.
Greg shows Amy into Room 401 (last known inhabitant, Sarah Beaumont). They are talking about Paul, as Amy explains he used to own this hotel, but has since had to start from scratch. Amy is clearly nervous.
GREG: You know, this a totally obligation-free drink, right? There's no strings, no expectations.
AMY: Yeah, I know that.
GREG: To be honest, you know, I'm still pinching myself you even showed up.
AMY: Will you stop doing that?
GREG: What?
AMY: Just, being so humble.
GREG: Sorry.
AMY: It drives me crazy.
GREG: Well I'll stop.
AMY: In a good way.
They kiss passionately - but we suddenly get a view of them from a nearby shelf. There is a video camera concealed there, filming them!
GREG: I meant what I said before. We don't have to do this.
AMY: Just shut up.
They carry on kissing. It's not clear whether Greg is aware of the camera, but Amy certainly isn't...
- Alison encourages Ben to show Xanthe something he's written for her
- Xanthe says it's the best laugh she's had in a while, causing Ben to leave looking upset
- Amy comes in from her date looking unhappy, and goes straight to bed despite Sheila's questions
- Aaron asks Amy what happened in Greg's hotel room
- We see footage from the video camera, of Greg staring into it
- Elly is the next woman to follow Greg into Room 401...
- Charlie and Steph see Elly stumbling down Power Street. She falls over
- Toadie reaches down to pick up a ball in the garden, just as the snake crawls towards it...
<<7422 - 7424>>
Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7423
Paul Robinson

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7423
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning

James Udagawa, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7423
James Udagawa, Terese Willis

Aaron Brennan, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7423
Aaron Brennan, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Paul Robinson, Gary Canning

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Aaron Brennan

Amy Williams, Gregory Jenkins in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Gregory Jenkins

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7423
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, Gregory Jenkins in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, Gregory Jenkins

Gary Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7423
Gary Canning, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7423
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Aaron Brennan

Amy Williams, Ryan Prescott in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Ryan Prescott

James Udagawa in Neighbours Episode 7423
James Udagawa

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7423
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7423
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

 in Neighbours Episode 7423

Amy Williams, Gregory Jenkins in Neighbours Episode 7423
Amy Williams, Gregory Jenkins

 in Neighbours Episode 7423

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