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Neighbours Episode 7339 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7338 - 7340>>
Episode title: 7339
Australian and UK airdate: 07/04/16
Writer: Sam Miekle
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Doug Willis: Terence Donovan
Ned Willis: Ben Hall
Cecilia Saint: Candice Alley
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
- Paul tells Cecilia he wants the Citizen of the Year event to be a complete disaster
- Tom Quill suggests to Paul that they work together to make Julie suffer
- Brad hugs Ned, as Doug collapses.
- Doug dies.
- Toadie goes into Lassiter's
Lassiter's complex
Mark tells Sonya that they are concentrating on making sure the tower doesn't collapse, to ensure the safety of all those people wandering around the complex. (He didn't actually say that last bit.)
SONYA: I just hope there's no-one trapped inside.
Like Toadie for example.
Roll credits.
Lassiter's complex
Brad sits by Doug's body as people walk past. Ned walks up and says at least it was sudden, and that Doug would have preferred that to the alternative. He goes to request more time before they move the body. Lauren arrives and looks on, horrified, before drawing Brad into a hug.
Lassiter's hotel - room 101
Toadie is trapped under piles of fallen masonry. He groans.
No 22
Piper is weeping.
PIPER: He knew that I would have been there if I could, right?
Terese seems lost in a world of her own. Paul arrives and tells Piper to go and see Imogen, and promises to look after Terese. She is holding one of Josh's T-shirts, which she bought him for Christmas.
TERESE: Why did this happen? One minute we were going about our business... and the next, the roof collapses.
PAUL: I dunno.
TERESE: My little boy.
Terese says she'll call Brad and Paul says he's going to call to see how Daniel's doing...
Lassiter's complex
...except he doesn't. He's called Cecilia, who doesn't take his call.
Meanwhile Brad doesn't take Terese's call either, saying that he can't tell Terese over the phone. He comments that it wasn't the disease that took him.
BRAD: He kept talking about finding Ned, and I thought he was having another spell.
Lassiter's hotel - room 101
Toadie calls for help.
Every cloud... Steph tells Sonya she has to get back to the motel because they have lots of bookings with the overflow from Lassiter's.
Lassiter's hotel - room 101 & Waterhole
Toadie manages to reach his phone, and calls Sonya.
TOADIE: I'm stuck in the hotel. I don't know what...
The phone cuts out. Disaster. Sonya is puzzled and Toadie is frustrated.
Sonya tries to call him back but there's no reply. She tells Steph that their call got cut off.
STEPH: Is he still in the city?
SONYA: Well, he said hotel, so he must be. That's where he had his client meeting. Look, I'll just try him there. It'll be fine. It's fine.
There's a noise and Toadie looks up to see a concrete beam has slipped, and is suspended above him.
No 22
Brad is hugging Terese.
TERESE: I don't know what to say.
BRAD: There are no words for it.
TERESE: Our son. Your dad. Why us? Why us, Brad?
Brad offers to stay, but Terese tells him to go to Ned because she has Paul. Paul promises to look after her.
PAUL: Terese, I love you.
PAUL: It's all right, you don't have to say anything right now.
She says she can't think of anything apart from Josh and Doug, but she's glad he's there.
Lauren asks Brad about Ned. He says that Beth didn't want him involved with Ned.
BRAD: She moved house once without even telling me.
Ned arrives with a bandaged hand. He explains that Josh contacted him because Doug wanted to get the family together, but he didn't feel comfortable coming to the house.
NED: You and T split?
BRAD: Yeah.
NED: And you're the new slash old squeeze?
Brad says he hates that he messed up, and he wants to get to know Ned, who says it's not that simple. Brad appeals to him to meet the girls at least.
Sonya tells Mark that Toadie didn't get to his meeting, and Mark says that Toadie's last phone call was made within the complex. Sonya panics, but Mark tries to convince her that they will find him.
Ned hugs Piper and Imogen, saying he's sorry about Josh. Piper says they are going to miss Pop as well. Ned said that Doug was really proud of them:
NED: I spoke to him just this morning. The lawyer and the filmmaker: you guys were both stars to him.
Lauren offers to change Ned's bandage in the kitchen, which of course necessitates taking his shirt off. Lauren checks him out - no, she's looking at one of his tattoos.
No 22
Mark arrives to ask Terese for access to the CCTV footage, since Julie is not in this episode contactable. He explains that they want to track down Toadie, and to aid in the investigation. Paul tells him to talk to Tom.
MARK: Regardless of the cause, we need to track the movements of everyone at the hotel.
Paul looks worried.
Lauren is sketching Ned's tattoo, while Ned tells the girls that Doug was stoked about being a grandfather. Ned gets up, and asks them to let him know about the funerals. Brad asks him to stay and help.
NED: That would be a bit weird.
BRAD: You're acting like you're not family. I want to fix things between us Ned. Why don't you stay with us for a few days.
Lauren looks thrilled. Not.
Lassiter's hotel - room 101
Toadie manages to move a piece of masonry off his chest, but then the beam slips a bit nearer him. He hyperventilates.
In the kitchen, Lauren tells Ned she's glad he's staying, but he tells her she's not very convincing. He says he's going to head up north. She tells him she recognised one of his tattoos as that of an east coast gang.
NED: I get why you're worried but...
LAUREN: Brad and the girls are going through hell at the moment, so if you're thinking of bringing that life down here then... that would be the worst thing for them.
He tells her he got the tat when he was 16 because he thought it would be cool.
LAUREN: If you say it means nothing, then I believe you.
No 22
Terese is downloading the CCTV footage. She asks Paul about Tom, and he tells her about how Tom approached him, leaving out his reply. He says he won't tell the police just yet, because it might turn out to be an accident. He suggests they go to the hospital, so Terese goes for a shower. Paul makes a call to Cecilia.
PAUL: I need to know what you did at the hotel because this is now serious.
He plays a couple of the video downloads. One shows him walking through the hotel, and the other is of the entrance to the boiler room. He looks very worried, and deletes the second video.
- Nate tells Sonya he's sorry, and he tells Aaron he should be there (at Lassiter's)
- Kyle tells a tearful Sheila that he's leaving
- Terese says she couldn't cope if Paul was responsible for what happened
- Sonya assures Toadie he will get out alive
<<7338 - 7340>>
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7339
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7339
Toadie Rebecchi

Doug Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Doug Willis, Brad Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Ned Willis

Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7339
Lauren Turner

Paul Robinson, Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Paul Robinson, Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Cecilia Saint in Neighbours Episode 7339
Cecilia Saint

Doug Willis, Lauren Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Doug Willis, Lauren Turner, Brad Willis

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7339
Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7339
Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7339
Toadie Rebecchi

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Brad Willis, Ned Willis, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7339
Brad Willis, Ned Willis, Lauren Turner

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7339
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Ned Willis

Piper Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Piper Willis, Imogen Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Ned Willis

Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Brad Willis, Ned Willis, Piper Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Brad Willis, Ned Willis, Piper Willis, Imogen Willis

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7339
Toadie Rebecchi

Lauren Turner, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7339
Lauren Turner, Ned Willis

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7339
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 7339

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7339
Paul Robinson

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